package gov.nasa.worldwind.formats.nitfs; import gov.nasa.worldwind.formats.rpf.*; import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.LatLon; import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.StringUtil; import java.nio.*; /* Copyright (C) 2001, 2007 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved. */ /** * @author Lado Garakanidze * @version $Id: NitfsImageSegment Mar 30, 2007 12:21:34 PM lado */ public class NITFSImageSegment extends NITFSSegment { public static final String[] SupportedFormats = { "CIB", "CADRG", "ADRG" }; // [ nitf identification , security, structure fields] public String partType; public String imageID; public String dateTime; public String targetID; public String imageTitle; public String securityClass; public String codewords; public String controlAndHandling; public String releaseInstructions; public String classAuthority; public String securityCtrlNum; public String ISDWNG; // image security downgrade public String ISDEVT; // downgrading event public short encryption; public String imageSource; public int numSignificantRows; public int numSignificantCols; public String pixelValueType; public String imageRepresentation; public String imageCategory; public short bitsPerPixelPerBand; public String pixelJustification; public String imageCoordSystem; // [ nitf image geographic location ] public LatLon[] imageCoords; // [ nitf comments ] public String[] imageCommentRecords; // [ nitf image compression structure ] public String imageCompression; public String compressionRateCode; public short NBANDS; // number of bands { 1 for MONO and RGB/LUT, 3 for RGB; // [ nitfs image bands ] public NITFSImageBand[] imageBands; // [ nitf image table structure fields ] public short imageSyncCode; // ISYNC { 0 - No sync code, 1 - sync code } public String imageMode; // IMODE { B, P, R, S } public short numOfBlocksPerRow; // NBPR { 0001~9999 } public short numOfBlocksPerCol; // NBPC { 0001~9999 } public short numOfPixelsPerBlockH; // NPPBH { 0001~8192 } public short numOfPixelsPerBlockV; // NPPBV { 0001~8192 } public short numOfBitsPerPixelPerBand; // NBPP { 01~96 } public short displayLevel; // IDLVL { 001~999 } public short attachmentLevel; // IALVL { 001~998 } // [ nitfs image location ] public short imageRowOffset; // ILOC { -0001 ~ +9999 } public short imageColOffset; // // [ nitf image magnification ] public String imageMagnification; // IMAG public short userDefinedSubheaderLength; // [ nitf user-defined image subheader ] private UserDefinedImageSubheader userDefSubheader; // [ nitf-rpf image display parameter sub-header ] private long numOfImageRows; private long numOfImageCodesPerRow; private short imageCodeBitLength; // [ nitf rpf compression section ] // [ nitf-rpf compression section sub-header ] private int compressionAlgorithmID; private int numOfCompressionLookupOffsetRecords; private int numOfCompressionParameterOffsetRecords; // [ nitf rpf compression lookup sub-section ] private long compressionLookupOffsetTableOffset; private int compressionLookupTableOffsetRecordLength; // [ nitf-rpf mask subsection ] private int subframeSequenceRecordLength; private int transparencySequenceRecordLength; private int transparentOutputPixelCodeLength; private int transparentOutputPixelCode; private int[] subFrameOffsets = null; private boolean hasTransparentPixels = false; private boolean hasMaskedSubframes = false; public static String[] getSupportedFormats() { return SupportedFormats; } public boolean hasTransparentPixels() { return this.hasTransparentPixels; } public boolean hasMaskedSubframes() { return this.hasMaskedSubframes; } private CompressionLookupRecord[] compressionLUTS; public UserDefinedImageSubheader getUserDefinedImageSubheader() { return userDefSubheader; } public RPFFrameFileComponents getRPFFrameFileComponents() { return (null != userDefSubheader) ? userDefSubheader.getRPFFrameFileComponents() : null; } public NITFSImageSegment(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer, int headerStartOffset, int headerLength,int dataStartOffset, int dataLength) { super(NITFSSegmentType.IMAGE_SEGMENT, buffer, headerStartOffset, headerLength, dataStartOffset, dataLength); int saveOffset = buffer.position(); buffer.position( headerStartOffset ); // do not change order of parsing this.parseIdentificationSecurityStructureFields(buffer); this.parseImageGeographicLocation(buffer); this.parseCommentRecords(buffer); this.parseImageCompressionStructure(buffer); this.parseImageBands(buffer); this.parseImageTableStructure(buffer); this.parseImageLocation(buffer); this.parseImageSubheaders(buffer); this.parseImageData(buffer); this.validateImage(); buffer.position(saveOffset); // last line - restore buffer's position } private void decompressBlock4x4(byte[][] block4x4, short code) { this.compressionLUTS[0].copyValues(block4x4[0], 0, code, 4); this.compressionLUTS[1].copyValues(block4x4[1], 0, code, 4); this.compressionLUTS[2].copyValues(block4x4[2], 0, code, 4); this.compressionLUTS[3].copyValues(block4x4[3], 0, code, 4); } private void decompressBlock16(byte[] block16, short code) { this.compressionLUTS[0].copyValues(block16, 0, code, 4); this.compressionLUTS[1].copyValues(block16, 4, code, 4); this.compressionLUTS[2].copyValues(block16, 8, code, 4); this.compressionLUTS[3].copyValues(block16, 12, code, 4); } public ByteBuffer getImageAsDdsTexture() throws NITFSRuntimeException { RPFFrameFileComponents rpfComponents = this.getRPFFrameFileComponents(); RPFLocationSection componentLocationTable = rpfComponents.componentLocationTable; int spatialDataSubsectionLocation = componentLocationTable.getSpatialDataSubsectionLocation(); super.buffer.position( spatialDataSubsectionLocation ); short aa, ab, bb; short[] codes = new short[(int) this.numOfImageCodesPerRow]; byte[] block16 = new byte[16]; int rowSize = (int) ((this.numOfImageCodesPerRow * this.imageCodeBitLength) / 8L); byte[] rowBytes = new byte[rowSize]; int subFrameOffset; short subFrameIdx = 0; int band = 0; // for(int band = 0; band < rpfComponents.numOfSpectralBandTables; band++) NITFSImageBand imageBand = this.imageBands[band]; RPF2DDSCompress ddsCompress = (1 == imageBand.getNumOfLookupTables()) ? new CIB2DDSCompress() : new CADRG2DDSCompress(); boolean imageHasTransparentAreas = ( this.hasTransparentPixels || this.hasMaskedSubframes ); if( imageHasTransparentAreas ) { } // Allocate space for the DDS texture int bufferSize = 128 + this.numSignificantCols * this.numSignificantRows / 2; java.nio.ByteBuffer ddsBuffer = java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(bufferSize); ddsBuffer.order(java.nio.ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN); ddsCompress.writeDxt1Header(ddsBuffer, this.numSignificantCols, this.numSignificantRows); int ddsHeaderLength = ddsBuffer.position(); for (int subFrameH = 0; subFrameH < this.numOfBlocksPerCol; subFrameH++) { for (int subFrameW = 0; subFrameW < this.numOfBlocksPerRow; subFrameW++, subFrameIdx++ ) { int blockY = (int) (subFrameH * rpfComponents.numOfOutputRowsPerSubframe); int blockX = (int) (subFrameW * rpfComponents.numOfOutputColumnsPerSubframe); if(hasMaskedSubframes) { subFrameOffset = this.subFrameOffsets[subFrameIdx]; if( -1 == subFrameOffset) { // this is a masked / transparent(?) subframe DDSBlock4x4 ddsBlock = ddsCompress.getDxt1TransparentBlock4x4(); for (int row = 0; row < this.numOfImageRows; row++) { int qy = blockY + row * 4; for (int col = 0; col < this.numOfImageCodesPerRow; col++) { int qx = blockX + col * 4; ddsBuffer.position(ddsHeaderLength + (qy * this.numSignificantCols) / 2 + 2 * qx); ddsBlock.writeTo( ddsBuffer ); } // end of column loop } continue; } else { super.buffer.position( spatialDataSubsectionLocation + subFrameOffset ); } } for (int row = 0; row < this.numOfImageRows; row++) { int qy = blockY + row * 4; super.buffer.get(rowBytes, 0, rowSize); for (int i = 0, cidx = 0, bidx = 0; i < (int) this.numOfImageCodesPerRow / 2; i++) { aa = (short) ((0x00FF & (short) rowBytes[bidx++]) << 4); ab = (short) (0x00FF & (short) rowBytes[bidx++]); bb = (short) (0x00FF & (short) rowBytes[bidx++]); codes[cidx++] = (short) (aa | ((0x00F0 & ab) >> 4)); codes[cidx++] = (short) (bb | ((0x000F & ab) << 8)); } for (int col = 0; col < this.numOfImageCodesPerRow; col++) { int qx = blockX + col * 4; this.decompressBlock16( block16, codes[col] ); DDSBlock4x4 ddsBlock = ddsCompress.compressDxt1Block4x4( imageBand, block16, false ); ddsBuffer.position( ddsHeaderLength + (qy * this.numSignificantCols)/2 + 2 * qx ); ddsBlock.writeTo( ddsBuffer ); } // end of column loop } // end of row loop } // end of subFrameW loop } // end of subFrameH loop return ddsBuffer; } public int[] getImagePixelsAsArray(int[] pixels, RPFImageType imageType) throws NITFSRuntimeException { RPFFrameFileComponents rpfComponents = this.getRPFFrameFileComponents(); RPFLocationSection componentLocationTable = rpfComponents.componentLocationTable; int spatialDataSubsectionLocation = componentLocationTable.getSpatialDataSubsectionLocation(); super.buffer.position( spatialDataSubsectionLocation ); int band = 0; // for(int band = 0; band < rpfComponents.numOfSpectralBandTables; band++) NITFSImageBand imageBand = this.imageBands[band]; int rgbColor, colorCode; short aa, ab, bb; short[] codes = new short[(int) this.numOfImageCodesPerRow]; byte[][] block4x4 = new byte[4][4]; int rowSize = (short) ((this.numOfImageCodesPerRow * this.imageCodeBitLength) / 8L); byte[] rowBytes = new byte[rowSize]; int subFrameOffset; short subFrameIdx = 0; for (int subFrameH = 0; subFrameH < this.numOfBlocksPerCol; subFrameH++) { for (int subFrameW = 0; subFrameW < this.numOfBlocksPerRow; subFrameW++, subFrameIdx++ ) { int blockY = (int) (subFrameH * rpfComponents.numOfOutputRowsPerSubframe); int blockX = (int) (subFrameW * rpfComponents.numOfOutputColumnsPerSubframe); if(hasMaskedSubframes) { subFrameOffset = this.subFrameOffsets[subFrameIdx]; if( -1 == subFrameOffset) { // this is a masked / empty subframe continue; } else { super.buffer.position( spatialDataSubsectionLocation + subFrameOffset ); } } for (int row = 0; row < this.numOfImageRows; row++) { int qy = blockY + row * 4; super.buffer.get(rowBytes, 0, rowSize); // short[] codes = new short[(int) this.numOfImageCodesPerRow]; for (int i = 0, cidx = 0, bidx = 0; i < (int) this.numOfImageCodesPerRow / 2; i++) { aa = (short) ((0x00FF & (short) rowBytes[bidx++]) << 4); ab = (short) (0x00FF & (short) rowBytes[bidx++]); bb = (short) (0x00FF & (short) rowBytes[bidx++]); codes[cidx++] = (short) (aa | ((0x00F0 & ab) >> 4)); codes[cidx++] = (short) (bb | ((0x000F & ab) << 8)); } for (int col = 0; col < this.numOfImageCodesPerRow; col++) { if (hasTransparentPixels) { if (4095 == codes[col]) { // this is a transparent kernel continue; } } this.decompressBlock4x4( block4x4, codes[col] ); int qx = blockX + col * 4; for (int h = 0; h < 4; h++) { for (int w = 0; w < 4; w++) { colorCode = 0x00FF & block4x4[h][w]; if (hasTransparentPixels) { if (this.transparentOutputPixelCode == colorCode) { // this is a transparent pixel continue; } } rgbColor = imageBand.lookupRGB(colorCode); switch (imageType) { case IMAGE_TYPE_ALPHA_RGB: rgbColor = 0xFF000000 + rgbColor; break; //case IMAGE_TYPE_GRAY: // break; //case IMAGE_TYPE_RGB: // break; case IMAGE_TYPE_GRAY_ALPHA: rgbColor = (rgbColor << 8) + 0xFF; break; case IMAGE_TYPE_RGB_ALPHA: rgbColor = (rgbColor << 8) + 0xFF; break; } pixels[(qy + h) * this.numSignificantCols + (qx + w)] = rgbColor; } } } // end of column loop } // end of row loop } // end of subFrameW loop } // end of subFrameH loop return pixels; } private void validateImage() throws NITFSRuntimeException { RPFFrameFileComponents rpfComponents = this.getRPFFrameFileComponents(); if(1 != this.compressionAlgorithmID ) throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.UnsupportedCompressionAlgorithm"); if( !StringUtil.Equals( this.imageMode, "B")) throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.UnsupportedImageMode"); if( 1 != rpfComponents.numOfSpectralGroups ) throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.UnsupportedNumberOfSpectralGroups."); if( 12 != this.imageCodeBitLength ) throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.UnsupportedImageCodeBitLength."); } private void parseRPFMaskSubsection(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { // parse [ nitf-rpf mask subsection ] int maskSubsectionPos = buffer.position(); // mark the [ nitf-rpf mask subsection ] offset int subframeMaskTableOffset = (int) this.getRPFFrameFileComponents().subframeMaskTableOffset; int transparencyMaskTableOffset = (int) this.getRPFFrameFileComponents().transparencyMaskTableOffset; this.subframeSequenceRecordLength = NITFSUtil.getUShort(buffer); this.transparencySequenceRecordLength = NITFSUtil.getUShort(buffer); this.transparentOutputPixelCodeLength = NITFSUtil.getUShort(buffer); if( 0 != this.transparentOutputPixelCodeLength ) { String bitstr = NITFSUtil.getBitString(buffer, this.transparentOutputPixelCodeLength); this.transparentOutputPixelCode = Integer.parseInt(bitstr, 2); } // parse [ nitf-rpf subframe mask table ] if(-1 != subframeMaskTableOffset || 0 < this.subframeSequenceRecordLength) { // seek to [ subframe mask table offset ] if (-1 != subframeMaskTableOffset) buffer.position(maskSubsectionPos + subframeMaskTableOffset); RPFFrameFileComponents rpfComponents = this.getRPFFrameFileComponents(); subFrameOffsets = new int[ this.numOfBlocksPerCol * this.numOfBlocksPerRow ]; // parse [ nitf-rpf subframe mask table ] int idx = 0; for(int group = 0 ; group < rpfComponents.numOfSpectralGroups; group++ ) { for(int row = 0 ; row < this.numOfBlocksPerCol; row++ ) { for(int col = 0 ; col < this.numOfBlocksPerRow; col++ ) subFrameOffsets[idx++] = (int) NITFSUtil.getUInt(buffer); } } } else { this.subFrameOffsets = null; } // parse [ nitf-rpf transparency mask table ] if (-1 != transparencyMaskTableOffset || 0 < this.transparencySequenceRecordLength) { } this.hasMaskedSubframes = (null != this.subFrameOffsets && 0 < this.subFrameOffsets.length); this.hasTransparentPixels = (0 < this.transparencySequenceRecordLength || 0 < this.transparentOutputPixelCodeLength); } private void parseImageData(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { RPFLocationSection componentLocationTable = this.getRPFFrameFileComponents().componentLocationTable; buffer.position(this.dataStartOffset); long spatialDataOffset = NITFSUtil.getUInt(buffer); if(0 < componentLocationTable.getMaskSubsectionLength()) { // parse nitf-rpf mask subsection buffer.position( componentLocationTable.getMaskSubsectionLocation() ); this.parseRPFMaskSubsection(buffer); } if(0 < componentLocationTable.getImageDisplayParametersSubheaderLength()) { // parse [ nitf-rpf image display parameter sub-header ] buffer.position( componentLocationTable.getImageDisplayParametersSubheaderLocation() ); this.parseImageDisplayParametersSubheader(buffer); } else throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.ImageDisplayParametersSubheaderNotFound"); // [ nitf rpf compression section ] if(0 < componentLocationTable.getCompressionSectionSubheaderLength()) { // parse [ nitf-rpf compression section sub-header ] buffer.position( componentLocationTable.getCompressionSectionSubheaderLocation() ); this.parseRPFCompressionSectionSubheader(buffer); } else throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.RPFCompressionSectionSubheaderNotFound"); // [ nitf rpf compression lookup sub-section ] if(0 < componentLocationTable.getCompressionLookupSubsectionLength()) { buffer.position( componentLocationTable.getCompressionLookupSubsectionLocation() ); this.parseRPFCompressionLookupSubsection(buffer); } else throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.RPFCompressionLookupSubsectionNotFound"); // [ nitf rpf compression parameter subsection ] if(0 < componentLocationTable.getCompressionParameterSubsectionLength()) throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.RPFCompressionParameterSubsectionNotImplemented"); // [ nitf rpf spatial data subsection ] if(0 < componentLocationTable.getSpatialDataSubsectionLength()) { buffer.position( componentLocationTable.getSpatialDataSubsectionLocation() ); this.parseRPFSpatialDataSubsection(buffer); } else throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.RPFSpatialDataSubsectionNotFound"); } private void parseRPFSpatialDataSubsection(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { } private void parseRPFCompressionLookupSubsection(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { int compressionLookupSubsectionLocation = buffer.position(); // [ nitf rpf compression lookup sub-section ] this.compressionLookupOffsetTableOffset = NITFSUtil.getUInt(buffer); this.compressionLookupTableOffsetRecordLength = NITFSUtil.getUShort(buffer); this.compressionLUTS = new CompressionLookupRecord[this.numOfCompressionLookupOffsetRecords]; for(int i = 0 ; i < this.numOfCompressionLookupOffsetRecords; i++) { this.compressionLUTS[i] = new CompressionLookupRecord( buffer, compressionLookupSubsectionLocation, this.getRPFFrameFileComponents().rpfColorMaps); } } private void parseRPFCompressionSectionSubheader(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { // parse [ nitf-rpf compression section sub-header ] this.compressionAlgorithmID = NITFSUtil.getUShort(buffer); this.numOfCompressionLookupOffsetRecords = NITFSUtil.getUShort(buffer); this.numOfCompressionParameterOffsetRecords = NITFSUtil.getUShort(buffer); } private void parseImageDisplayParametersSubheader(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { // parse [ nitf-rpf image display parameter sub-header ] this.numOfImageRows = NITFSUtil.getUInt(buffer); this.numOfImageCodesPerRow = NITFSUtil.getUInt(buffer); this.imageCodeBitLength = NITFSUtil.getByteAsShort(buffer); } private void parseImageSubheaders(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { this.userDefinedSubheaderLength = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 5); if (0 == this.userDefinedSubheaderLength) { this.userDefSubheader = null; return; } this.userDefSubheader = new UserDefinedImageSubheader(buffer); } private void parseImageLocation(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { this.imageRowOffset = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 5); this.imageColOffset = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 5); // [ nitf image magnification ] this.imageMagnification = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 4); } private void parseImageTableStructure(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { this.imageSyncCode = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 1); this.imageMode = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 1); this.numOfBlocksPerRow = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 4); this.numOfBlocksPerCol = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 4); this.numOfPixelsPerBlockH = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 4); this.numOfPixelsPerBlockV = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 4); this.numOfBitsPerPixelPerBand = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 2); this.displayLevel = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 3); this.attachmentLevel = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 3); } private void parseImageBands(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { if(0 == this.NBANDS) throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.InvalidNumberOfImageBands"); this.imageBands = new NITFSImageBand[this.NBANDS]; for(int i = 0 ; i < this.NBANDS; i++) this.imageBands[i] = new NITFSImageBand(buffer); } private void parseImageCompressionStructure(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) { this.imageCompression = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 2); this.compressionRateCode = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 4); this.NBANDS = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 1); } private void parseCommentRecords(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) { int numCommentRecords = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 1); if(0 < numCommentRecords) { this.imageCommentRecords = new String[numCommentRecords]; for(int i = 0; i < numCommentRecords; i++) this.imageCommentRecords[i] = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 80); } else this.imageCommentRecords = null; } private void parseImageGeographicLocation(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) { // [ nitf image geographic location ] // four lat/lon coordinates encoded as ddmmssXdddmmssY // (some CADRG files encode coordinates as ddmmssXddmmssY0) int coordLen = 15; // each coordinate is 15 bytes byte[] dst = new byte[coordLen]; ByteBuffer dstBuffer; String hemisphere; double deg, min, sec, lat, lon; double sixty = 60.0; this.imageCoords = new LatLon[4]; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { buffer.get(dst, 0, coordLen); dstBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(dst, 0, coordLen); // parse latitude [ ddmmssX ] deg = (double) NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(dstBuffer, 2); min = (double) NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(dstBuffer, 2); sec = (double) NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(dstBuffer, 2); hemisphere = NITFSUtil.getString(dstBuffer, 1); lat = deg + (min + (sec / sixty)) / sixty; // decimal latitude if(StringUtil.Equals(hemisphere, "S")) lat *= -1.0; // parse longitude [ dddmmssY ] int londegLen = dst[14] != 0 ? 3 : 2; // handle the case when longitude is encoded as ddmmssY deg = (double) NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(dstBuffer, londegLen); min = (double) NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(dstBuffer, 2); sec = (double) NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(dstBuffer, 2); hemisphere = NITFSUtil.getString(dstBuffer, 1); lon = deg + (min + (sec / sixty)) / sixty; // decimal longitude if(StringUtil.Equals(hemisphere, "W")) lon *= -1.0; // TODO Do not waste time on this calculations - the same info is repeated in the [ rpf coverage section ] // TODO zz: garakl: convert to LatLon according to the CoordinateSystem // if(0 ==, "G")) this.imageCoords[i] = LatLon.fromDegrees(lat, lon); } } private void parseIdentificationSecurityStructureFields(java.nio.ByteBuffer buffer) throws NITFSRuntimeException { // [ nitf identification , security, structure fields] this.partType = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 2); if(!StringUtil.Equals("IM", this.partType)) throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.UnexpectedSegmentType", this.partType); this.imageID = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 10); boolean isSupportedFormat = false; for(String s : SupportedFormats) { if(0 == s.compareTo(this.imageID)) { isSupportedFormat = true; break; } } if(!isSupportedFormat) throw new NITFSRuntimeException("NITFSReader.UnsupportedImageFormat", this.imageID); this.dateTime = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 14); this.targetID = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 17); this.imageTitle = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 80); this.securityClass = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 1); this.codewords = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 40); this.controlAndHandling = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 40); this.releaseInstructions = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 40); this.classAuthority = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 20); // ISCAUT this.securityCtrlNum = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 20); // ISCTLN this.ISDWNG = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 6); this.ISDEVT = StringUtil.Equals(this.ISDWNG, "999998") ? NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 40) : StringUtil.EMPTY; this.encryption = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 1); this.imageSource = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 42); this.numSignificantRows = NITFSUtil.getNumeric(buffer, 8); this.numSignificantCols = NITFSUtil.getNumeric(buffer, 8); this.pixelValueType = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 3); this.imageRepresentation = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 8); this.imageCategory = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 8); this.bitsPerPixelPerBand = NITFSUtil.getShortNumeric(buffer, 2); this.pixelJustification = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 1); this.imageCoordSystem = NITFSUtil.getString(buffer, 1); } }