package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import; import; import; import; /** * LeftJoin测试,bdb不支持LeftJoin,只有当dbType="mysql"时测试用例才会运行 * <p/> * Author By: zhuoxue.yll Created Date: 2012-3-13 上午09:42:46 */ @RunWith(EclipseParameterized.class) public class LeftJoinTest extends BaseMatrixTestCase { String[] columnParam = { "host_id", "host_name", "hostgroup_id", "hostgroup_name" }; @Parameters(name = "{index}:table0={0},table1={1}") public static List<String[]> prepareDate() { return Arrays.asList(ExecuteTableName.mysqlHostinfoHostgroupTable(dbType)); } public LeftJoinTest(String monitor_host_infoTableName, String monitor_hostgroup_infoTableName) throws Exception{ BaseTestCase.host_info = monitor_host_infoTableName; BaseTestCase.hostgroup = monitor_hostgroup_infoTableName; initData(); } public void initData() throws Exception { con = getConnection(); andorCon = us.getConnection(); hostgroupPrepare(0, 10); hostinfoPrepare(5, 20); hostinfoDataAdd(20, 30, 8l); } @After public void destory() throws Exception { psConRcRsClose(rc, rs); } @Test public void leftJoinTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " left join " + host_info + " " + "on " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + host_info + ".hostgroup_id"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithWhereTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " left join " + host_info + " " + "on " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + host_info + ".hostgroup_id where " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithCountLikeTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select count(*) from " + hostgroup + " left join " + host_info + " " + "on " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + host_info + ".hostgroup_id where " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name like ?"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add("hostgroupname%"); String[] columnParam = { "count(*)" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, param); } @Test public void leftJoinWithAndTest() throws Exception { if (hostgroup.startsWith("ob") && host_info.startsWith("ob")) { // TODO:ob outter join 有bug // where中的条件会在join之前就进行过滤 return; } String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " left join " + host_info + " " + "on " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + host_info + ".hostgroup_id where " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0'" + " and " + host_info + ".host_name='hostname0'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithOrTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " left join " + host_info + " " + "on " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + host_info + ".hostgroup_id where " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0'" + " OR " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name='hostgroupname1'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithAndOrTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select * from " + hostgroup + " left join " + host_info + " on " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + host_info + ".hostgroup_id where " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name like 'hostgroupname%'" + " and (" + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name='hostgroupname1' or " + host_info + ".host_name is null)"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithLimitTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select " + host_info + ".host_id," + host_info + ".host_name," + host_info + ".hostgroup_id," + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " left join " + host_info + " " + "on " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_id=" + host_info + ".hostgroup_id where " + hostgroup + ".hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0'" + " limit 1"; selectConutAssert(sql, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithAliasTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " b left join " + host_info + " a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithAliasAsTest() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithOrderByTest() throws Exception { // 左表有序,可下推 String sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id where b.hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0' order by b.hostgroup_id"; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id where b.hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0' order by b.hostgroup_id asc"; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id where b.hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0' order by b.hostgroup_id desc"; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithOrderByRightOutterTest() throws Exception { String sql = "/* ANDOR ALLOW_TEMPORARY_TABLE=True */select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id where b.hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0' order by a.host_id"; // selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); // 使用sort merge join,不需要临时表排序 sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id order by a.hostgroup_id asc , a.host_id asc"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); // 使用sort merge join,不需要临时表排序 sql = "select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id where b.hostgroup_name='hostgroupname0' order by b.hostgroup_id desc"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Ignore // null的排序bdb和mysql理解不一样 bdb 理解的是最大的, mysql理解的是最小的 @Test public void leftJoinWithOrderLimitTest() throws Exception { String sql = "/* ANDOR ALLOW_TEMPORARY_TABLE=True */ select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id where b.hostgroup_name like 'hostgroupname%' order by a.host_id limit 2,5"; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); sql = "/* ANDOR ALLOW_TEMPORARY_TABLE=True */ select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id where b.hostgroup_name like 'hostgroupname%' order by a.host_id desc limit 2,5"; selectOrderAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithGetByIndexTest() throws Exception { int columnParam = 5; String sql = "/* ANDOR ALLOW_TEMPORARY_TABLE=True */ select a.host_id,a.host_name,a.hostgroup_id,b.hostgroup_name from " + hostgroup + " as b left join " + host_info + " as a " + "on b.hostgroup_id=a.hostgroup_id where b.hostgroup_name like 'hostgroupname%' limit 1,10 "; selectContentSameAssertByIndex(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void leftJoinWithSubQueryTest() throws Exception { if (hostgroup.startsWith("ob") && host_info.startsWith("ob")) { // TODO:ob join bug,对别名支持不好 return; } String sql = "/* ANDOR ALLOW_TEMPORARY_TABLE=True */ SELECT sumId ,host_name , a.hostgroup_id as aid ,b.hostgroup_id as bid from " + "( select sum(host_id) as sumId,host_name,hostgroup_id from " + host_info + " where host_id BETWEEN ? and ? GROUP BY host_name ORDER BY hostgroup_id LIMIT ?) as a" + " LEFT JOIN (SELECT SUM(hostgroup_id) , hostgroup_name,hostgroup_id from " + hostgroup + " where hostgroup_id " + "BETWEEN ? and ? GROUP BY hostgroup_name) as b ON a.hostgroup_id=b.hostgroup_id ORDER BY sumId DESC"; List<Object> param = new ArrayList<Object>(); param.add(0); param.add(100); param.add(20); param.add(1); param.add(20); String[] columnParam = { "sumId", "host_name", "aid", "bid" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, param); } }