package; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import; import; import; import; @RunWith(EclipseParameterized.class) public class JoinTest extends BaseMatrixTestCase { // common fields private final long module_id = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); private final long hostgroup_id = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); // monitor_module_info fields private final long product_id = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); private final String module_name = "my_module_name"; private final long parent_module_id = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); private final String applevel = "my_applevel"; private final String apprisk = "my_apprisk"; private final long sequence = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); private final String module_description = "my_module_description"; private final String alias_name = "my_alias_name"; // monitor_host_info fields private final long host_id = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); private final String host_name = "my_host_name"; private final String host_ip = "my_host_ip"; private final String host_type_id = "my_host_type_id"; private final String station_id = "my_station_id"; private final String snmp_community = "my_snmp_community"; private final String status = "my_status"; private final long host_flag = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); // monitor_hostgroup_info fields private final String gstation_id = "my_gstation_id"; private final String hostgroup_name = "my_hostgroup_name"; private final long nagios_id = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); private final long hostgroup_flag = Math.abs(rand.nextLong()); String[] columnParam = { "APPNAME", "HOSTIP", "STATIONID", "HOSTGROUPNAME" }; @Parameters(name = "{index}:table0={0},table1={1},table2={2},table3={3},table4={4}") public static List<String[]> prepareDate() { return Arrays.asList(ExecuteTableName.hostinfoHostgoupStudentModuleinfoModulehostTable(dbType)); } public JoinTest(String monitor_host_infoTableName, String monitor_hostgroup_infoTableName, String studentTableName, String monitor_module_infoTableName, String monitor_module_hostTableName) throws Exception{ BaseTestCase.host_info = monitor_host_infoTableName; BaseTestCase.hostgroup_info = monitor_hostgroup_infoTableName; BaseTestCase.studentTableName = studentTableName; BaseTestCase.module_info = monitor_module_infoTableName; BaseTestCase.module_host = monitor_module_hostTableName; init(); } public void init() throws Exception { con = getConnection(); andorCon = us.getConnection(); andorUpdateData("delete from " + module_info, null); andorUpdateData("delete from " + host_info, null); andorUpdateData("delete from " + hostgroup_info, null); mysqlUpdateData("delete from " + module_info, null); mysqlUpdateData("delete from " + host_info, null); mysqlUpdateData("delete from " + hostgroup_info, null); // insert monitor_module_info String sql = "replace into " + module_info + "(module_id, product_id,module_name, parent_module_id, applevel, apprisk, sequence,module_description, alias_name) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; andorUpdateData(sql, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { module_id, product_id, module_name, parent_module_id, applevel, apprisk, sequence, module_description, alias_name })); mysqlUpdateData(sql, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { module_id, product_id, module_name, parent_module_id, applevel, apprisk, sequence, module_description, alias_name })); // insert monitor_host_info sql = "replace into " + host_info + "(host_id, host_name, host_ip,host_type_id, hostgroup_id, station_id, snmp_community, status, host_flag) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; andorUpdateData(sql, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { host_id, host_name, host_ip, host_type_id, hostgroup_id, station_id, snmp_community, status, host_flag })); mysqlUpdateData(sql, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { host_id, host_name, host_ip, host_type_id, hostgroup_id, station_id, snmp_community, status, host_flag })); // insert monitor_hostgroup_info sql = "replace into " + hostgroup_info + "(hostgroup_id, station_id,hostgroup_name, module_id, nagios_id, hostgroup_flag) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; andorUpdateData(sql, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { hostgroup_id, gstation_id, hostgroup_name, module_id, nagios_id, hostgroup_flag })); mysqlUpdateData(sql, Arrays.asList(new Object[] { hostgroup_id, gstation_id, hostgroup_name, module_id, nagios_id, hostgroup_flag })); } @After public void destory() throws Exception { psConRcRsClose(rc, rs); } // private static void prepare(String insert, Object[] args) throws // Exception { // ResultCursor rc = execute(null, insert, Arrays.asList(args)); // Assert.assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), rc.getIngoreTableName(, // ResultCursor.AFFECT_ROW)); // Assert.assertNull(rc.getException()); // rc.close(); // } @Test public void testJoinA() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.module_name as appname ,a.applevel as applevel, b.host_ip as hostip,b.station_id as stationid," + "c.hostgroup_name as hostgroupname from " + module_info + " a ," + "" + host_info + " b ," + hostgroup_info + " c " + "where a.module_id = c.module_id and c.hostgroup_id = b.hostgroup_id and b.status='" + status + "'"; String[] columnParam = { "APPNAME", "HOSTIP", "STATIONID", "HOSTGROUPNAME", "applevel" }; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void testJoinA1() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.module_name as appname , b.host_ip as hostip,b.station_id as stationid," + "c.hostgroup_name as hostgroupname from " + host_info + " b ," + "" + module_info + " a ," + hostgroup_info + " c " + "where c.module_id = a.module_id and b.hostgroup_id = c.hostgroup_id and a.applevel='" + applevel + "' and c.nagios_id=" + nagios_id; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void testJoinB() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.module_name as appname , b.host_ip as hostip,b.station_id as stationid," + "c.hostgroup_name as hostgroupname from " + module_info + " a ," + "" + host_info + " b ," + hostgroup_info + " c " + "where c.module_id = a.module_id and b.hostgroup_id = c.hostgroup_id and b.status='" + status + "'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void testJoinB1() throws Exception { String sql = "select a.module_name as appname , b.host_ip as hostip,b.station_id as stationid," + "c.hostgroup_name as hostgroupname from " + module_info + " a ," + "" + host_info + " b ," + hostgroup_info + " c " + "where c.module_id = a.module_id and b.hostgroup_id = c.hostgroup_id and b.status='" + status + "' and a.applevel='" + applevel + "' and c.nagios_id=" + nagios_id; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } @Test public void testJoinC() throws Exception { // bdb数据库join测试以下测试用例抛出异常,原因目前只支持单值查询 if (module_info.contains("mysql")) { String sql = "select a.module_name as appname , b.host_ip as hostip,b.station_id as stationid," + "c.hostgroup_name as hostgroupname from " + module_info + " a ," + "" + hostgroup_info + " c, " + host_info + " b " + "where c.module_id = a.module_id and c.hostgroup_id = b.hostgroup_id and b.status='" + status + "'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } @Test public void testJoinC1() throws Exception { // bdb数据库join测试以下测试用例抛出异常,原因目前只支持单值查询 if (module_info.contains("mysql")) { String sql = "select a.module_name as appname , b.host_ip as hostip,b.station_id as stationid," + "c.hostgroup_name as hostgroupname from " + module_info + " a ," + "" + hostgroup_info + " c, " + host_info + " b " + "where c.module_id = a.module_id and b.hostgroup_id = c.hostgroup_id and b.status='" + status + "' and a.applevel='" + applevel + "' and c.nagios_id=" + nagios_id; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } @Test public void testJoinD() throws Exception { // bdb数据库join测试以下测试用例抛出异常,原因目前只支持单值查询 if (module_info.contains("mysql")) { String sql = "select a.module_name as appname , b.host_ip as hostip,b.station_id as stationid," + "c.hostgroup_name as hostgroupname from " + module_info + " a ," + "" + hostgroup_info + " c, " + host_info + " b " + "where c.module_id = a.module_id and b.hostgroup_id = c.hostgroup_id and b.status='" + status + "'"; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } @Test public void testJoinD1() throws Exception { // bdb数据库join测试以下测试用例抛出异常,原因目前只支持单值查询 if (module_info.contains("mysql")) { String sql = "select a.module_name as appname , b.host_ip as hostip,b.station_id as stationid," + "c.hostgroup_name as hostgroupname from " + module_info + " a ," + "" + hostgroup_info + " c, " + host_info + " b " + "where c.module_id = a.module_id and b.hostgroup_id = c.hostgroup_id and b.status='" + status + "' and a.applevel='" + applevel + "' and c.nagios_id=" + nagios_id; selectContentSameAssert(sql, columnParam, Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } } }