package io.swagger.models; import io.swagger.TestUtils; import io.swagger.models.parameters.Parameter; import org.mockito.Mockito; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNull; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; public class OperationTest { private Operation operation; @BeforeMethod public void setup() { operation = new Operation(); } @Test public void testBuilders() throws Exception { TestUtils.testBuilders(Operation.class, new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList("deprecated", "vendorExtensions"))); } @Test public void testAddScheme() { // when operation.addScheme(Scheme.HTTP); // then assertTrue(operation.getSchemes().contains(Scheme.HTTP), "The newly added scheme must be contained in the schemes list"); } @Test public void testScheme() { // when operation.scheme(Scheme.HTTPS); // then assertTrue(operation.getSchemes().contains(Scheme.HTTPS), "The newly added scheme must be contained in the schemes list"); } @Test public void testConsumes() { // when operation.consumes("consumes"); // then assertTrue(operation.getConsumes().contains("consumes"), "The newly added consumes must be contained in the consumes list"); } @Test public void testProduces() { // when operation.produces("produces"); // then assertTrue(operation.getProduces().contains("produces"), "The newly added produces must be contained in the produces list"); } @Test public void testSecurity() { // given SecurityRequirement requirement = new SecurityRequirement(); requirement.setName("name"); requirement.setScopes(new ArrayList<String>()); // when; // then assertTrue(operation.getSecurity().get(0).keySet().contains("name"), "The newly added name must be contained in the security list"); // given requirement.setScopes(null); // when; // then assertTrue(operation.getSecurity().get(1).get("name").isEmpty(), "The security requirement added with a null scope must be empty"); } @Test public void testParameter() { // given Parameter parameter = Mockito.mock(Parameter.class); operation.setParameters(null); // when operation.parameter(parameter); assertTrue(operation.getParameters().contains(parameter), "The newly added parameter must be contained in the parameters list"); } @Test public void testResponse() { // given Response response = Mockito.mock(Response.class); // when operation.response(44, response); // then assertEquals(operation.getResponses().get("44"), response, "The newly added response must be contained in the responses map"); } @Test public void testDefaultResponse() { // given Response response = Mockito.mock(Response.class); // when operation.defaultResponse(response); // then assertEquals(operation.getResponses().get("default"), response, "The default response should be the one that have just been set"); } @Test public void testDeprecated() { // when operation.deprecated(false); // then assertNull(operation.isDeprecated(), "Must not been deprecated after set to false"); } @Test public void testSetDeprecated() { // when operation.setDeprecated(true); // then assertTrue(operation.isDeprecated(), "Must be deprecated after set to true"); } @Test public void testVendorExtensions() { // given String vendorName = "x-vendor"; String value = "value"; // when operation.setVendorExtension(vendorName, value); operation.vendorExtensions(new HashMap<String, Object>()); // then assertEquals(operation.getVendorExtensions().get(vendorName), value, "Must be able to retrieve the same value from the map"); } @Test public void testTag() { // when operation.tag("tag"); // then assertTrue(operation.getTags().contains("tag"), "The newly tag must be contained in the tags list"); } @Test public void testSetSummary() { // when operation.setSummary("summary"); // then assertEquals(operation.getSummary(), "summary", "The get summary must equal the set one"); } @Test public void testSetDescription() { // when operation.setDescription("description"); // then assertEquals(operation.getDescription(), "description", "The get description must equal the set one"); } @Test public void testSetOperationId() { // when operation.setOperationId("operationId"); // then assertEquals(operation.getOperationId(), "operationId", "The get OperaionId must equal the set one"); } @Test public void testSetExternalDocs() { // given ExternalDocs externalDocs = new ExternalDocs(); // when operation.setExternalDocs(externalDocs); // then assertEquals(operation.getExternalDocs(), externalDocs, "The get externalDocs must equal the set one"); } }