package io.swagger.models; import io.swagger.TestUtils; import; import; import org.powermock.core.classloader.annotations.PrepareForTest; import org.powermock.modules.testng.PowerMockTestCase; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNull; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; @PrepareForTest({}) public class ModelImplTest extends PowerMockTestCase { private ModelImpl instance; Object[] propertiesAndValues; @BeforeMethod public void setUp() throws Exception { instance = new ModelImpl(); propertiesAndValues = new Object[]{"additionalProperties", new ArrayProperty(), "description", "description", "discriminator", "discriminator", "example", new Object(), "format", "format", "isSimple", true, "name", "name", "properties", new HashMap<String, Property>(), "required", new ArrayList<String>(), "type", "type", "xml", new Xml(), "defaultValue", "defaultValue",}; } @Test public void testClone() { // given propertiesAndValues = new Object[]{"additionalProperties", new ArrayProperty(), "description", "description", "discriminator", "discriminator", "example", new Object(), "isSimple", true, "name", "name", "properties", new HashMap<String, Property>(), "required", new ArrayList<String>(), "type", "type", "xml", new Xml(), "defaultValue", "defaultValue",}; TestUtils.testClone(instance, propertiesAndValues); } @Test public void testGetProperties() { // then assertNull(instance.getProperties(), "New instance must have null as properties"); } @Test public void testEnum() { // given List<String> _enum = new ArrayList<String>(); assertEquals(instance._enum(_enum).getEnum(), _enum); instance.setEnum(null); String value = "value"; // when instance._enum(value); // then assertTrue(instance.getEnum().contains(value), "The enums list must contain the new one"); } @Test public void testConstructor() { // when instance = new ModelImpl(); // then assertNull(instance.getDiscriminator(), "New instance must have null discriminator"); assertNull(instance.getDescription(), "New instance must have null description"); assertFalse(instance.isSimple(), "New instance must not be simple"); assertNull(instance.getAdditionalProperties(), "New instance must have null additionalProperties"); assertNull(instance.getExample(), "New instance must have null example"); assertNull(instance.getDefaultValue(), "New instance must have null default value"); assertNull(instance.getXml(), "New instance must have null Xml"); } @Test public void testProperty() { // given String key = "key"; Property property = new ArrayProperty(); // when, property); // then assertEquals(instance.getProperties().get(key), property, "Must be able to retrieve the set value from the map"); assertTrue(instance.required(key).getRequired().contains(key), "The set key must be contained in the required list"); } @Test public void testSetRequired() { // given String required = "required"; Property property = new ArrayProperty();, property); // when instance.setRequired(Arrays.asList(required)); // then assertTrue(instance.getRequired().contains(required), "The set key must be contained in the required list"); } @Test public void testAddProperty() { // given String badKey = "badKey"; String key = "key"; Property property = new ArrayProperty();, property); // when instance.addProperty(badKey, null); // then assertNull(instance.getProperties().get(badKey), "The bad key must not be added to the properties"); // given instance.setRequired(Arrays.asList(key)); // when instance.addProperty(key, property); assertEquals(instance.getProperties().get(key), property, "Must be able to retrieve the set value from the map"); } }