package io.swagger.models; import; import org.powermock.reflect.Whitebox; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeMethod; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNull; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; public class AbstractModelTest { private static class MyAbstractModel extends AbstractModel { @Override public String getDescription() { return null; } @Override public void setDescription(String description) { } @Override public Map<String, Property> getProperties() { return null; } @Override public void setProperties(Map<String, Property> properties) { } @Override public Object getExample() { return null; } @Override public void setExample(Object example) { } } private AbstractModel instance; private AbstractModel other; @BeforeMethod public void setUp() throws Exception { instance = new MyAbstractModel(); ExternalDocs externalDocs = new ExternalDocs(); instance.setExternalDocs(externalDocs); Map<String, Object> vendorExtensions = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Whitebox.setInternalState(instance, "vendorExtensions", vendorExtensions); other = new MyAbstractModel(); other.setExternalDocs(externalDocs); Whitebox.setInternalState(other, "vendorExtensions", vendorExtensions); } @Test public void testEqualsObject() { assertTrue(instance.equals(instance), "An instance must be equals to itself"); assertFalse(instance.equals(null), "An instance must not be equals to null"); assertFalse(instance.equals(new Object()), "An instance must not be equals to an object of another class"); assertTrue(instance.equals(other), "Instances having the same field values must be equals"); } @Test public void testEqualsWithDifferentExternalDocs() { // when instance.setExternalDocs(null); // then assertFalse(instance.equals(other), "Instance with null externaldocs can not equals other with non null external docs"); assertFalse(other.equals(instance), "Instance with non null externaldocs can not equals other with null external docs"); } @Test public void testEqualsWithDifferentVendorExtensions() { // when Whitebox.setInternalState(instance, "vendorExtensions", (Map<String, Object>) null); // then assertFalse(instance.equals(other), "Instance with null vendorExtensions can not equals other with non null vendorExtensions"); assertFalse(other.equals(instance), "Instance with non null vendorExtensions can not equals other with null vendorExtensions"); } @Test public void testEqualsAndHashCode() { // when ExternalDocs externalDocs = new ExternalDocs(); instance.setExternalDocs(externalDocs); other.setExternalDocs(externalDocs); // then assertEquals(instance, other, "The two instances must be equal since they have the same externalDocs"); assertEquals(instance.hashCode(), other.hashCode(), "Hash code value must be the same since the two instances have the same externalDocs"); } @Test public void testGetExternalDocs() { // given ExternalDocs value = new ExternalDocs(); // when instance.setExternalDocs(value); // then assertEquals(value, instance.getExternalDocs(), "The instance externalDocs must be the one that have been set"); } @Test public void testGetTitle() { // given String title = "title"; // when instance.setTitle(title); // then assertEquals(title, instance.getTitle(), "The instance title must be the one that have been set"); } @Test public void testGetVendorExtensions() { // given String name = "x-name"; Object value = "value"; // when instance.setVendorExtension(name, value); // then assertEquals(value, instance.getVendorExtensions().get(name), "Must be able to retrieve the value from the map"); } @Test public void testCloneTo() { // given AbstractModel clone = new ModelImpl(); ExternalDocs externalDocs = new ExternalDocs(); instance.setExternalDocs(externalDocs); // when instance.cloneTo(clone); // then assertEquals(externalDocs, clone.getExternalDocs(), "The instance and the clone must have the same value"); } @Test public void testClone() { assertNull(instance.clone(), "The default clone method from abstract model must return null"); } @Test public void testGetReference() { // given String reference = "reference"; // when instance.setReference(reference); // then assertEquals(reference, instance.getReference(), "The obtained reference value must be the same that we have set"); } }