package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import io.swagger.models.Operation; import io.swagger.models.Response; import; import; import; import io.swagger.util.Json; import io.swagger.util.Yaml; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.testng.Assert.assertNotNull; import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue; public class MapPropertyDeserializerTest { private static final String json = "{" + " \"tags\": [\"store\"]," + " \"summary\": \"Returns pet inventories by status\"," + " \"description\": \"Returns a map of status codes to quantities\"," + " \"operationId\": \"getInventory\"," + " \"produces\": [\"application/json\"]," + " \"parameters\": []," + " \"responses\": {" + " \"200\": {" + " \"description\": \"successful operation\"," + " \"schema\": {" + " \"type\": \"object\"," + " \"x-foo\": \"vendor x\"," + " \"additionalProperties\": {" + " \"type\": \"integer\"," + " \"format\": \"int32\"" + " }" + " }" + " }" + " }," + " \"security\": [{" + " \"api_key\": []" + " }]" + "}"; @Test(description = "it should deserialize a response per #1349") public void testMapDeserialization () throws Exception { Operation operation = Json.mapper().readValue(json, Operation.class); Response response = operation.getResponses().get("200"); assertNotNull(response); Property responseSchema = response.getSchema(); assertNotNull(responseSchema); assertTrue(responseSchema instanceof MapProperty); MapProperty mp = (MapProperty) responseSchema; assertTrue(mp.getAdditionalProperties() instanceof IntegerProperty); } @Test(description = "vendor extensions should be included with object type") public void testMapDeserializationVendorExtensions () throws Exception { Operation operation = Json.mapper().readValue(json, Operation.class); Response response = operation.getResponses().get("200"); assertNotNull(response); Property responseSchema = response.getSchema(); assertNotNull(responseSchema); MapProperty mp = (MapProperty) responseSchema; assertTrue(mp.getVendorExtensions().size() > 0); assertNotNull(mp.getVendorExtensions().get("x-foo")); assertEquals(mp.getVendorExtensions().get("x-foo"), "vendor x"); } @Test(description = "it should read an example within an inlined schema") public void testIssue1261InlineSchemaExample() throws Exception { Operation operation = Yaml.mapper().readValue(" produces:\n" + " - application/json\n" + " responses:\n" + " 200:\n" + " description: OK\n" + " schema:\n" + " type: object\n" + " properties:\n" + " id:\n" + " type: integer\n" + " format: int32\n" + " name:\n" + " type: string\n" + " required: [id, name]\n" + " example:\n" + " id: 42\n" + " name: Arthur Dent\n", Operation.class); Response response = operation.getResponses().get("200"); assertNotNull(response); Property schema = response.getSchema(); Object example = schema.getExample(); assertNotNull(example); assertTrue(example instanceof ObjectNode); ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode) example; assertEquals(objectNode.get("id").intValue(), 42); assertEquals(objectNode.get("name").textValue(), "Arthur Dent"); } }