package; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import javax.swing.BorderFactory; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.border.Border; import; import; import org.signalml.plugin.export.signal.Document; /** * A panel which is able to display the duration of the current monitor * recording. It registers itself to listen for event on MonitorSignalDocument * and starts/stops to measure time when the appropriate event happens. * * For offline signals it does nothing. * * @author Piotr Szachewicz */ public class MonitorRecordingDurationPanel extends AbstractPanel { /** * The document for which this panel is displayed. */ private MonitorSignalDocument document; /** * The label displaying the duration in the format "hh:mm:ss". */ private JLabel durationLabel; /** * Timer which every second performs a task adding one second to the * duration. */ private Timer timer; public MonitorRecordingDurationPanel(Document document) { this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.setOpaque(false); this.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(100, 20)); this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 20)); Border emptyBorder = BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5); this.setBorder(emptyBorder); if (!(document instanceof MonitorSignalDocument)) return; this.document = (MonitorSignalDocument) document; document.addPropertyChangeListener(this); createInterface(); } protected void createInterface() { durationLabel = new JLabel(); this.add(durationLabel, BorderLayout.EAST); } @Override public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent evt) { if (MonitorSignalDocument.IS_RECORDING_PROPERTY.equals(evt.getPropertyName())) { boolean recordingStarted = (Boolean) evt.getNewValue(); if (recordingStarted) startCountingTime(); else stopCountingTime(); } } protected void displayTime(int hours, int minutes, int seconds) { durationLabel.setText(formatNumber(hours) + ":" + formatNumber(minutes) + ":" + formatNumber(seconds)); } protected String formatNumber(int number) { return String.format("%02d", number); } /** * Starts the timer which is responsible to increment the seconds every * second. */ protected void startCountingTime() { timer = new Timer(); TimerTask task = new RecordingDurationTimerTask(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(task, 0, 1000); } /** * Stops the timer and resets the value of the durationLabel. */ protected void stopCountingTime() { if (timer != null) timer.cancel(); durationLabel.setText(""); } /** * Task for measuring recording time. It is invoked once a second by the * timer and increments the duration. */ class RecordingDurationTimerTask extends TimerTask { private int seconds; private int minutes; private int hours; @Override public void run() { incrementSeconds(); displayTime(hours, minutes, seconds); } protected void incrementSeconds() { seconds++; if (seconds == 60) { minutes++; seconds = 0; } if (minutes == 60) { hours++; minutes = 0; } } } }