package; import org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender; import org.apache.log4j.Level; import org.apache.log4j.Priority; import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * Colour-coded console appender for Log4J. * * This file is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 license. * * Idea taken from * * This is mostly tabular data taken from ANSI documentation, which I assume is * in the public domain. The rest of the code is either directly dictated by the * public interface of console appender or mine (I rewrote the code because the * original didn't specify a license and I want to avoid copyright problems). */ public class ColorConsoleAppender extends ConsoleAppender { private static final int NORMAL = 0, BRIGHT = 1, FOREGROUND_BLACK = 30, FOREGROUND_RED = 31, FOREGROUND_GREEN = 32, FOREGROUND_YELLOW = 33, FOREGROUND_BLUE = 34, FOREGROUND_MAGENTA = 35, FOREGROUND_CYAN = 36, FOREGROUND_WHITE = 37; private static String fmt(int bright, int color) { return format("\u001b[%d;%dm", bright, color); } private static final String FATAL_COLOR = fmt(BRIGHT, FOREGROUND_RED), ERROR_COLOR = fmt(NORMAL, FOREGROUND_RED), WARN_COLOR = fmt(NORMAL , FOREGROUND_YELLOW), INFO_COLOR = fmt(NORMAL, FOREGROUND_GREEN), DEBUG_COLOR = fmt(NORMAL, FOREGROUND_CYAN), TRACE_COLOR = fmt(NORMAL, FOREGROUND_BLUE), END_COLOR = "\u001b[m"; private static final Map<Integer, String> colors = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); static { colors.put(Priority.FATAL_INT, FATAL_COLOR); colors.put(Priority.ERROR_INT, ERROR_COLOR); colors.put(Priority.WARN_INT, WARN_COLOR); colors.put(Priority.INFO_INT, INFO_COLOR); colors.put(Priority.DEBUG_INT, DEBUG_COLOR); } /** * Wraps the ANSI control characters around the output from the * super-class Appender. */ protected void subAppend(LoggingEvent event) { this.qw.write(getColor(event.getLevel())); super.subAppend(event); this.qw.write(END_COLOR); if (this.immediateFlush) this.qw.flush(); } /** * Get the appropriate control characters to change * the colour for the specified logging level. */ private String getColor(Level level) { String val = colors.get(level.toInt()); return val != null ? val : TRACE_COLOR; } }