package; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.commons.math.complex.Complex; import org.apache.commons.math.transform.FastFourierTransformer; import org.signalml.math.fft.WindowFunction; import org.signalml.math.fft.WindowType; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Computes Short-Time Fourier Transform coefficients * for parameters selected by the user. * * @author */ public class ImageRendererForSTFT extends ImageRenderer<PreferencesForSTFT> { private static final org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger(ImageRendererForSTFT.class); private volatile boolean padToHeight_ = false; private volatile Integer windowLength_ = 128; private volatile WindowType windowType_ = WindowType.BARTLETT; public ImageRendererForSTFT(SingleSignal signal) { super(signal); } @Override protected PreferencesForSTFT getPreferences() { PreferencesForSTFT prefs = new PreferencesForSTFT(); prefs.padToHeight = padToHeight_; prefs.windowLength = windowLength_; prefs.windowType = windowType_; return prefs; } public boolean getPadToHeight() { return padToHeight_; } public void setPadToHeight(boolean padToHeight) { padToHeight_ = padToHeight; } public void setWindowType(WindowType windowType) { if (windowType != null) { windowType_ = windowType; } } public WindowType getWindowType() { return windowType_; } public void setWindowLength(Integer windowLength) { if (windowLength > 0) { windowLength_ = windowLength; } } public Integer getWindowLength() { return windowLength_; } private static double calculatePaddedHeight(int chartHeight, double minFrequency, double maxFrequency, double samplingFrequency) { return chartHeight * samplingFrequency / Math.abs(maxFrequency - minFrequency); } @Override protected ImageResult compute(PreferencesWithAxes<PreferencesForSTFT> preferences, AsyncStatus status) throws Exception { final PreferencesForSTFT prefs = preferences.prefs; final ImageResult result = new ImageResult(preferences.width, preferences.height, "Averaged Short-Time Fourier Transform"); final FastFourierTransformer fft = new FastFourierTransformer(); double paddedLengthMin = prefs.windowLength; if (prefs.padToHeight) { paddedLengthMin = Math.max( paddedLengthMin, calculatePaddedHeight(preferences.height, preferences.yMin, preferences.yMax, signal.getSamplingFrequency()) ); } int paddedLength = 2; while (paddedLength < paddedLengthMin) { paddedLength *= 2; } WindowFunction wf = new WindowFunction(prefs.windowType, prefs.windowType.getParameterDefault()); double[] chunk = new double[prefs.windowLength]; double[] padded = new double[paddedLength]; for (int ix=0; ix<preferences.width; ++ix) { if (status.isCancelled()) { return null; } status.setProgress(ix / (double) preferences.width); double t0 = preferences.xMin + (preferences.xMax - preferences.xMin) * ix / (preferences.width - 1); result.t[ix] = t0; int n0 = (int) Math.round(t0 * sampling); Arrays.fill(chunk, 0.0); signal.getSamples(n0 - prefs.windowLength / 2, prefs.windowLength, chunk); double[] windowed = wf.applyWindow(chunk); System.arraycopy(windowed, 0, padded, 0, prefs.windowLength); Complex[] spectrum = fft.transform(padded); for (int iy=0; iy<preferences.height; ++iy) { double fIdeal = preferences.yMin + (preferences.yMax - preferences.yMin) * iy / (preferences.height - 1); int i = (int) Math.round(spectrum.length * fIdeal / sampling); double fExact = i * sampling / spectrum.length; result.f[iy] = fExact; // phase difference between start and center of time window Complex phaser = new Complex(0, Math.PI*result.f[iy]*prefs.windowLength/sampling).exp().multiply(2.0); Complex value = (i >= 0 && i < paddedLength) ? spectrum[i].multiply(phaser) : Complex.ZERO; result.values[ix][iy] = value; } } return result; } }