package; import static; import java.awt.GridLayout; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.border.CompoundBorder; import javax.swing.border.EmptyBorder; import javax.swing.border.TitledBorder; import; import org.signalml.method.mp5.AtomsInDictionary; import org.signalml.method.mp5.MP5AtomType; import org.signalml.method.mp5.MP5Parameters; import org.springframework.validation.Errors; /** * * * @author Piotr Szachewicz */ public class MP5AtomsInDictionaryPanel extends JPanel { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private JCheckBox[] atomTypeCheckBoxes; public MP5AtomsInDictionaryPanel() { super(); initialize(); } private void initialize() { CompoundBorder border = new CompoundBorder( new TitledBorder(_("Atoms to be included in the dictionary")), new EmptyBorder(3,3,3,3) ); setBorder(border); int numberOfAtomTypes = MP5AtomType.values().length; int numberOfRows = (int) Math.ceil(((double) numberOfAtomTypes) / 2); setLayout(new GridLayout(numberOfRows, 2, 10, 10)); atomTypeCheckBoxes = new JCheckBox[numberOfAtomTypes]; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAtomTypes; i++) { MP5AtomType type = MP5AtomType.values()[i]; atomTypeCheckBoxes[i] = new JCheckBox(type.getName()); add(atomTypeCheckBoxes[i]); } } public void fillPanelFromParameters(MP5Parameters parameters) { AtomsInDictionary dictionary = parameters.getAtomsInDictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < atomTypeCheckBoxes.length; i++) { MP5AtomType atomType = MP5AtomType.values()[i]; atomTypeCheckBoxes[i].setSelected(dictionary.isAtomIncluded(atomType)); } } public void fillParametersFromPanel(MP5Parameters parameters) { AtomsInDictionary dictionary = parameters.getAtomsInDictionary(); for (int i = 0; i < atomTypeCheckBoxes.length; i++) { MP5AtomType atomType = MP5AtomType.values()[i]; Boolean isSelected = atomTypeCheckBoxes[i].isSelected(); dictionary.setAtomIncluded(atomType, isSelected); } } public boolean isAtLeastOneAtomTypeSelected() { for (int i = 0; i < atomTypeCheckBoxes.length; i++) if (atomTypeCheckBoxes[i].isSelected()) return true; return false; } public void validatePanel(ValidationErrors errors) { if (!isAtLeastOneAtomTypeSelected()) { errors.addError(_("At least one atom type should be selected!")); } } }