package com.masseranolabs.snappyfrog; import static com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions.alpha; import static com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions.delay; import static com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions.moveBy; import static com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions.repeat; import static com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions.rotateBy; import static com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions.sequence; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import com.badlogic.gdx.Input; import; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Interpolation; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector2; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Action; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Group; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.Actions; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.actions.RepeatAction; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Image; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Label.LabelStyle; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.Table; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.ui.TextButton; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.Align; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.utils.ChangeListener; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Pool; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.TimeUtils; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Timer; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Timer.Task; import com.masseranolabs.snappyfrog.Game.TimeOfDay; public class LevelScreen extends StagedScreen { private final float WORLD_SPEED_LIMIT = ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(-320.0f); private float WORLD_SPEED = ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(-90.0f); private float CLOUDS_SPEED; private float TREES_SPEED; private float OBSTACLES_DISTANCE = ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(85.0f); private final float MIN_OPENING_HEIGHT = ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(60.0f); private final int NUM_CLOUDS = 6; private final int NUM_TREES = 7; private final int BASE_LEVEL = 10; private final int LEVEL_MULTIPLIER = 3; // 10, 30, 90, ... private final int MEDALS_COUNT = 5; private Array<Obstacle> obstacles = new Array<Obstacle>(20); private final Pool<Obstacle> obstaclesPool = new Pool<Obstacle>() { @Override protected Obstacle newObject() { return new Obstacle(); } }; private Frog frog; private PowerBar powerBar; private Image ground; private Image grass; private Image sunMoon; private boolean holdingTouch; private Group obstaclesGroup = new Group(); private Group cloudsGroup = new Group(); private Group treesGroup = new Group(); private Group miniGameGroup = new Group(); public Group lasersGroup = new Group(); private float obstacleDistanceSalt; private int score; private Label scoreLabel; private Label tutorialLabel; private Label hintLabel; private boolean gameOver; private boolean secondJumpActivated; private boolean mainMenu; private boolean tutorial; private int tutorialStep; private boolean beatHighscore; private boolean miniGameStarted; private boolean miniGameDone; private boolean userInitiatedShare; private boolean topDialogDisplayed; // Mini game stuff private Image bigG; private Image apple; private Image appleBeam; private Image bigGBeam; private Label miniGameLabel; private boolean miniGameShooting; private boolean miniGameStartReleasingSalaries; private long lastShootTime; private long lastSalaryCreatedTime; private Vector2 appleBeamLocation; private Vector2 bigGBeamLocation; private Pool<LaserBeam> lasersPool; private Pool<Salary> salariesPool; private int salariesHitCount; private int salariesCount; private int salariesAccounted; private final int MAX_SALARIES_COUNT = 200; private final int SECRET_COLUMN = Game.getPreferences().getInteger("secret_column"); public static boolean paused; public static float groundHeightLine; // for faster checks public static Obstacle collisionObstacle; public static boolean miniGame; public LevelScreen(boolean mainMenu){ super(); this.mainMenu = mainMenu; // Init vars score = 0; holdingTouch = false; userInitiatedShare = false; gameOver = false; miniGame = false; topDialogDisplayed = false; miniGameStarted = miniGameDone = miniGameStartReleasingSalaries = false; lastShootTime = 0; lastSalaryCreatedTime = 0; salariesHitCount = salariesCount = salariesAccounted = 0; secondJumpActivated = false; tutorial = Game.getPreferences().getBoolean("tutorial"); tutorialStep = 0; beatHighscore = false; paused = false; updateScenaryItemsSpeeds(); Obstacle.WIDTH = OBSTACLES_DISTANCE; Obstacle.OPENINGHEIGHT = ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(80.0f); // Setup world objects ground = new Image(Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprite(Game.getTimeBasedTextureName("gamescene/ground"))); ground.setWidth(Game.getWidth()); ground.setScale(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(1.0f)); groundHeightLine = (ground.getHeight() - 1) * ground.getScaleY(); grass = new Image(Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprite(Game.getTimeBasedTextureName("gamescene/grass"))); grass.setWidth(Game.getWidth() * 2); grass.setScale(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(1.0f)); grass.setPosition(0, groundHeightLine); // Moon/sun switch over TimeOfDay timeOfDay = Game.getTimeOfDay(); String sunMoonTexture = ""; if (timeOfDay == TimeOfDay.Morning){ sunMoonTexture = "gamescene/sun-early"; Game.SetBackgroundColor(new Color(0.859f, 0.663f, 0.412f, 1.0f)); }else if (timeOfDay == TimeOfDay.Day){ sunMoonTexture = "gamescene/sun"; Game.SetBackgroundColor(new Color(0.059f, 0.663f, 0.875f, 1.0f)); }else{ // night sunMoonTexture = "gamescene/moon"; Game.SetBackgroundColor(new Color(0.02f, 0.227f, 0.298f, 1.0f)); } sunMoon = new Image(Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprite(sunMoonTexture)); sunMoon.setScale(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(1.0f)); float sunMoonPosY = Game.getHeight() - sunMoon.getHeight() * sunMoon.getScaleY() - ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(10.0f); if (timeOfDay == TimeOfDay.Morning){ sunMoonPosY = groundHeightLine - sunMoon.getHeight() * sunMoon.getScaleY() * 0.33f; } sunMoon.setPosition(Game.getRandomGenerator().nextInt(Game.getWidth()) - sunMoon.getWidth() * sunMoon.getScaleX(), sunMoonPosY); // Clouds Array<Sprite> cloudSprites = Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprites("gamescene/cloud"); cloudSprites.shuffle(); float cloudXIncrement = Game.getWidth() / NUM_CLOUDS; float cloudX = cloudXIncrement; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CLOUDS; i++){ Image cloud = new Image(cloudSprites.get(i % cloudSprites.size)); cloud.setScale(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(1.0f)); cloud.setPosition(cloudX, groundHeightLine + Game.getRandomGenerator().nextInt((int)(Game.getHeight() - groundHeightLine))); cloudX += cloudXIncrement; cloudsGroup.addActor(cloud); } Array<Sprite> treeSprites = Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprites("gamescene/tree"); treeSprites.shuffle(); float treeXIncrement = Game.getWidth() / NUM_TREES; float treeX = treeXIncrement / NUM_TREES; for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TREES; i++){ Image tree = new Image(treeSprites.get(i % treeSprites.size)); tree.setScale(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(1.0f)); tree.setPosition(treeX + Game.getRandomGenerator().nextFloat() * ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(100.0f), groundHeightLine); treeX += treeXIncrement; treesGroup.addActor(tree); } // Main menu layout Table mainMenuLayout = new Table(); if (mainMenu){ mainMenuLayout.setFillParent(true); // Logo Image logo = new Image(Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprite("misc/logo")); logo.setOrigin(logo.getWidth() / 2, logo.getHeight() / 2); logo.setScale(ResHelper.StretchScaleMultipleOfTwoWidth(1, logo.getWidth())); // New game button TextButton newGame = ButtonFactory.MakeStandardButton("New Game"); newGame.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { Game.getSingleton().setScreen(new LevelScreen(false)); } }); // High score LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(); labelStyle.font = Game.getScoreFont(); Label highscore = new Label("High score: " + Game.getPreferences().getInteger("highscore"), labelStyle); // Setup layout mainMenuLayout.add(logo).spaceBottom(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(30)); mainMenuLayout.row(); mainMenuLayout.add(newGame).spaceBottom(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(20)); mainMenuLayout.row(); mainMenuLayout.add(highscore); /* LabelStyle creditStyle = new LabelStyle(); creditStyle.font = Game.getScoreFont(); Label credit = new Label("\nMusic composition by", creditStyle); mainMenuLayout.row(); mainMenuLayout.add(credit);*/ }else{ frog = new Frog(this); frog.setPosition(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(100), groundHeightLine); frog.setScale(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(1.0f)); frog.updateCachedValues(); powerBar = new PowerBar(); powerBar.setScale(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(1.0f)); powerBar.setPosition(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(10), Game.getHeight() - powerBar.getHeight() * powerBar.getScaleY() - ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(10)); // OUYA: powerBar.setPosition(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(28), Game.getHeight() - powerBar.getHeight() * powerBar.getScaleY() - ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(20)); LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(); labelStyle.font = Game.getScoreFont(); scoreLabel = new Label("", labelStyle); scoreLabel.setPosition(powerBar.getX() + powerBar.getWidth() * powerBar.getScaleX() + ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(10), Game.getHeight() - ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(15.0f)); // 25.0f OUYA updateScoreLabel(); if (tutorial){ LabelStyle tutorialLabelStyle = new LabelStyle(); tutorialLabelStyle.font = Game.getButtonFont(); tutorialLabelStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; tutorialLabel = new Label("\nTouch and hold\nanywhere on the screen", tutorialLabelStyle); tutorialLabel.setPosition(Game.getWidth() / 2.0f - tutorialLabel.getWidth() / 2.0f, Game.getHeight() / 2.0f); } } stage.addActor(sunMoon); if (!tutorial || mainMenu){ stage.addActor(cloudsGroup); } stage.addActor(treesGroup); stage.addActor(miniGameGroup); stage.addActor(lasersGroup); stage.addActor(ground); stage.addActor(grass); stage.addActor(obstaclesGroup); if (mainMenu){ stage.addActor(mainMenuLayout); }else{ stage.addActor(powerBar); stage.addActor(scoreLabel); if (tutorial){ stage.addActor(tutorialLabel); } stage.addActor(frog); } // Update obstacle textures Obstacle.loadTimeBasedResources(); /* uncomment to set last level while (WORLD_SPEED > WORLD_SPEED_LIMIT){ WORLD_SPEED += ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(-2.22f); Obstacle.WIDTH += ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(2.0987f); OBSTACLES_DISTANCE = Obstacle.WIDTH; if (Obstacle.OPENINGHEIGHT > MIN_OPENING_HEIGHT){ Obstacle.OPENINGHEIGHT -= ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(1.0f); } updateScenaryItemsSpeeds(); }*/ // Add first obstacle Obstacle o = obstaclesPool.obtain(); obstacles.add(o); obstaclesGroup.addActor(o); collisionObstacle = o; obstacleDistanceSalt = 0.0f; } private void updateScenaryItemsSpeeds(){ CLOUDS_SPEED = WORLD_SPEED / 7.5f; TREES_SPEED = WORLD_SPEED / 3.0f; } private void updateScoreLabel(){ scoreLabel.setText("Score: " + score); } public void incrementScore(){ score++; updateScoreLabel(); collisionObstacle.markScored(); Game.getPlusOneSound().play(); if (score > Game.getPreferences().getInteger("highscore") && !beatHighscore){ beatHighscore = true; Game.getCheerSound().play(); }else if (score > 1 && !secondJumpActivated && frog.getX() + frog.getActualWidth() - collisionObstacle.getX() < ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(5.0f)){ Game.getGaspSound().play(); } // Increase speeds and obstacles width if (score % 10 == 0 && WORLD_SPEED >= WORLD_SPEED_LIMIT){ WORLD_SPEED += ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(-2.22f); Obstacle.WIDTH += ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(2.0987f); OBSTACLES_DISTANCE = Obstacle.WIDTH; if (Obstacle.OPENINGHEIGHT > MIN_OPENING_HEIGHT){ Obstacle.OPENINGHEIGHT -= ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(1.0f); } updateScenaryItemsSpeeds(); } } private void onTouchRelease(){ if (!paused){ if (!miniGame){ if (tutorial && tutorialStep == 2){ tutorialLabel.setText("\nNow jump, then tap again\nas you are falling."); tutorialStep++; }else if (tutorial && tutorialStep == 4){ tutorialLabel.setText("\nThat's it!\nTap to begin play."); tutorialStep++; }else if (tutorial && tutorialStep == 5){ Game.getPreferences().putBoolean("tutorial", false); Game.getPreferences().flush(); Game.StartNewLevelScreen(); } else if (!frog.isJumping()){ int powerBarValue = powerBar.deactivate(); frog.jump(powerBarValue * ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(44.0f)); secondJumpActivated = false; Game.getBigJumpSound().play(); if (tutorial && tutorialStep == 1 && powerBarValue > 6){ tutorialLabel.setText("\nNice work!"); Game.getPlusOneSound().play(); tutorialStep++; } } }else{ // Mini game miniGameShooting = false; } }else{ // Was paused, now resume paused = false; } powerBar.deactivate(); } private void onTouchHold(){ if (!paused){ if (!miniGame){ // Skip the frog action in the tutorial if (!(tutorial && (tutorialStep == 2 || tutorialStep == 4))){ if (!secondJumpActivated && frog.getJumpingVelocity() < 0.0f){ frog.jump(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(264.0f)); secondJumpActivated = true; Game.getSmallJumpSound().play(); if (tutorial && tutorialStep == 3){ Game.getNewRecordSound().play(); tutorialStep++; } } powerBar.activate(); frog.squat(); } if (tutorial && tutorialStep == 0){ tutorialLabel.setText("\nNotice the power bar.\nRelease to jump."); tutorialStep++; } }else{ // Mini game miniGameShooting = true; } } } @Override public void render(float delta) { super.render(delta); // if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.SPACE)){ // ScreenshotFactory.saveScreenshot("c:\\users\\piero\\desktop\\screens\\", true); // } if (Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.ESCAPE)){; } if (!gameOver){ if (!mainMenu){ // Handle input if (Gdx.input.isTouched() || Gdx.input.isKeyPressed(Input.Keys.SPACE) || Game.getPlatformServices().isGamePadButtonPressed()){ // Touch and hold if (!holdingTouch){ onTouchHold(); holdingTouch = true; } }else{ // Release if (holdingTouch){ onTouchRelease(); holdingTouch = false; } } }else{ // Main menu, check new game start with game pads gamePadNewGameCheck(); } if (!paused){ if (!miniGameStarted){ // Handle obstacles generation Obstacle lastObstacle = obstacles.get(obstacles.size - 1); if (Game.getWidth() - lastObstacle.getX() - lastObstacle.getWidth() >= OBSTACLES_DISTANCE + obstacleDistanceSalt){ Obstacle o = obstaclesPool.obtain(); obstacles.add(o); obstaclesGroup.addActor(o); //obstacleDistanceSalt = Game.getRandomGenerator().nextFloat() * 50.0f; } Obstacle firstObstacle = obstacles.get(0); if (firstObstacle.getX() + firstObstacle.getWidth() <= 0){; obstacles.removeIndex(0); } // Move grass if (-grass.getX() >= grass.getWidth() * grass.getScaleX() / 2.0f){ grass.setX(0); }else{ grass.moveBy(WORLD_SPEED * delta, 0); } // Move obstacles if (!tutorial){ for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size; i++){ obstacles.get(i).moveBy(WORLD_SPEED * delta, 0); } } // Move clouds for (int i = 0; i < NUM_CLOUDS; i++){ Actor cloud = cloudsGroup.getChildren().get(i); cloud.moveBy(CLOUDS_SPEED * delta, 0); if (cloud.getX() + cloud.getWidth() * cloud.getScaleY() < 0){ cloud.setPosition(Game.getWidth(), groundHeightLine + Game.getRandomGenerator().nextInt((int)(Game.getHeight() - groundHeightLine))); } } // Move trees for (int i = 0; i < NUM_TREES; i++){ Actor tree = treesGroup.getChildren().get(i); tree.moveBy(TREES_SPEED * delta, 0); if (tree.getX() + tree.getWidth() * tree.getScaleY() < 0){ tree.setX(Game.getWidth()); } } }else{ // Mini game logic if (!miniGameDone){ // Handle shooting if (miniGameShooting){ if (TimeUtils.nanoTime() - lastShootTime > 100000000){ Vector2 target = new Vector2(Gdx.input.getX(), Game.getHeight() - Gdx.input.getY()); Game.getLaserSound().play(); LaserBeam lb1 = lasersPool.obtain(); lb1.setStartLocation(bigGBeamLocation.x, bigGBeamLocation.y); lb1.shoot(target); LaserBeam lb2 = lasersPool.obtain(); lb2.setStartLocation(appleBeamLocation.x, appleBeamLocation.y); lb2.shoot(target); appleBeam.setVisible(true); bigGBeam.setVisible(true); lasersGroup.addActor(lb1); lasersGroup.addActor(lb2); lastShootTime = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); }else if (TimeUtils.nanoTime() - lastShootTime < 750000000){ appleBeam.setVisible(false); bigGBeam.setVisible(false); } }else{ appleBeam.setVisible(false); bigGBeam.setVisible(false); } // Generate salaries if (miniGameStartReleasingSalaries && TimeUtils.nanoTime() - lastSalaryCreatedTime > 100000000 && salariesCount < MAX_SALARIES_COUNT){ Salary s = salariesPool.obtain(); s.setStartLocation(bigG.getY()); miniGameGroup.addActor(s); salariesCount++; lastSalaryCreatedTime = TimeUtils.nanoTime(); } if (salariesAccounted >= MAX_SALARIES_COUNT){ miniGameDone = true; if (salariesHitCount >= MAX_SALARIES_COUNT){ // Good job! Game.getCheerSound().play(); } Timer t = new Timer(); t.scheduleTask(new Task(){ @Override public void run() { gameOver = true; frog.die(); miniGame = false; miniGameStarted = false; } }, 2.0f); } } } if (!mainMenu && !tutorial && !miniGame){ // Check collision route horizontally if (collisionObstacle.getX() <= (frog.getX() + frog.getActualWidth())){ // Possible collision, check Y if (frog.getY() < collisionObstacle.getLowerYBound() || frog.getY() + frog.getActualHeight() > collisionObstacle.getUpperYBound()){ // Dead gameOver(); }else{ // Check for collisions with the ceiling if (frog.getY() + frog.getActualHeight() >= collisionObstacle.getUpperYBound()){ // Dead gameOver(); } // Check for end of obstacle if (frog.getX() > collisionObstacle.getX() + collisionObstacle.getWidth()){ // Just in case we never touched the obstacle... if (!collisionObstacle.isScored()){ incrementScore(); } // Set new obstacle for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size; i++){ if (obstacles.get(i) == collisionObstacle && i != obstacles.size - 1){ collisionObstacle = obstacles.get(i + 1); break; } } // Fall down if it's not jumping already if (!frog.isJumping()){ if (!holdingTouch){ frog.jump(0); secondJumpActivated = false; }else{ // Player is holding down, meaning he probably wanted to jump onTouchRelease(); holdingTouch = false; } } } } } } } }else{ // Game over, see if gamepad is touched for new game if (topDialogDisplayed){ gamePadNewGameCheck(); } } } public void gamePadNewGameCheck(){ if (Game.getPlatformServices().isGamePadButtonPressed()){ // Touch and hold if (!holdingTouch){ holdingTouch = true; } }else{ // Release if (holdingTouch){ // Start new game Game.getSingleton().setScreen(new LevelScreen(false)); holdingTouch = false; } } } public void increaseSalaryHitCount(){ if (++salariesHitCount > MAX_SALARIES_COUNT) salariesHitCount = MAX_SALARIES_COUNT; if (miniGameLabel != null) miniGameLabel.setText(salariesHitCount + "/" + MAX_SALARIES_COUNT + " salaries down!"); } public void removeLaserBeam(LaserBeam l){ l.remove();; } public void removeSalary(Salary s){ salariesAccounted++; s.remove();; } private void gameOver(){ powerBar.deactivate(); if (score > Game.getPreferences().getInteger("highscore")){ Game.getPreferences().putInteger("highscore", score); Game.getPreferences().flush(); } if (score != SECRET_COLUMN - 1 || Game.getPlatformServices().delayHint()){ // Actual game over gameOver = true; Game.getCrashSound().play(); frog.die(); }else{ // Init mini game final LevelScreen me = this; Game.getGaspSound().play(); lasersPool = new Pool<LaserBeam>() { @Override protected LaserBeam newObject() { return new LaserBeam(me); } }; salariesPool = new Pool<Salary>() { @Override protected Salary newObject() { return new Salary(me); } }; miniGame = true; final float FADE_TIME = 2.0f; obstaclesGroup.remove(); treesGroup.addAction(alpha(0.0f, FADE_TIME)); cloudsGroup.addAction(alpha(0.0f, FADE_TIME)); powerBar.addAction(alpha(0.0f, FADE_TIME)); sunMoon.addAction(alpha(0.0f, FADE_TIME)); scoreLabel.addAction(alpha(0.0f, FADE_TIME)); Timer t = new Timer(); t.scheduleTask(new Timer.Task(){ @Override public void run() { frog.shock(); miniGameStarted = true; // Add mini game items bigG = new Image(Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprite("gamescene/big-g")); bigG.setScale(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(1.0f)); bigG.setPosition(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(10), Game.getHeight() - bigG.getHeight() * bigG.getScaleY() - ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(10)); bigG.addAction(sequence(alpha(0), alpha(1.0f, FADE_TIME))); bigGBeam = new Image(Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprite("gamescene/shoot-glow")); bigGBeam.setScale(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(1.0f)); bigGBeam.setPosition(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(20), Game.getHeight() - bigG.getHeight() * bigG.getScaleY() + ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(10)); bigGBeam.setVisible(false); bigGBeamLocation = new Vector2(bigGBeam.getX() + bigGBeam.getWidth() * bigGBeam.getScaleX() / 2.0f, bigGBeam.getY() + bigGBeam.getHeight() * bigGBeam.getScaleY() / 2.0f); apple = new Image(Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprite("gamescene/apple")); apple.setScale(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(1.0f)); apple.setPosition(Game.getWidth() - apple.getWidth() * apple.getScaleX() - ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(10), Game.getHeight() - apple.getHeight() * apple.getScaleY() - ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(10)); apple.addAction(sequence(alpha(0), alpha(1.0f, FADE_TIME))); appleBeam = new Image(Game.getTextureAtlas().createSprite("gamescene/shoot-glow")); appleBeam.setScale(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(1.0f)); appleBeam.setPosition(Game.getWidth() - apple.getWidth() * apple.getScaleX() - ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(25), Game.getHeight() - apple.getHeight() * apple.getScaleY() - ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(5)); appleBeam.setVisible(false); appleBeamLocation = new Vector2(appleBeam.getX() + appleBeam.getWidth() * appleBeam.getScaleX() / 2.0f, appleBeam.getY() + appleBeam.getHeight() * appleBeam.getScaleY() / 2.0f); miniGameGroup.addActor(bigG); miniGameGroup.addActor(bigGBeam); miniGameGroup.addActor(apple); miniGameGroup.addActor(appleBeam); Timer t = new Timer(); t.scheduleTask(new Timer.Task(){ @Override public void run() { LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(); labelStyle.font = Game.getScoreFont(); miniGameLabel = new Label("Shoot down the salaries!", labelStyle); miniGameLabel.setAlignment(; miniGameLabel.setPosition(Game.getWidth() / 2.0f - miniGameLabel.getWidth() / 2.0f, Game.getHeight() / 2.0f - ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(10.0f)); miniGameGroup.addActor(miniGameLabel); miniGameStartReleasingSalaries = true; } }, 1.5f); } }, FADE_TIME); } } // Called at the end of the animation public void frogDied(){ if (score > 0){ // Create score window // Root Table topDialog = new Table(); Table medalsDialog = new Table(); Table container = new Table(); topDialog.setFillParent(true); topDialog.add(medalsDialog); medalsDialog.setBackground(Game.getSkin().getDrawable("misc/medal-window")); medalsDialog.add(container).pad(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(8.0f)); // Create score labels LabelStyle labelStyle = new LabelStyle(); labelStyle.font = Game.getButtonFont(); labelStyle.fontColor = new Color(0xecd814ff); LabelStyle scoreStyle = new LabelStyle(); scoreStyle.font = Game.getButtonFont(); scoreStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; Label scoreLabel = new Label("Score", labelStyle); Label highScoreLabel = new Label("High Score", labelStyle); Label scoreValue = new Label(Integer.toString(score), scoreStyle); Label highScoreValue = new Label(Integer.toString(Game.getPreferences().getInteger("highscore")), scoreStyle); // Add score labels container.add(scoreLabel).spaceRight(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(50.0f)).left(); container.add(highScoreLabel).left(); container.row(); container.add(scoreValue).left().spaceRight(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(50.0f)).spaceBottom(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(4.0f)); container.add(highScoreValue).left().spaceBottom(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(4.0f)); container.row().colspan(2); // Create medals and container for them Table medalRow = new Table(); int medalCount = getMedalCount(score); int missCount = MEDALS_COUNT - medalCount; for (int i = 0; i < medalCount; i++){ Image goldMedal = new Image(Game.getGoldMedal()); goldMedal.setScale(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(1.0f)); medalRow.add(goldMedal).pad(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(5.0f) + (goldMedal.getWidth() * goldMedal.getScaleX() - goldMedal.getWidth()) / 2.0f); goldMedal.setOrigin(goldMedal.getWidth() / 2.0f, goldMedal.getHeight() / 2.0f); goldMedal.addAction(sequence(rotateBy(360.0f * (i + 1), 0.30f * (i + 1)), new Action(){ @Override public boolean act(float delta) { Game.getPlusOneSound().play(); return true; } })); } for (int i = 0; i < missCount; i++){ Image missMedal = new Image(Game.getMissMedal()); missMedal.setScale(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(1.0f)); medalRow.add(missMedal).pad(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(5.0f) + (missMedal.getWidth() * missMedal.getScaleX() - missMedal.getWidth()) / 2.0f); missMedal.setOrigin(missMedal.getWidth() / 2.0f, missMedal.getHeight() / 2.0f); } // Add to root container.add(medalRow).center().spaceBottom(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(8.0f)); container.row().colspan(Game.getPlatformServices().isSharingAvailable() ? 1 : 2); // Create buttons TextButton newGame = ButtonFactory.MakeStandardButton("Again"); newGame.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { Game.getSingleton().setScreen(new LevelScreen(false)); } }); if (Game.getPlatformServices().isSharingAvailable()){ TextButton shareButton = ButtonFactory.MakeStandardButton("Share"); shareButton.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { Game.getPlatformServices().shareCurrentScreen(); userInitiatedShare = true; if (!Game.getPlatformServices().willResumeAfterShare()){ resume(); } } }); container.add(shareButton).left(); container.add(newGame).right(); }else{ container.add(newGame).expandX().fillX(); } if (Game.getPlatformServices().isSharingAvailable() && !Game.getPlatformServices().delayHint() && !Game.getPreferences().getBoolean("user_shared")){ LabelStyle hintStyle = new LabelStyle(); hintStyle.font = Game.getHintFont(); hintStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; hintLabel = new Label("Psst! If you share\nI will tell you a secret...", hintStyle); hintLabel.setAlignment(; container.row().colspan(2); container.add(hintLabel).center().spaceTop(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(8.0f)); } // Add root to stage topDialog.moveBy(0, Game.getHeight()); stage.addActor(topDialog); topDialog.addAction(sequence( moveBy(0, -Game.getHeight(), 0.25f, Interpolation.circleOut), Actions.after(new Action(){ @Override public boolean act(float delta) { topDialogDisplayed = true; return true; } }) )); // Beated high score? if (beatHighscore){ Game.getNewRecordSound().play(); // Flash around final float DELAY = 0.05f; final int REPEAT = 10; RepeatAction flashingA = repeat(REPEAT, sequence(alpha(0.1f), delay(DELAY), alpha(1.0f))); RepeatAction flashingB = repeat(REPEAT, sequence(alpha(0.1f), delay(DELAY), alpha(1.0f))); highScoreValue.addAction(flashingA); highScoreLabel.addAction(flashingB); } }else{ Game.StartNewLevelScreen(); } } private int getMedalCount(int score){ int compare = BASE_LEVEL; for (int i = 0; i < MEDALS_COUNT; i++){ if (score < compare) return i; compare *= LEVEL_MULTIPLIER; } return MEDALS_COUNT; } @Override public void pause() { super.pause(); if (!mainMenu && !gameOver){ paused = true; } } @Override public void resume() { super.resume(); if (userInitiatedShare){ // Assume the user completed // First time sharing? if (!Game.getPreferences().getBoolean("user_shared") && !Game.getPlatformServices().delayHint()){ // Show hint if (hintLabel != null) hintLabel.remove(); // Root final Table topDialog = new Table(); Table hintDialog = new Table(); Table container = new Table(); topDialog.setFillParent(true); topDialog.add(hintDialog); hintDialog.setBackground(Game.getSkin().getDrawable("misc/medal-window")); hintDialog.add(container).pad(ResHelper.LinearWidthValue(8.0f)); // Create score labels LabelStyle hintStyle = new LabelStyle(); hintStyle.font = Game.getHintFont(); hintStyle.fontColor = Color.WHITE; Label hintValue = new Label("This arrogance of theirs is nothing new,\n"+ "For once they showed it at a less secret gate\n" + "Which still is standing, in full view, unlocked.\n\n" + "Above that gate " + Game.getPreferences().getInteger("secret_column") + " you read the deadly writing,\n" + "And already, from this side and down the slope,\n" + "Passing through the circles without escort,\n\n" + "Comes one by whom the city will be opened.", hintStyle); hintValue.setAlignment(; // Add score labels container.add(hintValue).center(); TextButton dismissButton = ButtonFactory.MakeStandardButton("Dismiss"); dismissButton.addListener(new ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event, Actor actor) { topDialog.remove(); } }); container.row(); container.add(dismissButton).spaceTop(ResHelper.LinearHeightValue(8.0f)).center(); // Add root to stage stage.addActor(topDialog); Game.getPreferences().putBoolean("user_shared", true); Game.getPreferences().flush(); } } } @Override public void hide() { super.hide(); stage.dispose(); } @Override public void dispose() { super.dispose(); for (int i = 0; i < obstacles.size; i++){ obstacles.get(i).dispose(); } } }