package org.robovm.bindings.admob; import; import; import; import org.robovm.objc.annotation.Method; import org.robovm.objc.annotation.NativeClass; import org.robovm.objc.annotation.Property; import org.robovm.rt.bro.annotation.ByVal; import org.robovm.rt.bro.annotation.Pointer; /** The view that displays banner ads. A minimum implementation to get an ad from within a UIViewController class is: * * Create and setup the ad view, specifying the size and origin at {0, 0}. * * <pre> * GADBannerView adView = new GADBannerView(GADAdSizeManager.banner()); * adView.setRootViewController(this); * adView.setAdUnitID("ID created when registering my app"); * </pre> * * Place the ad view onto the screen. * * <pre> * this.addSubview(adView); * </pre> * * Request an ad without any additional targeting information. * * <pre> * adView.loadRequest(null); * </pre> */ @NativeClass public class GADBannerView extends UIView { /** Initializes a GADBannerView and sets it to the specified size, and specifies its placement at the top left of its superview. * If size is invalid, an instance of GADBannerView is not created and nil is returned instead. * @param size */ public GADBannerView (GADAdSize size) { super((SkipInit)null); initObject(init(size)); } /** Initializes a GADBannerView and sets it to the specified size, and specifies its placement within its superview bounds. If * |size| is invalid, an instance of GADBannerView is not created and nil is returned instead. * @param size * @param origin */ public GADBannerView (GADAdSize size, CGPoint origin) { super((SkipInit)null); initObject(init(size, origin)); } @Method(selector = "initWithAdSize:") private native @Pointer long init (@ByVal GADAdSize size); @Method(selector = "initWithAdSize:origin:") private native @Pointer long init (@ByVal GADAdSize size, @ByVal CGPoint origin); @Property public native String getAdUnitID (); /** Required value created in the AdSense website. Create a new ad unit for every unique placement of an ad in your application. * Set this to the ID assigned for this placement. Ad units are important for targeting and stats. Example values for different * request types: AdMob: a0123456789ABCD DFP: /0123/ca-pub-0123456789012345/my-ad-identifier AdSense: * ca-mb-app-pub-0123456789012345/my-ad-identifier Mediation: AB123456789ABCDE * @param adUnitID */ @Property public native void setAdUnitID (String adUnitID); @Property public native UIViewController getRootViewController (); /** Required reference to the current root view controller. For example the root view controller in tab-based application would * be the UITabViewController. * @param viewController */ @Property public native void setRootViewController (UIViewController viewController); @Property public native @ByVal GADAdSize getAdSize (); /** Required to set this banner view to a proper size. Never create your own GADAdSize directly. Use one of the predefined * standard ad sizes (such as kGADAdSizeBanner), or create one using the GADAdSizeFromCGSize method. If not using mediation, * then changing the adSize after an ad has been shown will cause a new request (for an ad of the new size) to be sent. If * using mediation, then a new request may not be sent. * @param adSize */ @Property(strongRef = true) public native void setAdSize (@ByVal GADAdSize adSize); @Property public native GADBannerViewDelegate getDelegate (); /** Optional delegate object that receives state change notifications from this GADBannerView. Typically this is a * UIViewController, however, if you are unfamiliar with the delegate pattern it is recommended you subclass this GADBannerView * and make it the delegate. That avoids any chance of your application crashing if you forget to null out the delegate. * @param delegate */ @Property(strongRef = true) public native void setDelegate (GADBannerViewDelegate delegate); /** Makes an ad request. Additional targeting options can be supplied with a request object. Refresh the ad by calling this * method again. * @param request */ @Method(selector = "loadRequest:") public native void loadRequest (GADRequest request); /** @return {@code true}, if the currently displayed ad (or most recent failure) was a result of auto refreshing as specified on * server. This will be set to {@code false} after each {@link #loadRequest(GADRequest)} method. */ @Property(selector = "hasAutoRefreshed") public native boolean isAutoRefreshed (); /** @return the underlying ad view of the mediated ad network. You may use this to find out the actual size of the ad and adjust * GADBannerView to fit the underlying ad view. */ @Property public native UIView getMediatedAdView (); /** @return the ad network class name that fetched the current ad. Returns nil while the latest ad request is in progress or if * the latest ad request failed. For both standard and mediated Google AdMob ads, this method returns * "GADMAdapterGoogleAdMobAds". For ads fetched via mediation custom events, this method returns * "GADMAdapterCustomEvents". */ @Property public native String getAdNetworkClassName (); }