package org.robovm.bindings.admob; import org.robovm.rt.bro.ValuedEnum; /** NSError codes for GAD error domain. */ public enum GADErrorCode implements ValuedEnum { /** Typically this is because the ad did not have the ad unit ID or root view controller set. */ InvalidRequest, /** The ad request was successful, but no ad was returned. */ NoFill, /** There was an error loading data from the network. */ NetworkError, /** The ad server experienced a failure processing the request. */ ServerError, /** The current device's OS is below the minimum required version. */ OSVersionTooLow, /** The request was unable to be loaded before being timed out. */ Timeout, /** Will not send request because the interstitial object has already been used. */ InterstitialAlreadyUsed, /** The mediation response was invalid. */ MediationDataError, /** Error finding or creating a mediation ad network adapter. */ MediationAdapterError, /** The mediation request was successful, but no ad was returned from any ad networks. */ MediationNoFill, /** Attempting to pass an invalid ad size to an adapter. */ MediationInvalidAdSize; @Override public long value () { return ordinal(); } }