package org.robovm.bindings.admob; import; import org.robovm.objc.annotation.Method; /** Delegate for receiving state change messages from a GADInterstitial such as interstitial ad requests succeeding/failing. */ interface GADInterstitialDelegate extends NSObjectProtocol { /** Sent when an interstitial ad request succeeded. Show it at the next transition point in your application such as when * transitioning between view controllers. */ @Method(selector = "interstitialDidReceiveAd:") void didReceiveAd (GADInterstitial ad); /** Sent when an interstitial ad request completed without an interstitial to show. This is common since interstitials are shown * sparingly to users. */ @Method(selector = "interstitial:didFailToReceiveAdWithError:") void didFailToReceiveAd (GADInterstitial ad, GADRequestError error); /** Sent just before presenting an interstitial. After this method finishes the interstitial will animate onto the screen. Use * this opportunity to stop animations and save the state of your application in case the user leaves while the interstitial is * on screen (e.g. to visit the App Store from a link on the interstitial). */ @Method(selector = "interstitialWillPresentScreen:") void willPresentScreen (GADInterstitial ad); /** Sent before the interstitial is to be animated off the screen. */ @Method(selector = "interstitialWillDismissScreen:") void willDismissScreen (GADInterstitial ad); /** Sent just after dismissing an interstitial and it has animated off the screen. */ @Method(selector = "interstitialDidDismissScreen:") void didDismissScreen (GADInterstitial ad); /** Sent just before the application will background or terminate because the user clicked on an ad that will launch another * application (such as the App Store). The normal UIApplicationDelegate methods, like applicationDidEnterBackground:, will be * called immediately before this. */ @Method(selector = "interstitialWillLeaveApplication:") void willLeaveApplication (GADInterstitial ad); }