package; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import javolution.util.FastMap; import javolution.xml.XMLObjectReader; import javolution.xml.XMLObjectWriter; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra.DBOperations; import org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra.PersistenceException; import org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra.Schema; import org.mobicents.smsc.library.Sms; import org.mobicents.smsc.library.SmsSet; import org.restcomm.smpp.parameter.TlvSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster; import com.datastax.driver.core.Host; import com.datastax.driver.core.Metadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import com.datastax.driver.core.Session; import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster.Builder; import com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException; /** * * @author sergey vetyutnev * */ public class NN_DBOper { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(NN_DBOper.class); public static final String TLV_SET = "tlvSet"; protected Cluster cluster; protected Session session; protected int dataTableDaysTimeArea; private FastMap<String, PreparedStatementCollection2> dataTableRead = new FastMap<String, PreparedStatementCollection2>(); private static final NN_DBOper instance = new NN_DBOper(); private PreparedStatement selectCurrentSlotTable; private PreparedStatement updateCurrentSlotTable; private volatile boolean started = false; protected NN_DBOper() { super(); } public static NN_DBOper getInstance() { return instance; } public boolean isStarted() { return started; } protected Session getSession() { return this.session; } public void start(String ip, int port, String keyspace, int dataTableDaysTimeArea, int slotSecondsTimeArea) throws Exception { if (this.started) { throw new Exception("DBOperations already started"); } this.dataTableDaysTimeArea = dataTableDaysTimeArea; this.slotSecondsTimeArea = slotSecondsTimeArea; Builder builder = Cluster.builder(); builder.withPort(port); builder.addContactPoint(ip); this.cluster =; Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata();"Connected to cluster: %s\n", metadata.getClusterName())); for (Host host : metadata.getAllHosts()) {"Datacenter: %s; Host: %s; Rack: %s\n", host.getDatacenter(), host.getAddress(), host.getRack())); } session = cluster.connect(); session.execute("USE \"" + keyspace + "\""); // only for #2 // this.checkNextDueSlot(); // // String sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NEXT_SLOT + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=0;"; // selectCurrentSlotTable = session.prepare(sa); // sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NEXT_SLOT + "\") VALUES (?, ?);"; // updateCurrentSlotTable = session.prepare(sa); this.started = true; } public void stop() throws Exception { if (!this.started) return; cluster.close(); // cluster.shutdown(); Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata();"Disconnected from cluster: %s\n", metadata.getClusterName())); this.started = false; } public long calculateSlot(Date dt) { long a2 = dt.getTime(); long a1 = this.slotOrigDate.getTime(); long diff = a2 - a1; long res = diff / this.slotSecondsTimeArea / 1000; return res; } // SCHEMA 1 ************************ public void createRecord(long dueSlot, Sms sms) throws PersistenceException { PreparedStatementCollection2 psc = getStatementCollection(sms.getSubmitDate()); try { PreparedStatement ps = psc.createRecordData; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddr()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddrTon()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddrNpi()); boundStatement.setUUID(Schema.COLUMN_ID, sms.getDbId()); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId()); boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, dueSlot); if (sms.getSourceAddr() != null) { boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS, sms.getSourceAddr()); } boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON, sms.getSourceAddrTon()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI, sms.getSourceAddrNpi()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY, sms.getSmsSet().getDueDelay()); if (sms.getSmsSet().getStatus() != null) boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS, sms.getSmsSet().getStatus().getCode()); boundStatement.setBool(Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED, sms.getSmsSet().isAlertingSupported()); boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID, sms.getMessageId()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF, sms.getMoMessageRef()); if (sms.getOrigEsmeName() != null) { boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME, sms.getOrigEsmeName()); } if (sms.getOrigSystemId() != null) { boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, sms.getOrigSystemId()); } if (sms.getSubmitDate() != null) { DBOperations.setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE, sms.getSubmitDate()); } if (sms.getServiceType() != null) { boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE, sms.getServiceType()); } boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS, sms.getEsmClass()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID, sms.getProtocolId()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY, sms.getPriority()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY, sms.getRegisteredDelivery()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE, sms.getReplaceIfPresent()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING, sms.getDataCoding()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID, sms.getDefaultMsgId()); if (sms.getShortMessage() != null) { boundStatement.setBytes(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE, ByteBuffer.wrap(sms.getShortMessage())); } if (sms.getScheduleDeliveryTime() != null) { DBOperations.setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME, sms.getScheduleDeliveryTime()); } if (sms.getValidityPeriod() != null) { DBOperations.setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD, sms.getValidityPeriod()); } boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT, sms.getDeliveryCount()); if (sms.getTlvSet().getOptionalParameterCount() > 0) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLObjectWriter writer = XMLObjectWriter.newInstance(baos); writer.setIndentation("\t"); writer.write(sms.getTlvSet(), TLV_SET, TlvSet.class); writer.close(); byte[] rawData = baos.toByteArray(); String serializedEvent = new String(rawData); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS, serializedEvent); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "XMLStreamException when serializing optional parameters for '" + sms.getDbId() + "'!"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e); } } ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); ps = psc.createRecordSlots; boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, dueSlot); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId()); res = session.execute(boundStatement); ps = psc.createRecordDests; boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId()); boundStatement.setUUID(Schema.COLUMN_ID, sms.getDbId()); boundStatement.setBool(Schema.COLUMN_SENT, false); res = session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed createRecord !"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } } public List<NN_LoadedTargetId> getTargetIdListForDueSlot(Date[] dtt, long dueSlot, long newDueSlot, int maxRecordCount) throws PersistenceException { List<NN_LoadedTargetId> lst = new ArrayList<NN_LoadedTargetId>(); for (Date dt : dtt) { PreparedStatementCollection2 psc = getStatementCollection(dt); try { // reading a set of TARGET_ID String sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOTS + psc.tName + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT + "\"=? limit " + maxRecordCount + " allow filtering;"; PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(sa); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(dueSlot); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); for (Row row : res) { String s = row.getString(0); lst.add(new NN_LoadedTargetId(s, dt, newDueSlot)); } } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed reading a set of TARGET_ID from SLOTS for dueSlot " + dueSlot + " !"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } // deleting TARGET_ID form SLOTS table and adding new one for later time String s1 = null; try { for (NN_LoadedTargetId ti : lst) { s1 = ti.getTargetId(); PreparedStatement ps = psc.deleteRecordSlots; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(dueSlot, ti.getTargetId()); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); ps = psc.createRecordSlots; boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, newDueSlot); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, ti.getTargetId()); res = session.execute(boundStatement); } } catch (Exception e1) { logger.error("Failed removing a TARGET_ID from SLOTS " + s1 + " !", e1); } if (lst.size() > 0) break; } return lst; } public SmsSet getSmsSetForTargetId(Date[] dtt, NN_LoadedTargetId ti) throws PersistenceException { SmsSet smsSet = null; for (Date dt : dtt) { PreparedStatementCollection2 psc = getStatementCollection(dt); ArrayList<UUID> lst2 = new ArrayList<UUID>(); try { PreparedStatement ps = psc.getIdListDests; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(ti.getTargetId()); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); for (Row row : res) { UUID id = row.getUUID(0); boolean sent = row.getBool(1); if (!sent) lst2.add(id); } } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed reading a set of ID from DESTS for targetId " + ti.getTargetId() + " !"; // !!!!! ������� ����� ������ ������ ������� !!!! throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } try { for (UUID id : lst2) { PreparedStatement ps = psc.getSms; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(ti.getTargetId(), id); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); for (Row row : res) { Sms sms = createSms(row, smsSet); smsSet = sms.getSmsSet(); } } } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed reading SmsSet for " + ti.getTargetId() + " !"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } } if (smsSet != null) smsSet.resortSms(); else { // no message records - removing TARGET_ID from SLOTS PreparedStatementCollection2 psc = getStatementCollection(ti.getDtx()); PreparedStatement ps = psc.deleteRecordSlots; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(ti.getDueSlot(), ti.getTargetId()); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); } return smsSet; } public void deleteIdFromDests(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException { PreparedStatementCollection2 psc = getStatementCollection(sms.getSubmitDate()); PreparedStatement ps = psc.updateRecordDests; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId(), sms.getDbId()); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); } // protected String getDataTableName(Date dt) { // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append("DATA_"); // return getTableName(dt, sb); // } // // protected String getSlotTableName(Date dt) { // StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append("SLOTS_"); // return getTableName(dt, sb); // } public PreparedStatementCollection2 getStatementCollection(Date dt) throws PersistenceException { String tName = this.getTableName(dt); PreparedStatementCollection2 psc = dataTableRead.get(tName); if (psc != null) return psc; return doGetStatementCollection(dt, tName); } private synchronized PreparedStatementCollection2 doGetStatementCollection(Date dt, String tName) throws PersistenceException { PreparedStatementCollection2 psc = dataTableRead.get(tName); if (psc != null) return psc; try { try { // checking if a datatable exists String s1 = "SELECT * FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DATA + tName + "\";"; PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s1); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { // datatable does not exist // DATA StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DATA); sb.append(tName); sb.append("\" ("); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ID, "uuid"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM_SLOT, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED, "boolean"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_CLUSTER_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_ESME_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_SYSTEM_ID, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_DATE, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE, "blob"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_IMSI, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_AN, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_NP, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SM_TYPE, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT, "int"); sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ID); sb.append("\""); sb.append("));"); String s2 = sb.toString(); PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); // appendIndex("DATA" + tName, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID); // appendIndex(tName, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT); // appendIndex("DATA" + tName, Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM_SLOT); // SLOTS sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOTS); sb.append(tName); sb.append("\" ("); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii"); // !!!!- temproary - delete it appendField(sb, "PROCESSED", "boolean"); // !!!!- temproary - delete it sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID); sb.append("\""); sb.append("));"); s2 = sb.toString(); ps = session.prepare(s2); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); res = session.execute(boundStatement); // DESTS sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DESTS); sb.append(tName); sb.append("\" ("); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ID, "uuid"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SENT, "boolean"); sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ID); sb.append("\""); sb.append("));"); s2 = sb.toString(); ps = session.prepare(s2); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); res = session.execute(boundStatement); } } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed to access or create table " + tName + "!"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } psc = new PreparedStatementCollection2(tName); dataTableRead.putEntry(tName, psc); return psc; } // SCHEMA 2 ************************ protected Date slotOrigDate = new Date(100, 1, 1); private long millisecInDueSlot = 500; private long currentDueSlot = 0; protected int slotSecondsTimeArea; /** * Return due_slot for the given time */ public long getDueSlotForTime(Date time) { long a2 = time.getTime(); long a1 = this.slotOrigDate.getTime(); long diff = a2 - a1; long res = diff / this.slotSecondsTimeArea / 1000; return res; // TODO: ................... } /** * Return time for the given due_slot */ public Date getTimeForDueSlot(long dueSlot) { return null; // TODO: ................... } /** * Return due_slop that SMSC is processing now */ public long getProcessingDueSlot() { return 0; // TODO: ................... } /** * Set a new due_slop that SMSC is processing now and store it to the database */ public void setProcessingDueSlot(long val) { // TODO: ................... } /** * Return due_slop for storing next incoming to SMSC message */ public long getStoringDueSlot() { return 0; // TODO: ................... } /** * Registering that thread starts writing to this due_slot */ public void registerDueSlotWriting(long dueSlot) { // TODO: ................... } /** * Registering that thread finishes writing to this due_slot */ public void unregisterDueSlotWriting(long dueSlot) { // TODO: ................... } /** * Generate a table name depending on long dueSlot */ protected String getTableName(long dueSlot) { // TODO: ................... return null; } /** * Generate a table name depending on date */ protected String getTableName(Date dt) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("_"); sb.append(dt.getYear() + 1900); sb.append("_"); int mn = dt.getMonth() + 1; if (mn >= 10) sb.append(mn); else { sb.append("0"); sb.append(mn); } if (this.dataTableDaysTimeArea < 1 || this.dataTableDaysTimeArea >= 30) { } else { int dy = dt.getDate(); int fNum = dy / this.dataTableDaysTimeArea + 1; sb.append("_"); if (fNum >= 10) sb.append(fNum); else { sb.append("0"); sb.append(fNum); } } return sb.toString(); } // ............................. private long nextDueSlotTime = 0; private long dueSlotsInTable = 5000000; // private long currentDueCount = 0; // private long currentDueRange = 5000; private FastMap<String, PreparedStatementCollection4> dataTableRead4 = new FastMap<String, PreparedStatementCollection4>(); private FastMap<String, PreparedStatementCollection3> dataTableRead3 = new FastMap<String, PreparedStatementCollection3>(); protected String getTableName4(long dueSlot) { long l1 = dueSlot / dueSlotsInTable + 1; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("_"); String s1 = Long.toString(l1); for (int i1 = 9 - s1.length(); i1 > 0; i1--) { sb.append("0"); } sb.append(s1); return sb.toString(); } private PreparedStatementCollection4 getStatementCollection4(long dueSlot) throws PersistenceException { String tName = this.getTableName4(dueSlot); PreparedStatementCollection4 psc = dataTableRead4.get(tName); if (psc != null) return psc; return doGetStatementCollection4(tName); } private PreparedStatementCollection3 getStatementCollection3(Date dt) throws PersistenceException { String tName = this.getTableName(dt); PreparedStatementCollection3 psc = dataTableRead3.get(tName); if (psc != null) return psc; return doGetStatementCollection3(tName); } private synchronized PreparedStatementCollection4 doGetStatementCollection4(String tName) throws PersistenceException { PreparedStatementCollection4 psc = dataTableRead4.get(tName); if (psc != null) return psc; try { try { // checking if a datatable exists String s1 = "SELECT * FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE + tName + "\";"; PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s1); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { // datatable does not exist // DST_SLOT_TABLE StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE); sb.append(tName); sb.append("\" ("); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, "bigint"); sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID); sb.append("\""); sb.append("));"); String s2 = sb.toString(); PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); // // MESSAGES // sb = new StringBuilder(); // sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOTS); // sb.append(tName); // sb.append("\" ("); // // appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, "bigint"); // appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii"); // // // !!!!- temproary - delete it // appendField(sb, "PROCESSED", "boolean"); // // !!!!- temproary - delete it // // sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\""); // sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT); // sb.append("\", \""); // sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID); // sb.append("\""); // sb.append("));"); // // s2 = sb.toString(); // ps = session.prepare(s2); // boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); // res = session.execute(boundStatement); } } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed to access or create table " + tName + "!"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } psc = new PreparedStatementCollection4(tName); dataTableRead4.putEntry(tName, psc); return psc; } private synchronized PreparedStatementCollection3 doGetStatementCollection3(String tName) throws PersistenceException { PreparedStatementCollection3 psc = dataTableRead3.get(tName); if (psc != null) return psc; try { try { // checking if a datatable exists String s1 = "SELECT * FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE + tName + "\";"; PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s1); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { // datatable does not exist // SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CREATE TABLE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE); sb.append(tName); sb.append("\" ("); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ID, "uuid"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED, "boolean"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_CLUSTER_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_ESME_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_SYSTEM_ID, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_DATE, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE, "blob"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_IMSI, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_AN, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_NP, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SM_TYPE, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT, "int"); sb.append("PRIMARY KEY ((\""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT); sb.append("\"), \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ID); sb.append("\""); sb.append("));"); String s2 = sb.toString(); PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); } } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed to access or create table " + tName + "!"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } psc = new PreparedStatementCollection3(tName); dataTableRead3.putEntry(tName, psc); return psc; } public long getCurDueSlot() throws PersistenceException { if (nextDueSlotTime == 0) { currentDueSlot = doGetCurDueSlot(); return currentDueSlot; } long cur = (new Date()).getTime(); if (cur > nextDueSlotTime) { long inc = millisecInDueSlot / (cur - nextDueSlotTime) + 1; nextDueSlotTime += cur * millisecInDueSlot; currentDueSlot += cur; } return currentDueSlot; } private synchronized long doGetCurDueSlot() throws PersistenceException { if (currentDueSlot != 0) return currentDueSlot; try { try { // checking of CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE existence String sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_NEXT_SLOT + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=0;"; PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(sa); } catch (InvalidQueryException e) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CREATE TABLE \""); sb.append(Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE); sb.append("\" ("); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ID, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NEXT_SLOT, "bigint"); sb.append("PRIMARY KEY (\""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ID); sb.append("\""); sb.append("));"); String s2 = sb.toString(); PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); } } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed to access or create table " + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE + "!"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } nextDueSlotTime = (new Date()).getTime() + millisecInDueSlot; return currentDueSlot; } private long createNextDueSlot() throws PersistenceException { try { long l = doSelectNewTimeSlot(); return l; } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed to execute createNextDueSlot() !"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } } private long doSelectNewTimeSlot() { BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(selectCurrentSlotTable); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); long l = 0; for (Row row : res) { l = row.getLong(0); break; } l++; boundStatement = new BoundStatement(updateCurrentSlotTable); boundStatement.bind(0, l); res = session.execute(boundStatement); return l; } public long getNextDueSlotForTargetId(PreparedStatementCollection3 psc, String targetId) throws PersistenceException { long l = getDueSlotForTargetId(psc, targetId); if (l == 0) { // l = getNextDueSlot(); createDueSlotForTargetId(psc, targetId, l); } return l; } private long getDueSlotForTargetId(PreparedStatementCollection3 psc, String targetId) throws PersistenceException { try { PreparedStatement ps = psc.getDueSlotForTargetId; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(targetId); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); long l = 0; for (Row row : res) { l = row.getLong(0); break; } return l; } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed to execute getDueSlotForTargetId() !"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } } private void createDueSlotForTargetId(PreparedStatementCollection3 psc, String targetId, long newDueSlot) throws PersistenceException { try { PreparedStatement ps = psc.createDueSlotForTargetId; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(targetId, newDueSlot); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed to execute createDueSlotForTargetId() !"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } } public void createRecord_sch2(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException { PreparedStatementCollection3 psc = getStatementCollection3(sms.getSubmitDate()); long dueSlot = getNextDueSlotForTargetId(psc, sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId()); try { PreparedStatement ps = psc.createRecordData; BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddr()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddrTon()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI, sms.getSmsSet().getDestAddrNpi()); boundStatement.setUUID(Schema.COLUMN_ID, sms.getDbId()); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, sms.getSmsSet().getTargetId()); boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, dueSlot); if (sms.getSourceAddr() != null) { boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS, sms.getSourceAddr()); } boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM, 0L); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON, sms.getSourceAddrTon()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI, sms.getSourceAddrNpi()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY, sms.getSmsSet().getDueDelay()); if (sms.getSmsSet().getStatus() != null) boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS, sms.getSmsSet().getStatus().getCode()); boundStatement.setBool(Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED, sms.getSmsSet().isAlertingSupported()); boundStatement.setLong(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID, sms.getMessageId()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF, sms.getMoMessageRef()); if (sms.getOrigEsmeName() != null) { boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME, sms.getOrigEsmeName()); } if (sms.getOrigSystemId() != null) { boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, sms.getOrigSystemId()); } if (sms.getSubmitDate() != null) { DBOperations.setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE, sms.getSubmitDate()); } if (sms.getServiceType() != null) { boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE, sms.getServiceType()); } boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS, sms.getEsmClass()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID, sms.getProtocolId()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY, sms.getPriority()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY, sms.getRegisteredDelivery()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE, sms.getReplaceIfPresent()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING, sms.getDataCoding()); boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID, sms.getDefaultMsgId()); if (sms.getShortMessage() != null) { boundStatement.setBytes(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE, ByteBuffer.wrap(sms.getShortMessage())); } if (sms.getScheduleDeliveryTime() != null) { DBOperations.setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME, sms.getScheduleDeliveryTime()); } if (sms.getValidityPeriod() != null) { DBOperations.setBoundStatementDate(boundStatement, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD, sms.getValidityPeriod()); } boundStatement.setInt(Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT, sms.getDeliveryCount()); if (sms.getTlvSet().getOptionalParameterCount() > 0) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); XMLObjectWriter writer = XMLObjectWriter.newInstance(baos); writer.setIndentation("\t"); writer.write(sms.getTlvSet(), TLV_SET, TlvSet.class); writer.close(); byte[] rawData = baos.toByteArray(); String serializedEvent = new String(rawData); boundStatement.setString(Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS, serializedEvent); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "XMLStreamException when serializing optional parameters for '" + sms.getDbId() + "'!"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e); } } ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e1) { String msg = "Failed createRecord !"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); } } // ..................................... ********************************** // public ArrayList<SmsSet> getSmsSetForDueSlot(Date[] dtt, LoadedTargetId ti) throws PersistenceException { // SmsSet smsSet = null; // for (Date dt : dtt) { // PreparedStatementCollection psc = getStatementCollection(dt); // // ArrayList<UUID> lst2 = new ArrayList<UUID>(); // try { // PreparedStatement ps = psc.getIdListDests; // BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); // boundStatement.bind(ti.getTargetId()); // ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); // // for (Row row : res) { // UUID id = row.getUUID(0); // boolean sent = row.getBool(1); // if (!sent) // lst2.add(id); // } // } catch (Exception e1) { // String msg = "Failed reading a set of ID from DESTS for targetId " + ti.getTargetId() + " !"; // // !!!!! ������� ����� ������ ������ ������� !!!! // // throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); // } // // try { // for (UUID id : lst2) { // PreparedStatement ps = psc.getSms; // BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); // boundStatement.bind(ti.getTargetId(), id); // ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); // for (Row row : res) { // Sms sms = createSms(row, smsSet); // smsSet = sms.getSmsSet(); // } // } // } catch (Exception e1) { // String msg = "Failed reading SmsSet for " + ti.getTargetId() + " !"; // // throw new PersistenceException(msg, e1); // } // } // // if (smsSet != null) // smsSet.resortSms(); // else { // // no message records - removing TARGET_ID from SLOTS // PreparedStatementCollection psc = getStatementCollection(ti.getDtx()); // PreparedStatement ps = psc.deleteRecordSlots; // BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); // boundStatement.bind(ti.getDueSlot(), ti.getTargetId()); // ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); // } // return smsSet; // } // END ************************ private void appendField(StringBuilder sb, String name, String type) { sb.append("\""); sb.append(name); sb.append("\" "); sb.append(type); sb.append(", "); } private void appendIndex(String tName, String fieldName) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("CREATE INDEX ON \""); sb.append(tName); sb.append("\" (\""); sb.append(fieldName); sb.append("\");"); String s2 = sb.toString(); PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s2); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); ResultSet res = session.execute(boundStatement); } protected Sms createSms(final Row row, SmsSet smsSet) throws PersistenceException { if (row == null) return null; Sms sms = new Sms(); sms.setDbId(row.getUUID(Schema.COLUMN_ID)); String srcAddr = null; int srcAddrTon = -1; int srcAddrNpi = -1; srcAddr = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS); srcAddrTon = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON); srcAddrNpi = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI); sms.setMessageId(row.getLong(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID)); sms.setMoMessageRef(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF)); sms.setOrigEsmeName(row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME)); sms.setOrigSystemId(row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID)); sms.setSubmitDate(DBOperations.getRowDate(row, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE)); sms.setSourceAddr(row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS)); sms.setSourceAddrTon(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON)); sms.setSourceAddrNpi(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI)); sms.setServiceType(row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE)); sms.setEsmClass(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS)); sms.setProtocolId(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID)); sms.setPriority(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY)); sms.setRegisteredDelivery(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY)); sms.setReplaceIfPresent(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE)); sms.setDataCoding(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING)); sms.setDefaultMsgId(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID)); ByteBuffer bb = row.getBytes(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE); byte[] buf = new byte[bb.limit() - bb.position()]; bb.get(buf); sms.setShortMessage(buf); sms.setScheduleDeliveryTime(DBOperations.getRowDate(row, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME)); sms.setValidityPeriod(DBOperations.getRowDate(row, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD)); sms.setDeliveryCount(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT)); String s = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS); if (s != null) { try { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(s.getBytes()); XMLObjectReader reader = XMLObjectReader.newInstance(bais); TlvSet copy =, TlvSet.class); sms.getTlvSet().clearAllOptionalParameter(); sms.getTlvSet().addAllOptionalParameter(copy.getOptionalParameters()); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { String msg = "XMLStreamException when deserializing optional parameters for '" + sms.getDbId() + "'!"; throw new PersistenceException(msg, e); } } if (smsSet == null) { smsSet = new SmsSet(); String destAddr = null; int destAddrTon = -1; int destAddrNpi = -1; destAddr = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS); destAddrTon = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON); destAddrNpi = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI); if (destAddr == null || destAddrTon == -1 || destAddrNpi == -1) { throw new PersistenceException("destAddr or destAddrTon or destAddrNpi is absent for ID='" + sms.getDbId() + "'"); } smsSet.setDestAddr(destAddr); smsSet.setDestAddrTon(destAddrTon); smsSet.setDestAddrNpi(destAddrNpi); smsSet.updateDueDelay(row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY)); } smsSet.addSms(sms); return sms; } private String getFillUpdateFields() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("\""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT); sb.append("\", \""); sb.append(Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS); sb.append("\""); return sb.toString(); } private String getFillUpdateFields2() { int cnt = 30; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int i2 = 0; for (int i1 = 0; i1 < cnt; i1++) { if (i2 == 0) i2 = 1; else sb.append(", "); sb.append("?"); } return sb.toString(); } private class PreparedStatementCollection2 { private String tName; private PreparedStatement createRecordData; private PreparedStatement createRecordSlots; private PreparedStatement createRecordDests; private PreparedStatement deleteRecordSlots; private PreparedStatement getIdListDests; private PreparedStatement getSms; private PreparedStatement updateRecordDests; public PreparedStatementCollection2(String tName) { this.tName = tName; try { String s1 = getFillUpdateFields(); String s2 = getFillUpdateFields2(); String sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DATA + tName + "\" (" + s1 + ") VALUES (" + s2 + ");"; createRecordData = session.prepare(sa); sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOTS + tName + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\") VALUES (?, ?);"; createRecordSlots = session.prepare(sa); sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DESTS + tName + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_SENT + "\") VALUES (?, ?, ?);"; createRecordDests = session.prepare(sa); sa = "DELETE FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOTS + tName + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT + "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\"=?;"; deleteRecordSlots = session.prepare(sa); sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_SENT + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DESTS + tName + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\"=?;"; getIdListDests = session.prepare(sa); sa = "SELECT * FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DATA + tName + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=?;"; getSms = session.prepare(sa); sa = "UPDATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DESTS + tName + "\" SET \"" + Schema.COLUMN_SENT + "\"=true where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=?;"; updateRecordDests = session.prepare(sa); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class PreparedStatementCollection3 { private String tName; private PreparedStatement createDueSlotForTargetId; private PreparedStatement getDueSlotForTargetId; private PreparedStatement createRecordData; public PreparedStatementCollection3(String tName) { this.tName = tName; try { String s1 = getFillUpdateFields(); String s2 = getFillUpdateFields2(); String sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE + tName + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT + "\") VALUES (?, ?);"; createDueSlotForTargetId = session.prepare(sa); sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE + tName + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\"=?;"; getDueSlotForTargetId = session.prepare(sa); sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE + tName + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM + "\", " + s1 + ") VALUES (?, " + s2 + ");"; createRecordData = session.prepare(sa); // sa = "DELETE FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOTS + tName + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT + "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID // + "\"=?;"; // sa = "UPDATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DESTS + tName + "\" SET \"" + Schema.COLUMN_SENT + "\"=true where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID // + "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=?;"; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private class PreparedStatementCollection4 { private String tName; // private PreparedStatement createDueSlotForTargetId; // private PreparedStatement getDueSlotForTargetId; // private PreparedStatement createRecordData; public PreparedStatementCollection4(String tName) { this.tName = tName; try { // String s1 = getFillUpdateFields(); // String s2 = getFillUpdateFields2(); // String sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE + tName + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\", \"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT // + "\") VALUES (?, ?);"; // createDueSlotForTargetId = session.prepare(sa); // sa = "SELECT \"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT + "\" FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE + tName + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID + "\"=?;"; // getDueSlotForTargetId = session.prepare(sa); // sa = "INSERT INTO \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE + tName + "\" (\"" + Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM + "\", " + s1 + ") VALUES (?, " + s2 // + ");"; // createRecordData = session.prepare(sa); // sa = "DELETE FROM \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOTS + tName + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT + "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID // + "\"=?;"; // sa = "UPDATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DESTS + tName + "\" SET \"" + Schema.COLUMN_SENT + "\"=true where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID // + "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=?;"; } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } }