/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2011, Red Hat, Inc. and/or its affiliates, and individual * contributors as indicated by the @authors tag. All rights reserved. * See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a full listing * of individual contributors. * * This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, * modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions * of the GNU General Public License, v. 2.0. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License, * v. 2.0 along with this distribution; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, * MA 02110-1301, USA. */ package org.mobicents.protocols.smpp.load; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.cloudhopper.commons.charset.CharsetUtil; import com.cloudhopper.commons.util.DecimalUtil; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.PduAsyncResponse; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.SmppBindType; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.SmppConstants; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.SmppSession; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.SmppSessionConfiguration; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.impl.DefaultSmppClient; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.impl.DefaultSmppSessionHandler; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.pdu.SubmitSm; import com.cloudhopper.smpp.type.Address; import com.google.common.util.concurrent.RateLimiter; /** * @author amit bhayani * */ public class Client extends TestHarness { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(Client.class); // // performance testing options (just for this sample) // // total number of sessions (conns) to create private int sessionCount = 5; // size of window per session private int windowSize = 50000; // total number of submit to send total across all sessions private int submitToSend = 100000; // total number of submit sent private volatile AtomicInteger submitSent = new AtomicInteger(0); //Number of SMPP to submit per sec private int rateLimiter = 100; private long startDestNumber = 9960200000l; private int destNumberDiff = 10000; private long endDestNumber = startDestNumber + destNumberDiff; private String sourceNumber = "6666"; private String peerAddress = ""; private int peerPort = 2775; private String systemId = "test"; private String password = "test"; private static String message = "Hello world!"; // pause delay after last throttled message in milliseconds //private static int throttledPause = 1000; private RateLimiter rateLimiterObj = null; // 0 - Default MC Mode (e.g. Store and Forward) // 1 - Datagram mode // 2 - Forward (i.e. Transaction) mode // 3 - Store and Forward mode private static int esmClass = 3; // private static Date lastThrottledMessageTime; private static AtomicInteger throttledMessageCount = new AtomicInteger(0); // total number of submit sent static public final AtomicInteger SUBMIT_SENT = new AtomicInteger(0); static public final AtomicInteger SUBMIT_RESP = new AtomicInteger(0); static long min_dest_number = 9960200000l; static int dest_number_diff = 100000; static long max_dest_number = min_dest_number + dest_number_diff; static public void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Client client = new Client(); client.test(args); } private void test(String[] args) throws Exception { this.sessionCount = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); this.windowSize = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); this.submitToSend = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); this.rateLimiter = Integer.parseInt(args[3]); this.startDestNumber = Long.parseLong(args[4]); this.destNumberDiff = Integer.parseInt(args[5]); this.sourceNumber = args[6]; this.peerAddress = args[7]; this.peerPort = Integer.parseInt(args[8]); this.systemId = args[9]; this.password = args[10]; message = args[11]; esmClass = Integer.parseInt(args[12]); if (sessionCount < 1) { throw new Exception("Session count cannot be less than 1"); } if (windowSize < 1) { throw new Exception("Windows size cannot be less than 1"); } if (submitToSend < 1) { throw new Exception("Submit to send cannot be less than 1"); } if (startDestNumber < 1) { throw new Exception("Start Destination Number cannot be less than 1"); } if (destNumberDiff < 1) { throw new Exception("Destination Number difference cannot be less than 1"); } if (this.sourceNumber == null || this.sourceNumber == "") { throw new Exception("Source Number cannot be null"); } if (this.peerAddress == null || this.peerAddress == "") { throw new Exception("Peer address cannot be null"); } if (this.peerPort < 1) { throw new Exception("Peer port cannot be less than 1"); } if (this.message == null) { throw new Exception("Message cannot be less than 1"); } this.endDestNumber = startDestNumber + destNumberDiff; logger.info("sessionCount=" + sessionCount); logger.info("windowSize=" + windowSize); logger.info("submitToSend=" + submitToSend); logger.info("startDestNumber=" + startDestNumber); logger.info("destNumberDiff=" + destNumberDiff); logger.info("endDestNumber=" + endDestNumber); logger.info("sourceNumber=" + sourceNumber); logger.info("peerAddress=" + peerAddress); logger.info("peerPort=" + peerPort); logger.info("systemId=" + systemId); logger.info("password=" + password); logger.info("message=" + message); logger.info("rateLimiter=" + rateLimiter + " sms/sec"); this.rateLimiterObj = RateLimiter.create(this.rateLimiter); // rate // lastThrottledMessageTime = null; // // setup 3 things required for any session we plan on creating // // for monitoring thread use, it's preferable to create your own // instance // of an executor with Executors.newCachedThreadPool() and cast it to // ThreadPoolExecutor // this permits exposing thinks like executor.getActiveCount() via JMX // possible // no point renaming the threads in a factory since underlying Netty // framework does not easily allow you to customize your thread names ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); // to enable automatic expiration of requests, a second scheduled // executor // is required which is what a monitor task will be executed with - this // is probably a thread pool that can be shared with between all client // bootstraps ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor monitorExecutor = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, new ThreadFactory() { private AtomicInteger sequence = new AtomicInteger(0); @Override public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { Thread t = new Thread(r); t.setName("SmppClientSessionWindowMonitorPool-" + sequence.getAndIncrement()); return t; } }); // a single instance of a client bootstrap can technically be shared // between any sessions that are created (a session can go to any // different // number of SMSCs) - each session created under // a client bootstrap will use the executor and monitorExecutor set // in its constructor - just be *very* careful with the // "expectedSessions" // value to make sure it matches the actual number of total concurrent // open sessions you plan on handling - the underlying netty library // used for NIO sockets essentially uses this value as the max number of // threads it will ever use, despite the "max pool size", etc. set on // the executor passed in here DefaultSmppClient clientBootstrap = new DefaultSmppClient(Executors.newCachedThreadPool(), this.sessionCount, monitorExecutor); // same configuration for each client runner SmppSessionConfiguration config = new SmppSessionConfiguration(); config.setWindowSize(this.windowSize); config.setName("Tester.Session.0"); config.setType(SmppBindType.TRANSCEIVER); // config.setHost(""); config.setHost(this.peerAddress); config.setPort(this.peerPort); config.setConnectTimeout(10000); config.setSystemId(this.systemId); config.setPassword(this.password); config.getLoggingOptions().setLogBytes(false); // to enable monitoring (request expiration) config.setRequestExpiryTimeout(30000); config.setWindowMonitorInterval(15000); config.setCountersEnabled(true); // config.setAddressRange("6666"); // various latches used to signal when things are ready CountDownLatch allSessionsBoundSignal = new CountDownLatch(this.sessionCount); CountDownLatch startSendingSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); // create all session runners and executors to run them ThreadPoolExecutor taskExecutor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newCachedThreadPool(); ClientSessionTask[] tasks = new ClientSessionTask[this.sessionCount]; for (int i = 0; i < this.sessionCount; i++) { tasks[i] = new ClientSessionTask(allSessionsBoundSignal, startSendingSignal, clientBootstrap, config, this.submitToSend, this.rateLimiterObj); taskExecutor.submit(tasks[i]); } // wait for all sessions to bind logger.info("Waiting up to 7 seconds for all sessions to bind..."); if (!allSessionsBoundSignal.await(7000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { throw new Exception("One or more sessions were unable to bind, cancelling test"); } logger.info("Sending signal to start test..."); long startTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); startSendingSignal.countDown(); // wait for all tasks to finish taskExecutor.shutdown(); taskExecutor.awaitTermination(3, TimeUnit.DAYS); long stopTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); // did everything succeed? int actualSubmitSent = 0; int sessionFailures = 0; for (int i = 0; i < this.sessionCount; i++) { if (tasks[i].getCause() != null) { sessionFailures++; logger.error("Task #" + i + " failed with exception: " + tasks[i].getCause()); } else { actualSubmitSent += tasks[i].getSubmitRequestSent(); } } // actualSubmitSent -= throttledMessageCount.get(); logger.info("Performance client finished:"); logger.info(" Sessions: " + this.sessionCount); logger.info(" Window Size: " + this.windowSize); logger.info("Sessions Failed: " + sessionFailures); logger.info(" Time: " + (stopTimeMillis - startTimeMillis) + " ms"); logger.info(" Target Submit: " + this.submitToSend); logger.info(" Actual Submit: " + actualSubmitSent); logger.info(" Throttled Message count: " + throttledMessageCount); double throughput = (double) actualSubmitSent / ((double) (stopTimeMillis - startTimeMillis) / (double) 1000); logger.info(" Throughput: " + DecimalUtil.toString(throughput, 3) + " per sec"); for (int i = 0; i < this.sessionCount; i++) { if (tasks[i].session != null && tasks[i].session.hasCounters()) { logger.info(" Session " + i + ": submitSM " + tasks[i].session.getCounters().getTxSubmitSM()); } } // this is required to not causing server to hang from non-daemon // threads // this also makes sure all open Channels are closed to I *think* logger.info("Shutting down client bootstrap and executors..."); clientBootstrap.destroy(); executor.shutdownNow(); monitorExecutor.shutdownNow(); logger.info("Done. Exiting"); } public static class ClientSessionTask implements Runnable { private SmppSession session; private CountDownLatch allSessionsBoundSignal; private CountDownLatch startSendingSignal; private DefaultSmppClient clientBootstrap; private SmppSessionConfiguration config; private int submitRequestSent; private int submitResponseReceived; private AtomicBoolean sendingDone; private Exception cause; private Random r = new Random(); private int submitToSend; private CountDownLatch allSubmitResponseReceivedSignal; private RateLimiter rateLimiterObj; public ClientSessionTask(CountDownLatch allSessionsBoundSignal, CountDownLatch startSendingSignal, DefaultSmppClient clientBootstrap, SmppSessionConfiguration config, int submitToSend, RateLimiter rateLimiterObj) { this.allSessionsBoundSignal = allSessionsBoundSignal; this.startSendingSignal = startSendingSignal; this.clientBootstrap = clientBootstrap; this.config = config; this.submitRequestSent = 0; this.submitResponseReceived = 0; this.sendingDone = new AtomicBoolean(false); this.submitToSend = submitToSend; this.rateLimiterObj = rateLimiterObj; } public Exception getCause() { return this.cause; } public int getSubmitRequestSent() { return this.submitRequestSent; } @Override public void run() { // a countdownlatch will be used to eventually wait for all // responses to be received by this thread since we don't want to // exit too early allSubmitResponseReceivedSignal = new CountDownLatch(1); DefaultSmppSessionHandler sessionHandler = new ClientSmppSessionHandler(); String text160 = message; byte[] textBytes = CharsetUtil.encode(text160, CharsetUtil.CHARSET_GSM); try { // create session a session by having the bootstrap connect a // socket, send the bind request, and wait for a bind response session = clientBootstrap.bind(config, sessionHandler); // don't start sending until signalled allSessionsBoundSignal.countDown(); startSendingSignal.await(); // all threads compete for processing while (true) { // if (lastThrottledMessageTime != null) { // long passedTime = (new Date()).getTime() - // lastThrottledMessageTime.getTime(); // if (passedTime < throttledPause) { // Thread.sleep(throttledPause - passedTime + 50); // continue; // } // } if (SUBMIT_SENT.get() >= this.submitToSend) { if (allSubmitResponseReceivedSignal.await(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { break; } if (SUBMIT_SENT.getAndIncrement() >= this.submitToSend) continue; } this.rateLimiterObj.acquire(); SubmitSm submit = new SubmitSm(); submit.setSourceAddress(new Address((byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x01, "6666")); long destination = r.nextInt(dest_number_diff) + min_dest_number; submit.setDestAddress(new Address((byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x01, Long.toString(destination))); submit.setShortMessage(textBytes); submit.setEsmClass((byte) esmClass); // asynchronous send this.submitRequestSent++; sendingDone.set(true); session.sendRequestPdu(submit, 30000, false); SUBMIT_SENT.getAndIncrement(); } // all threads have sent all submit, we do need to wait for // an acknowledgement for all "inflight" though (synchronize // against the window) logger.info("before waiting sendWindow.size: " + session.getSendWindow().getSize()); logger.info("Final Session rx-submitSM" + session.getCounters().getRxSubmitSM()); logger.info("Final Session tx-submitSM" + session.getCounters().getTxSubmitSM()); // allSubmitResponseReceivedSignal.await(); logger.info("after waiting sendWindow.size: " + session.getSendWindow().getSize()); session.unbind(5000); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("", e); this.cause = e; } } class ClientSmppSessionHandler extends DefaultSmppSessionHandler { public ClientSmppSessionHandler() { } @Override public void fireChannelUnexpectedlyClosed() { // this is an error we didn't really expect for perf testing // its best to at least countDown the latch so we're not waiting // forever logger.error("Unexpected close occurred..."); allSubmitResponseReceivedSignal.countDown(); } @Override public void fireExpectedPduResponseReceived(PduAsyncResponse pduAsyncResponse) { if (pduAsyncResponse.getResponse().getCommandStatus() == SmppConstants.STATUS_THROTTLED) { // lastThrottledMessageTime = new Date(); SUBMIT_SENT.decrementAndGet(); throttledMessageCount.incrementAndGet(); submitRequestSent--; } else { submitResponseReceived++; SUBMIT_RESP.incrementAndGet(); // if the sending thread is finished, check if we're done // if (sendingDone.get()) { if (SUBMIT_SENT.get() >= submitToSend) { if (submitResponseReceived >= submitRequestSent) { // submitToSend allSubmitResponseReceivedSignal.countDown(); } } } } } } }