/* * TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications Copyright 2012. * and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.mobicents.smsc.slee.resources.persistence; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra.DBOperations; import org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra.PersistenceException; import org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra.PreparedStatementCollection; import org.mobicents.smsc.cassandra.Schema; import org.mobicents.smsc.library.ErrorCode; import org.mobicents.smsc.library.Sms; import org.mobicents.smsc.library.SmsSet; import org.mobicents.smsc.library.SmsSetCache; import org.mobicents.smsc.library.TargetAddress; import com.datastax.driver.core.BoundStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster; import com.datastax.driver.core.Host; import com.datastax.driver.core.Metadata; import com.datastax.driver.core.PreparedStatement; import com.datastax.driver.core.ProtocolVersion; import com.datastax.driver.core.ResultSet; import com.datastax.driver.core.Row; import com.datastax.driver.core.Session; /** * * @author sergey vetyutnev * */ public class PersistenceRAInterfaceProxy extends DBOperations implements PersistenceRAInterface { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(PersistenceRAInterfaceProxy.class); private String ip = ""; private String keyspace = "RestCommSMSC"; private boolean oldShortMessageDbFormat = false; public Session getSession() { return session; } public String getKeyspaceName() { return keyspace; } public void start() throws Exception { super.start(ip, 9042, keyspace, "cassandra", "cassandra", 60, 60, 60 * 10, 1, 10000000000L); } public void startMinMaxMessageId(long minMessageId, long maxMessageId) throws Exception { super.start(ip, 9042, keyspace, "cassandra", "cassandra", 60, 60, 60 * 10, minMessageId, maxMessageId); } public void setOldShortMessageDbFormat(boolean val) { oldShortMessageDbFormat = val; } public boolean do_scheduleMessage(Sms sms, long dueSlot, ArrayList<Sms> lstFailured, boolean fastStoreAndForwordMode, boolean removeExpiredValidityPeriod) throws PersistenceException { return super.do_scheduleMessage(sms, dueSlot, lstFailured, fastStoreAndForwordMode, removeExpiredValidityPeriod); } public boolean testCassandraAccess() { try { Cluster cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoint(ip).build(); try { Metadata metadata = cluster.getMetadata(); for (Host host : metadata.getAllHosts()) { logger.info(String.format("Datacenter: %s; Host: %s; Rack: %s\n", host.getDatacenter(), host.getAddress(), host.getRack())); } Session session = cluster.connect(); session.execute("USE \"" + keyspace + "\""); // testing if a keyspace is acceptable int tstRes = 0; PreparedStatement ps; BoundStatement boundStatement; try { ps = session.prepare("SELECT * from \"TEST_TABLE\";"); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(); session.execute(boundStatement); tstRes = 1; } catch (Exception e) { int g1 = 0; g1++; } ProtocolVersion protVersion = DBOperations.getProtocolVersion(cluster); if (protVersion == ProtocolVersion.V1) { throw new Exception("We do not support cassandra databse 1.2 more"); // if (tstRes == 0) { // session.execute("CREATE TABLE \"TEST_TABLE\" (id uuid primary key);"); // } // // // deleting of current tables // try { // session.execute("TRUNCATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE + "\";"); // } catch (Exception e) { // int g1 = 0; // g1++; // } } else { if (tstRes == 0) { ps = session.prepare("CREATE TABLE \"TEST_TABLE\" (id uuid primary key);"); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(); session.execute(boundStatement); } // deleting of current tables ps = session.prepare("TRUNCATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_CURRENT_SLOT_TABLE + "\";"); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(); try { session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e) { int g1 = 0; g1++; } } // 1 Date dt = new Date(); Date dt2 = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); Date dt3 = new Date(new Date().getTime() - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24); String tName = this.getTableName(dt); doTrauncateTables(session, tName); // 2 tName = this.getTableName(dt2); doTrauncateTables(session, tName); // 3 tName = this.getTableName(dt3); doTrauncateTables(session, tName); return true; } finally { cluster.close(); // cluster.shutdown(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } private void doTrauncateTables(Session session, String tName) { PreparedStatement ps; BoundStatement boundStatement; ps = session.prepare("TRUNCATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DST_SLOT_TABLE + tName + "\";"); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(); try { session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e) { int g1 = 0; g1++; } ps = session.prepare("TRUNCATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE + tName + "\";"); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(); try { session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e) { int g1 = 0; g1++; } ps = session.prepare("TRUNCATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_MESSAGES + tName + "\";"); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(); try { session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e) { int g1 = 0; g1++; } ps = session.prepare("TRUNCATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_MES_ID + tName + "\";"); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(); try { session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e) { int g1 = 0; g1++; } ps = session.prepare("TRUNCATE \"" + Schema.FAMILY_DLV_MES_ID + tName + "\";"); boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(); try { session.execute(boundStatement); } catch (Exception e) { int g1 = 0; g1++; } } public SmsProxy obtainArchiveSms(long dueSlot, String dstDigits, UUID dbId) throws PersistenceException, IOException { PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare("select * from \"" + Schema.FAMILY_MESSAGES + this.getTableName(dueSlot) + "\" where \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS + "\"=? and \"" + Schema.COLUMN_ID + "\"=?;"); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(dstDigits, dbId); ResultSet result = session.execute(boundStatement); Row row = result.one(); SmsSet smsSet = createSms(row, null, true, true, true, true, true, false); if (smsSet == null) return null; SmsProxy res = new SmsProxy(); res.sms = smsSet.getSms(0); res.addrDstDigits = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS); res.addrDstTon = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON); res.addrDstNpi = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI); res.destClusterName = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_DEST_CLUSTER_NAME); res.destEsmeName = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_DEST_ESME_NAME); res.destSystemId = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_DEST_SYSTEM_ID); res.imsi = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_IMSI); res.corrId = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_CORR_ID); res.networkId = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID); res.nnnDigits = row.getString(Schema.COLUMN_NNN_DIGITS); res.smStatus = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS); res.smType = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_SM_TYPE); res.deliveryCount = row.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT); res.deliveryDate = DBOperations.getRowDate(row, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_DATE); return res; } public PreparedStatementCollection getStatementCollection(Date dt) throws PersistenceException { return super.getStatementCollection(dt); } public TargetAddress obtainSynchroObject(TargetAddress ta) { return SmsSetCache.getInstance().addSmsSet(ta); } public void releaseSynchroObject(TargetAddress ta) { SmsSetCache.getInstance().removeSmsSet(ta); } public int checkSmsExists(long dueSlot, String targetId) throws PersistenceException { try { String s1 = "select \"ID\" from \"SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE" + this.getTableName(dueSlot) + "\" where \"DUE_SLOT\"=? and \"TARGET_ID\"=?;"; PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s1); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(dueSlot, targetId); ResultSet rs = session.execute(boundStatement); return rs.all().size(); } catch (Exception e) { int ggg = 0; ggg = 0; return -1; } } public Sms obtainLiveSms(long dueSlot, String targetId, UUID id) throws PersistenceException { try { String s1 = "select * from \"SLOT_MESSAGES_TABLE" + this.getTableName(dueSlot) + "\" where \"DUE_SLOT\"=? and \"TARGET_ID\"=? and \"ID\"=?;"; PreparedStatement ps = session.prepare(s1); BoundStatement boundStatement = new BoundStatement(ps); boundStatement.bind(dueSlot, targetId, id); ResultSet rs = session.execute(boundStatement); SmsSet smsSet = null; Row row2 = null; for (Row row : rs) { smsSet = this.createSms(row, null, true, true, true, true, true, false); row2 = row; break; } if (smsSet == null || smsSet.getSmsCount() == 0) return null; else { smsSet.setAlertingSupported(row2.getBool(Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED)); smsSet.setStatus(ErrorCode.fromInt(row2.getInt(Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS))); return smsSet.getSms(0); } } catch (Exception e) { int ggg = 0; ggg = 0; return null; } } protected long c2_getCurrentSlotTable(int key) throws PersistenceException { return super.c2_getCurrentSlotTable(key); } @Override protected void addSmsFields(StringBuilder sb) { appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ID, "uuid"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_TARGET_ID, "ascii"); if (!oldShortMessageDbFormat) { appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NETWORK_ID, "int"); } appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_SLOT, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_IN_SYSTEM, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SMSC_UUID, "uuid"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_TON, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_DST_NPI, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_TON, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ADDR_SRC_NPI, "int"); if (!oldShortMessageDbFormat) { appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_NETWORK_ID, "int"); } appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DUE_DELAY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ALERTING_SUPPORTED, "boolean"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_ID, "bigint"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MO_MESSAGE_REF, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_ESME_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_CLUSTER_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_ESME_NAME, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEST_SYSTEM_ID, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SUBMIT_DATE, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_DATE, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SERVICE_TYPE, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ESM_CLASS, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_PROTOCOL_ID, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_PRIORITY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_REGISTERED_DELIVERY, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_REPLACE, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DATA_CODING, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DEFAULT_MSG_ID, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE, "blob"); if (!oldShortMessageDbFormat) { appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_TEXT, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_MESSAGE_BIN, "blob"); } appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SCHEDULE_DELIVERY_TIME, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_VALIDITY_PERIOD, "timestamp"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_IMSI, "ascii"); if (!oldShortMessageDbFormat) { appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_CORR_ID, "ascii"); } appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_DIGITS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_AN, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_NNN_NP, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SM_STATUS, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_SM_TYPE, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_COUNT, "int"); if (!oldShortMessageDbFormat) { appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_ORIGINATOR_SCCP_ADDRESS, "ascii"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_STATUS_REPORT_REQUEST, "boolean"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_DELIVERY_ATTEMPT, "int"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_USER_DATA, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_EXTRA_DATA, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_EXTRA_DATA_2, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_EXTRA_DATA_3, "text"); appendField(sb, Schema.COLUMN_EXTRA_DATA_4, "text"); } } protected String[] getLiveTableListAsNames(String keyspace) { return super.getLiveTableListAsNames(keyspace); } // @Override // public SmsSet obtainSmsSet(TargetAddress ta) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public void setNewMessageScheduled(SmsSet smsSet, Date newDueDate) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setDeliveringProcessScheduled(SmsSet smsSet, Date newDueDate, int newDueDelay) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setDestination(SmsSet smsSet, String destClusterName, String destSystemId, String destEsmeId, SmType type) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setRoutingInfo(SmsSet smsSet, IMSI imsi, LocationInfoWithLMSI locationInfoWithLMSI) { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setDeliveryStart(SmsSet smsSet, Date inSystemDate) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setDeliveryStart(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setDeliverySuccess(SmsSet smsSet, Date lastDelivery) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setDeliveryFailure(SmsSet smsSet, ErrorCode smStatus, Date lastDelivery) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void setAlertingSupported(String targetId, boolean alertingSupported) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public boolean deleteSmsSet(SmsSet smsSet) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } // // @Override // public void createLiveSms(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public Sms obtainLiveSms(UUID dbId) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public Sms obtainLiveSms(long messageId) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public void updateLiveSms(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void archiveDeliveredSms(Sms sms, Date deliveryDate) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public void archiveFailuredSms(Sms sms) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public List<SmsSet> fetchSchedulableSmsSets(int maxRecordCount, Tracer tracer) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return null; // } // // @Override // public void fetchSchedulableSms(SmsSet smsSet, boolean excludeNonScheduleDeliveryTime) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // // } // // @Override // public boolean checkSmsSetExists(TargetAddress ta) throws PersistenceException { // // TODO Auto-generated method stub // return false; // } }