/* * TeleStax, Open Source Cloud Communications * Copyright 2012, Telestax Inc and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.mobicents.smsc.domain; /** * * @author Amit Bhayani * */ public interface SMSCOAMMessages { /** * Pre defined messages */ public static final String INVALID_COMMAND = "Invalid Command"; public static final String ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT = "Illegal argument %s: %s"; /* * public static final String ADD_ROUTING_RULE_SUCESSFULL = * "Successfully added Routing rule name=%s"; * * public static final String ADD_ROUTING_RULE_FAIL_NO_SYSTEM_ID = * "Creation of Routing rule failed, as no ESME added with the System Id name=%s" * ; */ public static final String CREATE_ROUTING_RULE_SUCCESSFULL = "Successfully created Routing rule name=%s"; public static final String CREATE_ROUTING_RULE_FAIL_ALREADY_EXIST = "Creation of Routing rule failed. Other Route with name=%s already exist"; // name // = public static final String UPDATE_DATABASE_RULE_SUCCESSFULL = "Successfully updated databaseRule %s address=%s networkId=%d"; public static final String DELETE_DATABASE_RULE_SUCCESSFULL = "Successfully deleted databaseRule %s address=%s networkId=%d"; public static final String ACCEPTED_ARCHIVE_GENERATE_CDR_SUCCESSFULL = "Successfully accepted request to generate CDR"; public static final String BAD_FORMATTED_FROM_FIELD = "Bad formatted dateFrom field"; public static final String BAD_FORMATTED_TO_FIELD = "Bad formatted dateTo field"; // systemid public static final String NOT_SUPPORTED_YET = "Not supported yet"; public static final String NO_ROUTING_RULE_DEFINED_YET = "No Routing rule defined yet for %s address %s networkId %d"; public static final String NULL_ESME_ADDRESS_RANGE = "esme-range is compulsory for TRANSCEIVER and RECEIVER"; public static final String PARAMETER_SUCCESSFULLY_SET = "Parameter has been successfully set"; public static final String PARAMETER_SUCCESSFULLY_REMOVED = "Parameter has been successfully removed"; public static final String MAP_VERSION_CACHE_NOT_FOUND = "No map version found in the cache"; public static final String MAP_VERSION_CACHE_INVALID_VERSION = "Invalid version passed, valid values are 1,2 or 3"; public static final String MAP_VERSION_CACHE_SUCCESSFULLY_SET = "Successfully set map version cache"; public static final String MAP_VERSION_CACHE_SUCCESSFULLY_CLEARED = "Successfully cleared version cache"; public static final String CREATE_SIP_FAIL_ALREADY_EXIST = "Creation of SIP failed. Other SIP with name=%s already exist"; public static final String SIP_NOT_FOUND = "No Sip found with given name %s"; public static final String SIP_MODIFY_SUCCESS = "Successfully modified SIP name %s"; public static final String NO_SIP_DEFINED_YET = "No SIP defined yet"; public static final String NO_DATABASE_SMS_ROUTING_RULE = "DatabaseSmsRoutingRule is not used"; public static final String REMOVING_LIVE_ARCHIVE_TABLES_DAYS_BAD_VALUES = "Value of removingLiveTablesDays or removingArcjiveTablesDays must be 0 (disabling of the feature) or >=3"; public static final String GLOBAL_TYTLE_INDICATOR_BAD_VALUES = "Value of gti (global title indicator) is bad (possible values: 0001, 0010, 0011, 0010)"; public static final String CORRELATION_TABLE_HAS_BE_LOADED = "cc_mccmnc correlation table has been loaded"; public static final String MPROC_CREATE_SUCCESS = "Successfully created MProcRule id=%d"; public static final String MPROC_MODIFY_SUCCESS = "Successfully modified MProcRule id=%d"; public static final String MPROC_DESTROY_SUCCESS = "Successfully destroyed MProcRule id=%d"; public static final String MPROC_NO_RULE = "No MProcRule - id=%d"; public static final String MPROC_NO_RULES = "No MProcRules"; public static final String NATIONAL_LANGUAGE_SHIFT_BAD_VALUE = "National language shift shift value must be between 0 and 13"; public static final String SKIP_UNSENT_MESSAGES_NEGATIVE_VALUE = "skip-unsent-messages command accepts only non negative values"; public static final String SKIP_UNSENT_MESSAGES_ACCEPTED_VALUE = "skip-unsent-messages command has been accepted to skip unsent messages till time %s"; public static final String MESSAGING_MODE_BAD_VALUES = "Value of messaging mode is bad (possible values: 0-default SMSC mode, 1-datagram, 2-transaction, 3-storeAndForward)"; public static final String DELIVERY_RECEIPT_BAD_VALUES = "Value of delivery receipt request is bad (possible values: 0-no, 1-on success or failure, 2-on failure, 3-on success)"; public static final String INTERMEDIATE_RECEIPT_BAD_VALUES = "Value of intermediate delivery notification request is bad (possible values: 0-no, 1-yes)"; public static final String DATA_CODING_BAD_VALUES = "Value of data coding schema is bad (possible values: 0-255)"; /** * Generic constants */ public static final String TAB = " "; public static final String NEW_LINE = "\n"; public static final String COMMA = ","; /** * Show command specific constants */ public static final String SHOW_ASSIGNED_TO = "Assigned to :\n"; public static final String SHOW_COUNTERS_ENABLED = " countersEnabled"; public static final String SHOW_ESME_TON = " ton="; public static final String SHOW_ESME_NPI = " npi="; public static final String SHOW_ESME_ADDRESS_RANGE = " addressRange="; public static final String SHOW_ROUTING_RULE_NAME = "Routing rule name="; public static final String SHOW_STARTED = " started="; public static final String SHOW_ADDRESS_RANGE = " range="; public static final String SHOW_SIP_NAME = "SIP name="; public static final String NULL_ARGUMENT = "Argument %s can not be null"; public static final String CC_MCCMNC_IS_PRESENT = "ccMccmnc is already present for countrCode: %s"; public static final String CC_MCCMNC_NOT_FOUND = "ccMccmnc is absent for countrCode: %s"; public static final String HR_ABSENT = "HomeRoutingManagement is absent"; public static final String HR_CCMCCMNC_NOTFOUND = "CcMccmnc is absent: %s"; public static final String HR_CCMCCMNC_COLL = "CcMccmnc table: [\n"; public static final String HR_CCMCCMNC_ADDED = "CcMccmnc ha successfully added"; public static final String HR_CCMCCMNC_MODIFIED = "CcMccmnc ha successfully modified"; public static final String HR_CCMCCMNC_REMOVED = "CcMccmnc ha successfully removed"; public static final String CREATE_HTTPUSER_FAIL_ALREADY_EXIST = "Creation of HttpUser failed. Other HttpUser with name=%s already exist"; public static final String DELETE_HTTPUSER_FAILED_NO_HTTPUSERFOUND = "No HttpUser found with given name %s"; public static final String SHOW_HTTPUSER_NAME = "HttpUser userName="; public static final String SHOW_HTTPUSER_PASSWORD = " password="; public static final String SHOW_HTTPUSER_NETWORK_ID = " networkId="; public static final String HTTPUSER_CREATE_SUCCESS = "Successfully created HttpUser userName=%s"; public static final String HTTPUSER_MODIFY_SUCCESS = "Successfully modified HttpUser userName=%s"; public static final String HTTPUSER_REMOVE_SUCCESS = "Successfully removed HttpUser userName=%s"; public static final String HTTPUSER_NO_HTTPUSER = "No HttpUser - userName=%s"; public static final String NO_HTTPUSER_DEFINED_YET = "No HttpUser is defined yet"; }