package bettybook.http.longv.message; import; import; import bettybook.http.longv.HttpLong.Http.Http; // Unlike ScribMessage, HttpMessage is not actually "sent", but we use it as the base class since the socket API takes ScribMessages public abstract class HttpLongMessage extends ScribMessage { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // " " after ops done by HeaderField public static final String GET = "GET"; public static final String HTTP = "HTTP"; public static final String HOST = "Host"; public static final String USER_AGENT = "User-Agent"; public static final String ACCEPT = "Accept"; public static final String ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = "Accept-Language"; public static final String ACCEPT_ENCODING = "Accept-Encoding"; public static final String DO_NOT_TRACK = "DNT"; public static final String CONNECTION = "Connection"; public static final String UPGRADE_INSECURE_REQUESTS = "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"; public static final String DATE = "Date"; public static final String CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type"; public static final String _404 = "404"; public static final String _200 = "200"; public static final String ACCEPT_RANGES = "Accept-Ranges"; public static final String LAST_MODIFIED = "Last-Modified"; public static final String VARY = "Vary"; public static final String SERVER = "Server"; public static final String STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY = "Strict-Transport-Security"; public static final String VIA = "Via"; public static final String ETAG = "ETag"; public static final String CONTENT_LENGTH = "Content-Length"; protected static final String CRLF = "\r\n"; public HttpLongMessage(Op op) { super(op); } public HttpLongMessage(Op op, String body) { super(op, body); } public String getBody() { return (this.payload.length == 0) ? "" : (String) this.payload[0]; } public byte[] toBytes() { return (getOpString(this.op) + getBody() + HttpLongMessage.CRLF).getBytes(HttpLongMessageFormatter.cs); // Can give "utf-8" as arg directly } @Override public String toString() { return new String(toBytes()); } // " " after ops done by HeaderField protected static String getOpString(Op op) { if (op.equals(Http.ContentL)) { return HttpLongMessage.CONTENT_LENGTH; } else if (op.equals(Http.ETag)) { return HttpLongMessage.ETAG; } else if (op.equals(Http.Body)) { return HttpLongMessage.CRLF; // This CRLF "op" actually enacts the empty line for end-of-headers } else if (op.equals(Http.Via)) { return HttpLongMessage.VIA; } else if (op.equals(Http.Server)) { return HttpLongMessage.SERVER; } else if (op.equals(Http.Vary)) { return HttpLongMessage.VARY; } else if (op.equals(HttpLongMessage.CRLF)) { return ""; } else if (op.equals(Http.RequestL)) // FIXME: not just GET (POST..) { return HttpLongMessage.GET; } else if (op.equals(Http.LastM)) { return HttpLongMessage.LAST_MODIFIED; } else if (op.equals(Http.AcceptR)) { return HttpLongMessage.ACCEPT_RANGES; } else if (op.equals(Http.Host)) { return HttpLongMessage.HOST; } else if (op.equals(Http.HttpV)) { return HttpLongMessage.HTTP; } else if (op.equals(Http._200)) { return HttpLongMessage._200; } else if (op.equals(Http._404)) { return HttpLongMessage._404; } else if (op.equals(Http.ContentT)) { return HttpLongMessage.CONTENT_TYPE; } else if (op.equals(Http.Date)) { return HttpLongMessage.DATE; } else { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + op); } } }