package org.scribble.model.endpoint; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Deque; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.scribble.main.ScribbleException; import org.scribble.model.GraphBuilderUtil; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.EAction; import; import org.scribble.sesstype.Payload; import org.scribble.sesstype.kind.Local; import; import; import; // Helper class for EGraphBuilder -- can access the protected setters of EState (via superclass helper methods) // Tailored to support graph building from syntactic local protocol choice and recursion public class EGraphBuilderUtil extends GraphBuilderUtil<RecVar, EAction, EState, Local> { private final Map<RecVar, Deque<EState>> recvars = new HashMap<>(); //private final Map<RecVar, Deque<Set<EAction>>> enacting = new HashMap<>(); // First action(s) inside a rec scope ("enacting" means how to enact an unguarded choice-continue) private final Map<RecVar, Deque<List<EAction>>> enacting = new HashMap<>(); // CHECKME: Set sufficient? or List? (consider non-determinism -- does it matter?) //private final Map<EState, Map<RecVar, Set<EAction>>> enactingMap = new HashMap<>(); // Record enacting per-recvar, since a state could have multi-recvars private final Map<EState, Map<RecVar, List<EAction>>> enactingMap = new HashMap<>(); private final Deque<List<EState>> pred = new LinkedList<>(); private final Deque<List<EAction>> prev = new LinkedList<>(); public EGraphBuilderUtil() { clear(); } protected void clear() { this.recvars.clear(); this.enacting.clear(); this.pred.clear(); this.prev.clear(); this.pred.push(new LinkedList<>()); this.prev.push(new LinkedList<>()); this.enactingMap.clear(); } @Override public void reset() { clear(); super.reset(); } @Override public EState newState(Set<RecVar> labs) { return new EState(labs); } // Records 's' as predecessor state, and 'a' as previous action and the "enacting action" for "fresh" recursion scopes @Override public void addEdge(EState s, EAction a, EState succ) { addEdgeAux(s, a, succ); //if (!this.pred.isEmpty()) { this.pred.pop(); this.prev.pop(); } this.pred.push(new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(s))); this.prev.push(new LinkedList<>(Arrays.asList(a))); //for (Deque<Set<EAction>> ens : this.enacting.values()) for (Deque<List<EAction>> ens : this.enacting.values()) { if (!ens.isEmpty()) // Unnecessary? { //Set<EAction> tmp = ens.peek(); List<EAction> tmp = ens.peek(); if (tmp.isEmpty()) { tmp.add(a); } } } } /* * Dealing with Choice contexts */ public void enterChoice() { this.pred.push(new LinkedList<>()); this.prev.push(new LinkedList<>()); for (RecVar rv : this.enacting.keySet()) { ////Deque<Set<EAction>> tmp = this.enacting.get(rv); Deque<List<EAction>> tmp = this.enacting.get(rv); ////tmp.push(new HashSet<>(tmp.peek())); //tmp.push(new HashSet<>()); // Initially empty to record nested enablings in choice blocks tmp.push(new LinkedList<>()); // Initially empty to record nested enablings in choice blocks } } public void leaveChoice() { List<EState> pred = this.pred.pop(); List<EAction> prev = this.prev.pop(); if (!pred.isEmpty()) { this.pred.pop(); this.prev.pop(); this.pred.push(pred); this.prev.push(prev); } for (RecVar rv : this.enacting.keySet()) { /*Set<EAction> pop = this.enacting.get(rv).pop(); Set<EAction> peek = this.enacting.get(rv).peek();*/ List<EAction> pop = this.enacting.get(rv).pop(); List<EAction> peek = this.enacting.get(rv).peek(); if (peek.isEmpty()) // Cf. addEdge { peek.addAll(pop); } } } public void pushChoiceBlock() { this.pred.push(null); // Signifies following statement is "unguarded" in this choice block this.prev.push(null); for (RecVar rv : this.enacting.keySet()) { //Deque<Set<EAction>> tmp = this.enacting.get(rv); Deque<List<EAction>> tmp = this.enacting.get(rv); //tmp.push(new HashSet<>()); // Must be empty for addEdge to record (nested) enabling tmp.push(new LinkedList<>()); } } public void popChoiceBlock() { List<EState> pred = this.pred.pop(); List<EAction> prev = this.prev.pop(); if (pred != null) // Unguarded choice-continue? { List<EState> peek1 = this.pred.peek(); if (peek1 == null) { this.pred.pop(); peek1 = new LinkedList<>(); this.pred.push(peek1); } peek1.addAll(pred); } if (prev != null) { List<EAction> peek2 = this.prev.peek(); if (peek2 == null) { this.prev.pop(); peek2 = new LinkedList<>(); this.prev.push(peek2); } peek2.addAll(prev); } for (RecVar rv : this.enacting.keySet()) { /*Set<EAction> pop = this.enacting.get(rv).pop(); Set<EAction> peek = this.enacting.get(rv).peek();*/ List<EAction> pop = this.enacting.get(rv).pop(); List<EAction> peek = this.enacting.get(rv).peek(); //if (peek.isEmpty()) { peek.addAll(pop); } } } /* * Dealing with Recursion contexts */ public void pushRecursionEntry(RecVar recvar, EState entry) { /*if (!isUnguardedInChoice()) // Don't record rec entry if it is an unguarded choice-rec { this.entry.addLabel(recvar); }*/ //this.recvars.put(recvar, this.entry); Deque<EState> tmp = this.recvars.get(recvar); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new LinkedList<>(); this.recvars.put(recvar, tmp); } /*if (isUnguardedInChoice()) { tmp.push(tmp.peek()); // Works because unguarded recs unfolded (including nested recvar shadowing -- if unguarded choice-rec, it will be unfolded and rec entry recorded for guarded unfolding) } else { tmp.push(this.entry); }*/ tmp.push(entry); //Deque<Set<EAction>> tmp2 = this.enacting.get(recvar); Deque<List<EAction>> tmp2 = this.enacting.get(recvar); if (tmp2 == null) { tmp2 = new LinkedList<>(); // New Stack for this recvar this.enacting.put(recvar, tmp2); } //tmp2.push(new HashSet<>()); // Push new Set element onto stack tmp2.push(new LinkedList<>()); // Push new Set element onto stack } public void popRecursionEntry(RecVar recvar) { this.recvars.get(recvar).pop(); // Pop the entry of this rec //Set<EAction> pop = this.enacting.get(recvar).pop(); List<EAction> pop = this.enacting.get(recvar).pop(); if (this.enacting.get(recvar).isEmpty()) // All Sets popped from the stack of this recvar { this.enacting.remove(recvar); } EState curr = getEntry(); //Map<RecVar, Set<EAction>> tmp = this.enactingMap.get(curr); Map<RecVar, List<EAction>> tmp = this.enactingMap.get(curr); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new HashMap<>(); this.enactingMap.put(curr, tmp); } tmp.put(recvar, pop); } /* * Edge construction for Continues */ public boolean isUnguardedInChoice() //public boolean isUnguardedInChoice(RecVar rv) { return ////!this.entry.equals(this.root) && // Hacky? for protocols that start with unguarded choice-rec, e.g. choice at A { rec X { ... at root //!this.pred.isEmpty() && // This and above fixed by initialising non-null pred/prev? this.pred.peek() == null; } // Choice-unguarded continues -- fixed in finalise pass public void addContinueEdge(EState s, RecVar rv) { /*this.contStates.add(s); this.contRecVars.add(rv);*/ EState entry = getRecursionEntry(rv); addEdgeAux(s, new IntermediateContinueEdge(rv), entry); //addEdge(s, new IntermediateContinueEdge(rv), entry); // **FIXME: broken on purpose for testing } // Doesn't set predecessor, cf. addEdge (and cf. addEdgeAux) // Choice-guarded continues (can be done in one pass) public void addRecursionEdge(EState s, EAction a, EState succ) // Cf. LGraphBuilder.addContinueEdge, for choice-unguarded cases -- addRecursionEdge, for guarded cases, should also be in LGraphBuilder, but here for convenience (private state) { addEdgeAux(s, a, succ); // Still needed here? //for (Deque<Set<EAction>> ens : this.enacting.values()) for (Deque<List<EAction>> ens : this.enacting.values()) { if (!ens.isEmpty()) { //Set<EAction> tmp = ens.peek(); List<EAction> tmp = ens.peek(); if (tmp.isEmpty()) { tmp.add(a); } } } } // succ assumed to be this.getEntry() public void removeEdgeFromPredecessor(EState s, EAction a) throws ScribbleException // Removing prev edge, to be replaced by addRecursionEdge { //s.removeEdge(a, this.getEntry()); removeEdgeAux(s, a, this.getEntry()); //this.pred.peek().remove(s); // Need to update both preds and prevs accordingly (consider non-det) Iterator<EState> preds = this.pred.peek().iterator(); Iterator<EAction> prevs = this.prev.peek().iterator(); while (preds.hasNext()) { EState nexts =; EAction nexta =; if (nexts.equals(s) && nexta.equals(a)) { preds.remove(); prevs.remove(); return; } } throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + s + ", " + a); } public List<EState> getPredecessors() { //return this.pred.peek(); return new LinkedList<>(this.pred.peek()); // Cf. removeEdgeFromPredecessor } public List<EAction> getPreviousActions() { //return this.prev.peek(); return new LinkedList<>(this.prev.peek()); } public EState getRecursionEntry(RecVar recvar) { return this.recvars.get(recvar).peek(); } /* * Finalise graph by treating IntermediateContinueEdges */ public EGraph finalise() { EState res = new EState(this.entry.getLabels()); EState resTerm = new EState(this.exit.getLabels()); Map<EState, EState> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(this.entry, res); map.put(this.exit, resTerm); Set<EState> seen = new HashSet<>(); fixContinueEdges(seen, map, this.entry, res); if (!seen.contains(this.exit)) { resTerm = null; } /*Map<Integer, EndpointState> all = getAllStates(res); EndpointState dfa = determinise(all, res, resTerm); System.out.println("111: " + dfa.toDot());*/ return new EGraph(res, resTerm); } // FIXME: incomplete -- won't fully correctly handle situations involving, e.g., transitive continue-edge fixing? private void fixContinueEdges(Set<EState> seen, Map<EState, EState> map, EState curr, EState res) { if (seen.contains(curr)) { return; } seen.add(curr); Iterator<EAction> as = curr.getAllActions().iterator(); Iterator<EState> ss = curr.getAllSuccessors().iterator(); while (as.hasNext()) { EAction a =; EState succ =; EState next; next = getNext(map, succ); if (!(a instanceof IntermediateContinueEdge)) { addEdgeAux(res, a, next); fixContinueEdges(seen, map, succ, next); } else { IntermediateContinueEdge ice = (IntermediateContinueEdge) a; //for (IOAction e : this.enactingMap.get(succ)) RecVar rv = new RecVar(ice.mid.toString()); for (EAction e : this.enactingMap.get(succ).get(rv)) { for (EState n : succ.getSuccessors(e)) { next = getNext(map, n); addEdgeAux(res, e, next); fixContinueEdges(seen, map, succ, next); } } } } } private EState getNext(Map<EState, EState> map, EState succ) { EState next; if (map.containsKey(succ)) { next = map.get(succ); } else { next = new EState(succ.getLabels()); map.put(succ, next); } return next; } } class IntermediateContinueEdge extends EAction { public IntermediateContinueEdge(RecVar rv) { super(Role.EMPTY_ROLE, new Op(rv.toString()), Payload.EMPTY_PAYLOAD); // HACK } @Override public EAction toDual(Role self) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + this); } @Override public SAction toGlobal(Role self) { throw new RuntimeException("Shouldn't get in here: " + this); } @Override protected String getCommSymbol() { return "#"; } @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 1021; hash = 31 * hash + super.hashCode(); return hash; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof IntermediateContinueEdge)) { return false; } return ((IntermediateContinueEdge) o).canEqual(this) && super.equals(o); } @Override public boolean canEqual(Object o) { return o instanceof IntermediateContinueEdge; } }