package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.scribble.main.Job; import org.scribble.main.ScribbleException; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.EFSM; import org.scribble.model.endpoint.actions.ESend; import; import; public class SModel { public final SGraph graph; protected SModel(SGraph graph) { this.graph = graph; } public void validate(Job job) throws ScribbleException { SState init = this.graph.init; Map<Integer, SState> states = this.graph.states; String errorMsg = ""; int count = 0; for (SState s : states.values()) { if (job.debug) { count++; if (count % 50 == 0) { //job.debugPrintln("(" + this.graph.proto + ") Checking safety: " + count + " states"); job.debugPrintln("(" + this.graph.proto + ") Checking states: " + count); } } SStateErrors errors = s.getErrors(); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { // FIXME: getTrace can get stuck when local choice subjects are disabled List<SAction> trace = this.graph.getTrace(init, s); // FIXME: getTrace broken on non-det self loops? //errorMsg += "\nSafety violation(s) at " + s.toString() + ":\n Trace=" + trace; errorMsg += "\nSafety violation(s) at session state " + + ":\n Trace=" + trace; } if (!errors.stuck.isEmpty()) { errorMsg += "\n Stuck messages: " + errors.stuck; // Deadlock from reception error } if (!errors.waitFor.isEmpty()) { errorMsg += "\n Wait-for errors: " + errors.waitFor; // Deadlock from input-blocked cycles, terminated dependencies, etc } if (!errors.orphans.isEmpty()) { errorMsg += "\n Orphan messages: " + errors.orphans; // FIXME: add sender of orphan to error message } if (!errors.unfinished.isEmpty()) { errorMsg += "\n Unfinished roles: " + errors.unfinished; } } job.debugPrintln("(" + this.graph.proto + ") Checked all states: " + count); // May include unsafe states //*/ if (!job.noProgress) { //job.debugPrintln("(" + this.graph.proto + ") Checking progress: "); // Incompatible with current errorMsg approach*/ Set<Set<Integer>> termsets = this.graph.getTerminalSets(); for (Set<Integer> termset : termsets) { /*job.debugPrintln("(" + this.graph.proto + ") Checking terminal set: " + -> new Integer(all.get(i).id).toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(","))); // Incompatible with current errorMsg approach*/ Set<Role> starved = checkRoleProgress(states, init, termset); if (!starved.isEmpty()) { errorMsg += "\nRole progress violation for " + starved + " in session state terminal set:\n " + termSetToString(job, termset, states); } Map<Role, Set<ESend>> ignored = checkEventualReception(states, init, termset); if (!ignored.isEmpty()) { errorMsg += "\nEventual reception violation for " + ignored + " in session state terminal set:\n " + termSetToString(job, termset, states); } } } if (!errorMsg.equals("")) { //throw new ScribbleException("\n" + init.toDot() + errorMsg); throw new ScribbleException(errorMsg); } //job.debugPrintln("(" + this.graph.proto + ") Progress satisfied."); // Also safety... current errorMsg approach } private String termSetToString(Job job, Set<Integer> termset, Map<Integer, SState> all) { return job.debug ? -> all.get(i).toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(",")) : -> new Integer(all.get(i).id).toString()).collect(Collectors.joining(",")); } // ** Could subsume terminal state check, if terminal sets included size 1 with reflexive reachability (but not a good approach) private static Set<Role> checkRoleProgress(Map<Integer, SState> states, SState init, Set<Integer> termset) throws ScribbleException { Set<Role> starved = new HashSet<>(); Iterator<Integer> i = termset.iterator(); SState s = states.get(; Map<Role, SState> ss = new HashMap<>(); s.config.efsms.keySet().forEach((r) -> ss.put(r, s)); while (i.hasNext()) { SState next = states.get(; Map<Role, EFSM> tmp = next.config.efsms; for (Role r : tmp.keySet()) { if (ss.get(r) != null) { /*if (!ss.get(r).equals(tmp.get(r))) { ss.put(r, null); } else*/ { for (SAction a : next.getAllActions()) { if (a.containsRole(r)) { ss.put(r, null); break; } } } } } } for (Role r : ss.keySet()) { SState foo = ss.get(r); if (foo != null) { EFSM tmp = foo.config.efsms.get(r); if (tmp != null) { if (!foo.config.canSafelyTerminate(r)) { if (s.config.buffs.get(r).values().stream().allMatch((v) -> v == null)) { starved.add(r); } /* // Should be redundant given explicit reception error etc checking else { safety.add(r); }*/ } } } } return starved; } // (eventual reception) private static Map<Role, Set<ESend>> checkEventualReception(Map<Integer, SState> states, SState init, Set<Integer> termset) throws ScribbleException { Set<Role> roles = states.get(termset.iterator().next()).config.efsms.keySet(); Iterator<Integer> i = termset.iterator(); Map<Role, Map<Role, ESend>> b0 = states.get(; while (i.hasNext()) { SState s = states.get(; SBuffers b = s.config.buffs; for (Role r1 : roles) { for (Role r2 : roles) { ESend s0 = b0.get(r1).get(r2); if (s0 != null) { ESend tmp = b.get(r1).get(r2); if (tmp == null) { b0.get(r1).put(r2, null); } } } } } Map<Role, Set<ESend>> ignored = new HashMap<>(); for (Role r1 : roles) { for (Role r2 : roles) { ESend m = b0.get(r1).get(r2); if (m != null) { Set<ESend> tmp = ignored.get(r2); if (tmp == null) { tmp = new HashSet<>(); ignored.put(r2, tmp); } tmp.add(m); } } } return ignored; } @Override public String toString() { return this.graph.toString(); } }