package org.scribble.ast.local; import java.util.List; import org.antlr.runtime.tree.CommonTree; import org.scribble.ast.Interrupt; import org.scribble.ast.MessageNode; import; import org.scribble.sesstype.kind.Local; import; import org.scribble.visit.context.ProjectedChoiceSubjectFixer; public abstract class LInterrupt extends Interrupt implements LSimpleInteractionNode { protected LInterrupt(CommonTree source, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs) { super(source, src, msgs); } @Override public Role inferLocalChoiceSubject(ProjectedChoiceSubjectFixer fixer) { throw new RuntimeException("TODO: " + this); } // FIXME: shouldn't be needed, but here due to Eclipse bug @Override public Local getKind() { return LSimpleInteractionNode.super.getKind(); } /*public final List<RoleNode> dests; /*public LocalInterrupt(CommonTree ct, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs, List<RoleNode> dests) { this(ct, src, msgs, dests, null, null); }* / protected LocalInterrupt(CommonTree ct, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs, List<RoleNode> dests, GlobalInterruptContext gicontext, Env env) { super(ct, src, msgs, gicontext, env); this.dests = new LinkedList<>(dests); } /* //@Override protected LocalInterrupt reconstruct(CommonTree ct, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs, List<RoleNode> dests, GlobalInterruptContext icontext, Env env) { return new LocalInterrupt(ct, src, msgs, dests, icontext, env); }* / protected abstract LocalInterrupt reconstruct(CommonTree ct, RoleNode src, List<MessageNode> msgs, List<RoleNode> dests, GlobalInterruptContext icontext, Env env); @Override public LocalInterrupt leaveContextBuilding(NodeContextBuilder builder) throws ScribbleException { LocalInterrupt intt = (LocalInterrupt) super.leaveContextBuilding(builder); GlobalInterruptContext icontext = new GlobalInterruptContext( -> rn.toName()).collect(Collectors.toList())); //return new LocalInterrupt(intt.ct, intt.src, intt.msgs, intt.dests, icontext); return reconstruct(intt.ct, intt.src, intt.msgs, intt.dests, icontext, getEnv()); } @Override public LocalInterrupt visitChildren(NodeVisitor nv) throws ScribbleException { RoleNode src = (RoleNode) visitChild(this.src, nv); List<MessageNode> msgs = new LinkedList<>(); for (MessageNode msg : this.msgs) { msgs.add((MessageNode) visitChild(msg, nv)); } List<RoleNode> dests = new LinkedList<RoleNode>(); for (RoleNode dest : this.dests) { dests.add((RoleNode) visitChild(dest, nv)); } //return new LocalInterrupt(this.ct, src, msgs, this.dests, getContext()); return reconstruct(this.ct, src, msgs, this.dests, getContext(), getEnv()); }*/ }