package org.robolectric.shadows; import android.R; import; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.TabHost; import android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec; import android.widget.TabWidget; import org.robolectric.Shadows; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements; import org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject; import org.robolectric.shadow.api.Shadow; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) @Implements(TabHost.class) public class ShadowTabHost extends ShadowFrameLayout { private List<TabHost.TabSpec> tabSpecs = new ArrayList<>(); private TabHost.OnTabChangeListener listener; private int currentTab = -1; @RealObject private TabHost realObject; @Implementation public android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec newTabSpec(java.lang.String tag) { TabSpec realTabSpec = Shadow.newInstanceOf(TabHost.TabSpec.class); Shadows.shadowOf(realTabSpec).setTag(tag); return realTabSpec; } @Implementation public void addTab(android.widget.TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec) { tabSpecs.add(tabSpec); View indicatorAsView = Shadows.shadowOf(tabSpec).getIndicatorAsView(); if (indicatorAsView != null) { realObject.addView(indicatorAsView); } } @Implementation public void setCurrentTab(int index) { currentTab = index; if (listener != null) { listener.onTabChanged(getCurrentTabTag()); } } @Implementation public void setCurrentTabByTag(String tag) { for (int x = 0; x < tabSpecs.size(); x++) { TabSpec tabSpec = tabSpecs.get(x); if (tabSpec.getTag().equals(tag)) { currentTab = x; } } if (listener != null) { listener.onTabChanged(getCurrentTabTag()); } } @Implementation public int getCurrentTab() { if (currentTab == -1 && tabSpecs.size() > 0) currentTab = 0; return currentTab; } public TabSpec getCurrentTabSpec() { return tabSpecs.get(getCurrentTab()); } @Implementation public String getCurrentTabTag() { int i = getCurrentTab(); if (i >= 0 && i < tabSpecs.size()) { return tabSpecs.get(i).getTag(); } return null; } @Implementation public void setOnTabChangedListener(android.widget.TabHost.OnTabChangeListener listener) { this.listener = listener; } @Implementation public View getCurrentView() { ShadowTabSpec ts = Shadows.shadowOf(getCurrentTabSpec()); View v = ts.getContentView(); if (v == null) { int viewId = ts.getContentViewId(); if (realView.getContext() instanceof Activity) { v = ((Activity) realView.getContext()).findViewById(viewId); } else { return null; } } return v; } @Implementation public TabWidget getTabWidget() { Context context = realView.getContext(); if (context instanceof Activity) { return (TabWidget) ((Activity)context).findViewById(; } else { return null; } } public TabHost.TabSpec getSpecByTag(String tag) { for (TabHost.TabSpec tabSpec : tabSpecs) { if (tag.equals(tabSpec.getTag())) { return tabSpec; } } return null; } @SuppressWarnings({"UnusedDeclaration"}) @Implements(TabSpec.class) public static class ShadowTabSpec { @RealObject TabSpec realObject; private String tag; private View indicatorView; private Intent intent; private int viewId; private View contentView; private CharSequence label; private Drawable icon; /** * Sets the tag on the TabSpec. * * @param tag The tag. */ public void setTag(String tag) { this.tag = tag; } @Implementation public String getTag() { return tag; } /** * @return the view object set in a call to {@code TabSpec#setIndicator(View)} */ public View getIndicatorAsView() { return this.indicatorView; } public String getIndicatorLabel() { return this.label.toString(); } public Drawable getIndicatorIcon() { return this.icon; } /** * Same as GetIndicatorLabel() * * @return Tab text. */ public String getText() { return label.toString(); } @Implementation public TabSpec setIndicator(View view) { this.indicatorView = view; return realObject; } @Implementation public TabSpec setIndicator(CharSequence label) { this.label = label; return realObject; } @Implementation public TabSpec setIndicator(CharSequence label, Drawable icon) { this.label = label; this.icon = icon; return realObject; } /** * @return the intent object set in a call to {@code TabSpec#setContent(Intent)} */ public Intent getContentAsIntent() { return intent; } @Implementation public TabSpec setContent(Intent intent) { this.intent = intent; return realObject; } @Implementation public TabSpec setContent(TabHost.TabContentFactory factory) { contentView = factory.createTabContent(this.tag); return realObject; } @Implementation public TabSpec setContent(int viewId) { this.viewId = viewId; return realObject; } public int getContentViewId() { return viewId; } public View getContentView() { return contentView; } } }