package org.robolectric.shadows; import; import; import android.content.Intent; import android.location.Criteria; import android.location.GpsStatus.Listener; import android.location.Location; import android.location.LocationListener; import android.location.LocationManager; import android.os.Looper; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; @Implements(LocationManager.class) public class ShadowLocationManager { private final Map<String, LocationProviderEntry> providersEnabled = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private final Map<String, Location> lastKnownLocations = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<PendingIntent, Criteria> requestLocationUdpateCriteriaPendingIntents = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<PendingIntent, String> requestLocationUdpateProviderPendingIntents = new HashMap<>(); private final ArrayList<LocationListener> removedLocationListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private final ArrayList<Listener> gpsStatusListeners = new ArrayList<>(); private Criteria lastBestProviderCriteria; private boolean lastBestProviderEnabled; private String bestEnabledProvider, bestDisabledProvider; /** Location listeners along with metadata on when they should be fired. */ private static final class ListenerRegistration { final long minTime; final float minDistance; final LocationListener listener; final String provider; Location lastSeenLocation; long lastSeenTime; ListenerRegistration(String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, Location locationAtCreation, LocationListener listener) { this.provider = provider; this.minTime = minTime; this.minDistance = minDistance; this.lastSeenTime = locationAtCreation == null ? 0 : locationAtCreation.getTime(); this.lastSeenLocation = locationAtCreation; this.listener = listener; } } /** Mapped by provider. */ private final Map<String, List<ListenerRegistration>> locationListeners = new HashMap<>(); @Implementation public boolean isProviderEnabled(String provider) { LocationProviderEntry map = providersEnabled.get(provider); if (map != null) { Boolean isEnabled = map.getKey(); return isEnabled == null ? true : isEnabled; } return false; } @Implementation public List<String> getAllProviders() { Set<String> allKnownProviders = new LinkedHashSet<>(providersEnabled.keySet()); allKnownProviders.add(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER); allKnownProviders.add(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER); allKnownProviders.add(LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER); return new ArrayList<>(allKnownProviders); } /** * Sets the value to return from {@link #isProviderEnabled(String)} for the given {@code provider} * * @param provider * name of the provider whose status to set * @param isEnabled * whether that provider should appear enabled */ public void setProviderEnabled(String provider, boolean isEnabled) { setProviderEnabled(provider, isEnabled, null); } public void setProviderEnabled(String provider, boolean isEnabled, List<Criteria> criteria) { LocationProviderEntry providerEntry = providersEnabled.get(provider); if (providerEntry == null) { providerEntry = new LocationProviderEntry(); } providerEntry.enabled = isEnabled; providerEntry.criteria = criteria; providersEnabled.put(provider, providerEntry); List<LocationListener> locationUpdateListeners = new ArrayList<>(getRequestLocationUpdateListeners()); for (LocationListener locationUpdateListener : locationUpdateListeners) { if (isEnabled) { locationUpdateListener.onProviderEnabled(provider); } else { locationUpdateListener.onProviderDisabled(provider); } } // Send intent to notify about provider status final Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.putExtra(LocationManager.KEY_PROVIDER_ENABLED, isEnabled); ShadowApplication.getInstance().sendBroadcast(intent); Set<PendingIntent> requestLocationUdpatePendingIntentSet = requestLocationUdpateCriteriaPendingIntents .keySet(); for (PendingIntent requestLocationUdpatePendingIntent : requestLocationUdpatePendingIntentSet) { try { requestLocationUdpatePendingIntent.send(); } catch (CanceledException e) { requestLocationUdpateCriteriaPendingIntents .remove(requestLocationUdpatePendingIntent); } } // if this provider gets disabled and it was the best active provider, then it's not anymore if (provider.equals(bestEnabledProvider) && !isEnabled) { bestEnabledProvider = null; } } @Implementation public List<String> getProviders(boolean enabledOnly) { ArrayList<String> enabledProviders = new ArrayList<>(); for (String provider : getAllProviders()) { if (!enabledOnly || providersEnabled.get(provider) != null) { enabledProviders.add(provider); } } return enabledProviders; } @Implementation public Location getLastKnownLocation(String provider) { return lastKnownLocations.get(provider); } @Implementation public boolean addGpsStatusListener(Listener listener) { if (!gpsStatusListeners.contains(listener)) { gpsStatusListeners.add(listener); } return true; } @Implementation public void removeGpsStatusListener(Listener listener) { gpsStatusListeners.remove(listener); } @Implementation public String getBestProvider(Criteria criteria, boolean enabled) { lastBestProviderCriteria = criteria; lastBestProviderEnabled = enabled; if (criteria == null) { return getBestProviderWithNoCriteria(enabled); } return getBestProviderWithCriteria(criteria, enabled); } private String getBestProviderWithCriteria(Criteria criteria, boolean enabled) { List<String> providers = getProviders(enabled); int powerRequirement = criteria.getPowerRequirement(); int accuracy = criteria.getAccuracy(); for (String provider : providers) { LocationProviderEntry locationProviderEntry = providersEnabled.get(provider); if (locationProviderEntry == null) { continue; } List<Criteria> criteriaList = locationProviderEntry.getValue(); if (criteriaList == null) { continue; } for (Criteria criteriaListItem : criteriaList) { if (criteria.equals(criteriaListItem)) { return provider; } else if (criteriaListItem.getAccuracy() == accuracy) { return provider; } else if (criteriaListItem.getPowerRequirement() == powerRequirement) { return provider; } } } // TODO: these conditions are incomplete for (String provider : providers) { if (provider.equals(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER) && (accuracy == Criteria.ACCURACY_COARSE || powerRequirement == Criteria.POWER_LOW)) { return provider; } else if (provider.equals(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER) && accuracy == Criteria.ACCURACY_FINE && powerRequirement != Criteria.POWER_LOW) { return provider; } } // No enabled provider found with the desired criteria, then return the the first registered provider(?) return providers.isEmpty()? null : providers.get(0); } private String getBestProviderWithNoCriteria(boolean enabled) { List<String> providers = getProviders(enabled); if (enabled && bestEnabledProvider != null) { return bestEnabledProvider; } else if (bestDisabledProvider != null) { return bestDisabledProvider; } else if (providers.contains(LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER)) { return LocationManager.GPS_PROVIDER; } else if (providers.contains(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER)) { return LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER; } return null; } @Implementation public void requestLocationUpdates(String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener) { addLocationListener(provider, listener, minTime, minDistance); } private void addLocationListener(String provider, LocationListener listener, long minTime, float minDistance) { List<ListenerRegistration> providerListeners = locationListeners.get(provider); if (providerListeners == null) { providerListeners = new ArrayList<>(); locationListeners.put(provider, providerListeners); } removeDuplicates(listener, providerListeners); providerListeners.add(new ListenerRegistration(provider, minTime, minDistance, copyOf(getLastKnownLocation(provider)), listener)); } private void removeDuplicates(LocationListener listener, List<ListenerRegistration> providerListeners) { final Iterator<ListenerRegistration> iterator = providerListeners.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { if ( { iterator.remove(); } } } @Implementation public void requestLocationUpdates(String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, LocationListener listener, Looper looper) { addLocationListener(provider, listener, minTime, minDistance); } @Implementation public void requestLocationUpdates(long minTime, float minDistance, Criteria criteria, PendingIntent pendingIntent) { if (pendingIntent == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Intent must not be null"); } if (getBestProvider(criteria, true) == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no providers found for criteria"); } requestLocationUdpateCriteriaPendingIntents.put(pendingIntent, criteria); } @Implementation public void requestLocationUpdates(String provider, long minTime, float minDistance, PendingIntent pendingIntent) { if (pendingIntent == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Intent must not be null"); } if (!providersEnabled.containsKey(provider)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("no providers found"); } requestLocationUdpateProviderPendingIntents.put(pendingIntent, provider); } @Implementation public void removeUpdates(LocationListener listener) { removedLocationListeners.add(listener); } private void cleanupRemovedLocationListeners() { for (Map.Entry<String, List<ListenerRegistration>> entry : locationListeners.entrySet()) { List<ListenerRegistration> listenerRegistrations = entry.getValue(); for (int i = listenerRegistrations.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { LocationListener listener = listenerRegistrations.get(i).listener; if(removedLocationListeners.contains(listener)) { listenerRegistrations.remove(i); } } } } @Implementation public void removeUpdates(PendingIntent pendingIntent) { while (requestLocationUdpateCriteriaPendingIntents.remove(pendingIntent) != null); while (requestLocationUdpateProviderPendingIntents.remove(pendingIntent) != null); } public boolean hasGpsStatusListener(Listener listener) { return gpsStatusListeners.contains(listener); } /** * Gets the criteria value used in the last call to {@link #getBestProvider(android.location.Criteria, boolean)}. * * @return the criteria used to find the best provider */ public Criteria getLastBestProviderCriteria() { return lastBestProviderCriteria; } /** * Gets the enabled value used in the last call to {@link #getBestProvider(android.location.Criteria, boolean)} * * @return the enabled value used to find the best provider */ public boolean getLastBestProviderEnabledOnly() { return lastBestProviderEnabled; } /** * Sets the value to return from {@link #getBestProvider(android.location.Criteria, boolean)} for the given * {@code provider} * * @param provider name of the provider who should be considered best * @param enabled Enabled * @param criteria List of criteria * @throws Exception if provider is not known * @return false If provider is not enabled but it is supposed to be set as the best enabled provider don't set it, otherwise true */ public boolean setBestProvider(String provider, boolean enabled, List<Criteria> criteria) throws Exception { if (!getAllProviders().contains(provider)) { throw new IllegalStateException("Best provider is not a known provider"); } // If provider is not enabled but it is supposed to be set as the best enabled provider don't set it. for (String prvdr : providersEnabled.keySet()) { if (provider.equals(prvdr) && providersEnabled.get(prvdr).enabled != enabled) { return false; } } if (enabled) { bestEnabledProvider = provider; if (provider.equals(bestDisabledProvider)) { bestDisabledProvider = null; } } else { bestDisabledProvider = provider; if (provider.equals(bestEnabledProvider)) { bestEnabledProvider = null; } } if (criteria == null) { return true; } LocationProviderEntry entry; if (!providersEnabled.containsKey(provider)) { entry = new LocationProviderEntry(); entry.enabled = enabled; entry.criteria = criteria; } else { entry = providersEnabled.get(provider); } providersEnabled.put(provider, entry); return true; } public boolean setBestProvider(String provider, boolean enabled) throws Exception { return setBestProvider(provider, enabled, null); } /** * Sets the value to return from {@link #getLastKnownLocation(String)} for the given {@code provider} * * @param provider * name of the provider whose location to set * @param location * the last known location for the provider */ public void setLastKnownLocation(String provider, Location location) { lastKnownLocations.put(provider, location); } /** * @return lastRequestedLocationUpdatesLocationListener */ public List<LocationListener> getRequestLocationUpdateListeners() { cleanupRemovedLocationListeners(); List<LocationListener> all = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry<String, List<ListenerRegistration>> entry : locationListeners.entrySet()) { for (ListenerRegistration reg : entry.getValue()) { all.add(reg.listener); } } return all; } public void simulateLocation(Location location) { cleanupRemovedLocationListeners(); setLastKnownLocation(location.getProvider(), location); List<ListenerRegistration> providerListeners = locationListeners.get( location.getProvider()); if (providerListeners == null) return; for (ListenerRegistration listenerReg : providerListeners) { if(listenerReg.lastSeenLocation != null && location != null) { float distanceChange = distanceBetween(location, listenerReg.lastSeenLocation); boolean withinMinDistance = distanceChange < listenerReg.minDistance; boolean exceededMinTime = location.getTime() - listenerReg.lastSeenTime > listenerReg.minTime; if (withinMinDistance || !exceededMinTime) continue; } listenerReg.lastSeenLocation = copyOf(location); listenerReg.lastSeenTime = location == null ? 0 : location.getTime(); listenerReg.listener.onLocationChanged(copyOf(location)); } cleanupRemovedLocationListeners(); } private Location copyOf(Location location) { if (location == null) return null; Location copy = new Location(location); copy.setAccuracy(location.getAccuracy()); copy.setAltitude(location.getAltitude()); copy.setBearing(location.getBearing()); copy.setExtras(location.getExtras()); copy.setLatitude(location.getLatitude()); copy.setLongitude(location.getLongitude()); copy.setProvider(location.getProvider()); copy.setSpeed(location.getSpeed()); copy.setTime(location.getTime()); return copy; } /** * Returns the distance between the two locations in meters. * Adapted from: */ private static float distanceBetween(Location location1, Location location2) { double earthRadius = 3958.75; double latDifference = Math.toRadians(location2.getLatitude() - location1.getLatitude()); double lonDifference = Math.toRadians(location2.getLongitude() - location1.getLongitude()); double a = Math.sin(latDifference/2) * Math.sin(latDifference/2) + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(location1.getLatitude())) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(location2.getLatitude())) * Math.sin(lonDifference/2) * Math.sin(lonDifference/2); double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1-a)); double dist = Math.abs(earthRadius * c); int meterConversion = 1609; return new Float(dist * meterConversion); } public Map<PendingIntent, Criteria> getRequestLocationUdpateCriteriaPendingIntents() { return requestLocationUdpateCriteriaPendingIntents; } public Map<PendingIntent, String> getRequestLocationUdpateProviderPendingIntents() { return requestLocationUdpateProviderPendingIntents; } public Collection<String> getProvidersForListener(LocationListener listener) { cleanupRemovedLocationListeners(); Set<String> providers = new HashSet<>(); for (List<ListenerRegistration> listenerRegistrations : locationListeners.values()) { for (ListenerRegistration listenerRegistration : listenerRegistrations) { if (listenerRegistration.listener == listener) { providers.add(listenerRegistration.provider); } } } return providers; } final private class LocationProviderEntry implements Map.Entry<Boolean, List<Criteria>> { private Boolean enabled; private List<Criteria> criteria; @Override public Boolean getKey() { return enabled; } @Override public List<Criteria> getValue() { return criteria; } @Override public List<Criteria> setValue(List<Criteria> criteria) { List<Criteria> oldCriteria = this.criteria; this.criteria = criteria; return oldCriteria; } } }