package org.robolectric.shadows; import android.os.Parcel; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Pair; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implementation; import org.robolectric.annotation.Implements; import org.robolectric.annotation.RealObject; import org.robolectric.annotation.HiddenApi; import org.robolectric.util.ReflectionHelpers; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT_WATCH; import static android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP; import static org.robolectric.RuntimeEnvironment.castNativePtr; @Implements(Parcel.class) @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public class ShadowParcel { @RealObject private Parcel realObject; private static final Map<Long, ByteBuffer> NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private static long nextNativePtr = 1; // this needs to start above 0, which is a magic number to Parcel @Implementation public void writeByteArray(byte[] b, int offset, int len) { if (b == null) { realObject.writeInt(-1); return; } Number nativePtr = ReflectionHelpers.getField(realObject, "mNativePtr"); nativeWriteByteArray(nativePtr.longValue(), b, offset, len); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static int nativeDataSize(int nativePtr) { return nativeDataSize((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static int nativeDataSize(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).dataSize(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static int nativeDataAvail(int nativePtr) { return nativeDataAvail((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static int nativeDataAvail(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).dataAvailable(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static int nativeDataPosition(int nativePtr) { return nativeDataPosition((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static int nativeDataPosition(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).dataPosition(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static int nativeDataCapacity(int nativePtr) { return nativeDataCapacity((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static int nativeDataCapacity(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).dataCapacity(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeSetDataSize(int nativePtr, int size) { nativeSetDataSize((long) nativePtr, size); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeSetDataSize(long nativePtr, int size) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).setDataSize(size); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeSetDataPosition(int nativePtr, int pos) { nativeSetDataPosition((long) nativePtr, pos); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeSetDataPosition(long nativePtr, int pos) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).setDataPosition(pos); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeSetDataCapacity(int nativePtr, int size) { nativeSetDataCapacity((long) nativePtr, size); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeSetDataCapacity(long nativePtr, int size) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).setDataCapacity(size); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeWriteByteArray(int nativePtr, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { nativeWriteByteArray((long) nativePtr, b, offset, len); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeWriteByteArray(long nativePtr, byte[] b, int offset, int len) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).writeByteArray(b, offset, len); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeWriteInt(int nativePtr, int val) { nativeWriteInt((long) nativePtr, val); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeWriteInt(long nativePtr, int val) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).writeInt(val); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeWriteLong(int nativePtr, long val) { nativeWriteLong((long) nativePtr, val); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeWriteLong(long nativePtr, long val) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).writeLong(val); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeWriteFloat(int nativePtr, float val) { nativeWriteFloat((long) nativePtr, val); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeWriteFloat(long nativePtr, float val) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).writeFloat(val); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeWriteDouble(int nativePtr, double val) { nativeWriteDouble((long) nativePtr, val); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeWriteDouble(long nativePtr, double val) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).writeDouble(val); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeWriteString(int nativePtr, String val) { nativeWriteString((long) nativePtr, val); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeWriteString(long nativePtr, String val) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).writeString(val); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static byte[] nativeCreateByteArray(int nativePtr) { return nativeCreateByteArray((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static byte[] nativeCreateByteArray(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).readByteArray(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static int nativeReadInt(int nativePtr) { return nativeReadInt((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static int nativeReadInt(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).readInt(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static long nativeReadLong(int nativePtr) { return nativeReadLong((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static long nativeReadLong(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).readLong(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static float nativeReadFloat(int nativePtr) { return nativeReadFloat((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static float nativeReadFloat(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).readFloat(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static double nativeReadDouble(int nativePtr) { return nativeReadDouble((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static double nativeReadDouble(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).readDouble(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static String nativeReadString(int nativePtr) { return nativeReadString((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static String nativeReadString(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).readString(); } @Implementation @HiddenApi synchronized public static Number nativeCreate() { long nativePtr = nextNativePtr++; NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.put(nativePtr, new ByteBuffer()); return castNativePtr(nativePtr); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeFreeBuffer(int nativePtr) { nativeFreeBuffer((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeFreeBuffer(long nativePtr) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).clear(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeDestroy(int nativePtr) { nativeDestroy((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeDestroy(long nativePtr) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.remove(nativePtr); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static byte[] nativeMarshall(int nativePtr) { return nativeMarshall((long) nativePtr); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static byte[] nativeMarshall(long nativePtr) { return NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(nativePtr).toByteArray(); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeUnmarshall(int nativePtr, byte[] data, int offset, int length) { nativeUnmarshall((long) nativePtr, data, offset, length); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeUnmarshall(long nativePtr, byte[] data, int offset, int length) { NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.put(nativePtr, ByteBuffer.fromByteArray(data, offset, length)); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeAppendFrom(int thisNativePtr, int otherNativePtr, int offset, int length) { nativeAppendFrom((long) thisNativePtr, otherNativePtr, offset, length); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeAppendFrom(long thisNativePtr, long otherNativePtr, int offset, int length) { ByteBuffer thisByteBuffer = NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(thisNativePtr); ByteBuffer otherByteBuffer = NATIVE_PTR_TO_PARCEL.get(otherNativePtr); thisByteBuffer.appendFrom(otherByteBuffer, offset, length); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeWriteInterfaceToken(int nativePtr, String interfaceName) { nativeWriteInterfaceToken((long) nativePtr, interfaceName); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeWriteInterfaceToken(long nativePtr, String interfaceName) { // Write StrictMode.ThreadPolicy bits (assume 0 for test). nativeWriteInt(nativePtr, 0); nativeWriteString(nativePtr, interfaceName); } @HiddenApi @Implementation(maxSdk = KITKAT_WATCH) public static void nativeEnforceInterface(int nativePtr, String interfaceName) { nativeEnforceInterface((long) nativePtr, interfaceName); } @Implementation(minSdk = LOLLIPOP) public static void nativeEnforceInterface(long nativePtr, String interfaceName) { // Consume StrictMode.ThreadPolicy bits (don't bother setting in test). nativeReadInt(nativePtr); String actualInterfaceName = nativeReadString(nativePtr); if (!Objects.equals(interfaceName, actualInterfaceName)) { throw new SecurityException("Binder invocation to an incorrect interface"); } } private static class ByteBuffer { // List of elements where a pair is a piece of data and the sizeof that data private List<Pair<Integer, ?>> buffer = new ArrayList<>(); private int index; /** * Removes all elements from the byte buffer */ public void clear() { index = 0; buffer.clear(); } /** * Reads a byte array from the byte buffer based on the current data position */ public byte[] readByteArray() { int length = readInt(); if (length == -1) { return null; } byte[] array = new byte[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { array[i] = readByte(); } return array; } /** * Writes a byte to the byte buffer at the current data position */ public void writeByte(byte b) { writeValue(Byte.SIZE / 8, b); } /** * Writes a byte array starting at offset for length bytes to the byte buffer at the current * data position */ public void writeByteArray(byte[] b, int offset, int length) { writeInt(b.length); for (int i = offset; i < offset + length && i < b.length; i++) { writeByte(b[i]); } } /** * Reads a byte from the byte buffer based on the current data position */ public byte readByte() { return readValue((byte) 0); } /** * Writes an int to the byte buffer at the current data position */ public void writeInt(int i) { writeValue(Integer.SIZE / 8, i); } /** * Reads a int from the byte buffer based on the current data position */ public int readInt() { return readValue(0); } /** * Writes a long to the byte buffer at the current data position */ public void writeLong(long l) { writeValue(Long.SIZE / 8, l); } /** * Reads a long from the byte buffer based on the current data position */ public long readLong() { return readValue(0L); } /** * Writes a float to the byte buffer at the current data position */ public void writeFloat(float f) { writeValue(Float.SIZE / 8, f); } /** * Reads a float from the byte buffer based on the current data position */ public float readFloat() { return readValue(0f); } /** * Writes a double to the byte buffer at the current data position */ public void writeDouble(double d) { writeValue(Double.SIZE / 8, d); } /** * Reads a double from the byte buffer based on the current data position */ public double readDouble() { return readValue(0d); } /** * Writes a String to the byte buffer at the current data position */ public void writeString(String s) { int length = TextUtils.isEmpty(s) ? Integer.SIZE / 8 : s.length(); writeValue(length, s); } /** * Reads a String from the byte buffer based on the current data position */ public String readString() { return readValue(null); } /** * Appends the contents of the other byte buffer to this byte buffer * starting at offset and ending at length. * * @param other ByteBuffer to append to this one * @param offset number of bytes from beginning of byte buffer to start copy from * @param length number of bytes to copy */ public void appendFrom(ByteBuffer other, int offset, int length) { int otherIndex = other.toIndex(offset); int otherEndIndex = other.toIndex(offset + length); for (int i = otherIndex; i < otherEndIndex && i < other.buffer.size(); i++) { int elementSize = other.buffer.get(i).first; Object elementValue = other.buffer.get(i).second; writeValue(elementSize, elementValue); } } /** * Creates a Byte buffer from a raw byte array. * * @param array byte array to read from * @param offset starting position in bytes to start reading array at * @param length number of bytes to read from array */ public static ByteBuffer fromByteArray(byte[] array, int offset, int length) { ByteBuffer byteBuffer = new ByteBuffer(); try { ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(array, offset, length); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis); int numElements = ois.readInt(); for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { int sizeOf = ois.readInt(); Object value = ois.readObject(); byteBuffer.buffer.add(Pair.create(sizeOf, value)); } return byteBuffer; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Converts a ByteBuffer to a raw byte array. This method should be * symmetrical with fromByteArray. */ public byte[] toByteArray() { try { ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); int length = buffer.size(); oos.writeInt(length); for (Pair<Integer, ?> element : buffer) { oos.writeInt(element.first); oos.writeObject(element.second); } return bos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Number of unused bytes in this byte buffer. */ public int dataAvailable() { return dataSize() - dataPosition(); } /** * Total buffer size in bytes of byte buffer included unused space. */ public int dataCapacity() { return dataSize(); } /** * Current data position of byte buffer in bytes. Reads / writes are from this position. */ public int dataPosition() { return toDataPosition(index); } /** * Current amount of bytes currently written for ByteBuffer. */ public int dataSize() { int totalSize = totalSize(); int dataPosition = dataPosition(); return totalSize > dataPosition ? totalSize : dataPosition; } /** * Sets the current data position. * * @param pos * Desired position in bytes */ public void setDataPosition(int pos) { index = toIndex(pos); } public void setDataSize(int size) { // TODO } public void setDataCapacity(int size) { // TODO } private int totalSize() { int size = 0; for (Pair<Integer, ?> element : buffer) { size += element.first; } return size; } private <T> T readValue(T defaultValue) { return (index < buffer.size()) ? (T) buffer.get(index++).second : defaultValue; } private void writeValue(int i, Object o) { Pair<Integer, ?> value = Pair.create(i, o); if (index < buffer.size()) { buffer.set(index, value); } else { buffer.add(value); } index++; } private int toDataPosition(int index) { int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < index; i++) { pos += buffer.get(i).first; } return pos; } private int toIndex(int dataPosition) { int calculatedPos = 0; int i = 0; for (; i < buffer.size() && calculatedPos < dataPosition; i++) { calculatedPos += buffer.get(i).first; } return i; } } }