/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.presto.tests.cassandra; import com.teradata.tempto.ProductTest; import com.teradata.tempto.Requirement; import com.teradata.tempto.RequirementsProvider; import com.teradata.tempto.configuration.Configuration; import com.teradata.tempto.query.QueryResult; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.sql.SQLException; import static com.facebook.presto.tests.TestGroups.CASSANDRA; import static com.facebook.presto.tests.cassandra.MultiColumnKeyTableDefinition.CASSANDRA_MULTI_COLUMN_KEY; import static com.facebook.presto.tests.cassandra.TestConstants.CONNECTOR_NAME; import static com.facebook.presto.tests.cassandra.TestConstants.KEY_SPACE; import static com.facebook.presto.tests.utils.QueryExecutors.onPresto; import static com.teradata.tempto.assertions.QueryAssert.Row.row; import static com.teradata.tempto.assertions.QueryAssert.assertThat; import static com.teradata.tempto.fulfillment.table.TableRequirements.immutableTable; import static java.lang.String.format; public class SelectMultiColumnKey extends ProductTest implements RequirementsProvider { @Override public Requirement getRequirements(Configuration configuration) { return immutableTable(CASSANDRA_MULTI_COLUMN_KEY); } @Test(groups = CASSANDRA) public void testSelectWithEqualityFilterOnClusteringKey() throws SQLException { String sql = format( "SELECT value FROM %s.%s.%s WHERE key = 'a1'", CONNECTOR_NAME, KEY_SPACE, CASSANDRA_MULTI_COLUMN_KEY.getName()); QueryResult queryResult = onPresto() .executeQuery(sql); assertThat(queryResult).containsOnly(row("Test value 1")); } @Test(groups = CASSANDRA) public void testSelectWithEqualityFilterOnPrimaryAndClusteringKeys() throws SQLException { String sql = format( "SELECT value FROM %s.%s.%s WHERE user_id = 'Alice' and key = 'a1' and updated_at = TIMESTAMP '2015-01-01 01:01:01'", CONNECTOR_NAME, KEY_SPACE, CASSANDRA_MULTI_COLUMN_KEY.getName()); QueryResult queryResult = onPresto() .executeQuery(sql); assertThat(queryResult).containsOnly(row("Test value 1")); } @Test(groups = CASSANDRA) public void testSelectWithMixedFilterOnPrimaryAndClusteringKeys() throws SQLException { String sql = format( "SELECT value FROM %s.%s.%s WHERE user_id = 'Alice' and key < 'b' and updated_at >= TIMESTAMP '2015-01-01 01:01:01'", CONNECTOR_NAME, KEY_SPACE, CASSANDRA_MULTI_COLUMN_KEY.getName()); QueryResult queryResult = onPresto() .executeQuery(sql); assertThat(queryResult).containsOnly(row("Test value 1")); } @Test(groups = CASSANDRA) public void testSelectWithFilterOnPrimaryKeyNoMatch() throws SQLException { String sql = format( "SELECT value FROM %s.%s.%s WHERE user_id = 'George'", CONNECTOR_NAME, KEY_SPACE, CASSANDRA_MULTI_COLUMN_KEY.getName()); QueryResult queryResult = onPresto() .executeQuery(sql); assertThat(queryResult).hasNoRows(); } @Test(groups = CASSANDRA) public void testSelectWithFilterOnPrefixOfClusteringKey() throws SQLException { String sql = format( "SELECT value FROM %s.%s.%s WHERE user_id = 'Bob' and key = 'b1'", CONNECTOR_NAME, KEY_SPACE, CASSANDRA_MULTI_COLUMN_KEY.getName()); QueryResult queryResult = onPresto() .executeQuery(sql); assertThat(queryResult).containsOnly(row("Test value 2")); } @Test(groups = CASSANDRA) public void testSelectWithFilterOnSecondClusteringKey() throws SQLException { // Since update_at is the second clustering key, this forces a full table scan. String sql = format( "SELECT value FROM %s.%s.%s WHERE user_id = 'Bob' and updated_at = TIMESTAMP '2014-02-02 03:04:05'", CONNECTOR_NAME, KEY_SPACE, CASSANDRA_MULTI_COLUMN_KEY.getName()); QueryResult queryResult = onPresto() .executeQuery(sql); assertThat(queryResult).containsOnly(row("Test value 2")); } }