/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.presto.cassandra; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Insert; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder; import com.facebook.presto.spi.SchemaTableName; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap; import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet; import com.google.common.net.InetAddresses; import com.google.common.primitives.Ints; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.Date; import java.util.UUID; import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals; public class CassandraTestingUtils { public static final String TABLE_ALL_TYPES = "table_all_types"; public static final String TABLE_ALL_TYPES_PARTITION_KEY = "table_all_types_partition_key"; public static final String TABLE_CLUSTERING_KEYS = "table_clustering_keys"; public static final String TABLE_CLUSTERING_KEYS_LARGE = "table_clustering_keys_large"; public static final String TABLE_MULTI_PARTITION_CLUSTERING_KEYS = "table_multi_partition_clustering_keys"; private CassandraTestingUtils() {} public static void createTestTables(CassandraSession cassandraSession, String keyspace, Date date) { createKeyspace(cassandraSession, keyspace); createTableAllTypes(cassandraSession, new SchemaTableName(keyspace, TABLE_ALL_TYPES), date); createTableAllTypesPartitionKey(cassandraSession, new SchemaTableName(keyspace, TABLE_ALL_TYPES_PARTITION_KEY), date); createTableClusteringKeys(cassandraSession, new SchemaTableName(keyspace, TABLE_CLUSTERING_KEYS), 9); createTableClusteringKeys(cassandraSession, new SchemaTableName(keyspace, TABLE_CLUSTERING_KEYS_LARGE), 1000); createTableMultiPartitionClusteringKeys(cassandraSession, new SchemaTableName(keyspace, TABLE_MULTI_PARTITION_CLUSTERING_KEYS)); } public static void createKeyspace(CassandraSession session, String keyspaceName) { session.execute("CREATE KEYSPACE " + keyspaceName + " WITH REPLICATION = {'class':'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1}"); } public static void createTableClusteringKeys(CassandraSession session, SchemaTableName table, int rowsCount) { session.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table); session.execute("CREATE TABLE " + table + " (" + "key text, " + "clust_one text, " + "clust_two text, " + "clust_three text, " + "data text, " + "PRIMARY KEY((key), clust_one, clust_two, clust_three) " + ")"); insertIntoTableClusteringKeys(session, table, rowsCount); } public static void insertIntoTableClusteringKeys(CassandraSession session, SchemaTableName table, int rowsCount) { for (Integer rowNumber = 1; rowNumber <= rowsCount; rowNumber++) { Insert insert = QueryBuilder.insertInto(table.getSchemaName(), table.getTableName()) .value("key", "key_" + rowNumber.toString()) .value("clust_one", "clust_one") .value("clust_two", "clust_two_" + rowNumber.toString()) .value("clust_three", "clust_three_" + rowNumber.toString()); session.executeWithSession(s -> s.execute(insert)); } assertEquals(session.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table).all().get(0).getLong(0), rowsCount); } public static void createTableMultiPartitionClusteringKeys(CassandraSession session, SchemaTableName table) { session.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table); session.execute("CREATE TABLE " + table + " (" + "partition_one text, " + "partition_two text, " + "clust_one text, " + "clust_two text, " + "clust_three text, " + "data text, " + "PRIMARY KEY((partition_one, partition_two), clust_one, clust_two, clust_three) " + ")"); insertIntoTableMultiPartitionClusteringKeys(session, table); } public static void insertIntoTableMultiPartitionClusteringKeys(CassandraSession session, SchemaTableName table) { for (Integer rowNumber = 1; rowNumber < 10; rowNumber++) { Insert insert = QueryBuilder.insertInto(table.getSchemaName(), table.getTableName()) .value("partition_one", "partition_one_" + rowNumber.toString()) .value("partition_two", "partition_two_" + rowNumber.toString()) .value("clust_one", "clust_one") .value("clust_two", "clust_two_" + rowNumber.toString()) .value("clust_three", "clust_three_" + rowNumber.toString()); session.executeWithSession(s -> s.execute(insert)); } assertEquals(session.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table).all().get(0).getLong(0), 9); } public static void createTableAllTypes(CassandraSession session, SchemaTableName table, Date date) { session.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table); session.execute("CREATE TABLE " + table + " (" + " key text PRIMARY KEY, " + " typeuuid uuid, " + " typeinteger int, " + " typelong bigint, " + " typebytes blob, " + " typetimestamp timestamp, " + " typeansi ascii, " + " typeboolean boolean, " + " typedecimal decimal, " + " typedouble double, " + " typefloat float, " + " typeinet inet, " + " typevarchar varchar, " + " typevarint varint, " + " typetimeuuid timeuuid, " + " typelist list<text>, " + " typemap map<int, bigint>, " + " typeset set<boolean>, " + ")"); insertTestData(session, table, date); } public static void createTableAllTypesPartitionKey(CassandraSession session, SchemaTableName table, Date date) { session.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS " + table); session.execute("CREATE TABLE " + table + " (" + " key text, " + " typeuuid uuid, " + " typeinteger int, " + " typelong bigint, " + " typebytes blob, " + " typetimestamp timestamp, " + " typeansi ascii, " + " typeboolean boolean, " + " typedecimal decimal, " + " typedouble double, " + " typefloat float, " + " typeinet inet, " + " typevarchar varchar, " + " typevarint varint, " + " typetimeuuid timeuuid, " + " typelist frozen <list<text>>, " + " typemap frozen <map<int, bigint>>, " + " typeset frozen <set<boolean>>, " + " PRIMARY KEY ((" + " key, " + " typeuuid, " + " typeinteger, " + " typelong, " + // TODO: NOT YET SUPPORTED AS A PARTITION KEY // " typebytes, " + " typetimestamp, " + " typeansi, " + " typeboolean, " + // TODO: PRECISION LOST. IMPLEMENT IT AS STRING // " typedecimal, " + " typedouble, " + " typefloat, " + " typeinet, " + " typevarchar, " + // TODO: NOT YET SUPPORTED AS A PARTITION KEY // " typevarint, " + " typetimeuuid " + // TODO: NOT YET SUPPORTED AS A PARTITION KEY // " typelist, " + // " typemap, " + // " typeset" + " ))" + ")"); insertTestData(session, table, date); } private static void insertTestData(CassandraSession session, SchemaTableName table, Date date) { for (Integer rowNumber = 1; rowNumber < 10; rowNumber++) { Insert insert = QueryBuilder.insertInto(table.getSchemaName(), table.getTableName()) .value("key", "key " + rowNumber.toString()) .value("typeuuid", UUID.fromString(String.format("00000000-0000-0000-0000-%012d", rowNumber))) .value("typeinteger", rowNumber) .value("typelong", rowNumber.longValue() + 1000) .value("typebytes", ByteBuffer.wrap(Ints.toByteArray(rowNumber)).asReadOnlyBuffer()) .value("typetimestamp", date) .value("typeansi", "ansi " + rowNumber) .value("typeboolean", rowNumber % 2 == 0) .value("typedecimal", new BigDecimal(Math.pow(2, rowNumber))) .value("typedouble", Math.pow(4, rowNumber)) .value("typefloat", (float) Math.pow(8, rowNumber)) .value("typeinet", InetAddresses.forString("")) .value("typevarchar", "varchar " + rowNumber) .value("typevarint", BigInteger.TEN.pow(rowNumber)) .value("typetimeuuid", UUID.fromString(String.format("d2177dd0-eaa2-11de-a572-001b779c76e%d", rowNumber))) .value("typelist", ImmutableList.of("list-value-1" + rowNumber, "list-value-2" + rowNumber)) .value("typemap", ImmutableMap.of(rowNumber, rowNumber + 1L, rowNumber + 2, rowNumber + 3L)) .value("typeset", ImmutableSet.of(false, true)); session.executeWithSession(s -> s.execute(insert)); } assertEquals(session.execute("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + table).all().get(0).getLong(0), 9); } }