/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation; import com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.state.CentralMomentsState; import com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.state.CorrelationState; import com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.state.CovarianceState; import com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.state.RegressionState; import com.facebook.presto.operator.aggregation.state.VarianceState; import com.facebook.presto.spi.Page; import com.facebook.presto.spi.block.Block; import com.facebook.presto.spi.type.TypeSignature; import com.google.common.base.CaseFormat; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Function; import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument; import static java.util.Locale.ENGLISH; public final class AggregationUtils { private AggregationUtils() { } public static void updateVarianceState(VarianceState state, double value) { state.setCount(state.getCount() + 1); double delta = value - state.getMean(); state.setMean(state.getMean() + delta / state.getCount()); state.setM2(state.getM2() + delta * (value - state.getMean())); } public static void updateCentralMomentsState(CentralMomentsState state, double value) { long n1 = state.getCount(); long n = n1 + 1; double m1 = state.getM1(); double m2 = state.getM2(); double m3 = state.getM3(); double delta = value - m1; double deltaN = delta / n; double deltaN2 = deltaN * deltaN; double dm2 = delta * deltaN * n1; state.setCount(n); state.setM1(m1 + deltaN); state.setM2(m2 + dm2); state.setM3(m3 + dm2 * deltaN * (n - 2) - 3 * deltaN * m2); state.setM4(state.getM4() + dm2 * deltaN2 * (n * (double) n - 3 * n + 3) + 6 * deltaN2 * m2 - 4 * deltaN * m3); } public static void updateCovarianceState(CovarianceState state, double x, double y) { state.setCount(state.getCount() + 1); state.setSumXY(state.getSumXY() + x * y); state.setSumX(state.getSumX() + x); state.setSumY(state.getSumY() + y); } public static double getCovarianceSample(CovarianceState state) { return (state.getSumXY() - state.getSumX() * state.getSumY() / state.getCount()) / (state.getCount() - 1); } public static double getCovariancePopulation(CovarianceState state) { return (state.getSumXY() - state.getSumX() * state.getSumY() / state.getCount()) / state.getCount(); } public static void updateCorrelationState(CorrelationState state, double x, double y) { updateCovarianceState(state, x, y); state.setSumXSquare(state.getSumXSquare() + x * x); state.setSumYSquare(state.getSumYSquare() + y * y); } public static double getCorrelation(CorrelationState state) { // Math comes from ISO9075-2:2011(E) 10.9 General Rules 7 c x double dividend = state.getCount() * state.getSumXY() - state.getSumX() * state.getSumY(); dividend = dividend * dividend; double divisor1 = state.getCount() * state.getSumXSquare() - state.getSumX() * state.getSumX(); double divisor2 = state.getCount() * state.getSumYSquare() - state.getSumY() * state.getSumY(); // divisor1 and divisor2 deliberately not checked for zero because the result can be Infty or NaN even if they are both not zero return dividend / divisor1 / divisor2; // When the left expression yields a finite value, dividend / (divisor1 * divisor2) can yield Infty or NaN. } public static void updateRegressionState(RegressionState state, double x, double y) { updateCovarianceState(state, x, y); state.setSumXSquare(state.getSumXSquare() + x * x); } public static double getRegressionSlope(RegressionState state) { // Math comes from ISO9075-2:2011(E) 10.9 General Rules 7 c xii double dividend = state.getCount() * state.getSumXY() - state.getSumX() * state.getSumY(); double divisor = state.getCount() * state.getSumXSquare() - state.getSumX() * state.getSumX(); // divisor deliberately not checked for zero because the result can be Infty or NaN even if it is not zero return dividend / divisor; } public static double getRegressionIntercept(RegressionState state) { // Math comes from ISO9075-2:2011(E) 10.9 General Rules 7 c xiii double dividend = state.getSumY() * state.getSumXSquare() - state.getSumX() * state.getSumXY(); double divisor = state.getCount() * state.getSumXSquare() - state.getSumX() * state.getSumX(); // divisor deliberately not checked for zero because the result can be Infty or NaN even if it is not zero return dividend / divisor; } public static void mergeVarianceState(VarianceState state, VarianceState otherState) { long count = otherState.getCount(); double mean = otherState.getMean(); double m2 = otherState.getM2(); checkArgument(count >= 0, "count is negative"); if (count == 0) { return; } long newCount = count + state.getCount(); double newMean = ((count * mean) + (state.getCount() * state.getMean())) / (double) newCount; double delta = mean - state.getMean(); double m2Delta = m2 + delta * delta * count * state.getCount() / (double) newCount; state.setM2(state.getM2() + m2Delta); state.setCount(newCount); state.setMean(newMean); } public static void mergeCentralMomentsState(CentralMomentsState state, CentralMomentsState otherState) { long na = state.getCount(); long nb = otherState.getCount(); checkArgument(nb >= 0, "count is negative"); if (nb == 0) { return; } double m1a = state.getM1(); double m2a = state.getM2(); double m3a = state.getM3(); double m1b = otherState.getM1(); double m2b = otherState.getM2(); double m3b = otherState.getM3(); double n = na + nb; // Use double as type of n to avoid integer overflow for n*n and n*n*n double delta = m1b - m1a; double delta2 = delta * delta; double delta3 = delta * delta2; double delta4 = delta2 * delta2; state.setCount((long) n); state.setM1((na * m1a + nb * m1b) / n); state.setM2(m2a + m2b + delta2 * na * nb / n); state.setM3(m3a + m3b + delta3 * na * nb * (na - nb) / (n * n) + 3 * delta * (na * m2b - nb * m2a) / n); state.setM4(state.getM4() + otherState.getM4() + delta4 * na * nb * (na * na - na * nb + nb * nb) / (n * n * n) + 6 * delta2 * (na * na * m2b + nb * nb * m2a) / (n * n) + 4 * delta * (na * m3b - nb * m3a) / n); } private static void updateCovarianceState(CovarianceState state, CovarianceState otherState) { state.setSumX(state.getSumX() + otherState.getSumX()); state.setSumY(state.getSumY() + otherState.getSumY()); state.setSumXY(state.getSumXY() + otherState.getSumXY()); state.setCount(state.getCount() + otherState.getCount()); } public static void mergeCovarianceState(CovarianceState state, CovarianceState otherState) { if (otherState.getCount() == 0) { return; } updateCovarianceState(state, otherState); } public static void mergeCorrelationState(CorrelationState state, CorrelationState otherState) { if (otherState.getCount() == 0) { return; } updateCovarianceState(state, otherState); state.setSumXSquare(state.getSumXSquare() + otherState.getSumXSquare()); state.setSumYSquare(state.getSumYSquare() + otherState.getSumYSquare()); } public static void mergeRegressionState(RegressionState state, RegressionState otherState) { if (otherState.getCount() == 0) { return; } updateCovarianceState(state, otherState); state.setSumXSquare(state.getSumXSquare() + otherState.getSumXSquare()); } public static String generateAggregationName(String baseName, TypeSignature outputType, List<TypeSignature> inputTypes) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL, outputType.toString())); for (TypeSignature inputType : inputTypes) { sb.append(CaseFormat.LOWER_CAMEL.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL, inputType.toString())); } sb.append(CaseFormat.LOWER_UNDERSCORE.to(CaseFormat.UPPER_CAMEL, baseName.toLowerCase(ENGLISH))); return sb.toString(); } // used by aggregation compiler @SuppressWarnings("UnusedDeclaration") public static Function<Integer, Block> pageBlockGetter(final Page page) { return page::getBlock; } }