/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.test; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc; import org.apache.pig.FuncSpec; import org.apache.pig.PigServer; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileLocalizer; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils; import org.apache.pig.parser.ParserException; import org.apache.pig.test.utils.MyUDFReturnMap; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; public class TestUDF { static String[] ScriptStatement = { "A = LOAD 'test/org/apache/pig/test/data/passwd' USING PigStorage();", "B = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.utils.MyUDFReturnMap(1);" }; static File TempScriptFile = null; static MiniGenericCluster cluster = MiniGenericCluster.buildCluster(); @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { Util.resetStateForExecModeSwitch(); TempScriptFile = File.createTempFile("temp_jira_851", ".pig"); FileWriter writer = new FileWriter(TempScriptFile); for (String line : ScriptStatement) { writer.write(line + "\n"); } writer.close(); } @AfterClass public static void oneTimeTearDown() throws Exception { cluster.shutDown(); } @Test public void testUDFReturnMap_LocalMode() throws Exception { PigServer pig = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); pig.registerScript(TempScriptFile.getAbsolutePath()); Iterator<Tuple> iterator = pig.openIterator("B"); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Tuple tuple = iterator.next(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Object, Object> result = (Map<Object, Object>) tuple.get(0); assertEquals(result, MyUDFReturnMap.map); } } @Test public void testUDFReturnMap_MapReduceMode() throws Exception { Util.createInputFile(cluster, "a.txt", new String[] { "dummy", "dummy" }); FileLocalizer.deleteTempFiles(); PigServer pig = new PigServer(cluster.getExecType(), cluster .getProperties()); pig.registerQuery("A = LOAD 'a.txt';"); pig.registerQuery("B = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.utils.MyUDFReturnMap();"); Iterator<Tuple> iterator = pig.openIterator("B"); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Tuple tuple = iterator.next(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<Object, Object> result = (Map<Object, Object>) tuple.get(0); assertEquals(result, MyUDFReturnMap.map); } } @Test public void testUDFMultiLevelOutputSchema() throws Exception { PigServer pig = new PigServer(cluster.getExecType(), cluster.getProperties()); pig.registerQuery("A = LOAD 'a.txt';"); pig.registerQuery("B = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.utils.MultiLevelDerivedUDF1();"); pig.registerQuery("C = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.utils.MultiLevelDerivedUDF2();"); pig.registerQuery("D = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.utils.MultiLevelDerivedUDF3();"); Schema s = pig.dumpSchema("B"); assertTrue(s.getField(0).type == DataType.DOUBLE); s = pig.dumpSchema("C"); assertTrue(s.getField(0).type == DataType.DOUBLE); s = pig.dumpSchema("D"); assertTrue(s.getField(0).type == DataType.DOUBLE); } //see PIG-2430 @Test public void testEvalFuncGetArgToFunc() throws Exception { String input = "udf_test_jira_2430.txt"; Util.createLocalInputFile(input, new String[]{"1,hey"}); PigServer pigServer = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); pigServer.registerQuery("A = LOAD '"+input+"' USING PigStorage(',') AS (x:int,y:chararray);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs(x);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs(y);"); pigServer.registerQuery("D = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs((long)x);"); pigServer.registerQuery("E = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs((double)x);"); pigServer.registerQuery("F = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs((float)x);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("B"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2),(Integer)it.next().get(0)); it = pigServer.openIterator("C"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1), (Integer)it.next().get(0)); it = pigServer.openIterator("D"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3),(Integer)it.next().get(0)); it = pigServer.openIterator("E"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(4),(Integer)it.next().get(0)); it = pigServer.openIterator("F"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(5),(Integer)it.next().get(0)); } //see PIG-2430 @Test public void testNormalDefine() throws Exception { String input = "udf_test_jira_2430_2.txt"; Util.createLocalInputFile(input, new String[]{"1"}); PigServer pigServer = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); pigServer.registerQuery("A = LOAD '"+input+"' as (x:int);"); pigServer.registerQuery("DEFINE udftest1 org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs('1');"); pigServer.registerQuery("DEFINE udftest2 org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs('2');"); pigServer.registerQuery("DEFINE udftest3 org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs('3');"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = FOREACH A GENERATE udftest1(x), udftest2(x), udftest3(x);"); Iterator<Tuple> its = pigServer.openIterator("B"); Tuple t = its.next(); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(1),t.get(0)); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(2),t.get(1)); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3),t.get(2)); } @Test public void testHelperEvalFunc() throws Exception { String pref="org.apache.pig.test.utils.HelperEvalFuncUtils$"; String[][] UDF = { {pref + "BasicSUM", pref + "AccSUM", pref + "AlgSUM", "SUM"}, {pref + "BasicCOUNT", pref + "AccCOUNT", pref + "AlgCOUNT", "COUNT"}, {"BasLCWC", "AccLCWC", "AlgLCWC", "5*COUNT"} }; String input = "udf_test_helper_eval_func.txt"; Util.createLocalInputFile(input, new String[]{"1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7\n8\n9\n10\n11\n12\n13\n14\n15"}); for (String[] udfs : UDF) { for (int i = 0; i < udfs.length - 1; i++) { String query = "DEFINE BasLCWC " + pref + "BasicLongCountWithConstructor('5');"; query += "DEFINE AccLCWC " + pref +" AccLongCountWithConstructor('5');"; query += "DEFINE AlgLCWC " + pref + "AlgLongCountWithConstructor('5');"; query += "A = load '" + input + "' as (x:int);"; query += "B = foreach (group A all) generate "; for (String s : Arrays.copyOfRange(udfs, i, udfs.length - 1)) { query += s + "(A),"; } query += udfs[udfs.length - 1] + "(A);"; PigServer pigServer = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); pigServer.registerQuery(query); Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("B"); while (it.hasNext()) { Tuple t = it.next(); Long val = (Long)t.get(0); for (int j = 1; j < i; j++) { assertEquals(val, t.get(j)); } } } } } @Test public void testEnsureProperSchema1() throws Exception { PigServer pig = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); pig.registerQuery("DEFINE goodSchema1 org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$MirrorSchema('a:int');"); pig.registerQuery("DEFINE goodSchema2 org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$MirrorSchema('t:(a:int, b:int, c:int)');"); pig.registerQuery("DEFINE goodSchema3 org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$MirrorSchema('b:{(a:int, b:int, c:int)}');"); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'thing';"); pig.registerQuery("b = foreach a generate goodSchema1();"); pig.registerQuery("c = foreach a generate goodSchema2();"); pig.registerQuery("d = foreach a generate goodSchema3();"); pig.dumpSchema("b"); pig.dumpSchema("c"); pig.dumpSchema("d"); } @Test public void testEvalFuncGetVarArgToFunc() throws Exception { String input = "udf_test_jira_3444.txt"; Util.createLocalInputFile(input, new String[]{"dummy"}); PigServer pigServer = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); pigServer.registerQuery("A = LOAD '"+input+"' USING PigStorage(',') AS (x:chararray);"); pigServer.registerQuery("B = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithVarArgs(3);"); pigServer.registerQuery("C = FOREACH A GENERATE org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$UdfWithFuncSpecWithVarArgs(1,2,3,4);"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("B"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(3),(Integer)it.next().get(0)); it = pigServer.openIterator("C"); assertEquals(Integer.valueOf(10), (Integer)it.next().get(0)); } @Test(expected = FrontendException.class) public void testEnsureProperSchema2() throws Exception { PigServer pig = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); pig.registerQuery("DEFINE badSchema org.apache.pig.test.TestUDF$MirrorSchema('a:int, b:int, c:int');"); pig.registerQuery("a = load 'thing';"); pig.registerQuery("b = foreach a generate badSchema();"); pig.dumpSchema("b"); } public static class MirrorSchema extends EvalFunc<Object> { private String schemaString; private Schema schema; public MirrorSchema(String schemaString) { this.schemaString = schemaString; try { schema = Utils.getSchemaFromString(schemaString); } catch (ParserException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public Object exec(Tuple input) throws IOException { return schemaString; } @Override public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) { return schema; } } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { TempScriptFile.delete(); } public static class UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs extends EvalFunc<Integer> { private Integer ret = 0; public UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs() {} public UdfWithFuncSpecWithArgs(String ret) { this.ret=Integer.parseInt(ret); } @Override public Integer exec(Tuple input) throws IOException { return ret; } @Override public List<FuncSpec> getArgToFuncMapping() throws FrontendException { List<FuncSpec> l = new ArrayList<FuncSpec>(5); l.add(new FuncSpec(this.getClass().getName(), new String[]{"1"}, new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null,DataType.CHARARRAY)))); l.add(new FuncSpec(this.getClass().getName(), new String[]{"2"}, new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null,DataType.INTEGER)))); l.add(new FuncSpec(this.getClass().getName(), new String[]{"3"}, new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null,DataType.LONG)))); l.add(new FuncSpec(this.getClass().getName(), new String[]{"4"}, new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null,DataType.DOUBLE)))); l.add(new FuncSpec(this.getClass().getName(), new String[]{"5"}, new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null,DataType.FLOAT)))); return l; } } public static class UdfWithFuncSpecWithVarArgs extends EvalFunc<Integer> { public UdfWithFuncSpecWithVarArgs() {} @Override public Integer exec(Tuple input) throws IOException { int res = 0; if (input == null || input.size() == 0) { return res; } for (int i = 0; i < input.size(); i++) { res += (Integer)input.get(i); } return res; } @Override public SchemaType getSchemaType() { return SchemaType.VARARG; } @Override public List<FuncSpec> getArgToFuncMapping() throws FrontendException { List<FuncSpec> l = new ArrayList<FuncSpec>(); Schema s1 = new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(null,DataType.INTEGER)); l.add(new FuncSpec(this.getClass().getName(), s1)); return l; } } @Test // See PIG-4184 public void testUDFNullInput() throws Exception { PigServer pig = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); File inputFile = Util.createInputFile("tmp", "", new String[] {"\t", "2\t3"}); pig.registerQuery("a = load '" + Util.generateURI(inputFile.toString(), pig.getPigContext()) + "' as (i1:int, i2:int);"); pig.registerQuery("b = foreach a generate " + IntToBool.class.getName() + "(i1);"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pig.openIterator("b"); assertEquals(iter.next().toString(), "(false)"); assertEquals(iter.next().toString(), "(true)"); assertFalse(iter.hasNext()); } public static class IntToBool extends EvalFunc<Boolean> { @Override public Boolean exec(Tuple input) throws IOException { if (input == null || input.size() == 0) return null; Integer val = (Integer)input.get(0); return (val == null || val == 0) ? false : true; } } }