/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.parser; import static org.apache.pig.builtin.mock.Storage.resetData; import static org.apache.pig.builtin.mock.Storage.tuple; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.antlr.runtime.MismatchedTokenException; import org.apache.pig.PigServer; import org.apache.pig.builtin.mock.Storage.Data; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils; import org.apache.pig.test.TestEvalPipeline.MapUDF; import org.apache.pig.test.Util; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; public class TestLogicalPlanGenerator { static File command; private PigServer pigServer; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { pigServer = new PigServer(Util.getLocalTestMode()); } @BeforeClass public static void oneTimeSetup() throws IOException, Exception { // Perl script String[] script = new String[] { "#!/usr/bin/perl", "open(INFILE, $ARGV[0]) or die \"Can't open \".$ARGV[0].\"!: $!\";", "while (<INFILE>) {", " chomp $_;", " print STDOUT \"$_\n\";", " print STDERR \"STDERR: $_\n\";", "}", }; command = Util.createInputFile("script", "pl", script); } @Test public void test1() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( u:int, v:long, w:bytearray); " + "B = limit A 100; " + "C = filter B by 2 > 1; " + "D = load 'y' as (d1, d2); " + "E = join C by ( $0, $1 ), D by ( d1, d2 ) using 'replicated' parallel 16; " + "F = store E into 'output';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test2() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( u:int, v:long, w:bytearray); " + "B = distinct A partition by org.apache.pig.Identity; " + "C = sample B 0.49; " + "D = order C by $0, $1; " + "E = load 'y' as (d1, d2); " + "F = union onschema D, E; " + "G = load 'z' as (g1:int, g2:tuple(g21, g22)); " + "H = cross F, G; " + "split H into I if 10 > 5, J if 'world' eq 'hello', K if 77 <= 200; " + "L = store J into 'output';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test3() throws Exception { String query = "a = load '1.txt' as (name, age, gpa);" + "b = group a by name PARTITION BY org.apache.pig.test.utils.SimpleCustomPartitioner2;" + "c = foreach b generate group, COUNT(a.age);" + "store c into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } private void generateLogicalPlan(String query) throws Exception { ParserTestingUtils.generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test4() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x'; " + "B = mapreduce '" + "myjar.jar" + "' " + "Store A into 'table_testNativeMRJobSimple_input' "+ "Load 'table_testNativeMRJobSimple_output' "+ "`org.apache.pig.test.utils.WordCount -files " + "file " + "table_testNativeMRJobSimple_input table_testNativeMRJobSimple_output " + "stopworld.file" + "`;" + "C = Store B into 'output';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } // Test define function. @Test public void test5() throws Exception { String query = "define myudf org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage( ',' );" + "A = load 'x' using myudf;" + "store A into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test6() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( a : int, b, c : chararray );" + "B = group A by ( a, $2 );" + "store B into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test7() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( a : int, b, c : chararray );" + "B = foreach A generate a, $2;" + "store B into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test8() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( a : int, b, c : chararray );" + "B = group A by a;" + "C = foreach B { S = A.b; generate S; };" + "store C into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test9() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( a : bag{ T:tuple(u, v) }, c : int, d : long );" + "B = foreach A { R = a; S = R.u; T = limit S 100; generate S, T, c + d/5; };" + "store B into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test10() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( a : bag{ T:tuple(u, v) }, c : int, d : long );" + "B = foreach A { S = a; T = limit S 100; generate T; };" + "store B into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test11() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( a : bag{ T:tuple(u, v) }, c : int, d : long );" + "B = foreach A { T = limit a 100; generate T; };" + "store B into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test12() throws Exception { String query = "define CMD `perl GroupBy.pl '\t' 0 1` ship('"+Util.encodeEscape(command.toString())+"');" + "A = load 'x';" + "B = group A by $0;" + "C = foreach B {" + " D = order A by $1; " + " generate flatten(D);" + "};" + "E = stream C through CMD;" + "store E into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test13() throws Exception { String query = "define CMD `perl PigStreaming.pl` ship('"+Util.encodeEscape(command.toString())+"') stderr('CMD');" + "A = load 'x';" + "C = stream A through CMD;" + "store C into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test14() throws Exception { String query = "a = load 'x1' using PigStorage() as (name, age:int, gpa);" + "b = load 'x2' as (name, age, registration, contributions);" + "e = cogroup a by name, b by name parallel 8;" + "f = foreach e generate group, SUM(a.age) as s;" + "g = filter f by s>0;" + "store g into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test15() throws Exception { String query = "a = load 'x1' using PigStorage() as (name, age, gpa);" + "b = group a all;" + "c = foreach b generate AVG(a.age) as avg; " + "d = load 'x2' using PigStorage() as (name, age, registration, contributions);" + "e = group d all;" + "f = foreach e generate AVG(d.age) as avg;" + "y = foreach a generate age/c.avg, age/f.avg;" + "store y into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test16() throws Exception { String query = "AA = load 'x';" + "A = foreach (group (filter AA by $0 > 0) all) generate flatten($1);" + "store A into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test17() throws Exception { String query = "store ( load 'x' ) into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test18() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x';\n" + "C = group (foreach A generate $0 parallel 5) all;"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test19() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as (u:map[], v);\n" + "B = foreach A { T = (chararray)u#'hello'#'world'; generate T; };"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test20() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' using PigStorage() as (a:int,b:chararray);\n" + "B = foreach A { C = TOMAP()#'key1'; generate C as C; };"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test21() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as (u, v);\n" + "B = foreach A { S = u; T = org.apache.pig.builtin.TOMAP(); generate S, T;};"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test22() throws Exception { String query = "A = (load 'x' as (u, v));\n" + "B = (group (foreach A generate $0 parallel 5) all);"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test23() throws Exception { String query = "a = (load 'x1' using PigStorage() as (name, age, gpa));" + "b = (group a all);" + "c = (foreach b generate AVG(a.age) as avg); " + "d = (load 'x2' using PigStorage() as (name, age, registration, contributions));" + "e = (group d all);" + "f = (foreach e generate AVG(d.age) as avg);" + "y = (foreach a generate age/c.avg, age/f.avg);" + "store y into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test24() throws Exception { String query = "a = (load 'x1' using PigStorage() as (name, age:int, gpa));" + "b = (load 'x2' as (name, age, registration, contributions));" + "e = (cogroup a by name, b by name parallel 8);" + "f = (foreach e generate group, SUM(a.age) as s);" + "g = (filter f by s>0);" + "(store g into 'y');"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void test25() throws Exception { String query = "A = (load 'x' as ( u:int, v:long, w:bytearray)); " + "B = (distinct A partition by org.apache.pig.Identity); " + "C = (sample B 0.49); " + "D = (order C by $0, $1); " + "E = (load 'y' as (d1, d2)); " + "F = (union onschema D, E); " + "G = (load 'z' as (g1:int, g2:tuple(g21, g22))); " + "H = (cross F, G); " + "split H into I if 10 > 5, J if 'world' eq 'hello', K if 77 <= 200; " + "L = (store J into 'output');"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void testCubeBasic() throws Exception { String query = "a = load 'input' as (x:chararray,y:chararray,z:long);" + "b = cube a by cube(x,y);" + "c = foreach b generate flatten(group) as (x,y), COUNT(cube) as count, SUM(cube.z) as total;" + "store c into 'output';"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testCubeMultipleIAlias() throws Exception { String query = "a = load 'input' as (x:chararray,y:chararray,z:long);" + "a = load 'input' as (x,y:chararray,z:long);" + "a = load 'input' as (x:chararray,y:chararray,z:long);" + "b = cube a by rollup(x,y);" + "c = foreach b generate flatten(group) as (x,y), COUNT(cube) as count, SUM(cube.z) as total;" + "store c into 'c';"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testCubeAfterForeach() throws Exception { String query = "a = load 'input' as (x:chararray,y:chararray,z:long);" + "b = foreach a generate x as type,y as location,z as number;" + "c = cube b by cube(type,location);" + "d = foreach c generate flatten(group) as (type,location), COUNT(cube) as count, SUM(cube.number) as total;" + "store d into 'd';"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testFilter1() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( u:int, v:long, w:bytearray); " + "B = filter A by 2 > 1;\n" + "store B into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void testFilter2() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = load 'x' as ( u:int, v:long, w:bytearray); " + "B = filter A by u is null;\n"); } @Test public void testFilter3() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = load 'x' as ( u:int, v:long, w:bytearray); " + "B = filter A by u is not null;\n"); } @Test public void testFilter4() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan("b = filter (load 'd.txt' as (id:int, v1, v2)) by (id > 3) AND (v1 is null);"); } @Test public void testScopedAlias() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( u:int, v:long, w:bytearray);" + "B = load 'y' as ( u:int, x:int, y:chararray);" + "C = join A by u, B by u;" + "D = foreach C generate A::u, B::u, v, x;" + "store D into 'z';"; generateLogicalPlan ( query ); } @Test public void testConstantWithNegativeValue() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( u:int, v:long, w:bytearray);" + "B = foreach A generate u, { ( -1, -15L, -3.5, -4.03F, -2.3e3 ) };" + "store B into 'y';"; generateLogicalPlan ( query ); } @Test(expected = NonProjectExpressionException.class) public void testNegative1() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'x' as ( a : bag{ T:tuple(u, v) }, c : int, d : long );" + "B = foreach A { S = c * 2; T = limit S 100; generate T; };" + "store B into 'y';"; ParserTestingUtils.generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test(expected = MismatchedTokenException.class) public void testNegative2() throws Exception { String query = "ship = load 'x';"; try { ParserTestingUtils.generateLogicalPlan( query ); } catch(Exception ex) { MismatchedTokenException mex = (MismatchedTokenException)ex; assertTrue( mex.token.getText().equals("ship") ); throw ex; } } @Test(expected = MismatchedTokenException.class) public void testNegative3() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'y'; all = load 'x';"; try { ParserTestingUtils.generateLogicalPlan( query ); } catch(Exception ex) { MismatchedTokenException mex = (MismatchedTokenException)ex; assertTrue( mex.token.getText().equals("all") ); throw ex; } } @Test public void testMultilineFunctionArgument() throws Exception { String query = "LOAD 'testIn' \n" + "USING PigStorage ('\n');"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test // See PIG-2320 public void testInlineOpInGroup() throws Exception { String query = "a = load 'data1' as (x:int); \n" + "a_1 = filter (group a by x) by COUNT(a) > 0;"; generateLogicalPlan( query ); } @Test public void testRank01() throws Exception { String query = "A = LOAD 'data4' AS (name:chararray,surname:chararray,sales:double,code:int);" + "B = rank A by sales;" + "store B into 'rank01_test';"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testRank02() throws Exception { String query = "A = LOAD 'data4' AS (name:chararray,surname:chararray,sales:double,code:int);" + "C = rank A by sales DENSE;" + "store C into 'rank02_test';"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testRank03() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'test02' using PigStorage(',') as (firstname:chararray,lastname:chararray,rownumberPrev:int,rankPrev:int,denserankPrev:int,quartilePrev:int,sales:double,postalcode:int);" + "B = rank A;" + "store B into 'rank03_test';"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testRank04() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'test02' using PigStorage(',') as (firstname:chararray,lastname:chararray,rownumberPrev:int,rankPrev:int,denserankPrev:int,quartilePrev:int,sales:double,postalcode:int);" + "C = rank A by postalcode DESC;" + "store C into 'rank04_test';"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testRank05() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'test02' using PigStorage(',') as (firstname:chararray,lastname:chararray,rownumberPrev:int,rankPrev:int,denserankPrev:int,quartilePrev:int,sales:double,postalcode:int);" + "D = rank A by postalcode DENSE;" + "store D into 'rank05_test';"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testRank06() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'data' as (x:int,y:chararray,z:int,rz:chararray);" + "C = rank A by x..rz;"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testRank07() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'data' as (x:int,y:chararray,z:int,rz:chararray);" + "C = rank A by x ASC, y DESC;"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testRank08() throws Exception { String query = "A = load 'data' as (x:int,y:chararray,z:int,rz:chararray);" + "C = rank A;"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testCast1() throws Exception { String query = "data = LOAD 'data.txt' AS (num:CHARARRAY);" + "numbers = FOREACH data GENERATE (INT) num;"; generateLogicalPlan(query); } @Test public void testCast2() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "sds = LOAD '/my/data/location' AS (simpleFields:map[], mapFields:map[], listMapFields:map[]); " + "queries_rand = FOREACH sds GENERATE (CHARARRAY) (mapFields#'page_params'#'query') AS query_string;"); } @Test public void testBoolean1() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = load 'INPUT_FILE' as (id:int, fruit);" + "B = group A by id;" + "C = foreach B generate group, " + "((org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)>1 and " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)<3)?0:1);"); } @Test public void testBoolean2() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = load 'INPUT_FILE' as (id:int, fruit);" + "B = group A by id;" + "C = foreach B generate group, " + "((org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)>3 or " + "org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)<2)?0:1);"); } @Test public void testBoolean3() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = load 'INPUT_FILE' as (id:int, fruit);" + "B = filter A by id < 5 and ( fruit neq 'cabbage' or id == 17 );"); } @Test public void testBoolean4() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "a = load '1.txt' as (a0, a1);" + "b = foreach a generate (a0 is not null ? 0 : 1);"); } @Test public void testBoolean5() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "a = load '1.txt' as (a0, a1);" + "b = foreach a generate (a0 is null ? 0 : 2);"); } @Test public void testAccumWithRegexp() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = load 'AccumulatorInput.txt' as (id:int, fruit);" + "B = group A by id;" + "C = foreach B generate group, (((chararray)org.apache.pig.test.utils.AccumulatorBagCount(A)) matches '1*' ?0:1);"); } @Test public void testMapsideGroupByMultipleColumns() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = LOAD 'MapSideGroupInput.txt' using org.apache.pig.test.TestCollectedGroup$DummyCollectableLoader() as (id, name, grade);" + "B = group A by (id, name) using 'collected';"); } @Test public void testMapUDF() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = LOAD 'someData';" + "B = foreach A generate " + MapUDF.class.getName() + "($0) as mymap;" + "C = foreach B {" + "generate (double)mymap#'double' as d, " + "(long)mymap#'long' + (float)mymap#'float' as float_sum, " + "CONCAT((chararray) mymap#'string', ' World!'), " + "mymap#'int' * 10, " + "(bag{tuple()}) mymap#'bag' as mybag, " + "(tuple()) mymap#'tuple' as mytuple, " + "(map[])mymap#'map' as mapInMap, " + "mymap#'dba' as dba;" + "};"); } @Test public void testSimpleMapCast() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "a = load 'testSimpleMapCast' as (m);" + "b = foreach a generate ([int])m;"); } @Test public void testComplexCast() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "a = load 'testComplexCast' as (m);" + "b = foreach a generate ([{(i:int,j:int)}])m;"); } @Test public void testNullConstant() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "a = load 'foo' as (x:int, y:double, str:chararray);" + "b = foreach a generate {(null)}, ['2'#null];"); } @Test public void testEmptyTupConst() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "a = foreach (load 'b') generate ({});"); } @Test public void testJoin1() throws Exception { generateLogicalPlan( "A = load 'hat' as (m:map[]);" + "B = filter A by m#'cond'==1;" + "C = filter B by m#'key1'==1;" + "D = filter B by m#'key2'==2;" + "E = join C by m#'key1', D by m#'key1';"); } // See: PIG-2937 @Test public void testRelationAliasInNestedForeachWhereUnspecified() throws Exception { Data data = resetData(pigServer); List<Tuple> values = Lists.newArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { values.add(tuple(i % 3 == 0 ? null : "a", "b")); } data.set("foo", values); pigServer.registerQuery("raw_data = load 'foo' using mock.Storage() as (field_a:chararray, field_b:chararray);"); pigServer.registerQuery("records = foreach raw_data {" + " generated_field = (field_a is null ? '-' : field_b);"+ " GENERATE" + " field_a," + " field_b," + " generated_field; }"); pigServer.registerQuery("use_records = foreach records generate generated_field, CONCAT(generated_field,generated_field);"); Schema expectedSchema = Utils.getSchemaFromString("field_a:chararray, field_b:chararray, generated_field:chararray"); assertEquals(expectedSchema, pigServer.dumpSchema("records")); for (Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("records"); it.hasNext();) { Tuple t = it.next(); String a = (String)t.get(0); String b = (String)t.get(1); assertEquals("b", b); if (a == null) { assertEquals("-", t.get(2)); } else { assertEquals("a", a); assertEquals(b, t.get(2)); } } for (Iterator<Tuple> it = pigServer.openIterator("use_records"); it.hasNext();) { Tuple t = it.next(); String x = (String)t.get(0); assertEquals(x+x, t.get(1)); } } }