/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.Serializable; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.pig.CollectableLoadFunc; import org.apache.pig.ExecType; import org.apache.pig.FuncSpec; import org.apache.pig.IndexableLoadFunc; import org.apache.pig.LoadFunc; import org.apache.pig.OrderedLoadFunc; import org.apache.pig.PigConfiguration; import org.apache.pig.PigException; import org.apache.pig.PigWarning; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.datastorage.ConfigurationUtil; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.plans.MROpPlanVisitor; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.plans.MROperPlan; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.plans.ScalarPhyFinder; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.plans.UDFFinder; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.PhysicalOperator; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.ConstantExpression; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.POProject; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.POUserFunc; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhyPlanVisitor; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.plans.PhysicalPlan; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.JoinPackager; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.LitePackager; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POCollectedGroup; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POCounter; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POCross; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.PODistinct; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POFRJoin; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POFilter; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POForEach; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POGlobalRearrange; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POLimit; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POLoad; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POLocalRearrange; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POMergeCogroup; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POMergeJoin; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.PONative; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POPackage; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POPartitionRearrange; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.PORank; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSkewedJoin; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSort; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POSplit; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POStore; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POStream; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.POUnion; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.Packager; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.relationalOperators.Packager.PackageType; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.util.PlanHelper; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.shims.HadoopShims; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.util.MapRedUtil; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext; import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.DefaultIndexableLoader; import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.FindQuantiles; import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.GetMemNumRows; import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.IsFirstReduceOfKey; import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.PartitionSkewedKeys; import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.PoissonSampleLoader; import org.apache.pig.impl.builtin.RandomSampleLoader; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileLocalizer; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileSpec; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.CompilationMessageCollector; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.CompilationMessageCollector.MessageType; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.DepthFirstWalker; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.NodeIdGenerator; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.Operator; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.OperatorKey; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.OperatorPlan; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.PlanException; import org.apache.pig.impl.plan.VisitorException; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.CompilerUtils; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.MultiMap; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.ObjectSerializer; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Pair; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.UriUtil; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils; import org.apache.pig.newplan.logical.relational.LOJoin; /** * The compiler that compiles a given physical plan * into a DAG of MapReduce operators which can then * be converted into the JobControl structure. * * Is implemented as a visitor of the PhysicalPlan it * is compiling. * * Currently supports all operators except the MR Sort * operator * * Uses a predecessor based depth first traversal. * To compile an operator, first compiles * the predecessors into MapReduce Operators and tries to * merge the current operator into one of them. The goal * being to keep the number of MROpers to a minimum. * * It also merges multiple Map jobs, created by compiling * the inputs individually, into a single job. Here a new * map job is created and then the contents of the previous * map plans are added. However, any other state that was in * the previous map plans, should be manually moved over. So, * if you are adding something new take care about this. * Ex of this is in requestedParallelism * * Only in case of blocking operators and splits, a new * MapReduce operator is started using a store-load combination * to connect the two operators. Whenever this happens * care is taken to add the MROper into the MRPlan and connect it * appropriately. * * */ public class MRCompiler extends PhyPlanVisitor { PigContext pigContext; //The plan that is being compiled PhysicalPlan plan; //The plan of MapReduce Operators MROperPlan MRPlan; //The current MapReduce Operator //that is being compiled MapReduceOper curMROp; //The output of compiling the inputs MapReduceOper[] compiledInputs = null; //The split operators seen till now. If not //maintained they will haunt you. //During the traversal a split is the only //operator that can be revisited from a different //path. So this map stores the split job. So //whenever we hit the split, we create a new MROper //and connect the split job using load-store and also //in the MRPlan Map<OperatorKey, MapReduceOper> splitsSeen; NodeIdGenerator nig; private String scope; private UDFFinder udfFinder; private CompilationMessageCollector messageCollector = null; private Map<PhysicalOperator,MapReduceOper> phyToMROpMap; public static final String USER_COMPARATOR_MARKER = "user.comparator.func:"; private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MRCompiler.class); public static final String FILE_CONCATENATION_THRESHOLD = "pig.files.concatenation.threshold"; public static final String OPTIMISTIC_FILE_CONCATENATION = "pig.optimistic.files.concatenation"; private int fileConcatenationThreshold = 100; private boolean optimisticFileConcatenation = false; public MRCompiler(PhysicalPlan plan) throws MRCompilerException { this(plan,null); } public MRCompiler(PhysicalPlan plan, PigContext pigContext) throws MRCompilerException { super(plan, new DepthFirstWalker<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan>(plan)); this.plan = plan; this.pigContext = pigContext; splitsSeen = new HashMap<OperatorKey, MapReduceOper>(); MRPlan = new MROperPlan(); nig = NodeIdGenerator.getGenerator(); udfFinder = new UDFFinder(); List<PhysicalOperator> roots = plan.getRoots(); if((roots == null) || (roots.size() <= 0)) { int errCode = 2053; String msg = "Internal error. Did not find roots in the physical plan."; throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } scope = roots.get(0).getOperatorKey().getScope(); messageCollector = new CompilationMessageCollector() ; phyToMROpMap = new HashMap<PhysicalOperator, MapReduceOper>(); fileConcatenationThreshold = Integer.parseInt(pigContext.getProperties() .getProperty(FILE_CONCATENATION_THRESHOLD, "100")); optimisticFileConcatenation = pigContext.getProperties().getProperty( OPTIMISTIC_FILE_CONCATENATION, "false").equals("true"); LOG.info("File concatenation threshold: " + fileConcatenationThreshold + " optimistic? " + optimisticFileConcatenation); } public void aggregateScalarsFiles() throws PlanException, IOException { List<MapReduceOper> mrOpList = new ArrayList<MapReduceOper>(); for(MapReduceOper mrOp: MRPlan) { mrOpList.add(mrOp); } Configuration conf = ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pigContext.getProperties()); boolean combinable = !conf.getBoolean("pig.noSplitCombination", false); Set<FileSpec> seen = new HashSet<FileSpec>(); for(MapReduceOper mro_scalar_consumer: mrOpList) { for(PhysicalOperator scalar: mro_scalar_consumer.scalars) { MapReduceOper mro_scalar_producer = phyToMROpMap.get(scalar); if (scalar instanceof POStore) { FileSpec oldSpec = ((POStore)scalar).getSFile(); if( seen.contains(oldSpec) ) { continue; } seen.add(oldSpec); if ( combinable && (mro_scalar_producer.reducePlan.isEmpty() ? hasTooManyInputFiles(mro_scalar_producer, conf) : (mro_scalar_producer.requestedParallelism >= fileConcatenationThreshold))) { PhysicalPlan pl = mro_scalar_producer.reducePlan.isEmpty() ? mro_scalar_producer.mapPlan : mro_scalar_producer.reducePlan; FileSpec newSpec = getTempFileSpec(); // replace oldSpec in mro with newSpec new FindStoreNameVisitor(pl, newSpec, oldSpec).visit(); seen.add(newSpec); POStore newSto = getStore(); newSto.setSFile(oldSpec); MapReduceOper catMROp = getConcatenateJob(newSpec, mro_scalar_producer, newSto); MRPlan.connect(mro_scalar_producer, catMROp); // Need to add it to the PhysicalPlan and phyToMROpMap // so that softlink can be created phyToMROpMap.put(newSto, catMROp); plan.add(newSto); for (PhysicalOperator succ : plan.getSoftLinkSuccessors(scalar).toArray(new PhysicalOperator[0])) { plan.createSoftLink(newSto, succ); plan.removeSoftLink(scalar, succ); } } } } } } /** * Used to get the compiled plan * @return map reduce plan built by the compiler */ public MROperPlan getMRPlan() { return MRPlan; } /** * Used to get the plan that was compiled * @return physical plan */ @Override public PhysicalPlan getPlan() { return plan; } public CompilationMessageCollector getMessageCollector() { return messageCollector; } /** * The front-end method that the user calls to compile * the plan. Assumes that all submitted plans have a Store * operators as the leaf. * @return A map reduce plan * @throws IOException * @throws PlanException * @throws VisitorException */ public MROperPlan compile() throws IOException, PlanException, VisitorException { List<PhysicalOperator> leaves = plan.getLeaves(); if (!pigContext.inIllustrator) for (PhysicalOperator op : leaves) { if (!(op instanceof POStore)) { int errCode = 2025; String msg = "Expected leaf of reduce plan to " + "always be POStore. Found " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } // get all stores and nativeMR operators, sort them in order(operator id) // and compile their plans List<POStore> stores = PlanHelper.getPhysicalOperators(plan, POStore.class); List<PONative> nativeMRs= PlanHelper.getPhysicalOperators(plan, PONative.class); List<PhysicalOperator> ops; if (!pigContext.inIllustrator) { ops = new ArrayList<PhysicalOperator>(stores.size() + nativeMRs.size()); ops.addAll(stores); } else { ops = new ArrayList<PhysicalOperator>(leaves.size() + nativeMRs.size()); ops.addAll(leaves); } ops.addAll(nativeMRs); Collections.sort(ops); for (PhysicalOperator op : ops) { compile(op); } return MRPlan; } public void connectSoftLink() throws PlanException, IOException { for (PhysicalOperator op : plan) { if (plan.getSoftLinkPredecessors(op)!=null) { for (PhysicalOperator pred : plan.getSoftLinkPredecessors(op)) { MapReduceOper from = phyToMROpMap.get(pred); MapReduceOper to = phyToMROpMap.get(op); if (from==to) continue; if (MRPlan.getPredecessors(to)==null || !MRPlan.getPredecessors(to).contains(from)) { MRPlan.connect(from, to); } } } } } /** * Compiles the plan below op into a MapReduce Operator * and stores it in curMROp. * @param op * @throws IOException * @throws PlanException * @throws VisitorException */ private void compile(PhysicalOperator op) throws IOException, PlanException, VisitorException { //An artifact of the Visitor. Need to save //this so that it is not overwritten. MapReduceOper[] prevCompInp = compiledInputs; //Compile each predecessor into the MROper and //store them away so that we can use them for compiling //op. List<PhysicalOperator> predecessors = plan.getPredecessors(op); if(op instanceof PONative){ // the predecessor (store) has already been processed // don't process it again } else if (predecessors != null && predecessors.size() > 0) { // When processing an entire script (multiquery), we can // get into a situation where a load has // predecessors. This means that it depends on some store // earlier in the plan. We need to take that dependency // and connect the respective MR operators, while at the // same time removing the connection between the Physical // operators. That way the jobs will run in the right // order. if (op instanceof POLoad) { if (predecessors.size() != 1) { int errCode = 2125; String msg = "Expected at most one predecessor of load. Got "+predecessors.size(); throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } PhysicalOperator p = predecessors.get(0); MapReduceOper oper = null; if(p instanceof POStore || p instanceof PONative){ oper = phyToMROpMap.get(p); }else{ int errCode = 2126; String msg = "Predecessor of load should be a store or mapreduce operator. Got "+p.getClass(); throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } // Need new operator curMROp = getMROp(); curMROp.mapPlan.add(op); MRPlan.add(curMROp); plan.disconnect(op, p); MRPlan.connect(oper, curMROp); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); return; } Collections.sort(predecessors); compiledInputs = new MapReduceOper[predecessors.size()]; int i = -1; for (PhysicalOperator pred : predecessors) { if(pred instanceof POSplit && splitsSeen.containsKey(pred.getOperatorKey())){ compiledInputs[++i] = startNew(((POSplit)pred).getSplitStore(), splitsSeen.get(pred.getOperatorKey())); continue; } compile(pred); compiledInputs[++i] = curMROp; } } else { //No predecessors. Mostly a load. But this is where //we start. We create a new MROp and add its first //operator op. Also this should be added to the MRPlan. curMROp = getMROp(); curMROp.mapPlan.add(op); if (op !=null && op instanceof POLoad) { if (((POLoad)op).getLFile()!=null && ((POLoad)op).getLFile().getFuncSpec()!=null) curMROp.UDFs.add(((POLoad)op).getLFile().getFuncSpec().toString()); } MRPlan.add(curMROp); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); return; } //Now we have the inputs compiled. Do something //with the input oper op. op.visit(this); if(op.getRequestedParallelism() > curMROp.requestedParallelism ) { // we don't want to change prallelism for skewed join due to sampling // and pre-allocated reducers for skewed keys if (!curMROp.isSkewedJoin()) { curMROp.requestedParallelism = op.getRequestedParallelism(); } } compiledInputs = prevCompInp; } private MapReduceOper getMROp(){ return new MapReduceOper(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); } private NativeMapReduceOper getNativeMROp(String mrJar, String[] parameters) { return new NativeMapReduceOper(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), mrJar, parameters); } private POLoad getLoad(){ POLoad ld = new POLoad(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); ld.setPc(pigContext); ld.setIsTmpLoad(true); return ld; } private POStore getStore(){ POStore st = new POStore(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); // mark store as tmp store. These could be removed by the // optimizer, because it wasn't the user requesting it. st.setIsTmpStore(true); return st; } /** * A map MROper is an MROper whose map plan is still open * for taking more non-blocking operators. * A reduce MROper is an MROper whose map plan is done but * the reduce plan is open for taking more non-blocking opers. * * Used for compiling non-blocking operators. The logic here * is simple. If there is a single input, just push the operator * into whichever phase is open. Otherwise, we merge the compiled * inputs into a list of MROpers where the first oper is the merged * oper consisting of all map MROpers and the rest are reduce MROpers * as reduce plans can't be merged. * Then we add the input oper op into the merged map MROper's map plan * as a leaf and connect the reduce MROpers using store-load combinations * to the input operator which is the leaf. Also care is taken to * connect the MROpers according to the dependencies. * @param op * @throws PlanException * @throws IOException */ private void nonBlocking(PhysicalOperator op) throws PlanException, IOException{ if (compiledInputs.length == 1) { //For speed MapReduceOper mro = compiledInputs[0]; if (!mro.isMapDone()) { mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); } else if (mro.isMapDone() && !mro.isReduceDone()) { mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(op); } else { int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } curMROp = mro; } else { List<MapReduceOper> mergedPlans = merge(compiledInputs); //The first MROper is always the merged map MROper MapReduceOper mro = mergedPlans.remove(0); //Push the input operator into the merged map MROper mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); //Connect all the reduce MROpers if(mergedPlans.size()>0) connRedOper(mergedPlans, mro); //return the compiled MROper curMROp = mro; } } private void addToMap(PhysicalOperator op) throws PlanException, IOException{ if (compiledInputs.length == 1) { //For speed MapReduceOper mro = compiledInputs[0]; if (!mro.isMapDone()) { mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); } else if (mro.isMapDone() && !mro.isReduceDone()) { FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); POStore st = getStore(); st.setSFile(fSpec); mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(st); mro.setReduceDone(true); mro = startNew(fSpec, mro); mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); compiledInputs[0] = mro; } else { int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } curMROp = mro; } else { List<MapReduceOper> mergedPlans = merge(compiledInputs); //The first MROper is always the merged map MROper MapReduceOper mro = mergedPlans.remove(0); //Push the input operator into the merged map MROper mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); //Connect all the reduce MROpers if(mergedPlans.size()>0) connRedOper(mergedPlans, mro); //return the compiled MROper curMROp = mro; } } /** * Used for compiling blocking operators. If there is a single input * and its map phase is still open, then close it so that further * operators can be compiled into the reduce phase. If its reduce phase * is open, add a store and close it. Start a new map MROper into which * further operators can be compiled into. * * If there are multiple inputs, the logic * is to merge all map MROpers into one map MROper and retain * the reduce MROpers. Since the operator is blocking, it has * to be a Global Rerrange at least now. This operator need not * be inserted into our plan as it is implemented by hadoop. * But this creates the map-reduce boundary. So the merged map MROper * is closed and its reduce phase is started. Depending on the number * of reduce MROpers and the number of pipelines in the map MRoper * a Union operator is inserted whenever necessary. This also leads to the * possibility of empty map plans. So have to be careful while handling * it in the PigMapReduce class. If there are no map * plans, then a new one is created as a side effect of the merge * process. If there are no reduce MROpers, and only a single pipeline * in the map, then no union oper is added. Otherwise a Union oper is * added to the merged map MROper to which all the reduce MROpers * are connected by store-load combinations. Care is taken * to connect the MROpers in the MRPlan. * @param op * @throws IOException * @throws PlanException */ private void blocking(PhysicalOperator op) throws IOException, PlanException{ if(compiledInputs.length==1){ MapReduceOper mro = compiledInputs[0]; if (!mro.isMapDone()) { mro.setMapDoneSingle(true); curMROp = mro; } else if(mro.isMapDone() && !mro.isReduceDone()){ FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); POStore st = getStore(); st.setSFile(fSpec); mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(st); mro.setReduceDone(true); curMROp = startNew(fSpec, mro); curMROp.setMapDone(true); } } else{ List<MapReduceOper> mergedPlans = merge(compiledInputs); MapReduceOper mro = mergedPlans.remove(0); if(mergedPlans.size()>0) mro.setMapDoneMultiple(true); else mro.setMapDoneSingle(true); // Connect all the reduce MROpers if(mergedPlans.size()>0) connRedOper(mergedPlans, mro); curMROp = mro; } } /** * Connect the reduce MROpers to the leaf node in the map MROper mro * by adding appropriate loads * @param mergedPlans - The list of reduce MROpers * @param mro - The map MROper * @throws PlanException * @throws IOException */ private void connRedOper(List<MapReduceOper> mergedPlans, MapReduceOper mro) throws PlanException, IOException{ PhysicalOperator leaf = null; List<PhysicalOperator> leaves = mro.mapPlan.getLeaves(); if(leaves!=null && leaves.size()>0) leaf = leaves.get(0); for (MapReduceOper mmro : mergedPlans) { mmro.setReduceDone(true); FileSpec fileSpec = getTempFileSpec(); POLoad ld = getLoad(); ld.setLFile(fileSpec); POStore str = getStore(); str.setSFile(fileSpec); mmro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(str); mro.mapPlan.add(ld); if(leaf!=null) mro.mapPlan.connect(ld, leaf); MRPlan.connect(mmro, mro); } } /** * Force an end to the current map reduce job with a store into a temporary * file. * @param fSpec Temp file to force a store into. * @return MR operator that now is finished with a store. * @throws PlanException */ private MapReduceOper endSingleInputPlanWithStr(FileSpec fSpec) throws PlanException{ if(compiledInputs.length>1) { int errCode = 2023; String msg = "Received a multi input plan when expecting only a single input one."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } MapReduceOper mro = compiledInputs[0]; POStore str = getStore(); str.setSFile(fSpec); if (!mro.isMapDone()) { mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(str); mro.setMapDoneSingle(true); } else if (mro.isMapDone() && !mro.isReduceDone()) { mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(str); mro.setReduceDone(true); } else { int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } return mro; } /** * Starts a new MRoper and connects it to the old * one by load-store. The assumption is that the * store is already inserted into the old MROper. * @param fSpec * @param old * @return * @throws IOException * @throws PlanException */ private MapReduceOper startNew(FileSpec fSpec, MapReduceOper old) throws PlanException{ POLoad ld = getLoad(); ld.setLFile(fSpec); MapReduceOper ret = getMROp(); ret.mapPlan.add(ld); MRPlan.add(ret); MRPlan.connect(old, ret); return ret; } /** * Returns a temporary DFS Path * @return * @throws IOException */ private FileSpec getTempFileSpec() throws IOException { return new FileSpec(FileLocalizer.getTemporaryPath(pigContext).toString(), new FuncSpec(Utils.getTmpFileCompressorName(pigContext))); } /** * Merges the map MROpers in the compiledInputs into a single * merged map MRoper and returns a List with the merged map MROper * as the first oper and the rest being reduce MROpers. * * Care is taken to remove the map MROpers that are merged from the * MRPlan and their connections moved over to the merged map MROper. * * Merge is implemented as a sequence of binary merges. * merge(PhyPlan finPlan, List<PhyPlan> lst) := finPlan,merge(p) foreach p in lst * * @param compiledInputs * @return * @throws PlanException * @throws IOException */ private List<MapReduceOper> merge(MapReduceOper[] compiledInputs) throws PlanException { List<MapReduceOper> ret = new ArrayList<MapReduceOper>(); MapReduceOper mergedMap = getMROp(); ret.add(mergedMap); MRPlan.add(mergedMap); Set<MapReduceOper> toBeConnected = new HashSet<MapReduceOper>(); List<MapReduceOper> remLst = new ArrayList<MapReduceOper>(); List<PhysicalPlan> mpLst = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); for (MapReduceOper mro : compiledInputs) { if (!mro.isMapDone()) { remLst.add(mro); mpLst.add(mro.mapPlan); List<MapReduceOper> pmros = MRPlan.getPredecessors(mro); if(pmros!=null){ for(MapReduceOper pmro : pmros) toBeConnected.add(pmro); } } else if (mro.isMapDone() && !mro.isReduceDone()) { ret.add(mro); } else { int errCode = 2027; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected for a merge."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } merge(ret.get(0).mapPlan, mpLst); Iterator<MapReduceOper> it = toBeConnected.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) MRPlan.connect(it.next(), mergedMap); for(MapReduceOper rmro : remLst){ if(rmro.requestedParallelism > mergedMap.requestedParallelism) mergedMap.requestedParallelism = rmro.requestedParallelism; for (String udf:rmro.UDFs) { if (!mergedMap.UDFs.contains(udf)) mergedMap.UDFs.add(udf); } // We also need to change scalar marking for(PhysicalOperator physOp: rmro.scalars) { if(!mergedMap.scalars.contains(physOp)) { mergedMap.scalars.add(physOp); } } Set<PhysicalOperator> opsToChange = new HashSet<PhysicalOperator>(); for (Map.Entry<PhysicalOperator, MapReduceOper> entry : phyToMROpMap.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue()==rmro) { opsToChange.add(entry.getKey()); } } for (PhysicalOperator op : opsToChange) { phyToMROpMap.put(op, mergedMap); } MRPlan.remove(rmro); } return ret; } /** * The merge of a list of map plans * @param <O> * @param <E> * @param finPlan - Final Plan into which the list of plans is merged * @param plans - list of map plans to be merged * @throws PlanException */ private <O extends Operator, E extends OperatorPlan<O>> void merge( E finPlan, List<E> plans) throws PlanException { for (E e : plans) { finPlan.merge(e); } } private void processUDFs(PhysicalPlan plan) throws VisitorException{ if(plan!=null){ //Process Scalars (UDF with referencedOperators) ScalarPhyFinder scalarPhyFinder = new ScalarPhyFinder(plan); scalarPhyFinder.visit(); curMROp.scalars.addAll(scalarPhyFinder.getScalars()); //Process UDFs udfFinder.setPlan(plan); udfFinder.visit(); curMROp.UDFs.addAll(udfFinder.getUDFs()); } } /* The visitOp methods that decide what to do with the current operator */ /** * Compiles a split operator. The logic is to * close the split job by replacing the split oper by * a store and creating a new Map MRoper and return * that as the current MROper to which other operators * would be compiled into. The new MROper would be connected * to the split job by load-store. Also add the split oper * to the splitsSeen map. * @param op - The split operator * @throws VisitorException */ @Override public void visitSplit(POSplit op) throws VisitorException{ try{ FileSpec fSpec = op.getSplitStore(); MapReduceOper mro = endSingleInputPlanWithStr(fSpec); mro.setSplitter(true); splitsSeen.put(op.getOperatorKey(), mro); curMROp = startNew(fSpec, mro); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitLoad(POLoad op) throws VisitorException{ try{ nonBlocking(op); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitNative(PONative op) throws VisitorException{ // We will explode the native operator here to add a new MROper for native Mapreduce job try{ // add a map reduce boundary MapReduceOper nativeMROper = getNativeMROp(op.getNativeMRjar(), op.getParams()); MRPlan.add(nativeMROper); MRPlan.connect(curMROp, nativeMROper); phyToMROpMap.put(op, nativeMROper); curMROp = nativeMROper; }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitStore(POStore op) throws VisitorException{ try{ nonBlocking(op); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); if (op.getSFile()!=null && op.getSFile().getFuncSpec()!=null) curMROp.UDFs.add(op.getSFile().getFuncSpec().toString()); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitFilter(POFilter op) throws VisitorException{ try{ nonBlocking(op); processUDFs(op.getPlan()); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitCross(POCross op) throws VisitorException { try{ nonBlocking(op); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitStream(POStream op) throws VisitorException{ try{ nonBlocking(op); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitLimit(POLimit op) throws VisitorException{ try{ MapReduceOper mro = compiledInputs[0]; mro.limit = op.getLimit(); if (op.getLimitPlan() != null) { processUDFs(op.getLimitPlan()); mro.limitPlan = op.getLimitPlan(); } if (!mro.isMapDone()) { // if map plan is open, add a limit for optimization, eventually we // will add another limit to reduce plan if (!pigContext.inIllustrator) { mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); mro.setMapDone(true); } if (mro.reducePlan.isEmpty()) { MRUtil.simpleConnectMapToReduce(mro, scope, nig); mro.requestedParallelism = 1; if (!pigContext.inIllustrator) { POLimit pLimit2 = new POLimit(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); pLimit2.setLimit(op.getLimit()); pLimit2.setLimitPlan(op.getLimitPlan()); mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(pLimit2); } else { mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(op); } } else { messageCollector.collect("Something in the reduce plan while map plan is not done. Something wrong!", MessageType.Warning, PigWarning.REDUCE_PLAN_NOT_EMPTY_WHILE_MAP_PLAN_UNDER_PROCESS); } } else if (mro.isMapDone() && !mro.isReduceDone()) { // limit should add into reduce plan mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(op); } else { messageCollector.collect("Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling!", MessageType.Warning, PigWarning.UNREACHABLE_CODE_BOTH_MAP_AND_REDUCE_PLANS_PROCESSED); } phyToMROpMap.put(op, mro); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitLocalRearrange(POLocalRearrange op) throws VisitorException { try{ addToMap(op); List<PhysicalPlan> plans = op.getPlans(); if(plans!=null) for(PhysicalPlan ep : plans) processUDFs(ep); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitCollectedGroup(POCollectedGroup op) throws VisitorException { if(!curMROp.mapDone){ List<PhysicalOperator> roots = curMROp.mapPlan.getRoots(); if(roots.size() != 1){ int errCode = 2171; String errMsg = "Expected one but found more then one root physical operator in physical plan."; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode,PigException.BUG); } PhysicalOperator phyOp = roots.get(0); if(! (phyOp instanceof POLoad)){ int errCode = 2172; String errMsg = "Expected physical operator at root to be POLoad. Found : "+phyOp.getClass().getCanonicalName(); throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode,PigException.BUG); } LoadFunc loadFunc = ((POLoad)phyOp).getLoadFunc(); try { if(!(CollectableLoadFunc.class.isAssignableFrom(loadFunc.getClass()))){ int errCode = 2249; throw new MRCompilerException("While using 'collected' on group; data must be loaded via loader implementing CollectableLoadFunc.", errCode); } ((CollectableLoadFunc)loadFunc).ensureAllKeyInstancesInSameSplit(); } catch (MRCompilerException e){ throw (e); } catch (IOException e) { int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } try{ nonBlocking(op); List<PhysicalPlan> plans = op.getPlans(); if(plans!=null) for(PhysicalPlan ep : plans) processUDFs(ep); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } else if(!curMROp.reduceDone){ int errCode=2250; String msg = "Blocking operators are not allowed before Collected Group. Consider dropping using 'collected'."; throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } else{ int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } @Override public void visitPOForEach(POForEach op) throws VisitorException{ try{ if (op.isMapSideOnly() && curMROp.isMapDone()) { FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); MapReduceOper prevMROper = endSingleInputPlanWithStr(fSpec); curMROp = startNew(fSpec, prevMROper); curMROp.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); } else { nonBlocking(op); } List<PhysicalPlan> plans = op.getInputPlans(); if(plans!=null) for (PhysicalPlan plan : plans) { processUDFs(plan); } phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitGlobalRearrange(POGlobalRearrange op) throws VisitorException{ try{ blocking(op); curMROp.customPartitioner = op.getCustomPartitioner(); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitPackage(POPackage op) throws VisitorException{ try{ nonBlocking(op); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); if (op.getPkgr().getPackageType() == PackageType.JOIN || op.getPkgr().getPackageType() == PackageType.BLOOMJOIN) { // Bloom join is not implemented in mapreduce mode and falls back to regular join curMROp.markRegularJoin(); } else if (op.getPkgr().getPackageType() == PackageType.GROUP) { if (op.getNumInps() == 1) { curMROp.markGroupBy(); } else if (op.getNumInps() > 1) { curMROp.markCogroup(); } } }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitUnion(POUnion op) throws VisitorException{ try{ nonBlocking(op); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } /** * This is an operator which will have multiple inputs(= to number of join inputs) * But it prunes off all inputs but the fragment input and creates separate MR jobs * for each of the replicated inputs and uses these as the replicated files that * are configured in the POFRJoin operator. It also sets that this is FRJoin job * and some parametes associated with it. */ @Override public void visitFRJoin(POFRJoin op) throws VisitorException { try{ FileSpec[] replFiles = new FileSpec[op.getInputs().size()]; for (int i=0; i<replFiles.length; i++) { if(i==op.getFragment()) continue; replFiles[i] = getTempFileSpec(); } op.setReplFiles(replFiles); curMROp = phyToMROpMap.get(op.getInputs().get(op.getFragment())); for(int i=0;i<compiledInputs.length;i++){ MapReduceOper mro = compiledInputs[i]; if(curMROp.equals(mro)) continue; POStore str = getStore(); str.setSFile(replFiles[i]); Configuration conf = ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pigContext.getProperties()); boolean combinable = !conf.getBoolean("pig.noSplitCombination", false); if (!mro.isMapDone()) { if (combinable && hasTooManyInputFiles(mro, conf)) { POStore tmpSto = getStore(); FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); tmpSto.setSFile(fSpec); mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(tmpSto); mro.setMapDoneSingle(true); MapReduceOper catMROp = getConcatenateJob(fSpec, mro, str); MRPlan.connect(catMROp, curMROp); } else { mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(str); mro.setMapDoneSingle(true); MRPlan.connect(mro, curMROp); } } else if (mro.isMapDone() && !mro.isReduceDone()) { if (combinable && (mro.requestedParallelism >= fileConcatenationThreshold)) { POStore tmpSto = getStore(); FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); tmpSto.setSFile(fSpec); mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(tmpSto); mro.setReduceDone(true); MapReduceOper catMROp = getConcatenateJob(fSpec, mro, str); MRPlan.connect(catMROp, curMROp); } else { mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(str); mro.setReduceDone(true); MRPlan.connect(mro, curMROp); } } else { int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } if (!curMROp.isMapDone()) { curMROp.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); } else if (curMROp.isMapDone() && !curMROp.isReduceDone()) { curMROp.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(op); } else { int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } List<List<PhysicalPlan>> joinPlans = op.getJoinPlans(); if(joinPlans!=null) for (List<PhysicalPlan> joinPlan : joinPlans) { if(joinPlan!=null) for (PhysicalPlan plan : joinPlan) { processUDFs(plan); } } phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private boolean hasTooManyInputFiles(MapReduceOper mro, Configuration conf) { if (pigContext == null || pigContext.getExecType() == ExecType.LOCAL) { return false; } if (mro instanceof NativeMapReduceOper) { return optimisticFileConcatenation ? false : true; } PhysicalPlan mapPlan = mro.mapPlan; List<PhysicalOperator> roots = mapPlan.getRoots(); if (roots == null || roots.size() == 0) return false; int numFiles = 0; boolean ret = false; try { for (PhysicalOperator root : roots) { POLoad ld = (POLoad) root; String fileName = ld.getLFile().getFileName(); if(UriUtil.isHDFSFile(fileName)){ // Only if the input is an hdfs file, this optimization is // useful (to reduce load on namenode) //separate out locations separated by comma String [] locations = LoadFunc.getPathStrings(fileName); for(String location : locations){ if(!UriUtil.isHDFSFile(location)) continue; Path path = new Path(location); FileSystem fs = path.getFileSystem(conf); if (fs.exists(path)) { LoadFunc loader = (LoadFunc) PigContext .instantiateFuncFromSpec(ld.getLFile() .getFuncSpec()); Job job = new Job(conf); loader.setUDFContextSignature(ld.getSignature()); loader.setLocation(location, job); InputFormat inf = loader.getInputFormat(); List<InputSplit> splits = inf.getSplits(HadoopShims.cloneJobContext(job)); List<List<InputSplit>> results = MapRedUtil .getCombinePigSplits(splits, fs.getDefaultBlockSize(path), conf); numFiles += results.size(); } else { List<MapReduceOper> preds = MRPlan.getPredecessors(mro); if (preds != null && preds.size() == 1) { MapReduceOper pred = preds.get(0); if (!pred.reducePlan.isEmpty()) { numFiles += pred.requestedParallelism; } else { // map-only job ret = hasTooManyInputFiles(pred, conf); break; } } else if (!optimisticFileConcatenation) { // can't determine the number of input files. // Treat it as having too manyfiles numFiles = fileConcatenationThreshold; break; } } } } } } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("failed to get number of input files", e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.warn("failed to get number of input files", e); } LOG.info("number of input files: " + numFiles); return ret ? true : (numFiles >= fileConcatenationThreshold); } /* * Use Mult File Combiner to concatenate small input files */ private MapReduceOper getConcatenateJob(FileSpec fSpec, MapReduceOper old, POStore str) throws PlanException, ExecException { MapReduceOper mro = startNew(fSpec, old); mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(str); mro.setMapDone(true); LOG.info("Insert a file-concatenation job"); return mro; } /** Leftmost relation is referred as base relation (this is the one fed into mappers.) * First, close all MROpers except for first one (referred as baseMROPer) * Then, create a MROper which will do indexing job (idxMROper) * Connect idxMROper before the mappedMROper in the MRPlan. */ @Override public void visitMergeCoGroup(POMergeCogroup poCoGrp) throws VisitorException { if(compiledInputs.length < 2){ int errCode=2251; String errMsg = "Merge Cogroup work on two or more relations." + "To use map-side group-by on single relation, use 'collected' qualifier."; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg, errCode); } List<FuncSpec> funcSpecs = new ArrayList<FuncSpec>(compiledInputs.length-1); List<String> fileSpecs = new ArrayList<String>(compiledInputs.length-1); List<String> loaderSigns = new ArrayList<String>(compiledInputs.length-1); try{ // Iterate through all the MROpers, disconnect side MROPers from // MROPerPlan and collect all the information needed in different lists. for(int i=0 ; i < compiledInputs.length; i++){ MapReduceOper mrOper = compiledInputs[i]; PhysicalPlan mapPlan = mrOper.mapPlan; if(mapPlan.getRoots().size() != 1){ int errCode = 2171; String errMsg = "Expected one but found more then one root physical operator in physical plan."; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode,PigException.BUG); } PhysicalOperator rootPOOp = mapPlan.getRoots().get(0); if(! (rootPOOp instanceof POLoad)){ int errCode = 2172; String errMsg = "Expected physical operator at root to be POLoad. Found : "+rootPOOp.getClass().getCanonicalName(); throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode); } POLoad sideLoader = (POLoad)rootPOOp; FileSpec loadFileSpec = sideLoader.getLFile(); FuncSpec funcSpec = loadFileSpec.getFuncSpec(); LoadFunc loadfunc = sideLoader.getLoadFunc(); if(i == 0){ if(!(CollectableLoadFunc.class.isAssignableFrom(loadfunc.getClass()))){ int errCode = 2252; throw new MRCompilerException("Base loader in Cogroup must implement CollectableLoadFunc.", errCode); } ((CollectableLoadFunc)loadfunc).ensureAllKeyInstancesInSameSplit(); continue; } if(!(IndexableLoadFunc.class.isAssignableFrom(loadfunc.getClass()))){ int errCode = 2253; throw new MRCompilerException("Side loaders in cogroup must implement IndexableLoadFunc.", errCode); } funcSpecs.add(funcSpec); fileSpecs.add(loadFileSpec.getFileName()); loaderSigns.add(sideLoader.getSignature()); MRPlan.remove(mrOper); } poCoGrp.setSideLoadFuncs(funcSpecs); poCoGrp.setSideFileSpecs(fileSpecs); poCoGrp.setLoaderSignatures(loaderSigns); // Use map-reduce operator of base relation for the cogroup operation. MapReduceOper baseMROp = phyToMROpMap.get(poCoGrp.getInputs().get(0)); if(baseMROp.mapDone || !baseMROp.reducePlan.isEmpty()){ int errCode = 2254; throw new MRCompilerException("Currently merged cogroup is not supported after blocking operators.", errCode); } // Create new map-reduce operator for indexing job and then configure it. MapReduceOper indexerMROp = getMROp(); FileSpec idxFileSpec = getIndexingJob(indexerMROp, baseMROp, poCoGrp.getLRInnerPlansOf(0)); poCoGrp.setIdxFuncSpec(idxFileSpec.getFuncSpec()); poCoGrp.setIndexFileName(idxFileSpec.getFileName()); baseMROp.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(poCoGrp); for (FuncSpec funcSpec : funcSpecs) baseMROp.UDFs.add(funcSpec.toString()); MRPlan.add(indexerMROp); MRPlan.connect(indexerMROp, baseMROp); phyToMROpMap.put(poCoGrp,baseMROp); // Going forward, new operators should be added in baseMRop. To make // sure, reset curMROp. curMROp = baseMROp; } catch (ExecException e){ throw new MRCompilerException(e.getDetailedMessage(),e.getErrorCode(),e.getErrorSource(),e); } catch (MRCompilerException mrce){ throw(mrce); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { throw new MRCompilerException(e); } catch(PlanException e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + poCoGrp.getClass().getCanonicalName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } catch (IOException e){ int errCode = 3000; String errMsg = "IOException caught while compiling POMergeCoGroup"; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg, errCode,e); } } // Sets up the indexing job for map-side cogroups. private FileSpec getIndexingJob(MapReduceOper indexerMROp, final MapReduceOper baseMROp, final List<PhysicalPlan> mapperLRInnerPlans) throws MRCompilerException, PlanException, ExecException, IOException, CloneNotSupportedException { // First replace loader with MergeJoinIndexer. PhysicalPlan baseMapPlan = baseMROp.mapPlan; POLoad baseLoader = (POLoad)baseMapPlan.getRoots().get(0); FileSpec origLoaderFileSpec = baseLoader.getLFile(); FuncSpec funcSpec = origLoaderFileSpec.getFuncSpec(); LoadFunc loadFunc = baseLoader.getLoadFunc(); if (! (OrderedLoadFunc.class.isAssignableFrom(loadFunc.getClass()))){ int errCode = 1104; String errMsg = "Base relation of merge-coGroup must implement " + "OrderedLoadFunc interface. The specified loader " + funcSpec + " doesn't implement it"; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode); } String[] indexerArgs = new String[6]; indexerArgs[0] = funcSpec.toString(); indexerArgs[1] = ObjectSerializer.serialize((Serializable)mapperLRInnerPlans); indexerArgs[3] = baseLoader.getSignature(); indexerArgs[4] = baseLoader.getOperatorKey().scope; indexerArgs[5] = Boolean.toString(false); // we care for nulls. PhysicalPlan phyPlan; if (baseMapPlan.getSuccessors(baseLoader) == null || baseMapPlan.getSuccessors(baseLoader).isEmpty()){ // Load-Load-Cogroup case. phyPlan = null; } else{ // We got something. Yank it and set it as inner plan. phyPlan = baseMapPlan.clone(); PhysicalOperator root = phyPlan.getRoots().get(0); phyPlan.disconnect(root, phyPlan.getSuccessors(root).get(0)); phyPlan.remove(root); } indexerArgs[2] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(phyPlan); POLoad idxJobLoader = getLoad(); idxJobLoader.setLFile(new FileSpec(origLoaderFileSpec.getFileName(), new FuncSpec(MergeJoinIndexer.class.getName(), indexerArgs))); indexerMROp.mapPlan.add(idxJobLoader); indexerMROp.UDFs.add(baseLoader.getLFile().getFuncSpec().toString()); // Loader of mro will return a tuple of form - // (key1, key2, .. , WritableComparable, splitIndex). See MergeJoinIndexer for details. // After getting an index entry in each mapper, send all of them to one // reducer where they will be sorted on the way by Hadoop. MRUtil.simpleConnectMapToReduce(indexerMROp, scope, nig); indexerMROp.requestedParallelism = 1; // we need exactly one reducer for indexing job. // We want to use typed tuple comparator for this job, instead of default // raw binary comparator used by Pig, to make sure index entries are // sorted correctly by Hadoop. indexerMROp.useTypedComparator(true); POStore st = getStore(); FileSpec strFile = getTempFileSpec(); st.setSFile(strFile); indexerMROp.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(st); indexerMROp.setReduceDone(true); return strFile; } /** Since merge-join works on two inputs there are exactly two MROper predecessors identified as left and right. * Instead of merging two operators, both are used to generate a MR job each. First MR oper is run to generate on-the-fly index on right side. * Second is used to actually do the join. First MR oper is identified as rightMROper and second as curMROper. * 1) RightMROper: If it is in map phase. It can be preceded only by POLoad. If there is anything else * in physical plan, that is yanked and set as inner plans of joinOp. * If it is reduce phase. Close this operator and start new MROper. * 2) LeftMROper: If it is in map phase, add the Join operator in it. * If it is in reduce phase. Close it and start new MROper. */ @Override public void visitMergeJoin(POMergeJoin joinOp) throws VisitorException { try{ if(compiledInputs.length != 2 || joinOp.getInputs().size() != 2){ int errCode=1101; throw new MRCompilerException("Merge Join must have exactly two inputs. Found : "+compiledInputs.length, errCode); } curMROp = phyToMROpMap.get(joinOp.getInputs().get(0)); MapReduceOper rightMROpr = null; if(curMROp.equals(compiledInputs[0])) rightMROpr = compiledInputs[1]; else rightMROpr = compiledInputs[0]; // We will first operate on right side which is indexer job. // First yank plan of the compiled right input and set that as an inner plan of right operator. PhysicalPlan rightPipelinePlan; if(!rightMROpr.mapDone){ PhysicalPlan rightMapPlan = rightMROpr.mapPlan; if(rightMapPlan.getRoots().size() != 1){ int errCode = 2171; String errMsg = "Expected one but found more then one root physical operator in physical plan."; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode,PigException.BUG); } PhysicalOperator rightLoader = rightMapPlan.getRoots().get(0); if(! (rightLoader instanceof POLoad)){ int errCode = 2172; String errMsg = "Expected physical operator at root to be POLoad. Found : "+rightLoader.getClass().getCanonicalName(); throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode); } if (rightMapPlan.getSuccessors(rightLoader) == null || rightMapPlan.getSuccessors(rightLoader).isEmpty()) // Load - Join case. rightPipelinePlan = null; else{ // We got something on right side. Yank it and set it as inner plan of right input. rightPipelinePlan = rightMapPlan.clone(); PhysicalOperator root = rightPipelinePlan.getRoots().get(0); rightPipelinePlan.disconnect(root, rightPipelinePlan.getSuccessors(root).get(0)); rightPipelinePlan.remove(root); rightMapPlan.trimBelow(rightLoader); } } else if(!rightMROpr.reduceDone){ // Indexer must run in map. If we are in reduce, close it and start new MROper. // No need of yanking in this case. Since we are starting brand new MR Operator and it will contain nothing. POStore rightStore = getStore(); FileSpec rightStrFile = getTempFileSpec(); rightStore.setSFile(rightStrFile); rightMROpr.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(rightStore); rightMROpr.setReduceDone(true); rightMROpr = startNew(rightStrFile, rightMROpr); rightPipelinePlan = null; } else{ int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } joinOp.setupRightPipeline(rightPipelinePlan); rightMROpr.requestedParallelism = 1; // we need exactly one reducer for indexing job. // At this point, we must be operating on map plan of right input and it would contain nothing else other then a POLoad. POLoad rightLoader = (POLoad)rightMROpr.mapPlan.getRoots().get(0); joinOp.setSignature(rightLoader.getSignature()); LoadFunc rightLoadFunc = rightLoader.getLoadFunc(); List<String> udfs = new ArrayList<String>(); if(IndexableLoadFunc.class.isAssignableFrom(rightLoadFunc.getClass())) { joinOp.setRightLoaderFuncSpec(rightLoader.getLFile().getFuncSpec()); joinOp.setRightInputFileName(rightLoader.getLFile().getFileName()); udfs.add(rightLoader.getLFile().getFuncSpec().toString()); // we don't need the right MROper since // the right loader is an IndexableLoadFunc which can handle the index // itself MRPlan.remove(rightMROpr); if(rightMROpr == compiledInputs[0]) { compiledInputs[0] = null; } else if(rightMROpr == compiledInputs[1]) { compiledInputs[1] = null; } rightMROpr = null; // validate that the join keys in merge join are only // simple column projections or '*' and not expression - expressions // cannot be handled when the index is built by the storage layer on the sorted // data when the sorted data (and corresponding index) is written. // So merge join will be restricted not have expressions as // join keys int numInputs = mPlan.getPredecessors(joinOp).size(); // should be 2 for(int i = 0; i < numInputs; i++) { List<PhysicalPlan> keyPlans = joinOp.getInnerPlansOf(i); for (PhysicalPlan keyPlan : keyPlans) { for(PhysicalOperator op : keyPlan) { if(!(op instanceof POProject)) { int errCode = 1106; String errMsg = "Merge join is possible only for simple column or '*' join keys when using " + rightLoader.getLFile().getFuncSpec() + " as the loader"; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg, errCode, PigException.INPUT); } } } } } else { LoadFunc loadFunc = rightLoader.getLoadFunc(); //Replacing POLoad with indexer is disabled for 'merge-sparse' joins. While //this feature would be useful, the current implementation of DefaultIndexableLoader //is not designed to handle multiple calls to seekNear. Specifically, it rereads the entire index //for each call. Some refactoring of this class is required - and then the check below could be removed. if (joinOp.getJoinType() == LOJoin.JOINTYPE.MERGESPARSE) { int errCode = 1104; String errMsg = "Right input of merge-join must implement IndexableLoadFunc. " + "The specified loader " + loadFunc + " doesn't implement it"; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode); } // Replace POLoad with indexer. if (! (OrderedLoadFunc.class.isAssignableFrom(loadFunc.getClass()))){ int errCode = 1104; String errMsg = "Right input of merge-join must implement " + "OrderedLoadFunc interface. The specified loader " + loadFunc + " doesn't implement it"; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg,errCode); } String[] indexerArgs = new String[6]; List<PhysicalPlan> rightInpPlans = joinOp.getInnerPlansOf(1); FileSpec origRightLoaderFileSpec = rightLoader.getLFile(); indexerArgs[0] = origRightLoaderFileSpec.getFuncSpec().toString(); indexerArgs[1] = ObjectSerializer.serialize((Serializable)rightInpPlans); indexerArgs[2] = ObjectSerializer.serialize(rightPipelinePlan); indexerArgs[3] = rightLoader.getSignature(); indexerArgs[4] = rightLoader.getOperatorKey().scope; indexerArgs[5] = Boolean.toString(true); FileSpec lFile = new FileSpec(rightLoader.getLFile().getFileName(),new FuncSpec(MergeJoinIndexer.class.getName(), indexerArgs)); rightLoader.setLFile(lFile); // Loader of mro will return a tuple of form - // (keyFirst1, keyFirst2, .. , position, splitIndex) See MergeJoinIndexer MRUtil.simpleConnectMapToReduce(rightMROpr, scope, nig); rightMROpr.useTypedComparator(true); POStore st = getStore(); FileSpec strFile = getTempFileSpec(); st.setSFile(strFile); rightMROpr.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(st); rightMROpr.setReduceDone(true); // set up the DefaultIndexableLoader for the join operator String[] defaultIndexableLoaderArgs = new String[5]; defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[0] = origRightLoaderFileSpec.getFuncSpec().toString(); defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[1] = strFile.getFileName(); defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[2] = strFile.getFuncSpec().toString(); defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[3] = joinOp.getOperatorKey().scope; defaultIndexableLoaderArgs[4] = origRightLoaderFileSpec.getFileName(); joinOp.setRightLoaderFuncSpec((new FuncSpec(DefaultIndexableLoader.class.getName(), defaultIndexableLoaderArgs))); joinOp.setRightInputFileName(origRightLoaderFileSpec.getFileName()); joinOp.setIndexFile(strFile.getFileName()); udfs.add(origRightLoaderFileSpec.getFuncSpec().toString()); } // We are done with right side. Lets work on left now. // Join will be materialized in leftMROper. if(!curMROp.mapDone) // Life is easy curMROp.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(joinOp); else if(!curMROp.reduceDone){ // This is a map-side join. Close this MROper and start afresh. POStore leftStore = getStore(); FileSpec leftStrFile = getTempFileSpec(); leftStore.setSFile(leftStrFile); curMROp.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(leftStore); curMROp.setReduceDone(true); curMROp = startNew(leftStrFile, curMROp); curMROp.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(joinOp); } else{ int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } if(rightMROpr != null) { rightMROpr.markIndexer(); // We want to ensure indexing job runs prior to actual join job. So, connect them in order. MRPlan.connect(rightMROpr, curMROp); } phyToMROpMap.put(joinOp, curMROp); // no combination of small splits as there is currently no way to guarantee the sortness // of the combined splits. curMROp.noCombineSmallSplits(); curMROp.UDFs.addAll(udfs); } catch(PlanException e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + joinOp.getClass().getCanonicalName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } catch (IOException e){ int errCode = 3000; String errMsg = "IOException caught while compiling POMergeJoin"; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg, errCode,e); } catch(CloneNotSupportedException e){ int errCode = 2127; String errMsg = "Cloning exception caught while compiling POMergeJoin"; throw new MRCompilerException(errMsg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitDistinct(PODistinct op) throws VisitorException { try{ PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prjStar = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prjStar.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); prjStar.setStar(true); ep.add(prjStar); List<PhysicalPlan> eps = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); eps.add(ep); POLocalRearrange lr = new POLocalRearrange(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); lr.setIndex(0); lr.setKeyType(DataType.TUPLE); lr.setPlans(eps); lr.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); lr.setDistinct(true); addToMap(lr); blocking(op); curMROp.customPartitioner = op.getCustomPartitioner(); POPackage pkg = new POPackage(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); Packager pkgr = pkg.getPkgr(); pkgr.setKeyType(DataType.TUPLE); pkgr.setDistinct(true); pkg.setNumInps(1); boolean[] inner = {false}; pkgr.setInner(inner); curMROp.reducePlan.add(pkg); List<PhysicalPlan> eps1 = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); List<Boolean> flat1 = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); PhysicalPlan ep1 = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj1 = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj1.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); prj1.setStar(false); prj1.setColumn(0); prj1.setOverloaded(false); ep1.add(prj1); eps1.add(ep1); flat1.add(true); POForEach nfe1 = new POForEach(new OperatorKey(scope, nig .getNextNodeId(scope)), op.getRequestedParallelism(), eps1, flat1); nfe1.setResultType(DataType.BAG); curMROp.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(nfe1); curMROp.setNeedsDistinctCombiner(true); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); curMROp.phyToMRMap.put(op, nfe1); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitSkewedJoin(POSkewedJoin op) throws VisitorException { try { if (compiledInputs.length != 2) { int errCode = 2255; throw new VisitorException("POSkewedJoin operator has " + compiledInputs.length + " inputs. It should have 2.", errCode); } //change plan to store the first join input into a temp file FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); MapReduceOper mro = compiledInputs[0]; POStore str = getStore(); str.setSFile(fSpec); if (!mro.isMapDone()) { mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(str); mro.setMapDoneSingle(true); } else if (mro.isMapDone() && !mro.isReduceDone()) { mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(str); mro.setReduceDone(true); } else { int errCode = 2022; String msg = "Both map and reduce phases have been done. This is unexpected while compiling."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } FileSpec partitionFile = getTempFileSpec(); int rp = op.getRequestedParallelism(); Pair<MapReduceOper, Integer> sampleJobPair = getSkewedJoinSampleJob(op, mro, fSpec, partitionFile, rp); rp = sampleJobPair.second; // set parallelism of SkewedJoin as the value calculated by sampling job // if "parallel" is specified in join statement, "rp" is equal to that number // if not specified, use the value that sampling process calculated // based on default. op.setRequestedParallelism(rp); // load the temp file for first table as input of join MapReduceOper[] joinInputs = new MapReduceOper[] {startNew(fSpec, sampleJobPair.first), compiledInputs[1]}; MapReduceOper[] rearrangeOutputs = new MapReduceOper[2]; compiledInputs = new MapReduceOper[] {joinInputs[0]}; // run POLocalRearrange for first join table POLocalRearrange lr = new POLocalRearrange(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), rp); try { lr.setIndex(0); } catch (ExecException e) { int errCode = 2058; String msg = "Unable to set index on newly created POLocalRearrange."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } List<PhysicalOperator> l = plan.getPredecessors(op); MultiMap<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan> joinPlans = op.getJoinPlans(); List<PhysicalPlan> groups = joinPlans.get(l.get(0)); // check the type of group keys, if there are more than one field, the key is TUPLE. byte type = DataType.TUPLE; if (groups.size() == 1) { type = groups.get(0).getLeaves().get(0).getResultType(); } lr.setKeyType(type); lr.setPlans(groups); lr.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); lr.visit(this); if(lr.getRequestedParallelism() > curMROp.requestedParallelism) curMROp.requestedParallelism = lr.getRequestedParallelism(); rearrangeOutputs[0] = curMROp; compiledInputs = new MapReduceOper[] {joinInputs[1]}; // if the map for current input is already closed, then start a new job if (compiledInputs[0].isMapDone() && !compiledInputs[0].isReduceDone()) { FileSpec f = getTempFileSpec(); POStore s = getStore(); s.setSFile(f); compiledInputs[0].reducePlan.addAsLeaf(s); compiledInputs[0].setReduceDone(true); compiledInputs[0] = startNew(f, compiledInputs[0]); } // run POPartitionRearrange for second join table POPartitionRearrange pr = new POPartitionRearrange(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), rp); pr.setPigContext(pigContext); lr = pr; try { lr.setIndex(1); } catch (ExecException e) { int errCode = 2058; String msg = "Unable to set index on newly created POLocalRearrange."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } groups = joinPlans.get(l.get(1)); lr.setPlans(groups); lr.setKeyType(type); lr.setResultType(DataType.BAG); lr.visit(this); if(lr.getRequestedParallelism() > curMROp.requestedParallelism) curMROp.requestedParallelism = lr.getRequestedParallelism(); rearrangeOutputs[1] = curMROp; compiledInputs = rearrangeOutputs; // create POGlobalRearrange POGlobalRearrange gr = new POGlobalRearrange(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), rp); // Skewed join has its own special partitioner gr.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); gr.visit(this); if(gr.getRequestedParallelism() > curMROp.requestedParallelism) curMROp.requestedParallelism = gr.getRequestedParallelism(); compiledInputs = new MapReduceOper[] {curMROp}; // create POPakcage POPackage pkg = new POPackage(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), rp); Packager pkgr = pkg.getPkgr(); pkgr.setKeyType(type); pkg.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); pkg.setNumInps(2); boolean [] inner = op.getInnerFlags(); pkgr.setInner(inner); pkg.visit(this); compiledInputs = new MapReduceOper[] {curMROp}; // create POForEach List<PhysicalPlan> eps = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); List<Boolean> flat = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); PhysicalPlan ep; // Add corresponding POProjects for (int i=0; i < 2; i++ ) { ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj.setColumn(i+1); prj.setOverloaded(false); prj.setResultType(DataType.BAG); ep.add(prj); eps.add(ep); if (!inner[i]) { // Add an empty bag for outer join. if (i == 0) { // For right outer, add IsFirstReduceOfKey UDF as well CompilerUtils.addEmptyBagOuterJoin(ep, op.getSchema(i), true, IsFirstReduceOfKey.class.getName()); } else { CompilerUtils.addEmptyBagOuterJoin(ep, op.getSchema(i), false, IsFirstReduceOfKey.class.getName()); } } flat.add(true); } POForEach fe = new POForEach(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), -1, eps, flat); fe.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); fe.visit(this); curMROp.setSkewedJoinPartitionFile(partitionFile.getFileName()); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(PlanException e) { int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); }catch(IOException e) { int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } @Override public void visitSort(POSort op) throws VisitorException { try{ FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); MapReduceOper mro = endSingleInputPlanWithStr(fSpec); FileSpec quantFile = getTempFileSpec(); int rp = op.getRequestedParallelism(); Pair<POProject, Byte>[] fields = getSortCols(op.getSortPlans()); Pair<MapReduceOper, Integer> quantJobParallelismPair = getQuantileJob(op, mro, fSpec, quantFile, rp); curMROp = getSortJob(op, quantJobParallelismPair.first, fSpec, quantFile, quantJobParallelismPair.second, fields); if(op.isUDFComparatorUsed){ curMROp.UDFs.add(op.getMSortFunc().getFuncSpec().toString()); curMROp.isUDFComparatorUsed = true; } phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } /** * For the counter job, it depends if it is row number or not. * In case of being a row number, any previous jobs are saved * and POCounter is added as a leaf on a map task. * If it is not, then POCounter is added as a leaf on a reduce * task (last sorting phase). **/ @Override public void visitCounter(POCounter op) throws VisitorException { try{ if(op.isRowNumber()) { List<PhysicalOperator> mpLeaves = curMROp.mapPlan.getLeaves(); PhysicalOperator leaf = mpLeaves.get(0); if ( !curMROp.isMapDone() && !curMROp.isRankOperation() ) { curMROp.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); } else { FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); MapReduceOper prevMROper = endSingleInputPlanWithStr(fSpec); MapReduceOper mrCounter = startNew(fSpec, prevMROper); mrCounter.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); curMROp = mrCounter; } } else { curMROp.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(op); } phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } /** * In case of PORank, it is closed any other previous job (containing * POCounter as a leaf) and PORank is added on map phase. **/ @Override public void visitRank(PORank op) throws VisitorException { try{ FileSpec fSpec = getTempFileSpec(); MapReduceOper prevMROper = endSingleInputPlanWithStr(fSpec); curMROp = startNew(fSpec, prevMROper); curMROp.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(op); phyToMROpMap.put(op, curMROp); }catch(Exception e){ int errCode = 2034; String msg = "Error compiling operator " + op.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } } private Pair<POProject,Byte> [] getSortCols(List<PhysicalPlan> plans) throws PlanException, ExecException { if(plans!=null){ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Pair<POProject,Byte>[] ret = new Pair[plans.size()]; int i=-1; for (PhysicalPlan plan : plans) { PhysicalOperator op = plan.getLeaves().get(0); POProject proj; if (op instanceof POProject) { if (((POProject)op).isStar()) return null; proj = (POProject)op; } else { proj = null; } byte type = op.getResultType(); ret[++i] = new Pair<POProject, Byte>(proj, type); } return ret; } int errCode = 2026; String msg = "No expression plan found in POSort."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } private MapReduceOper getSortJob( POSort sort, MapReduceOper quantJob, FileSpec lFile, FileSpec quantFile, int rp, Pair<POProject, Byte>[] fields) throws PlanException{ MapReduceOper mro = startNew(lFile, quantJob); mro.setQuantFile(quantFile.getFileName()); mro.setGlobalSort(true); mro.requestedParallelism = rp; long limit = sort.getLimit(); mro.limit = limit; List<PhysicalPlan> eps1 = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); byte keyType = DataType.UNKNOWN; boolean[] sortOrder; List<Boolean> sortOrderList = sort.getMAscCols(); if(sortOrderList != null) { sortOrder = new boolean[sortOrderList.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < sortOrderList.size(); ++i) { sortOrder[i] = sortOrderList.get(i); } mro.setSortOrder(sortOrder); } if (fields == null) { // This is project * PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj.setStar(true); prj.setOverloaded(false); prj.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); ep.add(prj); eps1.add(ep); } else { /* for (int i : fields) { PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope, nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj.setColumn(i); prj.setOverloaded(false); prj.setResultType(DataType.BYTEARRAY); ep.add(prj); eps1.add(ep); } */ // Attach the sort plans to the local rearrange to get the // projection. eps1.addAll(sort.getSortPlans()); // Visit the first sort plan to figure out our key type. We only // have to visit the first because if we have more than one plan, // then the key type will be tuple. try { FindKeyTypeVisitor fktv = new FindKeyTypeVisitor(sort.getSortPlans().get(0)); fktv.visit(); keyType = fktv.keyType; } catch (VisitorException ve) { int errCode = 2035; String msg = "Internal error. Could not compute key type of sort operator."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, ve); } } POLocalRearrange lr = new POLocalRearrange(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); try { lr.setIndex(0); } catch (ExecException e) { int errCode = 2058; String msg = "Unable to set index on newly created POLocalRearrange."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } lr.setKeyType((fields == null || fields.length>1) ? DataType.TUPLE : keyType); lr.setPlans(eps1); lr.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); lr.addOriginalLocation(sort.getAlias(), sort.getOriginalLocations()); mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(lr); mro.setMapDone(true); if (limit!=-1) { POPackage pkg_c = new POPackage(new OperatorKey(scope, nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); LitePackager pkgr = new LitePackager(); pkgr.setKeyType((fields.length > 1) ? DataType.TUPLE : keyType); pkg_c.setPkgr(pkgr); pkg_c.setNumInps(1); mro.combinePlan.add(pkg_c); List<PhysicalPlan> eps_c1 = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); List<Boolean> flat_c1 = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); PhysicalPlan ep_c1 = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj_c1 = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj_c1.setColumn(1); prj_c1.setOverloaded(false); prj_c1.setResultType(DataType.BAG); ep_c1.add(prj_c1); eps_c1.add(ep_c1); flat_c1.add(true); POForEach fe_c1 = new POForEach(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), -1, eps_c1, flat_c1); fe_c1.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); mro.combinePlan.addAsLeaf(fe_c1); POLimit pLimit = new POLimit(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); pLimit.setLimit(limit); mro.combinePlan.addAsLeaf(pLimit); List<PhysicalPlan> eps_c2 = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); eps_c2.addAll(sort.getSortPlans()); POLocalRearrange lr_c2 = new POLocalRearrange(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); try { lr_c2.setIndex(0); } catch (ExecException e) { int errCode = 2058; String msg = "Unable to set index on newly created POLocalRearrange."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } lr_c2.setKeyType((fields.length>1) ? DataType.TUPLE : keyType); lr_c2.setPlans(eps_c2); lr_c2.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); mro.combinePlan.addAsLeaf(lr_c2); } POPackage pkg = new POPackage(new OperatorKey(scope, nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); LitePackager pkgr = new LitePackager(); pkgr.setKeyType((fields == null || fields.length > 1) ? DataType.TUPLE : keyType); pkg.setPkgr(pkgr); pkg.setNumInps(1); mro.reducePlan.add(pkg); PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj.setColumn(1); prj.setOverloaded(false); prj.setResultType(DataType.BAG); ep.add(prj); List<PhysicalPlan> eps2 = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); eps2.add(ep); List<Boolean> flattened = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); flattened.add(true); POForEach nfe1 = new POForEach(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)),-1,eps2,flattened); mro.reducePlan.add(nfe1); mro.reducePlan.connect(pkg, nfe1); mro.phyToMRMap.put(sort, nfe1); if (limit!=-1) { POLimit pLimit2 = new POLimit(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); pLimit2.setLimit(limit); mro.reducePlan.addAsLeaf(pLimit2); mro.phyToMRMap.put(sort, pLimit2); } return mro; } private Pair<MapReduceOper,Integer> getQuantileJob( POSort inpSort, MapReduceOper prevJob, FileSpec lFile, FileSpec quantFile, int rp) throws PlanException, VisitorException { POSort sort = new POSort(inpSort.getOperatorKey(), inpSort .getRequestedParallelism(), null, inpSort.getSortPlans(), inpSort.getMAscCols(), inpSort.getMSortFunc()); sort.addOriginalLocation(inpSort.getAlias(), inpSort.getOriginalLocations()); // Turn the asc/desc array into an array of strings so that we can pass it // to the FindQuantiles function. List<Boolean> ascCols = inpSort.getMAscCols(); String[] ascs = new String[ascCols.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < ascCols.size(); i++) ascs[i] = ascCols.get(i).toString(); // check if user defined comparator is used in the sort, if so // prepend the name of the comparator as the first fields in the // constructor args array to the FindQuantiles udf String[] ctorArgs = ascs; if(sort.isUDFComparatorUsed) { String userComparatorFuncSpec = sort.getMSortFunc().getFuncSpec().toString(); ctorArgs = new String[ascs.length + 1]; ctorArgs[0] = USER_COMPARATOR_MARKER + userComparatorFuncSpec; for(int j = 0; j < ascs.length; j++) { ctorArgs[j+1] = ascs[j]; } } return getSamplingJob(sort, prevJob, null, lFile, quantFile, rp, null, FindQuantiles.class.getName(), ctorArgs, RandomSampleLoader.class.getName()); } /** * Create Sampling job for skewed join. */ private Pair<MapReduceOper, Integer> getSkewedJoinSampleJob(POSkewedJoin op, MapReduceOper prevJob, FileSpec lFile, FileSpec sampleFile, int rp ) throws PlanException, VisitorException { MultiMap<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan> joinPlans = op.getJoinPlans(); List<PhysicalOperator> l = plan.getPredecessors(op); List<PhysicalPlan> groups = joinPlans.get(l.get(0)); List<Boolean> ascCol = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); for(int i=0; i<groups.size(); i++) { ascCol.add(false); } POSort sort = new POSort(op.getOperatorKey(), op.getRequestedParallelism(), null, groups, ascCol, null); // set up transform plan to get keys and memory size of input tuples // it first adds all the plans to get key columns, List<PhysicalPlan> transformPlans = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); transformPlans.addAll(groups); // then it adds a column for memory size POProject prjStar = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prjStar.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); prjStar.setStar(true); List<PhysicalOperator> ufInps = new ArrayList<PhysicalOperator>(); ufInps.add(prjStar); PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POUserFunc uf = new POUserFunc(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), -1, ufInps, new FuncSpec(GetMemNumRows.class.getName(), (String[])null)); uf.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); ep.add(uf); ep.add(prjStar); ep.connect(prjStar, uf); transformPlans.add(ep); try{ // pass configurations to the User Function String per = pigContext.getProperties().getProperty("pig.skewedjoin.reduce.memusage", String.valueOf(PartitionSkewedKeys.DEFAULT_PERCENT_MEMUSAGE)); String mc = pigContext.getProperties().getProperty("pig.skewedjoin.reduce.maxtuple", "0"); String inputFile = lFile.getFileName(); return getSamplingJob(sort, prevJob, transformPlans, lFile, sampleFile, rp, null, PartitionSkewedKeys.class.getName(), new String[]{per, mc, inputFile}, PoissonSampleLoader.class.getName()); }catch(Exception e) { throw new PlanException(e); } } /** * Create a sampling job to collect statistics by sampling an input file. The sequence of operations is as * following: * <li>Transform input sample tuples into another tuple.</li> * <li>Add an extra field "all" into the tuple </li> * <li>Package all tuples into one bag </li> * <li>Add constant field for number of reducers. </li> * <li>Sorting the bag </li> * <li>Invoke UDF with the number of reducers and the sorted bag.</li> * <li>Data generated by UDF is stored into a file.</li> * * @param sort the POSort operator used to sort the bag * @param prevJob previous job of current sampling job * @param transformPlans PhysicalPlans to transform input samples * @param lFile path of input file * @param sampleFile path of output file * @param rp configured parallemism * @param sortKeyPlans PhysicalPlans to be set into POSort operator to get sorting keys * @param udfClassName the class name of UDF * @param udfArgs the arguments of UDF * @param sampleLdrClassName class name for the sample loader * @return pair<mapreduceoper,integer> * @throws PlanException * @throws VisitorException */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private Pair<MapReduceOper,Integer> getSamplingJob(POSort sort, MapReduceOper prevJob, List<PhysicalPlan> transformPlans, FileSpec lFile, FileSpec sampleFile, int rp, List<PhysicalPlan> sortKeyPlans, String udfClassName, String[] udfArgs, String sampleLdrClassName ) throws PlanException, VisitorException { String[] rslargs = new String[2]; // SampleLoader expects string version of FuncSpec // as its first constructor argument. rslargs[0] = (new FuncSpec(Utils.getTmpFileCompressorName(pigContext))).toString(); // This value is only used by order by. For skewed join, it's calculated // based on the file size. rslargs[1] = pigContext.getProperties().getProperty(PigConfiguration.PIG_RANDOM_SAMPLER_SAMPLE_SIZE, "100"); FileSpec quantLdFilName = new FileSpec(lFile.getFileName(), new FuncSpec(sampleLdrClassName, rslargs)); MapReduceOper mro = startNew(quantLdFilName, prevJob); if(sort.isUDFComparatorUsed) { mro.UDFs.add(sort.getMSortFunc().getFuncSpec().toString()); curMROp.isUDFComparatorUsed = true; } List<Boolean> flat1 = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); List<PhysicalPlan> eps1 = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); // if transform plans are not specified, project the columns of sorting keys if (transformPlans == null) { Pair<POProject, Byte>[] sortProjs = null; try{ sortProjs = getSortCols(sort.getSortPlans()); }catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // Set up the projections of the key columns if (sortProjs == null) { PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope, nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj.setStar(true); prj.setOverloaded(false); prj.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); ep.add(prj); eps1.add(ep); flat1.add(false); } else { for (Pair<POProject, Byte> sortProj : sortProjs) { // Check for proj being null, null is used by getSortCols for a non POProject // operator. Since Order by does not allow expression operators, //it should never be set to null if(sortProj == null){ int errCode = 2174; String msg = "Internal exception. Could not create a sampler job"; throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj; try { prj = sortProj.first.clone(); } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) { //should not get here throw new AssertionError( "Error cloning project caught exception" + e ); } ep.add(prj); eps1.add(ep); flat1.add(false); } } }else{ for(int i=0; i<transformPlans.size(); i++) { eps1.add(transformPlans.get(i)); flat1.add(i == transformPlans.size() - 1 ? true : false); } } // This foreach will pick the sort key columns from the RandomSampleLoader output POForEach nfe1 = new POForEach(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)),-1,eps1,flat1); mro.mapPlan.addAsLeaf(nfe1); // Now set up a POLocalRearrange which has "all" as the key and the output of the // foreach will be the "value" out of POLocalRearrange PhysicalPlan ep1 = new PhysicalPlan(); ConstantExpression ce = new ConstantExpression(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); ce.setValue("all"); ce.setResultType(DataType.CHARARRAY); ep1.add(ce); List<PhysicalPlan> eps = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); eps.add(ep1); POLocalRearrange lr = new POLocalRearrange(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); try { lr.setIndex(0); } catch (ExecException e) { int errCode = 2058; String msg = "Unable to set index on newly created POLocalRearrange."; throw new PlanException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } lr.setKeyType(DataType.CHARARRAY); lr.setPlans(eps); lr.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); lr.addOriginalLocation(sort.getAlias(), sort.getOriginalLocations()); mro.mapPlan.add(lr); mro.mapPlan.connect(nfe1, lr); mro.setMapDone(true); POPackage pkg = new POPackage(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); Packager pkgr = new Packager(); pkg.setPkgr(pkgr); pkgr.setKeyType(DataType.CHARARRAY); pkg.setNumInps(1); boolean[] inner = {false}; pkgr.setInner(inner); mro.reducePlan.add(pkg); // Lets start building the plan which will have the sort // for the foreach PhysicalPlan fe2Plan = new PhysicalPlan(); // Top level project which just projects the tuple which is coming // from the foreach after the package POProject topPrj = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); topPrj.setColumn(1); topPrj.setResultType(DataType.BAG); topPrj.setOverloaded(true); fe2Plan.add(topPrj); // the projections which will form sort plans List<PhysicalPlan> nesSortPlanLst = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); if (sortKeyPlans != null) { for(int i=0; i<sortKeyPlans.size(); i++) { nesSortPlanLst.add(sortKeyPlans.get(i)); } }else{ Pair<POProject, Byte>[] sortProjs = null; try{ sortProjs = getSortCols(sort.getSortPlans()); }catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } // Set up the projections of the key columns if (sortProjs == null) { PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prj = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope, nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj.setStar(true); prj.setOverloaded(false); prj.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); ep.add(prj); nesSortPlanLst.add(ep); } else { for (int i=0; i<sortProjs.length; i++) { POProject prj = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prj.setResultType(sortProjs[i].second); if(sortProjs[i].first != null && sortProjs[i].first.isProjectToEnd()){ if(i != sortProjs.length -1){ //project to end has to be the last sort column throw new AssertionError("Project-range to end (x..)" + " is supported in order-by only as last sort column"); } prj.setProjectToEnd(i); break; } else{ prj.setColumn(i); } prj.setOverloaded(false); PhysicalPlan ep = new PhysicalPlan(); ep.add(prj); nesSortPlanLst.add(ep); } } } sort.setSortPlans(nesSortPlanLst); sort.setResultType(DataType.BAG); fe2Plan.add(sort); fe2Plan.connect(topPrj, sort); // The plan which will have a constant representing the // degree of parallelism for the final order by map-reduce job // this will either come from a "order by parallel x" in the script // or will be the default number of reducers for the cluster if // "parallel x" is not used in the script PhysicalPlan rpep = new PhysicalPlan(); ConstantExpression rpce = new ConstantExpression(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); rpce.setRequestedParallelism(rp); // We temporarily set it to rp and will adjust it at runtime, because the final degree of parallelism // is unknown until we are ready to submit it. See PIG-2779. rpce.setValue(rp); rpce.setResultType(DataType.INTEGER); rpep.add(rpce); List<PhysicalPlan> genEps = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); genEps.add(rpep); genEps.add(fe2Plan); List<Boolean> flattened2 = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); flattened2.add(false); flattened2.add(false); POForEach nfe2 = new POForEach(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)),-1, genEps, flattened2); mro.reducePlan.add(nfe2); mro.reducePlan.connect(pkg, nfe2); // Let's connect the output from the foreach containing // number of quantiles and the sorted bag of samples to // another foreach with the FindQuantiles udf. The input // to the FindQuantiles udf is a project(*) which takes the // foreach input and gives it to the udf PhysicalPlan ep4 = new PhysicalPlan(); POProject prjStar4 = new POProject(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope))); prjStar4.setResultType(DataType.TUPLE); prjStar4.setStar(true); ep4.add(prjStar4); List<PhysicalOperator> ufInps = new ArrayList<PhysicalOperator>(); ufInps.add(prjStar4); POUserFunc uf = new POUserFunc(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), -1, ufInps, new FuncSpec(udfClassName, udfArgs)); ep4.add(uf); ep4.connect(prjStar4, uf); List<PhysicalPlan> ep4s = new ArrayList<PhysicalPlan>(); ep4s.add(ep4); List<Boolean> flattened3 = new ArrayList<Boolean>(); flattened3.add(false); POForEach nfe3 = new POForEach(new OperatorKey(scope,nig.getNextNodeId(scope)), -1, ep4s, flattened3); mro.reducePlan.add(nfe3); mro.reducePlan.connect(nfe2, nfe3); POStore str = getStore(); str.setSFile(sampleFile); mro.reducePlan.add(str); mro.reducePlan.connect(nfe3, str); mro.setReduceDone(true); mro.requestedParallelism = 1; mro.markSampler(); return new Pair<MapReduceOper, Integer>(mro, rp); } static class LastInputStreamingOptimizer extends MROpPlanVisitor { String chunkSize; LastInputStreamingOptimizer(MROperPlan plan, String chunkSize) { super(plan, new DepthFirstWalker<MapReduceOper, MROperPlan>(plan)); this.chunkSize = chunkSize; } /**indTupIter * Look for pattern POPackage->POForEach(if both are flatten), change it to POJoinPackage * We can avoid materialize the input and construct the result of join on the fly * * @param mr - map-reduce plan to optimize */ @Override public void visitMROp(MapReduceOper mr) throws VisitorException { // Only optimize: // 1. POPackage->POForEach is the root of reduce plan // 2. POUnion is the leaf of map plan (so that we exclude distinct, sort...) // 3. No combiner plan // 4. POForEach nested plan only contains POProject in any depth // 5. Inside POForEach, all occurrences of the last input are flattened if (mr.mapPlan.isEmpty()) return; if (mr.reducePlan.isEmpty()) return; // Check combiner plan if (!mr.combinePlan.isEmpty()) { return; } // Check map plan List<PhysicalOperator> mpLeaves = mr.mapPlan.getLeaves(); if (mpLeaves.size()!=1) { return; } PhysicalOperator op = mpLeaves.get(0); if (!(op instanceof POUnion)) { return; } // Check reduce plan List<PhysicalOperator> mrRoots = mr.reducePlan.getRoots(); if (mrRoots.size()!=1) { return; } op = mrRoots.get(0); if (!(op instanceof POPackage)) { return; } POPackage pack = (POPackage)op; List<PhysicalOperator> sucs = mr.reducePlan.getSuccessors(pack); if (sucs == null || sucs.size()!=1) { return; } op = sucs.get(0); boolean lastInputFlattened = true; boolean allSimple = true; if (op instanceof POForEach) { POForEach forEach = (POForEach)op; List<PhysicalPlan> planList = forEach.getInputPlans(); List<Boolean> flatten = forEach.getToBeFlattened(); POProject projOfLastInput = null; int i = 0; // check all nested foreach plans // 1. If it is simple projection // 2. If last input is all flattened for (PhysicalPlan p:planList) { PhysicalOperator opProj = p.getRoots().get(0); if (!(opProj instanceof POProject)) { allSimple = false; break; } POProject proj = (POProject)opProj; // the project should just be for one column // from the input if(proj.isProjectToEnd() || proj.getColumns().size() != 1) { allSimple = false; break; } try { // if input to project is the last input if (proj.getColumn() == pack.getNumInps()) { // if we had already seen another project // which was also for the last input, then // we might be trying to flatten twice on the // last input in which case we can't optimize by // just streaming the tuple to those projects // IMPORTANT NOTE: THIS WILL NEED TO CHANGE WHEN WE // OPTIMIZE BUILTINS LIKE SUM() AND COUNT() TO // TAKE IN STREAMING INPUT if(projOfLastInput != null) { allSimple = false; break; } projOfLastInput = proj; // make sure the project is on a bag which needs to be // flattened if (!flatten.get(i) || proj.getResultType() != DataType.BAG) { lastInputFlattened = false; break; } } } catch (ExecException e) { int errCode = 2069; String msg = "Error during map reduce compilation. Problem in accessing column from project operator."; throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } // if all deeper operators are all project PhysicalOperator succ = p.getSuccessors(proj)!=null?p.getSuccessors(proj).get(0):null; while (succ!=null) { if (!(succ instanceof POProject)) { allSimple = false; break; } // make sure successors of the last project also project bags // we will be changing it to project tuples if(proj == projOfLastInput && ((POProject)succ).getResultType() != DataType.BAG) { allSimple = false; break; } succ = p.getSuccessors(succ)!=null?p.getSuccessors(succ).get(0):null; } i++; if (allSimple==false) break; } if (lastInputFlattened && allSimple && projOfLastInput != null) { // Now we can optimize the map-reduce plan // Replace POPackage->POForeach to POJoinPackage replaceWithPOJoinPackage(mr.reducePlan, mr, pack, forEach, chunkSize); } } } public static void replaceWithPOJoinPackage(PhysicalPlan plan, MapReduceOper mr, POPackage pack, POForEach forEach, String chunkSize) throws VisitorException { JoinPackager pkgr = new JoinPackager(pack.getPkgr(), forEach); pkgr.setChunkSize(Long.parseLong(chunkSize)); pack.setPkgr(pkgr); List<PhysicalOperator> succs = plan.getSuccessors(forEach); if (succs != null) { if (succs.size() != 1) { int errCode = 2028; String msg = "ForEach can only have one successor. Found " + succs.size() + " successors."; throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG); } } plan.remove(pack); try { plan.replace(forEach, pack); } catch (PlanException e) { int errCode = 2029; String msg = "Error rewriting join package."; throw new MRCompilerException(msg, errCode, PigException.BUG, e); } mr.phyToMRMap.put(forEach, pack); LogFactory.getLog(LastInputStreamingOptimizer.class).info( "Rewrite: POPackage->POForEach to POPackage(JoinPackager)"); } } private static class FindKeyTypeVisitor extends PhyPlanVisitor { byte keyType = DataType.UNKNOWN; FindKeyTypeVisitor(PhysicalPlan plan) { super(plan, new DepthFirstWalker<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan>(plan)); } @Override public void visitProject(POProject p) throws VisitorException { keyType = p.getResultType(); } } private static class FindStoreNameVisitor extends PhyPlanVisitor { FileSpec newSpec; FileSpec oldSpec; FindStoreNameVisitor (PhysicalPlan plan, FileSpec newSpec, FileSpec oldSpec) { super(plan, new DepthFirstWalker<PhysicalOperator, PhysicalPlan>(plan)); this.newSpec = newSpec; this.oldSpec = oldSpec; } @Override public void visitStore(POStore sto) throws VisitorException { FileSpec spec = sto.getSFile(); if (oldSpec.equals(spec)) { sto.setSFile(newSpec); } } } }