package org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.tests; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: CIM Model * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 FundaciĆ³ Privada i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ a Catalunya * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.FCPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalDevice; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.FiberChannelPlan; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.dwdm.proteus.ProteusOpticalSwitch; import; import; import; import; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.utils.OpticalSwitchCardFactory; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.utils.OpticalSwitchFactory; public class OpticalSwitchCardLoadingTest { Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(OpticalSwitchCardLoadingTest.class); @Test public void loadCardsTest() { try { logger.debug("LoadCardsTest..."); OpticalSwitchCardFactory factory; try { factory = new OpticalSwitchCardFactory(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Exception("Failed to load received data into model. Error loading card profiles file:", e); } ProteusOpticalSwitch proteus = new ProteusOpticalSwitch(); // PSROADM DROP card int chasis = 0; int slot = 1; int type = 11; int subtype = 1; ProteusOpticalSwitchCard card = factory.createCard(chasis, slot, type, subtype); proteus.addLogicalDevice(card); Assert.assertTrue(card.getChasis() == chasis); Assert.assertTrue(card.getSlot() == slot); Assert.assertTrue(card.getSlot() == card.getModuleNumber()); Assert.assertTrue(card.getType() == type); Assert.assertTrue(card.getSubtype() == subtype); Assert.assertTrue(card.getCardType().equals(CardType.ROADM_DROP)); Assert.assertTrue(card.getChannelPlan() != null); Assert.assertTrue(card.getChannelPlan().getChannelType().equals(FiberChannelPlan.ChannelType.WDM)); WonesysDropCard dropCard = (WonesysDropCard) card; Assert.assertTrue(dropCard.getCommonPort() != null); Assert.assertTrue(dropCard.getExpressPort() != null); Assert.assertTrue(dropCard.getPorts().contains(dropCard.getCommonPort())); Assert.assertTrue(dropCard.getPorts().contains(dropCard.getExpressPort())); Assert.assertTrue(dropCard.getPorts().size() > 0); // there is at least one port that is internally connected to at least one port // a switch that cannot link any of its ports is no longer a switch boolean connectionFound = false; for (NetworkPort port : dropCard.getPorts()) { if (dropCard.getInternalConnections(port).size() > 0) { connectionFound = true; break; } } Assert.assertTrue(connectionFound); logger.debug("Tested"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error ocurred!!!", e);; } } @Test public void loadTopologyTest() { try { logger.debug("LoadTopologyTest..."); OpticalSwitchCardFactory factory; try { factory = new OpticalSwitchCardFactory(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Exception("Failed to load received data into model. Error loading card profiles file:", e); } ProteusOpticalSwitch proteus = new ProteusOpticalSwitch(); proteus.setName("pedrosa"); // PSROADM DROP card int chasis = 0; int slot = 1; int type = 11; int subtype = 1; ProteusOpticalSwitchCard card = factory.createCard(chasis, slot, type, subtype); proteus.addLogicalDevice(card); // no connections for (NetworkPort port : card.getPorts()) { Assert.assertTrue(port.getOutgoingDeviceConnections().isEmpty()); } // PSROADM ADD card chasis = 0; slot = 17; type = 11; subtype = 32; card = factory.createCard(chasis, slot, type, subtype); proteus.addLogicalDevice(card); // no connections for (NetworkPort port : card.getPorts()) { Assert.assertTrue(port.getOutgoingDeviceConnections().isEmpty()); } // add connections factory.addHardcodedCardConnections(proteus); // assure there is at least one connection boolean connectionFound = false; for (LogicalDevice dev : proteus.getLogicalDevices()) { if (dev instanceof ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) { for (NetworkPort port : ((ProteusOpticalSwitchCard) dev).getPorts()) { if (!port.getOutgoingDeviceConnections().isEmpty()) { // assure its not connected to itself for (LogicalDevice dst : port.getOutgoingDeviceConnections()) { Assert.assertTrue(port != dst); } connectionFound = true; break; } } } } Assert.assertTrue(connectionFound); logger.debug("Tested"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error ocurred!!!", e);; } } @Test public void PassConnectionsTest() throws Exception { logger.debug("PassThroughTest..."); OpticalSwitchCardFactory factory; try { factory = new OpticalSwitchCardFactory(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new Exception("Failed to load received data into model. Error loading card profiles file:", e); } OpticalSwitchFactory switchFactory = new OpticalSwitchFactory(); ProteusOpticalSwitch proteus = switchFactory.newPedrosaProteusOpticalSwitch(); // PSROADM DROP card int dropChasis = 0; int dropSlot = 1; ProteusOpticalSwitchCard dropCard = proteus.getCard(dropChasis, dropSlot); FCPort srcPort = ((WonesysDropCard) dropCard).getCommonPort(); /* check common port */ Assert.assertTrue(srcPort.getPortNumber() == 0); /* check internal connections */ for (NetworkPort internalConnectedPort : dropCard.getInternalConnections(srcPort)) { ; boolean isFound = false; int listInternalConnections[] = { 1, 2, 3, 128 }; for (int numToConnect : listInternalConnections) { if (internalConnectedPort.getPortNumber() == numToConnect) isFound = true; } Assert.assertTrue(isFound); } /* check external connections, in this case we use only 1 */ FCPort connectedPort = (FCPort) dropCard.getPort(128); for (LogicalDevice logicalDevice : connectedPort.getOutgoingDeviceConnections()) { FCPort toConnectedPort = (FCPort) logicalDevice; int outDevice = 4; if (toConnectedPort.getPortNumber() != outDevice)"It doesn't contain an external connection"); } // PSROADM ADD card int addChasis = 0; int addSlot = 17; ProteusOpticalSwitchCard addCard = proteus.getCard(addChasis, addSlot); FCPort dstPort = ((WonesysPassiveAddCard) addCard).getCommonPort(); /* check common port */ Assert.assertTrue(dstPort.getPortNumber() == 129); /* check internal connections */ for (NetworkPort port : addCard.getPorts()) { if (port.getPortNumber() == 129) continue; /* it is the common port, we don't want to test it */ for (LogicalDevice logicalDevice : addCard.getInternalConnections(port)) { FCPort toConnectedPort = (FCPort) logicalDevice; if (toConnectedPort.getPortNumber() != 129)"It doesn't contain an internal connection"); } } /* check external connections, in this case we use only 1 */ connectedPort = (FCPort) addCard.getPort(4); for (LogicalDevice logicalDevice : connectedPort.getIncomingDeviceConnections()) { FCPort toConnectedPort = (FCPort) logicalDevice; int outDevice = 128; if (toConnectedPort.getPortNumber() != outDevice)"It doesn't contain an external connection"); } } }