package org.opennaas.extensions.roadm.wonesys.commandsets.commands.psroadm; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: ROADM :: W-Onesys Actionset * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 FundaciĆ³ Privada i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ a Catalunya * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.opennaas.core.resources.command.CommandException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.command.Response; import org.opennaas.extensions.roadm.wonesys.commandsets.WonesysCommand; import org.opennaas.extensions.roadm.wonesys.commandsets.WonesysResponse; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.FiberChannelPlan; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.opticalSwitch.dwdm.proteus.ProteusOpticalSwitch; import; public class GetChannels extends WonesysCommand { Log log = LogFactory.getLog(WonesysCommand.class); private static final String COMMAND_ID = "0b04"; private static final String DATA_LENGTH = "0000"; private int chassis; private int slot; private String chassisHexStr; private String slotHexStr; public GetChannels(int chassis, int slot) { this.chassis = chassis; this.slot = slot; this.chassisHexStr = toByteHexString(chassis, 1); this.slotHexStr = toByteHexString(slot, 1); } @Override public void parseResponse(Object response, Object model) throws CommandException { if (!(model instanceof ProteusOpticalSwitch)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Given model is not a ProteusOpticalSwitchCard. It is of type: " + model.getClass()); } WonesysResponse commandResponse = (WonesysResponse) response; if (commandResponse.getStatus().equals(Response.Status.ERROR)) { if (commandResponse.getErrors().size() > 0) throw new CommandException(commandResponse.getErrors().get(0)); else throw new CommandException("Command Failed"); } ProteusOpticalSwitchCard relatedCard = ((ProteusOpticalSwitch) model).getCard(chassis, slot); FiberChannelPlan channelPlan = relatedCard.getChannelPlan(); String responseData = commandResponse.getInformation(); int channelCount = responseData.length() / 2;"Port supports " + channelCount + " channels"); for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { String sport = responseData.substring(i * 2, (i * 2) + 2); int port = Integer.parseInt(sport, 16); int dwdmChannel = channelPlan.getFirstChannel() + (channelPlan.getChannelGap() * i); if (port != 0) {"Channel " + dwdmChannel + " mapped to port " + port); NetworkPort portInModel = relatedCard.getPort(port); if (portInModel == null) { log.error("Mapped port is not in model. Skipping this mapping although channel is in use"); continue; } } else { // if (port == 0) --> channel is not associated with any port // log.trace("Channel " + dwdmChannel + " not in use"); } SetChannel.setChannelInModel(relatedCard, dwdmChannel, port, (ProteusOpticalSwitch) model); } } // private void createFCPortsAndConnectionsOnDrop(OpticalSwitchCard srcCard, int dwdmChannel, int portNum, ComputerSystem opticalSwitch) { // // // ROADM_DROP is attached to only one port, the one where the fiber is connected. // // But this doesn't matter // List<NetworkPort> srcPorts = new ArrayList<NetworkPort>(); // srcPorts.addAll(srcCard.getModulePorts()); // // List<NetworkPort> dstPorts = new ArrayList<NetworkPort>(); // // if (srcCard.isInternalPort(portNum)) { // // should obtain where the internal port is connected to // List<LogicalDevice> connectedDevices = srcCard.getInternalPort(portNum).getOutgoingDeviceConnections(); // // for (LogicalDevice device : connectedDevices) { // if (device instanceof NetworkPort) { // dstPorts.add((NetworkPort) device); // } // } // } else { // dstPorts.add(OpticalSwitchController.getPort(opticalSwitch, portNum)); // } // // OpticalSwitchController.createPortConnections(dwdmChannel, srcPorts, dstPorts); // } @Override protected String getWonesysCommandDeviceId() { return chassisHexStr + slotHexStr; } @Override protected String getWonesysCommandId() { return COMMAND_ID; } @Override protected String getWonesysCommandRequiredDataLength() { return DATA_LENGTH; } @Override protected String getWonesysCommandData() { return ""; } }