package org.opennaas.extensions.router.capabilities.api.test; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: Router :: Capabilities :: API * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 FundaciĆ³ Privada i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ a Catalunya * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.capabilities.api.helper.ChassisAPIHelper; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.capabilities.api.model.chassis.InterfaceInfo; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.capabilities.api.model.chassis.InterfacesNamesList; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.ComputerSystem; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalDevice; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.LogicalPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.NetworkPort; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.ProtocolEndpoint; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.ProtocolEndpoint.ProtocolIFType; import org.opennaas.extensions.router.model.VLANEndpoint; /** * {@link ChassisAPIHelper} class Unit tests * * @author Julio Carlos Barrera * */ public class ChassisAPIHelperTest { private static final String IFACE = "ge-2/0/0"; private static final int PORT = 13; private static final String IFACE_NAME = IFACE + "." + PORT; private static final String IFACE_VLAN = "13"; private static final String IFACE_STATE = "OK"; private static final String IFACE_DESCRIPTION = "Test description."; private static final String LR_NAME = "logical_router"; private static final String IFACE_1 = "fe-1/0/0"; private static final int PORT_1 = 1; private static final String IFACE_NAME_1 = IFACE_1 + "." + PORT_1; private static final String IFACE_2 = "fe-2/0/0"; private static final int PORT_2 = 2; private static final String IFACE_NAME_2 = IFACE_2 + "." + PORT_2; private static final String IFACE_3 = "fe-3/0/0"; private static final int PORT_3 = 3; private static final String IFACE_NAME_3 = IFACE_3 + "." + PORT_3; @Test public void testInterfaceInfo2NetworkPort() { InterfaceInfo ii = buildValidInterfaceInfo(); NetworkPort np = ChassisAPIHelper.interfaceInfo2NetworkPort(ii); Assert.assertNotNull("Generated NetworkPort should be not null", np); Assert.assertEquals("Name must be " + IFACE, IFACE, np.getName()); Assert.assertEquals("Port must be " + PORT, PORT, np.getPortNumber()); List<ProtocolEndpoint> pe = np.getProtocolEndpoint(); Assert.assertNotNull("Generated NetworkPort must contain ProtocolEndpoints.", pe); Assert.assertTrue("Generated NetworkPort must contain just 1 ProtocolEndpoint.", pe.size() == 1); Assert.assertTrue("NetworkPort's ProtocolEndpoint must be a VLANEndpoint.", pe.get(0) instanceof VLANEndpoint); VLANEndpoint vep = (VLANEndpoint) pe.get(0); int vlan = vep.getVlanID(); Assert.assertEquals("VLAN ID must be " + IFACE_VLAN, IFACE_VLAN, String.valueOf(vlan)); Assert.assertEquals("Description must be " + IFACE_DESCRIPTION, IFACE_DESCRIPTION, np.getDescription()); } private static InterfaceInfo buildValidInterfaceInfo() { InterfaceInfo ii = new InterfaceInfo(); ii.setName(IFACE_NAME); ii.setVlan(IFACE_VLAN); ii.setState(IFACE_STATE); ii.setDescription(IFACE_DESCRIPTION); return ii; } @Test public void testInterfaceName2LogicalPort() { LogicalPort lp = ChassisAPIHelper.interfaceName2LogicalPort(IFACE_NAME); Assert.assertNotNull("Generated LogicalPort must be not null", lp); String name = lp.getName(); Assert.assertNotNull("Generated LogicalPort name must be not null", name); Assert.assertEquals("Name must be " + IFACE_NAME, IFACE_NAME, name); } @Test public void testSubInterfaceName2NetworkPort() { NetworkPort np = ChassisAPIHelper.subInterfaceName2NetworkPort(IFACE_NAME); Assert.assertNotNull("Generated NetworkPort must be not null", np); String name = np.getName(); Assert.assertNotNull("Generated NetworkPort name must be not null", name); Assert.assertEquals("Name must be " + IFACE, IFACE, name); int port = np.getPortNumber(); Assert.assertEquals("Port number must be " + PORT, PORT, port); } @Test public void testLogicalRouter2ComputerSystem() { ComputerSystem lr = ChassisAPIHelper.logicalRouter2ComputerSystem(LR_NAME, buildValidInterfacesNamesList()); Assert.assertNotNull("Generated ComputerSystem must be not null", lr); String name = lr.getName(); Assert.assertNotNull("Generated ComputerSystem name must be not null", name); Assert.assertEquals("Name must be " + LR_NAME, LR_NAME, name); Assert.assertEquals("Name and element name must be equal " + name + ", " + lr.getElementName(), name, lr.getElementName()); List<LogicalDevice> ld = lr.getLogicalDevices(); verify3IfacesAndPorts(ld); } /* * Verifies that logicalDevicesList contains 3 NetworkPorts with expected names and port numbers */ private void verify3IfacesAndPorts(List<? extends LogicalDevice> logicalDevicesList) { Assert.assertNotNull("Generated ComputerSystem LogicalDevices must be not null", logicalDevicesList); Assert.assertEquals("Generated ComputerSystem must contain 3 LogicalDevices", 3, logicalDevicesList.size()); boolean contains1 = false, contains2 = false, contains3 = false; for (LogicalDevice logicalDevice : logicalDevicesList) { Assert.assertTrue("Generated ComputerSystem LogicalDevices must be instaces of NetworkPort.", logicalDevice instanceof NetworkPort); NetworkPort np = (NetworkPort) logicalDevice; if (np.getName().equals(IFACE_1) && np.getPortNumber() == PORT_1) { contains1 = true; } if (np.getName().equals(IFACE_2) && np.getPortNumber() == PORT_2) { contains2 = true; } if (np.getName().equals(IFACE_3) && np.getPortNumber() == PORT_3) { contains3 = true; } } Assert.assertTrue("Generated ComputerSystem LogicalDevices must contain " + IFACE_NAME_1 + ", " + IFACE_NAME_2 + " and " + IFACE_NAME_3, contains1 && contains2 && contains3); } private static InterfacesNamesList buildValidInterfacesNamesList() { InterfacesNamesList inl = new InterfacesNamesList(); List<String> interfaces = new ArrayList<String>(); interfaces.add(IFACE_NAME_1); interfaces.add(IFACE_NAME_2); interfaces.add(IFACE_NAME_3); inl.setInterfaces(interfaces); return inl; } @Test public void testInterfaceNameList2NetworkPortList() { List<NetworkPort> npl = ChassisAPIHelper.interfaceNameList2NetworkPortList(buildValidInterfacesNamesList()); verify3IfacesAndPorts(npl); } @Test public void testString2ProtocolIFType() { Assert.assertEquals("ProtoclIFType value must be well generated", ProtocolIFType.LAYER_2_VLAN_USING_802_1Q, ChassisAPIHelper.string2ProtocolIFType("tagged-ethernet")); Assert.assertEquals("ProtoclIFType value must be well generated", ProtocolIFType.UNKNOWN, ChassisAPIHelper.string2ProtocolIFType("none")); Assert.assertEquals("ProtoclIFType value must be well generated", ProtocolIFType.OTHER, ChassisAPIHelper.string2ProtocolIFType("other-not-listed-value")); } }