package org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.capability.nclmonitoring; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import org.opennaas.core.resources.IResource; import org.opennaas.core.resources.ResourceException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.capability.CapabilityException; import org.opennaas.core.resources.configurationadmin.ConfigurationAdminUtil; import org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.Activator; import org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.capability.statistics.INetworkStatisticsCapability; import; import org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.model.GenericNetworkModel; import org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.model.NetworkStatistics; import org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.model.portstatistics.TimedStatistics; import org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.model.portstatistics.TimedSwitchPortStatistics; import org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.model.topology.NetworkElement; import org.opennaas.extensions.genericnetwork.model.topology.Port; import org.opennaas.extensions.openflowswitch.capability.portstatistics.PortStatistics; import org.opennaas.extensions.openflowswitch.capability.portstatistics.SwitchPortStatistics; /* * #%L * OpenNaaS :: Generic Network * %% * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2014 FundaciĆ³ Privada i2CAT, Internet i InnovaciĆ³ a Catalunya * %% * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * #L% */ /** * NCL monitoring component * * @author Julio Carlos Barrera * @author Isart Canyameres Gimenez (i2cat) * */ public class NCLMonitoring { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(NCLMonitoring.class); private static final String NCL_MONITORING_FILE_ID = "org.ofertie.ncl.monitoring"; private static final String THROUGHPUT_THRESHOLD = "throughput_threshold"; private static final String STATISCS_POLLER_FREQUENCY = "statistics_poller_freq"; private static final DecimalFormat DF = new DecimalFormat("0.000"); // FIXME hardcoded link capacity to 1Gbits/s private static final double linkCapacity = 1.0; private IEventManager eventManager; private IResource resource; private int bandwidthThreshold; private int statisticsPollerFreq; private long previousTimestamp = -1; private NetworkStatistics previousNetworkStatistics = null; private Timer statisticsPollerTimer; /** * * @return the resource */ public IResource getResource() { return resource; } /** * * @param resource * the resource to set */ public void setResource(IResource resource) { this.resource = resource; } /** * @return the eventManager */ public IEventManager getEventManager() { return eventManager; } /** * @param eventManager * the eventManager to set */ public void setEventManager(IEventManager eventManager) { this.eventManager = eventManager; } public void init() {"Initializing NCL monitoring..."); // get configuration file properties ConfigurationAdminUtil configurationAdmin = new ConfigurationAdminUtil(Activator.getContext()); try { bandwidthThreshold = Integer.parseInt(configurationAdmin.getProperty(NCL_MONITORING_FILE_ID, THROUGHPUT_THRESHOLD)); statisticsPollerFreq = Integer.parseInt(configurationAdmin.getProperty(NCL_MONITORING_FILE_ID, STATISCS_POLLER_FREQUENCY)); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Error getting configuration!", e); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.error("Number format error getting configuration property!", e); } // initialize statistics poller TimerTask statisticsPoller = new StatisticsPoller(); statisticsPollerTimer = new Timer("NCL Monitoring statistics poller", true); statisticsPollerTimer.scheduleAtFixedRate(statisticsPoller, 0, statisticsPollerFreq * 1000);"NCL monitoring initialized"); } public void stop() { statisticsPollerTimer.cancel(); statisticsPollerTimer = null; } private void notifyCongestion(Port port) { Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); properties.put(PortCongestionEvent.PORT_ID_KEY, port.getId()); properties.put(PortCongestionEvent.NETWORK_ID_KEY, resource.getResourceIdentifier().getId()); PortCongestionEvent event = new PortCongestionEvent(properties); eventManager.publishEvent(event); } /** * Thread class to execute the periodic poller to get the statistics from the network */ private class StatisticsPoller extends TimerTask { @Override public void run() { try { IResource network = getResource(); if (network == null) { // no network found log.debug("No networks present. Skipping monitoring tasks"); } else { // congested ports temp var Set<Port> newCongestedPorts = new HashSet<Port>(); log.debug("Getting network statistics..."); NetworkStatistics currentNetworkStatistics = readCurrentNetworkStatistics(network); long currentTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (currentNetworkStatistics == null) { log.debug("Network statistics not available."); } else { if (previousNetworkStatistics != null && previousTimestamp > 0) { // calculate throughput and check threshold for each port for (String switchName : currentNetworkStatistics.getSwitchStatistics().keySet()) { log.debug("Analizing switch statistics for switch " + switchName); for (String portId : currentNetworkStatistics.getSwitchStatistics().get(switchName).getStatistics().keySet()) { try { // calculate throughput double throughput = calculateThroughput(previousNetworkStatistics, currentNetworkStatistics, switchName, portId, previousTimestamp, currentTimestamp); log.debug("\tPort " + portId + ", calculated throughput = " + DF.format(throughput) + " Gbits/s"); // check if throughput exceeds if (isThresholdExceeded(throughput, linkCapacity, bandwidthThreshold)) { log.debug("\tPort " + portId + ", congestion detected. Throughput > " + DF .format((linkCapacity * bandwidthThreshold) / 100) + " Gbits/s"); // add congested port Port congestedPort = new Port(); congestedPort.setId(portId); newCongestedPorts.add(congestedPort); } double packetLoss = calculatePacketLoss(previousNetworkStatistics, currentNetworkStatistics, switchName, portId, previousTimestamp, currentTimestamp); log.debug("\tPort " + portId + ", calculated packetLoss = " + DF.format(packetLoss) + " %"); TimedStatistics timedStats = new TimedStatistics(); timedStats.setTimestamp(currentTimestamp); timedStats.setSwitchId(switchName); timedStats.setPortId(portId); timedStats.setThroughput(String.valueOf(throughput)); timedStats.setPacketLoss(String.valueOf(packetLoss)); // store TimedStats in network model TimedSwitchPortStatistics allStats = ((GenericNetworkModel)resource.getModel()).getTimedSwitchPortStatistics(); if (! allStats.getStatisticsMap().containsKey(Long.valueOf(currentTimestamp))) { allStats.getStatisticsMap().put(currentTimestamp, new HashMap<String, List<TimedStatistics>>()); } if (! allStats.getStatisticsMap().get(currentTimestamp).containsKey(switchName)) { allStats.getStatisticsMap().get(currentTimestamp).put(switchName, new ArrayList<TimedStatistics>()); } allStats.getStatisticsMap().get(currentTimestamp).get(switchName).add(timedStats); } catch (Exception e) { log.debug("Failed to calculate throughput or packetloss for port " + portId + " in switch " + switchName + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } } } // reset congested ports resetCongestedPorts(newCongestedPorts); // raise alarm event for each congested port for (Port congestedPort : newCongestedPorts) {"Throughput threshold exceeded, congestion detected. Raising alarm event!"); notifyCongestion(congestedPort); } // store current statistics and timestamp previousNetworkStatistics = currentNetworkStatistics; previousTimestamp = currentTimestamp; } } } catch (ResourceException e) { log.error("Error processing network statistics", e); } } /** * Resets isCongested in all ports in the model. * * All ports included in congestedPorts will have isCongested = true after this method execution * * All ports not included in congestedPorts will have isCongested = false after this method execution * * @param congestedPorts */ private void resetCongestedPorts(Set<Port> congestedPorts) { if (resource.getModel() != null) { if (((GenericNetworkModel) resource.getModel()).getTopology() != null) { for (NetworkElement ne : ((GenericNetworkModel) resource.getModel()).getTopology().getNetworkElements()) { for (Port port : ne.getPorts()) { boolean isCongested = false; for (Port congestedPort : congestedPorts) { if (port.getId().equals(congestedPort.getId())) { isCongested = true; } } port.getState().setCongested(isCongested); } } } } } private NetworkStatistics readCurrentNetworkStatistics(IResource network) throws CapabilityException { NetworkStatistics currentNetworkStatistics = null; INetworkStatisticsCapability networkStatisticsCapability = null; try { // get port switch statistics for each network networkStatisticsCapability = (INetworkStatisticsCapability) network .getCapabilityByInterface(INetworkStatisticsCapability.class); } catch (ResourceException e) { // there is not INetworkStatisticsCapability in this network log.debug("Openflow network resource without INetworkStatisticsCapability."); } if (networkStatisticsCapability != null) { log.debug("Getting network statistics..."); currentNetworkStatistics = networkStatisticsCapability.getNetworkStatistics(); } return currentNetworkStatistics; } /** * * @param statistics * to take information from * @param switchName * indicates the switch holding the port * @param portId * indicates the port * @return value of receivedBytes for given port that is in statistics * @throws Exception * in case statistics contains no value matching given arguments */ private long getPortReceivedBytes(NetworkStatistics statistics, String switchName, String portId) throws Exception { if (statistics != null) { SwitchPortStatistics switchPortStatistics = statistics.getSwitchPortStatistic(switchName); if (switchPortStatistics != null) { PortStatistics portStatistics = switchPortStatistics.getStatistics().get(portId); if (portStatistics != null) { return portStatistics.getReceiveBytes(); } } } throw new Exception("No statistics for switch " + switchName + " and port " + portId); } /** * Returns if throughput is exceeding threshold * * @param currentThroughput * current throughput of the port (in Gbits/s) * @param linkCapacity * link capacity (in Gbits/s) * @param threshold * threshold (in percentage) * @return true if threshold is exceeded, false otherwise */ private boolean isThresholdExceeded(double currentThroughput, double linkCapacity, int threshold) { return currentThroughput > ((linkCapacity * threshold) / 100); } /** * Calculate throughput (Gbits/s) * * @param previousBytes * @param currentBytes * @param previousTimestamp * @param currentTimestamp * @return throughput in Gbits/s */ private double calculateThroughput(long previousBytes, long currentBytes, long previousTimestamp, long currentTimestamp) { // bytes / millisecond ~ kBytes/s double kBytesPerSecond = ((double) (currentBytes - previousBytes)) / ((double) (currentTimestamp - previousTimestamp)); // convert kBytes/s to Gbits/s return (kBytesPerSecond * 8) / (1000 * 1000); } /** * * @param previousStats * @param currentStats * @param switchName * @param portId * @param previousTimestamp * @param currentTimestamp * @return * @throws Exception if failed to get required data to calculate the throughput */ private double calculateThroughput( NetworkStatistics previousStats, NetworkStatistics currentStats, String switchName, String portId, long previousTimestamp, long currentTimestamp) throws Exception { long currentBytes = getPortReceivedBytes(currentStats, switchName, portId); long previousBytes = getPortReceivedBytes(previousStats, switchName, portId); // calculate throughput return calculateThroughput(previousBytes, currentBytes, previousTimestamp, currentTimestamp); } } public double calculatePacketLoss( NetworkStatistics previousStats, NetworkStatistics currentStats, String switchName, String portId, long previousTimestamp, long currentTimestamp) throws Exception { // pk_loss = (receiveDropped(t1) + receiveErrors(t1) + receiveFrameErrors(t1) + receiveOverrunErrors(t1) + receiveCRCErrors(t1) - // (receiveDropped(t0) + receiveErrors(t0) + receiveFrameErrors(t0) + receiveOverrunErrors(t0) + receiveCRCErrors(t0))) / // (receivePacket(t1) - receivePackets(t0)) long currentReceiveErrors = getPortReceiveErrors(currentStats, switchName, portId); long previousReceiveErrors = getPortReceiveErrors(previousStats, switchName, portId); long currentReceivedPackets = getPortReceivedPackets(currentStats, switchName, portId); long previousReceivedPackets = getPortReceivedPackets(previousStats, switchName, portId); if (currentReceivedPackets == previousReceivedPackets) return 0; return (currentReceiveErrors - previousReceiveErrors) / (currentReceivedPackets - previousReceivedPackets); } private long getPortReceivedPackets(NetworkStatistics statistics, String switchName, String portId) throws Exception { if (statistics != null) { SwitchPortStatistics switchPortStatistics = statistics.getSwitchPortStatistic(switchName); if (switchPortStatistics != null) { PortStatistics portStatistics = switchPortStatistics.getStatistics().get(portId); if (portStatistics != null) { return portStatistics.getReceivePackets(); } } } throw new Exception("No statistics for switch " + switchName + " and port " + portId); } private long getPortReceiveErrors(NetworkStatistics statistics, String switchName, String portId) throws Exception { if (statistics != null) { SwitchPortStatistics switchPortStatistics = statistics.getSwitchPortStatistic(switchName); if (switchPortStatistics != null) { PortStatistics portStatistics = switchPortStatistics.getStatistics().get(portId); if (portStatistics != null) { return portStatistics.getReceiveCRCErrors() + portStatistics.getReceiveDropped() + portStatistics.getReceiveErrors() + portStatistics.getReceiveFrameErrors() + portStatistics.getReceiveOverrunErrors(); } } } throw new Exception("No statistics for switch " + switchName + " and port " + portId); } }