package com.vistatec.ocelot.xliff.freme; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import net.sf.okapi.common.ISkeleton; import net.sf.okapi.common.annotation.GenericAnnotation; import net.sf.okapi.common.annotation.GenericAnnotationType; import net.sf.okapi.common.resource.Code; import net.sf.okapi.common.resource.ITextUnit; import net.sf.okapi.common.resource.TextContainer; import net.sf.okapi.common.resource.TextFragment; import net.sf.okapi.common.resource.TextPart; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.model.enrichment.Enrichment; import com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.model.enrichment.EntityEnrichment; import com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.model.enrichment.LinkEnrichment; import com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.model.enrichment.TerminologyEnrichment; /** * This class provides methods for converting XLIFF 1.2 tags to enrichments. */ public class EnrichmentConverterXLIFF12 extends EnrichmentConverter { /** * Constructor. * * @param sourceLang * the XLIFF file source language * @param targetLang * the XLIFF file target language */ public EnrichmentConverterXLIFF12(String sourceLang, String targetLang) { super(sourceLang, targetLang, LoggerFactory .getLogger(EnrichmentConverterXLIFF12.class)); } private boolean hasAnnotations(Code code) { return (code.getGenericAnnotations() != null && code.getGenericAnnotations().size() > 0); } /** * Retrieves enrichments from a specific XLIFF 1.2 text unit. Codes embedded * into the text unit and the skeleton are inspected. The codes representing * enrichments are then deleted. * * @param textContainer * the text container * @param textUnit * the text unit. * @return the list of retrieved enrichments */ public List<Enrichment> retrieveEnrichments(TextContainer textContainer, ITextUnit textUnit , String language) { List<Enrichment> enrichments = new ArrayList<Enrichment>(); if (textContainer != null) { StringBuilder wholeText = new StringBuilder(); List<Code> codesToRemove = new ArrayList<Code>(); List<Enrichment> currEnrichments = new ArrayList<Enrichment>(); int index = -1; for (TextPart part : textContainer.getParts()) { TextFragment text = part.getContent(); String codedText = text.getCodedText(); Code openingCode = null; for (int i = 0; i < codedText.length(); i++) { switch (text.charAt(i)) { case TextFragment.MARKER_OPENING: index = TextFragment.toIndex(codedText.charAt(++i)); openingCode = part.getContent().getCodes().get(index); if (hasAnnotations(openingCode)) { currEnrichments.addAll(convertAnnots2Enrichments( openingCode, wholeText.length())); // all the annotations from this code have been // translated to enrichments. // the code must be removed if (!hasAnnotations(openingCode)) { codesToRemove.add(openingCode); } } break; case TextFragment.MARKER_CLOSING: index = TextFragment.toIndex(codedText.charAt(++i)); Code code = part.getContent().getCodes().get(index); if (hasAnnotations(code)) { // check annotations in the closing code. manageClosingCodeAnnots(code, openingCode); if (code.getGenericAnnotations() == null || code.getGenericAnnotations().size() == 0) { codesToRemove.add(code); } } // update end index for all current enrichments. for (Enrichment enrich : currEnrichments) { enrich.setOffsetEndIdx(wholeText.length()); } enrichments.addAll(currEnrichments); currEnrichments.clear(); break; default: wholeText.append(text.charAt(i)); break; } } for (Code code : codesToRemove) { text.removeCode(code); } } } // retrieve all triple enrichments. enrichments.addAll(retrieveTriplesEnrichments(textUnit.getSkeleton(), enrichments, language)); return enrichments; } /** * Converts all the annotations included in a code to proper enrichments. * * @param code * the code * @param startOffsetIndex * the offset start index for the enrichments to be creaed. * @return the list of created enrichments. */ private List<Enrichment> convertAnnots2Enrichments(Code code, int startOffsetIndex) { List<Enrichment> enrichments = new ArrayList<Enrichment>(); if (code.getGenericAnnotations() != null) { Iterator<GenericAnnotation> annotationsIt = code .getGenericAnnotations().iterator(); List<GenericAnnotation> annotationsToDelete = new ArrayList<GenericAnnotation>(); String entityAnnotator = null; String termAnnotator = null; GenericAnnotation annotation = null; while (annotationsIt.hasNext()) { annotation =; switch (annotation.getType()) { // Entity Enrichment case GenericAnnotationType.TA: if (annotation.getString(GenericAnnotationType.TA_IDENT) != null) { EntityEnrichment enrichment = convertAnnotation2EntityEnrichment( annotation, entityAnnotator, startOffsetIndex); enrichments.add(enrichment); annotationsToDelete.add(annotation); } break; // Terminology Enrichment case GenericAnnotationType.TERM: TerminologyEnrichment termEnrichment = convertAnnotation2TerminologyEnrichment( annotation, termAnnotator, startOffsetIndex, code); enrichments.add(termEnrichment); annotationsToDelete.add(annotation); break; // Annotators Ref case GenericAnnotationType.ANNOT: if (annotation.getString(GenericAnnotationType.ANNOT_VALUE) != null) { String annotValue = annotation .getString(GenericAnnotationType.ANNOT_VALUE); if (annotValue != null) { if (annotValue .contains(EnrichmentAnnotationsConstants.TERM_ANNOTATORS_REF_STRING)) { termAnnotator = manageTermAnnotatorsRef( annotValue, enrichments); annotationsToDelete.add(annotation); } if (annotValue .contains(EnrichmentAnnotationsConstants.TA_ANNOTATORS_REF_STRING)) { entityAnnotator = manageTAAnnotatorsRef( annotValue, enrichments); annotationsToDelete.add(annotation); } } } break; default: break; } } for (GenericAnnotation annot : annotationsToDelete) { code.getGenericAnnotations().remove(annot); } } return enrichments; } /** * Converts the annotation to an Entity Enrichment. * * @param annotation * the annotation * @param entityAnnotator * the entity annotator * @param startOffsetIndex * the enrichment offset start index * @return the Entity Enrichment. */ private EntityEnrichment convertAnnotation2EntityEnrichment( GenericAnnotation annotation, String entityAnnotator, int startOffsetIndex) { String value = annotation.getString(GenericAnnotationType.TA_IDENT); if (value.startsWith(GenericAnnotationType.REF_PREFIX)) { value = getRefString(value); } logger.debug("Found an Entity Enrichment with value \"{}\".", value); EntityEnrichment enrichment = new EntityEnrichment(value); enrichment.setOffsetStartIdx(startOffsetIndex); if (entityAnnotator != null) { enrichment.setAnnotatorRef(entityAnnotator); } return enrichment; } /** * Converts the annotation to a Terminology Enrichemnt. * * @param annotation * the annotation * @param termAnnotator * the term annotator * @param startOffsetIndex * the enrichment offset start index * @param code * the code * @return the terminology enrichment. */ private TerminologyEnrichment convertAnnotation2TerminologyEnrichment( GenericAnnotation annotation, String termAnnotator, int startOffsetIndex, Code code) { TerminologyEnrichment termEnrichment = new TerminologyEnrichment(); termEnrichment.setOffsetStartIdx(startOffsetIndex); if (termAnnotator != null) { termEnrichment.setAnnotator(termAnnotator); } if (code.getOuterData() != null) { int index = code.getOuterData().indexOf("ref=\"") + "ref=\"".length(); if (index != -1) { String infoRef = code.getOuterData().substring(index); int endIndex = infoRef.indexOf("\""); infoRef = infoRef.substring(0, endIndex); termEnrichment.setTermInfoRef(infoRef); } } return termEnrichment; } /** * Gets the referenced value for a specific string of the type "REF:...". * * @param refValue * the reference value string * @return the referenced value. */ private String getRefString(String refValue) { String retString = refValue; int refIdx = refValue.indexOf(GenericAnnotationType.REF_PREFIX); if (refIdx != -1) { retString = refValue.substring(refIdx + GenericAnnotationType.REF_PREFIX.length()); } return retString; } /** * Manages the text-analysis annotators ref. This is the case the annotators * ref value is "text-analysis|...". * * @param annotValue * the annotation value * @param enrichments * the list of enrichments. * @return the text-analysis annotator ref. */ private String manageTAAnnotatorsRef(String annotValue, List<Enrichment> enrichments) { int termIdx = annotValue .indexOf(EnrichmentAnnotationsConstants.TA_ANNOTATORS_REF_STRING); int endIndex = annotValue.indexOf(" ", termIdx); if (endIndex == -1) { endIndex = annotValue.length(); } String entityAnnotator = annotValue .substring( termIdx + EnrichmentAnnotationsConstants.TA_ANNOTATORS_REF_STRING .length(), endIndex); List<Enrichment> entityEnrichments = findEnrichments( Enrichment.ENTITY_TYPE, enrichments); if (entityEnrichments != null) { for (Enrichment entityEnrich : entityEnrichments) { ((EntityEnrichment) entityEnrich) .setAnnotatorRef(entityAnnotator); } } return entityAnnotator; } /** * Manages the Term annotators ref. This is the case the annotators ref * value is "terminology|...". * * @param annotValue * the annotation value * @param enrichments * the list of enrichments * @return the terminology annotators ref. */ private String manageTermAnnotatorsRef(String annotValue, List<Enrichment> enrichments) { int termIdx = annotValue .indexOf(EnrichmentAnnotationsConstants.TERM_ANNOTATORS_REF_STRING); int endIndex = annotValue.indexOf(" ", termIdx); if (endIndex == -1) { endIndex = annotValue.length(); } String termAnnotator = annotValue .substring( termIdx + EnrichmentAnnotationsConstants.TERM_ANNOTATORS_REF_STRING .length(), endIndex); List<Enrichment> termEnrichments = findEnrichments( Enrichment.TERMINOLOGY_TYPE, enrichments); if (termEnrichments != null) { for (Enrichment termEnrich : termEnrichments) { ((TerminologyEnrichment) termEnrich) .setAnnotator(termAnnotator); } } return termAnnotator; } /** * Finds all the enrichments of a specific type among a list of enrichments. * * @param type * the type * @param enrichments * the list of enrichments * @return the list of enrichments of the specified type. */ private List<Enrichment> findEnrichments(String type, List<Enrichment> enrichments) { List<Enrichment> retEnrichments = new ArrayList<Enrichment>(); if (enrichments != null) { for (Enrichment currEnrich : enrichments) { if (currEnrich.getType().equals(type)) { retEnrichments.add(currEnrich); } } } return retEnrichments; } /** * Checks if the annotations in the closing code are still listed among the * annotations of the related opening code. An annotation is deleted if it * is not included in the opening code. * * @param closingCode * the closing code. * @param openingCode * the opening code. */ private void manageClosingCodeAnnots(Code closingCode, Code openingCode) { if (closingCode.getGenericAnnotations() != null) { List<GenericAnnotation> annotToDelete = new ArrayList<GenericAnnotation>(); Iterator<GenericAnnotation> annotIt = closingCode .getGenericAnnotations().iterator(); GenericAnnotation annot = null; while (annotIt.hasNext()) { annot =; if (!existAnnotInCode(openingCode, annot)) { annotToDelete.add(annot); } } for (GenericAnnotation annotation : annotToDelete) { closingCode.getGenericAnnotations().remove(annotation); } } } /** * Checks if an annotation exists in a specific code. * * @param code * the code * @param annot * the annotation * @return <code>true</code> if the annotation exists; <code>false</code> * otherwise. */ private boolean existAnnotInCode(Code code, GenericAnnotation annot) { boolean exist = false; if (code.getGenericAnnotations() != null) { Iterator<GenericAnnotation> annotIt = code.getGenericAnnotations() .iterator(); GenericAnnotation currAnnot = null; while (annotIt.hasNext() && !exist) { currAnnot =; if (currAnnot.getType().equals(annot.getType())) { exist = true; } } } return exist; } /** * Retrieves triple enrichments from the skeleton. The skeleton in XLIFF 1.2 * file includes a <code><ex:json-ld></code> tag containing the * JSON-LD triples. Triple enrichments are those enrichments having info * stored in the JSON triples (Link and Terminology enrichments). * * @param skeleton * the skeleton * @param enrichments * all the enrichments found so far. * @return the complete list of enrichments. */ private List<Enrichment> retrieveTriplesEnrichments(ISkeleton skeleton, List<Enrichment> enrichments, String language) { List<Enrichment> triplesEnrichments = new ArrayList<Enrichment>(); if (skeleton != null) { String skelString = skeleton.toString(); int jsonStartIdx = skelString .indexOf(EnrichmentAnnotationsConstants.JSON_TAG_NAME); if (jsonStartIdx != -1) { jsonStartIdx = skelString.indexOf(">", jsonStartIdx) + 1; String stringJson = skelString.substring(jsonStartIdx); int endJsonIdx = stringJson.indexOf("</" + LinkEnrichment.MARKER_TAG); stringJson = stringJson.substring(0, endJsonIdx); triplesEnrichments.addAll(retrieveTriplesEnrichments( stringJson, enrichments, language)); } } return triplesEnrichments; } }