package com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.model.enrichment.Enrichment; import com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.model.enrichment.TranslationEnrichment; import com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.view.SegmentVariantSelection; public abstract class BaseSegmentVariant implements SegmentVariant { private boolean enriched; private boolean sentToFreme; private Set<Enrichment> enrichments; private TranslationEnrichment transEnrichment; private boolean dirty; protected List<HighlightData> highlightDataList; protected int currentHighlightedIndex = -1; protected abstract void setAtoms(List<SegmentAtom> atoms); List<SegmentAtom> getAtomsForRange(int start, int length) { List<SegmentAtom> atomsForRange = Lists.newArrayList(); int index = 0; int end = start + length; for (SegmentAtom atom : getAtoms()) { if (index == start && atom instanceof PositionAtom) { // Catch PositionAtom at the very beginning of the range. atomsForRange.add(atom); } if (index >= end) { return atomsForRange; } if (index + atom.getLength() > start) { if (atom instanceof CodeAtom) { atomsForRange.add(atom); } else if (atom instanceof PositionAtom) { atomsForRange.add(atom); } else { int min = Math.max(start - index, 0); int max = Math.min(end - index, atom.getData().length()); atomsForRange.add(new TextAtom(atom.getData().substring( min, max))); } } index += atom.getLength(); } return atomsForRange; } @Override public SegmentAtom getAtomAt(int offset) { int index = 0; for (SegmentAtom atom : getAtoms()) { if (index <= offset && offset < index + atom.getLength()) { return atom; } index += atom.getLength(); } return null; } public int getLength() { int len = 0; for (SegmentAtom atom : getAtoms()) { len += atom.getLength(); } return len; } @Override public String getDisplayText() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (SegmentAtom atom : getAtoms()) { sb.append(atom.getData()); } return sb.toString(); } @Override public List<String> getStyleData(boolean verbose) { ArrayList<String> textToStyle = new ArrayList<String>(); for (SegmentAtom atom : getAtoms()) { if (atom instanceof CodeAtom && verbose) { textToStyle.add(((CodeAtom)atom).getVerboseData()); textToStyle.add(atom.getTextStyle()); } else if(atom instanceof TextAtom) { TextAtom txtAtom = (TextAtom)atom; if(txtAtom.getHighlightBoundaries() != null){ int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < txtAtom.getHighlightBoundaries().size(); i++) { String style = null; if (i == txtAtom.getCurrentHLBoundaryIdx()) { style = txtAtom.getCurrHighlightStyle(); } else { style = txtAtom.getHighlightStyle(); } textToStyle.add(atom.getData().substring( index, txtAtom.getHighlightBoundaries().get(i) .getFirstIndex())); textToStyle.add(txtAtom.getTextStyle()); textToStyle.add(atom.getData().substring( txtAtom.getHighlightBoundaries().get(i) .getFirstIndex(), txtAtom.getHighlightBoundaries().get(i) .getLastIndex())); textToStyle.add(style); index = txtAtom.getHighlightBoundaries().get(i) .getLastIndex(); } if(txtAtom.getData().length() > index){ textToStyle.add(atom.getData().substring(index)); textToStyle.add(txtAtom.getTextStyle()); } } else { textToStyle.add(atom.getData()); textToStyle.add(atom.getTextStyle()); } } else if (atom instanceof PositionAtom) { // Skip } else { textToStyle.add(atom.getData()); textToStyle.add(atom.getTextStyle()); } } return textToStyle; } @Override public boolean containsTag(int offset, int length) { return checkForCode(offset, length).size() > 0; } @Override public int findSelectionStart(int selectionStart) { while (containsTag(selectionStart, 0)) { selectionStart--; } return selectionStart; } @Override public int findSelectionEnd(int selectionEnd) { while (containsTag(selectionEnd, 0)) { selectionEnd++; } return selectionEnd; } @Override public boolean canInsertAt(int offset) { return checkForCode(offset, 0).size() == 0; } // Returns list of codes that occur in the specified range private List<CodeAtom> checkForCode(int offset, int length) { List<CodeAtom> codes = Lists.newArrayList(); int offsetEnd = offset + length; int index = 0; for (SegmentAtom atom : getAtoms()) { if (index > offsetEnd) { // We've drifted out of the danger zone return codes; } if (atom instanceof CodeAtom) { CodeAtom code = (CodeAtom) atom; if (offsetEnd > index && offset < index + code.getLength()) { codes.add(code); } } index += atom.getLength(); } return codes; } @Override public PositionAtom createPosition(int offset) { List<SegmentAtom> atoms = Lists.newArrayList(); atoms.addAll(getAtomsForRange(0, offset)); PositionAtom position = new PositionAtom(this); atoms.add(position); atoms.addAll(getAtomsForRange(offset, getLength())); setAtoms(atoms); return position; } @Override public void replaceSelection(int selectionStart, int selectionEnd, SegmentVariantSelection rsv) { BaseSegmentVariant sv = (BaseSegmentVariant) rsv.getVariant(); List<SegmentAtom> replaceAtoms = sv.getAtomsForRange( rsv.getSelectionStart(), rsv.getSelectionEnd() - rsv.getSelectionStart()); replaceSelection(selectionStart, selectionEnd, replaceAtoms); } @Override public void replaceSelection(int selectionStart, int selectionEnd, List<? extends SegmentAtom> atoms) { if (selectionStart == selectionEnd && atoms.isEmpty()) { // No-op return; } List<SegmentAtom> newAtoms = Lists.newArrayList(); newAtoms.addAll(getAtomsForRange(0, selectionStart)); newAtoms.addAll(atoms); newAtoms.addAll(getAtomsForRange(selectionEnd, getLength())); setAtoms(mergeNeighboringTextAtoms(newAtoms)); dirty = true; // // Clean up codes that may be duplicates // Set<String> codeIds = new HashSet<String>(); // List<SegmentAtom> cleanedAtoms = Lists.newArrayList(); // // Strip any atoms that exist twice // for (SegmentAtom atom : newAtoms) { // if (atom instanceof CodeAtom) { // String id = ((CodeAtom) atom).getId(); // if (!codeIds.contains(id)) { // codeIds.add(id); // cleanedAtoms.add(atom); // } // } else { // cleanedAtoms.add(atom); // } // } // // Append any atoms that were deleted // List<CodeAtom> originalCodes = findCodes(getAtoms()); // for (CodeAtom code : originalCodes) { // if (!codeIds.contains(code.getId())) { // cleanedAtoms.add(code); // } // } // setAtoms(cleanedAtoms); } @Override public void clearSelection(int selectionStart, int selectionEnd) { replaceSelection(selectionStart, selectionEnd, Collections.<SegmentAtom> emptyList()); } @Override public boolean needsValidation() { return dirty; } @Override public boolean validateAgainst(SegmentVariant sv) { List<CodeAtom> theseCodes = findCodes(getAtoms()); List<CodeAtom> thoseCodes = findCodes(sv.getAtoms()); if (theseCodes.size() != thoseCodes.size()) { return false; } Set<String> codeIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (CodeAtom code : theseCodes) { codeIds.add(code.getId()); } for (CodeAtom code : thoseCodes) { if (!codeIds.contains(code.getId())) { return false; } } return true; } @Override public List<CodeAtom> getMissingTags(SegmentVariant sv) { List<CodeAtom> theseCodes = findCodes(getAtoms()); List<CodeAtom> thoseCodes = findCodes(sv.getAtoms()); List<CodeAtom> missing = Lists.newArrayList(); for (CodeAtom code : thoseCodes) { if (!theseCodes.contains(code)) { missing.add(code); } } return missing; } /** * Modify the text contents of the segment; Assumes checks for attempting to * change parts of the segment's unmodifiable text (such as protected codes) * was already made. * * @param insertCharacterOffset * - Character position indexed from the beginning of the segment * to start inserting text * @param charsToReplace * - Number of characters to delete in the original segment text * starting from the {@code insertionOffset} * @param newText * - String to insert at the {@code insertionOffset}; Swing sets * to {@code null} if no text to insert */ @Override public void modifyChars(int insertCharacterOffset, int charsToReplace, String newText) { int caretPosition = 0; List<SegmentAtom> atoms = getAtoms(); List<SegmentAtom> newAtoms = Lists.newArrayList(); boolean done = false; boolean insertingText = newText != null; for (SegmentAtom atom : atoms) { Range<Integer> atomCharacterRange = Range.closedOpen(caretPosition, caretPosition + atom.getLength()); if (atomCharacterRange.contains(insertCharacterOffset) && !done) { if (atom instanceof CodeAtom) { // Assume inserting at the start of a CodeAtom; // append handled by next atom (after for-loop if last atom) if (insertingText) { // Ignore incrementing caret for newText; delete/replace // based off of original text. newAtoms.add(new TextAtom(newText)); } newAtoms.add(atom); done = true; } else if (atom instanceof TextAtom) { String origAtomText = atom.getData(); int atomCharInsertionIndex = Math.max(insertCharacterOffset - caretPosition, 0); newAtoms.add(new TextAtom(origAtomText.substring(0, atomCharInsertionIndex))); if (insertingText) { // Ignore incrementing caret for newText; delete/replace // based off of original text. newAtoms.add(new TextAtom(newText)); } // Ignore decreasing caret for removing text; delete/replace // based off of original text. newAtoms.add(new TextAtom(origAtomText .substring(atomCharInsertionIndex + charsToReplace))); if (atomCharInsertionIndex + charsToReplace > atom .getLength()) { insertCharacterOffset = atomCharacterRange .upperEndpoint(); charsToReplace -= (atom.getLength() - atomCharInsertionIndex); } else { done = true; } } } else { newAtoms.add(atom); } caretPosition += atom.getLength(); } // Check for appending text to the end of the segment (no delete or // replace) if (caretPosition == insertCharacterOffset) { newAtoms.add(new TextAtom(newText)); } setAtoms(mergeNeighboringTextAtoms(newAtoms)); } /** * Prevent unnecessary SegmentAtom text fragmentation. */ private List<SegmentAtom> mergeNeighboringTextAtoms( List<SegmentAtom> segmentAtoms) { LinkedList<SegmentAtom> defraggedAtoms = new LinkedList<SegmentAtom>(); for (SegmentAtom atom : segmentAtoms) { if (atom instanceof TextAtom && !defraggedAtoms.isEmpty() && defraggedAtoms.getLast() instanceof TextAtom) { TextAtom mergedTextAtom = new TextAtom(defraggedAtoms.getLast() .getData() + atom.getData()); defraggedAtoms.removeLast(); defraggedAtoms.add(mergedTextAtom); } else { defraggedAtoms.add(atom); } } return defraggedAtoms; } private List<CodeAtom> findCodes(List<SegmentAtom> atoms) { List<CodeAtom> codes = Lists.newArrayList(); for (SegmentAtom atom : atoms) { if (atom instanceof CodeAtom) { codes.add((CodeAtom) atom); } } return codes; } public boolean isEnriched() { return enriched; } public void clearHighlightedText(){ highlightDataList = null; currentHighlightedIndex = -1; } public void setHighlightDataList(List<HighlightData> highlightDataList) { this.highlightDataList = highlightDataList; } public List<HighlightData> getHighlightDataList(){ return highlightDataList; } public void addHighlightData(HighlightData highlightData){ if(highlightDataList == null){ highlightDataList = new ArrayList<HighlightData>(); } highlightDataList.add(highlightData); } public void removeHighlightData(int atomIndex, int startIndex, int endIndex){ HighlightData hdToDelete = null; if(highlightDataList != null){ for(HighlightData hd: highlightDataList){ if(hd.getAtomIndex() == atomIndex && hd.getHighlightIndices()[0] == startIndex && hd.getHighlightIndices()[1] == endIndex){ hdToDelete = hd; break; } } highlightDataList.remove(hdToDelete); } } public void setCurrentHighlightedIndex(int currentHighlightedIndex){ this.currentHighlightedIndex = currentHighlightedIndex; } public int getCurrentHighlightedIndex(){ return currentHighlightedIndex; } public void setEnriched(final boolean enriched) { this.enriched = enriched; } public void setSentToFreme(boolean sentToFreme){ this.sentToFreme = sentToFreme; } public boolean isSentToFreme(){ return sentToFreme; } public void replaced(String newString){ if (highlightDataList != null) { HighlightData replacedHd = highlightDataList .get(currentHighlightedIndex); if (currentHighlightedIndex < highlightDataList.size() - 1) { HighlightData nextHd = null; int hdIndex = currentHighlightedIndex + 1; int delta = newString.length() - (replacedHd.getHighlightIndices()[1] - replacedHd .getHighlightIndices()[0]); while (hdIndex < highlightDataList.size()) { nextHd = highlightDataList.get(hdIndex++); if (replacedHd.getAtomIndex() == nextHd.getAtomIndex()) { int[] newHLIndices = { nextHd.getHighlightIndices()[0] + delta, nextHd.getHighlightIndices()[1] + delta }; nextHd.setHighlightIndices(newHLIndices); } } } highlightDataList.remove(currentHighlightedIndex); currentHighlightedIndex = -1; } } public Set<Enrichment> getEnirchments() { return enrichments; } public void setEnrichments(Set<Enrichment> enrichments) { checkTranslation(enrichments); enrichments.remove(transEnrichment); this.enrichments = enrichments; } public void addEnrichment(final Enrichment enrichment){ if(enrichment != null){ if(enrichments == null){ enrichments = new HashSet<Enrichment>(); } if(enrichment.getType().equals(Enrichment.TRANSLATION_TYPE)){ this.transEnrichment = (TranslationEnrichment) enrichment; } else { enrichments.add(enrichment); } } } public void addEnrichmentList(final List<Enrichment> enrichmentList){ if(enrichmentList != null){ if(enrichments == null){ enrichments = new HashSet<Enrichment>(); } checkTranslation(enrichmentList); enrichmentList.remove(transEnrichment); enrichments.addAll(enrichmentList); } } private void checkTranslation(final Collection<Enrichment> enrichmentList){ if (enrichmentList != null) { for (Enrichment enrich : enrichmentList) { if (enrich != null && enrich.getType().equals( Enrichment.TRANSLATION_TYPE)) { this.transEnrichment = (TranslationEnrichment) enrich; break; } } } } public void clearEnrichments(){ sentToFreme = false; enriched = false; enrichments = null; transEnrichment = null; } public TranslationEnrichment getTranslationEnrichment(){ // TranslationEnrichment transEnrichment = null; // if(enrichments != null){ // for(Enrichment enrich: enrichments){ // if(enrich.getType().equals("translation")) { // transEnrichment = (TranslationEnrichment)enrich; // break; // } // } // } return transEnrichment; } @Override public String toString() { return getDisplayText(); } }