package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import com.vistatec.ocelot.config.ConfigService; import com.vistatec.ocelot.config.ConfigTransferService; import com.vistatec.ocelot.config.ConfigTransferService.TransferException; import com.vistatec.ocelot.config.xml.TmManagement; import com.vistatec.ocelot.config.xml.TmManagement.TmConfig; import; import; /** * Use Okapi Pensieve to perform functionality expected of a {@link TmManager}. */ public class OkapiTmManager implements TmManager { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory .getLogger(OkapiTmManager.class); private final File tmRootDir; private final ConfigService cfgService; private final TmTmxWriter tmxWriter; public OkapiTmManager(File tmDir, ConfigService cfgService, TmTmxWriter tmxWriter) throws IOException, ConfigTransferService.TransferException { this.tmRootDir = tmDir; this.cfgService = cfgService; this.tmxWriter = tmxWriter; discover(); } private void discover() throws IOException, ConfigTransferService.TransferException { Set<String> configuredTms = new HashSet<>(); List<TmConfig> tms = new ArrayList<TmManagement.TmConfig>(this.cfgService.getTms()); for (TmManagement.TmConfig tm : tms) { if (verifyExistingTm(tm)) { configuredTms.add(tm.getTmName()); } } for (String tmName : this.tmRootDir.list()) { if (!configuredTms.contains(tmName)) { initializeNewTm(tmName, new File( constructDefaultTmDataDir(tmName))); } } } /** * If TM config points to a non-existent directory for the root or data, * delete the configuration; otherwise generate Pensieve index if missing. */ private boolean verifyExistingTm(TmManagement.TmConfig tmConfig) throws IOException, ConfigTransferService.TransferException { File tmDir = new File(this.tmRootDir, tmConfig.getTmName()); if (!tmDir.exists()) { removeTmConfig(tmConfig); return false; } // File tmDataDir = new File(tmConfig.getTmDataDir()); // if (!tmDataDir.exists() || !tmDataDir.isDirectory() || // tmDataDir.listFiles().length <= 0) { // if (!checkTmExists(tmConfig)) { // deleteTm(tmConfig.getTmName()); // return false; // // } else { // File pensieve = getDefaultPensieveDir(tmConfig.getTmName()); // if (!pensieve.exists()) { // regenerateTm(tmConfig.getTmName()); // } // return true; // } File tmDataDir = new File(tmConfig.getTmDataDir()); if (!tmDataDir.exists() || !tmDataDir.isDirectory() || tmDataDir.listFiles().length <= 0) { deleteTm(tmConfig.getTmName()); return false; } else { File pensieve = getDefaultPensieveDir(tmConfig.getTmName()); if (!pensieve.exists()) { regenerateTm(tmConfig.getTmName()); } return true; } } private boolean checkTmExists(TmConfig tm) { boolean exists = true; File tmDir = new File(tm.getTmDataDir()); if (tmDir.exists() && tm.getTmxFiles() != null && tm.getTmxFiles().getTmxFile() != null && !tm.getTmxFiles().getTmxFile().isEmpty()) { File tmxFile = null; for (String tmxFileName : tm.getTmxFiles().getTmxFile()) { tmxFile = new File(tm.getTmDataDir(), tmxFileName); if (!tmxFile.exists()) { exists = false; break; } } } else { exists = false; } return exists; } @Override public void initializeNewTm(String tmName, File tmDataDir) throws IOException, ConfigTransferService.TransferException { LOG.debug("Creating new TM '{}' with data directory '{}'", tmName, tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (cfgService.getTmConfig(tmName) != null) { String errorMsg = "TM '" + tmName + "' already exists, cannot create a new TM with data dir '" + tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'"; LOG.error(errorMsg); throw new IOException(errorMsg); } if (tmDataDir.exists()) { File[] tmxFiles = tmDataDir.listFiles(); if (tmxFiles != null && tmxFiles.length > 0) { cfgService.createNewTmConfig(tmName, true, tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); for (File tmx : tmxFiles) { indexTmx(tmName, tmx); } } else { LOG.error("No files in given directory '{}'", tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); throw new IOException("No files in given directory '" + tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); } } else { LOG.error("Data directory '{}' does not exist", tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); throw new IOException("Data directory '" + tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist"); } } @Override public void initializeNewTm(String tmName, File[] tmxFiles) throws IOException, TransferException { if (tmxFiles != null && tmxFiles.length > 0) { File tmDataDir = new File(tmxFiles[0].getParent()); LOG.debug("Creating new TM '{}' with data directory '{}'", tmName, tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); if (cfgService.getTmConfig(tmName) != null) { String errorMsg = "TM '" + tmName + "' already exists, cannot create a new TM with data dir '" + tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "'"; LOG.error(errorMsg); throw new IOException(errorMsg); } if (tmDataDir.exists()) { List<String> configTmxFiles = new ArrayList<String>(); for(File tmxFile: tmxFiles){ configTmxFiles.add(tmxFile.getName()); } cfgService.createNewTmConfig(tmName, true, tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath(), configTmxFiles); for (File tmx : tmxFiles) { indexTmx(tmName, tmx); } } else { LOG.error("Data directory '{}' does not exist", tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); throw new IOException("Data directory '" + tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist"); } // } else { // LOG.error("No files in given directory '{}'", // tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); // throw new // IOException("No files in given directory '"+tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()+"'"); } } // private void indexTmx(String tmName, File[] tmxFiles){ // // } @Override public void deleteTm(String tmName) throws IOException, ConfigTransferService.TransferException { TmManagement.TmConfig config = cfgService.getTmConfig(tmName); if (config == null) { throw new IOException("'" + tmName + "' missing TM configuration!"); } String defaultTmDataDir = constructDefaultTmDataDir(tmName); if (defaultTmDataDir.equals(config.getTmDataDir())) { deleteDefaultTmDataDirectory(tmName); } deletePensieveIndex(tmName); deleteFileDirectory(new File(tmRootDir, tmName)); removeTmConfig(config); } @Override public void saveOpenFileAsTmx(File tmx) throws IOException { this.tmxWriter.exportTmx(tmx); } private void removeTmConfig(TmManagement.TmConfig config) throws ConfigTransferService.TransferException { List<TmManagement.TmConfig> configs = cfgService.getTms(); configs.remove(config); cfgService.saveConfig(); } private void deleteDefaultTmDataDirectory(String tmName) throws IOException { File dataDir = new File(constructDefaultTmDataDir(tmName)); try { deleteFileDirectory(dataDir); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to delete TM '" + tmName + "' data directory", e); throw e; } } private void deletePensieveIndex(String tmName) throws IOException { File pensieveIndex = getDefaultPensieveDir(tmName); try { deleteFileDirectory(pensieveIndex); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error( "Failed to delete TM '" + tmName + "' pensieve directory", e); throw e; } } /** * Delete directory and contents only if the contents underneath it are * files. */ private void deleteFileDirectory(File dir) throws IOException { if (dir.exists()) { if (!dir.isDirectory()) { throw new IOException("'" + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not a directory!"); } for (File file : dir.listFiles()) { if (file.isFile()) { file.delete(); } else { throw new IOException("'" + file.getAbsolutePath() + "' is not a file, cannot delete directory '" + dir.getAbsolutePath() + "'"); } } dir.delete(); } } @Override public void regenerateTm(String tmName) throws IOException { deletePensieveIndex(tmName); TmManagement.TmConfig config = cfgService.getTmConfig(tmName); File tmDataDir = new File(config.getTmDataDir()); for (File tmx : tmDataDir.listFiles()) { indexTmx(tmName, tmx); } } private String constructDefaultTmDataDir(String tmName) { String fileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator"); return this.tmRootDir.getAbsolutePath() + fileSeparator + tmName + fileSeparator + "tmx"; } private File getDefaultPensieveDir(String tmName) { File fileTm = new File(tmRootDir, tmName); if (!fileTm.exists()) { fileTm.mkdirs(); } return new File(fileTm, "pensieve"); } @Override public void changeTmDataDir(String tmName, File tmDataDir) throws IOException, ConfigTransferService.TransferException { TmManagement.TmConfig tmConfig = cfgService.getTmConfig(tmName); if (tmConfig == null) { throw new IOException("TM '" + tmName + "' does not exist!"); } if (!tmConfig.getTmDataDir().equals(tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath())) { LOG.debug("Set TM data directory from '{}' to '{}'", tmConfig.getTmDataDir(), tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); for (File tmxFile : tmDataDir.listFiles()) { indexTmx(tmName, tmxFile); } cfgService.saveTmDataDir(tmConfig, tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); } LOG.debug( "Setting TM data directory to itself '{} to {}', doing nothing", tmConfig.getTmDataDir(), tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); } @Override public void importTmx(String tmName, File tmx) throws IOException { if (!tmx.exists()) { throw new IOException("File '" + tmx.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist"); } TmManagement.TmConfig config = cfgService.getTmConfig(tmName); File tmDataDir = new File( (config == null) ? constructDefaultTmDataDir(tmName) : config.getTmDataDir()); if (tmDataDir.exists()) { for (String file : tmDataDir.list()) { if (file.equals(tmx.getName())) { String errMsg = "File with the same name '" + tmx.getName() + "' already exists in " + tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath(); LOG.warn(errMsg); throw new IOException(errMsg); } } } else { tmDataDir.mkdirs(); } ByteSource tmxSource = Files.asByteSource(tmx); tmxSource.copyTo(new FileOutputStream(new File(tmDataDir, tmName))); if (config == null) { try { cfgService.createNewTmConfig(tmName, true, tmDataDir.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (ConfigTransferService.TransferException e) { String errorMsg = "Failed to create new TM configuration for '" + tmName + "' when importing file '" + tmx.getAbsolutePath() + "'"; LOG.error(errorMsg, e); throw new IOException(errorMsg, e); } } indexTmx(tmName, tmx); } private void indexTmx(String tmName, File tmx) throws IOException { DirectoryWrapper luceneIndex; try { luceneIndex = loadTm(tmName); } catch (ConfigTransferService.TransferException e) { LOG.error( "Failed to save new TM configuration for '{}' when importing '{}'", tmName, tmx.getAbsolutePath()); throw new IOException(e); } PensieveWriter writer = new PensieveWriter(luceneIndex.luceneDir, !luceneIndex.hasPensieveIndex); OkapiTmTmxImporter parser = new OkapiTmTmxImporter(); parser.parse(tmx, writer); writer.close(); } /** * Ensure the given TM is visible by the TM manager */ private DirectoryWrapper loadTm(String tmName) throws IOException, ConfigTransferService.TransferException { if (cfgService.getTmConfig(tmName) == null) { throw new IOException(tmName + " is missing a TM configuration!"); } File pensieveIndex = getDefaultPensieveDir(tmName); return new DirectoryWrapper(, pensieveIndex.exists()); } /** * Return searchable TMs, in the TmConfig list order. */ Iterator<TmPair> getSeekers() throws IOException { List<TmPair> seekers = new ArrayList<>(); for (TmManagement.TmConfig tm : this.cfgService.getTms()) { try { DirectoryWrapper luceneIndex = loadTm(tm.getTmName()); seekers.add(new TmPair(tm.getTmName(), new PensieveSeeker( luceneIndex.luceneDir))); } catch (ConfigTransferService.TransferException e) { LOG.error("Failed to create TM config for '" + tm.getTmName() + "'", e); } } return seekers.iterator(); } @Override public List<TmManagement.TmConfig> fetchTms() { return cfgService.getTms(); } @Override public TmManagement.TmConfig fetchTm(String tmName) { return cfgService.getTmConfig(tmName); } @Override public void saveTmOrdering(List<TmManagement.TmConfig> orderedTms) throws ConfigTransferService.TransferException { cfgService.saveTms(orderedTms); } /** * Mapping between the TM name and the PensieveSeeker used to search the * Lucence index generated by Pensieve. */ static class TmPair { private final String tmOrigin; private final PensieveSeeker seeker; public TmPair(String tmOrigin, PensieveSeeker seeker) { this.tmOrigin = tmOrigin; this.seeker = seeker; } public String getTmOrigin() { return tmOrigin; } public PensieveSeeker getSeeker() { return seeker; } } /** * Wrapper around a Lucene Directory that indicates whether Pensieve needs * to create a new TM index. */ static class DirectoryWrapper { private final Directory luceneDir; private final boolean hasPensieveIndex; public DirectoryWrapper(Directory luceneDir, boolean hasPensieveIndex) { this.luceneDir = luceneDir; this.hasPensieveIndex = hasPensieveIndex; } } }