package com.vistatec.ocelot.plugins; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import; import java.text.BreakIterator; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import javax.swing.JCheckBoxMenuItem; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.vistatec.ocelot.its.model.LanguageQualityIssue; import com.vistatec.ocelot.plugins.exception.AuditProfileException; import com.vistatec.ocelot.plugins.exception.EvaluationOnTheFlyFailedException; import com.vistatec.ocelot.plugins.exception.NoAuditProfileLoadedException; import com.vistatec.ocelot.plugins.exception.QualityEvaluationException; import com.vistatec.ocelot.segment.model.OcelotSegment; public class QualityPluginManager implements ActionListener { protected final static String AUDIT_PROFILE_FILE_EXT = ".aud"; private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory .getLogger(QualityPluginManager.class); private JMenu qualityPluginMenu; private JCheckBoxMenuItem mnuOnTheFly; private HashMap<QualityPlugin, Boolean> qualityPlugins; private JFrame ocelotMainFrame; public QualityPluginManager() { this.qualityPlugins = new HashMap<QualityPlugin, Boolean>(); } public JMenu getQualityPluginMenu() { qualityPluginMenu = new JMenu("Quality Score Evaluation"); JMenu auditProfMenu = new JMenu("Manage Audit Profile"); QualityMenuItem mnuItem = new QualityMenuItem("Load Audit Profile", QualityMenuItem.LOAD_AUDIT_PROF); mnuItem.addActionListener(this); auditProfMenu.add(mnuItem); mnuItem = new QualityMenuItem("Create New Audit Profile", QualityMenuItem.CREATE_AUDIT_PROF); mnuItem.addActionListener(this); auditProfMenu.add(mnuItem); mnuItem = new QualityMenuItem("Copy Audit Profile", QualityMenuItem.COPY_AUDIT_PROF); mnuItem.addActionListener(this); auditProfMenu.add(mnuItem); mnuItem = new QualityMenuItem("View Audit Profile", QualityMenuItem.VIEW_AUDIT_PROF); mnuItem.addActionListener(this); auditProfMenu.add(mnuItem); qualityPluginMenu.add(auditProfMenu); mnuItem = new QualityMenuItem("Evaluate Score", QualityMenuItem.EVALUATE_SCORE); mnuItem.addActionListener(this); qualityPluginMenu.add(mnuItem); mnuOnTheFly = new JCheckBoxMenuItem("Evaluation on the fly"); mnuOnTheFly.setSelected(false); mnuOnTheFly.addActionListener(this); qualityPluginMenu.add(mnuOnTheFly); qualityPluginMenu.setEnabled(false); for (QualityPlugin plugin : qualityPlugins.keySet()) { if (qualityPlugins.get(plugin)) { qualityPluginMenu.setEnabled(true); break; } } return qualityPluginMenu; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (e.getSource() instanceof QualityMenuItem) { QualityMenuItem menuItem = (QualityMenuItem) e.getSource(); switch (menuItem.getMenuAction()) { case QualityMenuItem.LOAD_AUDIT_PROF: loadAuditProfile(); break; case QualityMenuItem.CREATE_AUDIT_PROF: createAuditProfile(); break; case QualityMenuItem.COPY_AUDIT_PROF: copyAuditProfile(); break; case QualityMenuItem.VIEW_AUDIT_PROF: viewAuditProfProps(); break; case QualityMenuItem.EVALUATE_SCORE: evaluateScore(); break; default: break; } } else if (e.getSource() instanceof JCheckBoxMenuItem) { enableEvaluationOnTheFly(((JCheckBoxMenuItem) e.getSource()) .isSelected()); } } private void enableEvaluationOnTheFly(boolean enable) { try { qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() .enableEvaluationOnTheFly(enable); } catch (NoAuditProfileLoadedException e) { mnuOnTheFly.setSelected(false); logger.warn("Request of enabling evaluation on the fly and no audit profile is loaded."); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( ocelotMainFrame, "No audit profile loaded. Please, load an audit profile and try again.", "Evluation on the fly", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } catch (EvaluationOnTheFlyFailedException e) { logger.debug("Evaluation on the fly - Fail result!"); promptFailMessage(); } catch (QualityEvaluationException e) { logger.error( "Error while initialing evaluation on the fly functionality", e); } // try { // qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() // .setEvalOnTheFlyEnabled(enable); // } catch (NoAuditProfileLoadedException e) { // logger.warn( // "Request to enable evaluation on the fly and no loaded audit profile.", // e); // JOptionPane // .showMessageDialog( // ocelotMainFrame, // "No audit profile loaded. Please, load an audit profile and try again.", // "Evaluation on the fly", // JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); // } // if (enable && sampleSize > 0) { // boolean passed = qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() // .initEvaluationOnTheFly(sampleSize, lqiList); // // boolean passed = qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() // // .enableEvaluationOnTheFly(sampleSize, lqiList); // // if (!passed) { // promptFailMessage(); // } // // } else { // // qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() // // .disableEvaluationOnTheFly(); // } } private void promptFailMessage() { int option = JOptionPane .showConfirmDialog( ocelotMainFrame, "The result of the score evaluation is a FAILURE.\nDo you want to view the result?", "Quality score evaluation failure", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); if (option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() .displayOnTheFlyResult(ocelotMainFrame); } } private void evaluateScore() { try { qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() .evaluateQualityScore(ocelotMainFrame); } catch (NoAuditProfileLoadedException e) { logger.warn( "Request to eavluate score and no loaded audit profile.", e); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( ocelotMainFrame, "No audit profile loaded. Please, load an audit profile and try again.", "Evaluate Score", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } catch (QualityEvaluationException e) { logger.error("Error while evaluating score.", e); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( ocelotMainFrame, "An error has occurred while performing the score evaluation.", "Score Evaluation Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } private void viewAuditProfProps() { try { qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() .viewAuditProfileProps(ocelotMainFrame); } catch (NoAuditProfileLoadedException e) { logger.warn( "Request to view loaded profile properties and no loaded audit profile.", e); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( ocelotMainFrame, "No audit profile loaded. Please, load an audit profile and try again.", "View Audit Profile Properties", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); } catch (AuditProfileException e) { logger.error("Error while displaying audit profile properties.", e); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( ocelotMainFrame, "An error occurred while displaying audit profile properties.", "View Audit Profile Properties", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } private void auditProfileCreated(File createdAuditProfFile) { int option = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(ocelotMainFrame, "Audit profile successfully created.\nDo you want to load it?", "New Audit Profile", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION); if (option == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) { loadAuditProfile(createdAuditProfFile); } } private void copyAuditProfile() { JFileChooser fileChooser = getAuditProfFileChooser(); int option = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(ocelotMainFrame); if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File auditToCopy = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); if (auditToCopy != null) { try { File createdAuditFile = qualityPlugins .keySet() .iterator() .next() .createAuditProfileFromExistingOne(auditToCopy, ocelotMainFrame); auditProfileCreated(createdAuditFile); } catch (AuditProfileException e) { JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( ocelotMainFrame, "An error occurred while creating the audit profile.", "Copy Audit Profile", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); logger.error("Error while creating the audit profile", e); } } } } private void createAuditProfile() { try { File createdAuditFile = qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next() .createNewAuditProfile(ocelotMainFrame); auditProfileCreated(createdAuditFile); } catch (AuditProfileException e) { logger.error("Error while creating the audit profile.", e); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ocelotMainFrame, "An error occurred while creating the audit profile.", "New Audit Profile", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } private void loadAuditProfile(File file) { try { qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next().loadAuditProfile(file); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ocelotMainFrame, "Audit Profile successfully loaded.", "Load Audit Profile", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (AuditProfileException e) { logger.error("Error while loading the audit profile.", e); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(ocelotMainFrame, "An error occurred while loading the audit profile.", "Load Audit Profile", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } catch (EvaluationOnTheFlyFailedException e) { promptFailMessage(); } catch (QualityEvaluationException e) { logger.error("Error while initializing the evaluation on the fly", e); promptEvaluationOnTheFlyErrorMessage(); // JOptionPane // .showMessageDialog( // ocelotMainFrame, // "An error occurred while evaluating the score on the fly for the loaded audit profile.\nThe \"Evaluation on the fly\" has been disabled.", // "Evaluation on the fly error", // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } private void loadAuditProfile() { JFileChooser fileChooser = getAuditProfFileChooser(); int option = fileChooser.showOpenDialog(ocelotMainFrame); if (option == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { File selFile = fileChooser.getSelectedFile(); if (selFile != null) { loadAuditProfile(selFile); } } } private JFileChooser getAuditProfFileChooser() { JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); fileChooser.setFileFilter(new AuditProfileFileFilter()); fileChooser.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); return fileChooser; } public HashMap<QualityPlugin, Boolean> getPlugins() { return qualityPlugins; } public void setOcelotMainFrame(JFrame ocelotMainFrame) { this.ocelotMainFrame = ocelotMainFrame; } public boolean isQualityPluginLoaded() { return !qualityPlugins.isEmpty(); } public void enablePlugin(QualityPlugin qualityPlugin, boolean enabled) { qualityPlugins.put(qualityPlugin, enabled); qualityPluginMenu.setEnabled(enabled); if(!enabled){ mnuOnTheFly.setSelected(false); } } public void addQualityIssue(LanguageQualityIssue lqi) { QualityPlugin plugin = getPlugin(); if (plugin != null) { try { plugin.lqiCreated(lqi); } catch (EvaluationOnTheFlyFailedException e) { logger.warn("Quality issue added - Fail Result"); promptFailMessage(); } catch (QualityEvaluationException e) { logger.error( "Error while evaluating on the fly the created lqi", e); } } // if (lqiList == null) { // lqiList = new ArrayList<LanguageQualityIssue>(); // } // lqiList.add(lqi); // QualityPlugin enabledPlugin = null; // for (Entry<QualityPlugin, Boolean> entry : qualityPlugins.entrySet()) // { // if (entry.getValue()) { // enabledPlugin = entry.getKey(); // break; // } // } // if (enabledPlugin != null) { // boolean passed = enabledPlugin.lqiAdded(lqi); // if (!passed) { // promptFailMessage(); // } // // } } public void editedQualityIssue(LanguageQualityIssue oldLqi, LanguageQualityIssue newLqi) { QualityPlugin plugin = getPlugin(); if (plugin != null) { try { plugin.lqiEdited(oldLqi, newLqi); } catch (EvaluationOnTheFlyFailedException e) { logger.warn("Fail result on lqi edited."); promptFailMessage(); } catch (QualityEvaluationException e) { logger.error( "Error while evaluating the quality score on lqi edited.", e); promptEvaluationOnTheFlyErrorMessage(); } } } public void removedQualityIssue(LanguageQualityIssue removedLqi){ QualityPlugin plugin = getPlugin(); if (plugin != null) { try { plugin.lqiRemoved(removedLqi); } catch (EvaluationOnTheFlyFailedException e) { logger.warn("Fail result on lqi removed."); promptFailMessage(); } catch (QualityEvaluationException e) { logger.error( "Error while evaluating the quality score on lqi removed.", e); promptEvaluationOnTheFlyErrorMessage(); } } } // private QualityPlugin getEnabledPlugin() { // // QualityPlugin plugin = null; // if (!qualityPlugins.isEmpty()) { // for (Entry<QualityPlugin, Boolean> entry : qualityPlugins // .entrySet()) { // if (entry.getValue()) { // plugin = entry.getKey(); // break; // } // } // } // return plugin; // } private QualityPlugin getPlugin() { QualityPlugin plugin = null; if (!qualityPlugins.isEmpty()) { plugin = qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next(); } return plugin; } public void initOpenedFileSettings(List<OcelotSegment> segments) { if (!qualityPlugins.isEmpty()) { QualityPlugin plugin = qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next(); if (plugin != null && segments != null) { StringBuilder sourceText = new StringBuilder(); List<LanguageQualityIssue> lqiList = new ArrayList<LanguageQualityIssue>(); for (OcelotSegment seg : segments) { sourceText.append(seg.getSource().getDisplayText()); sourceText.append(" "); if (seg.getLQI() != null) { lqiList.addAll(seg.getLQI()); } } int sampleSize = countWords(sourceText.toString()); try { plugin.documentOpened(sampleSize, lqiList, segments); } catch (QualityEvaluationException e) { promptEvaluationOnTheFlyErrorMessage(); // JOptionPane // .showMessageDialog( // ocelotMainFrame, // "An error occurred while evaluating the score on the fly for the opened document.\nThe \"Evaluation on the fly\" has been disabled.", // "Evaluation on the fly error", // JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } // if(plugin != null) // this.sampleSize = sampleSize; // if (this.lqiList == null) { // this.lqiList = new ArrayList<LanguageQualityIssue>(); // } // this.lqiList.addAll(lqiList); // qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next().initEvaluationOnTheFly(sampleSize, // lqiList); } private void promptEvaluationOnTheFlyErrorMessage() { mnuOnTheFly.setSelected(false); JOptionPane .showMessageDialog( ocelotMainFrame, "An error occurred while evaluating the score.\nThe \"Evaluation on the fly\" has been disabled.", "Evaluation on the fly error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } private int countWords(String text) { int wordCount = 0; BreakIterator iterator = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(Locale.ENGLISH); iterator.setText(text); int lastBoundary = 0; int boundary = iterator.first(); while (boundary != BreakIterator.DONE) { for (int i = lastBoundary; i < boundary; i++) { if (Character.isLetter(text.codePointAt(i))) { wordCount++; break; } } lastBoundary = boundary; boundary =; } if (lastBoundary < text.length()) { for (int i = lastBoundary; i < text.length(); i++) { if (Character.isLetter(text.codePointAt(i))) { wordCount++; break; } } } return wordCount; } // public void setSampleSize(int sampleSize) { // this.sampleSize = sampleSize; // qualityPlugins.keySet().iterator().next().initEvaluationOnTheFly(sampleSize, // lqiList); // } // // public void addAllQualityIssues(List<LanguageQualityIssue> lqiList) { // // if (this.lqiList == null) { // this.lqiList = new ArrayList<LanguageQualityIssue>(); // } // this.lqiList.addAll(lqiList); // } } class QualityMenuItem extends JMenuItem { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7784958170502035140L; public static final int LOAD_AUDIT_PROF = 0; public static final int CREATE_AUDIT_PROF = 1; public static final int COPY_AUDIT_PROF = 2; public static final int VIEW_AUDIT_PROF = 3; public static final int EVALUATE_SCORE = 4; private int mnuAction; public QualityMenuItem(String text, int mnuAction) { super(text); this.mnuAction = mnuAction; } public int getMenuAction() { return mnuAction; } } class AuditProfileFileFilter extends FileFilter { @Override public boolean accept(File f) { return f != null && (f.isDirectory() || f.getName().toLowerCase() .endsWith(QualityPluginManager.AUDIT_PROFILE_FILE_EXT)); } @Override public String getDescription() { return "Audit Profile files"; } }