package org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy; import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.Logger; import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.MorphiaLoggerFactory; /** * @author Uwe Schaefer, ( */ public final class LazyFeatureDependencies { private static final Logger LOG = MorphiaLoggerFactory.get(LazyFeatureDependencies.class); private static Boolean fulFilled; private LazyFeatureDependencies() { } /** * Checks that the dependencies to support lazy proxies are present * * @return true the dependencies are found */ public static boolean assertDependencyFullFilled() { final boolean fulfilled = testDependencyFullFilled(); if (!fulfilled) { LOG.warning("Lazy loading impossible due to missing dependencies."); } return fulfilled; } /** * Checks that the dependencies to support lazy proxies are present * * @return true the dependencies are found */ public static boolean testDependencyFullFilled() { if (fulFilled != null) { return fulFilled; } try { fulFilled = Class.forName("net.sf.cglib.proxy.Enhancer") != null && Class.forName("") != null; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { fulFilled = false; } return fulFilled; } /** * Creates a LazyProxyFactory * * @return the LazyProxyFactory */ public static LazyProxyFactory createDefaultProxyFactory() { if (testDependencyFullFilled()) { final String factoryClassName = "org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.CGLibLazyProxyFactory"; try { return (LazyProxyFactory) Class.forName(factoryClassName).newInstance(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("While instantiating " + factoryClassName, e); } } return null; } }