package org.mongodb.morphia; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder; import com.mongodb.CommandResult; import com.mongodb.DB; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBDecoderFactory; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.DBRef; import com.mongodb.DefaultDBDecoder; import com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand; import com.mongodb.MapReduceCommand.OutputType; import com.mongodb.MongoClient; import com.mongodb.ReadPreference; import com.mongodb.WriteConcern; import com.mongodb.WriteResult; import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection; import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase; import com.mongodb.client.model.CreateCollectionOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.DBCollectionUpdateOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.ValidationOptions; import org.mongodb.morphia.aggregation.AggregationPipeline; import org.mongodb.morphia.aggregation.AggregationPipelineImpl; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.CappedAt; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Entity; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.NotSaved; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.PostPersist; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Validation; import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Version; import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.Logger; import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.MorphiaLoggerFactory; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.MappedClass; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.MappedField; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.Mapper; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.MappingException; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.cache.EntityCache; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.lazy.proxy.ProxyHelper; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.CountOptions; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.DefaultQueryFactory; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.Query; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.QueryException; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.QueryFactory; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.UpdateException; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.UpdateOperations; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.UpdateOpsImpl; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.UpdateResults; import org.mongodb.morphia.utils.Assert; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.ConcurrentModificationException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import static com.mongodb.BasicDBObject.parse; import static com.mongodb.BasicDBObjectBuilder.start; import static com.mongodb.DBCollection.ID_FIELD_NAME; import static java.lang.String.format; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static java.util.Collections.singletonList; /** * A generic (type-safe) wrapper around mongodb collections * * @deprecated This is an internal implementation of a published API. No public alternative planned. */ @Deprecated @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class DatastoreImpl implements AdvancedDatastore { private static final Logger LOG = MorphiaLoggerFactory.get(DatastoreImpl.class); private final Morphia morphia; private final MongoClient mongoClient; private final MongoDatabase database; private final IndexHelper indexHelper; private DB db; private Mapper mapper; private WriteConcern defConcern; private DBDecoderFactory decoderFactory; private volatile QueryFactory queryFactory = new DefaultQueryFactory(); /** * Create a new DatastoreImpl * * @param morphia the Morphia instance * @param mongoClient the connection to the MongoDB instance * @param dbName the name of the database for this data store. * @deprecated This is not meant to be directly instantiated by end user code. Use * {@link Morphia#createDatastore(MongoClient, Mapper, String)} */ @Deprecated public DatastoreImpl(final Morphia morphia, final MongoClient mongoClient, final String dbName) { this(morphia, morphia.getMapper(), mongoClient, dbName); } /** * Create a new DatastoreImpl * * @param morphia the Morphia instance * @param mapper an initialised Mapper * @param mongoClient the connection to the MongoDB instance * @param dbName the name of the database for this data store. * @deprecated This is not meant to be directly instantiated by end user code. Use * {@link Morphia#createDatastore(MongoClient, Mapper, String)} */ @Deprecated public DatastoreImpl(final Morphia morphia, final Mapper mapper, final MongoClient mongoClient, final String dbName) { this(morphia, mapper, mongoClient, mongoClient.getDatabase(dbName)); } private DatastoreImpl(final Morphia morphia, final Mapper mapper, final MongoClient mongoClient, final MongoDatabase database) { this.morphia = morphia; this.mapper = mapper; this.mongoClient = mongoClient; this.database = database; this.db = mongoClient.getDB(database.getName()); this.defConcern = mongoClient.getWriteConcern(); this.indexHelper = new IndexHelper(mapper, database); } /** * Creates a copy of this Datastore and all its configuration but with a new database * * @param database the new database to use for operations * @return the new Datastore instance * @deprecated use {@link Morphia#createDatastore(MongoClient, Mapper, String)} */ @Deprecated public DatastoreImpl copy(final String database) { return new DatastoreImpl(morphia, mapper, mongoClient, database); } /** * @param source the initial type/collection to aggregate against * @return a new query bound to the kind (a specific {@link DBCollection}) */ @Override public AggregationPipeline createAggregation(final Class source) { return new AggregationPipelineImpl(this, getCollection(source), source); } @Override public AggregationPipeline createAggregation(final String collection, final Class<?> clazz) { return new AggregationPipelineImpl(this, getDB().getCollection(collection), clazz); } @Override public <T> Query<T> createQuery(final Class<T> collection) { return newQuery(collection, getCollection(collection)); } @Override public <T> UpdateOperations<T> createUpdateOperations(final Class<T> clazz) { return new UpdateOpsImpl<T>(clazz, getMapper()); } @Override public <T> WriteResult delete(final Query<T> query, final DeleteOptions options) { DBCollection dbColl = query.getCollection(); // TODO remove this after testing. if (dbColl == null) { dbColl = getCollection(query.getEntityClass()); } if (query.getSortObject() != null || query.getOffset() != 0 || query.getLimit() > 0) { throw new QueryException("Delete does not allow sort/offset/limit query options."); } return dbColl.remove(query.getQueryObject(), enforceWriteConcern(options, query.getEntityClass()).getOptions()); } @Override public <T, V> WriteResult delete(final Class<T> clazz, final V id) { return delete(clazz, id, new DeleteOptions().writeConcern(getWriteConcern(clazz))); } @Override public <T, V> WriteResult delete(final Class<T> clazz, final V id, final DeleteOptions options) { return delete(createQuery(clazz).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, id), options); } @Override public <T, V> WriteResult delete(final Class<T> clazz, final Iterable<V> ids) { return delete(find(clazz).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY + " in", ids)); } @Override public <T, V> WriteResult delete(final Class<T> clazz, final Iterable<V> ids, final DeleteOptions options) { return delete(find(clazz).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY + " in", ids), options); } @Override public <T> WriteResult delete(final Query<T> query) { return delete(query, new DeleteOptions().writeConcern(getWriteConcern(query.getEntityClass()))); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> WriteResult delete(final Query<T> query, final WriteConcern wc) { return delete(query, new DeleteOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } @Override public <T> WriteResult delete(final T entity) { return delete(entity, getWriteConcern(entity)); } /** * Deletes the given entity (by @Id), with the WriteConcern * * @param entity the entity to delete * @param options the options to use when deleting * @return results of the delete */ @Override public <T> WriteResult delete(final T entity, final DeleteOptions options) { final T wrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity); if (wrapped instanceof Class<?>) { throw new MappingException("Did you mean to delete all documents? -- delete(ds.createQuery(???.class))"); } try { return delete(wrapped.getClass(), mapper.getId(wrapped), options); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override @Deprecated public <T> WriteResult delete(final T entity, final WriteConcern wc) { return delete(entity, new DeleteOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } @Override public void ensureCaps() { for (final MappedClass mc : mapper.getMappedClasses()) { if (mc.getEntityAnnotation() != null && mc.getEntityAnnotation().cap().value() > 0) { final CappedAt cap = mc.getEntityAnnotation().cap(); final String collName = mapper.getCollectionName(mc.getClazz()); final BasicDBObjectBuilder dbCapOpts = start("capped", true); if (cap.value() > 0) { dbCapOpts.add("size", cap.value()); } if (cap.count() > 0) { dbCapOpts.add("max", cap.count()); } final DB database = getDB(); if (database.getCollectionNames().contains(collName)) { final DBObject dbResult = database.command(start("collstats", collName).get()); if (dbResult.containsField("capped")) { LOG.debug("DBCollection already exists and is capped already; doing nothing. " + dbResult); } else { LOG.warning("DBCollection already exists with same name(" + collName + ") and is not capped; not creating capped version!"); } } else { getDB().createCollection(collName, dbCapOpts.get()); LOG.debug("Created capped DBCollection (" + collName + ") with opts " + dbCapOpts); } } } } @Override public void enableDocumentValidation() { for (final MappedClass mc : mapper.getMappedClasses()) { process(mc, (Validation) mc.getAnnotation(Validation.class)); } } void process(final MappedClass mc, final Validation validation) { if (validation != null) { String collectionName = mc.getCollectionName(); CommandResult result = getDB() .command(new BasicDBObject("collMod", collectionName) .append("validator", parse(validation.value())) .append("validationLevel", validation.level().getValue()) .append("validationAction", validation.action().getValue()) ); if (!result.ok()) { if (result.getInt("code") == 26) { ValidationOptions options = new ValidationOptions() .validator(parse(validation.value())) .validationLevel(validation.level()) .validationAction(validation.action()); getDatabase().createCollection(collectionName, new CreateCollectionOptions().validationOptions(options)); } else { result.throwOnError(); } } } } @Override public Key<?> exists(final Object entityOrKey) { final Query<?> query = buildExistsQuery(entityOrKey); return query.getKey(); } @Override public <T> Query<T> find(final Class<T> clazz) { return createQuery(clazz); } @Override @Deprecated public <T, V> Query<T> find(final Class<T> clazz, final String property, final V value) { final Query<T> query = createQuery(clazz); return query.filter(property, value); } @Override @Deprecated public <T, V> Query<T> find(final Class<T> clazz, final String property, final V value, final int offset, final int size) { final Query<T> query = createQuery(clazz); query.offset(offset); query.limit(size); return query.filter(property, value); } @Override public <T> T findAndDelete(final Query<T> query) { return findAndDelete(query, new FindAndModifyOptions()); } @Override public <T> T findAndDelete(final Query<T> query, final FindAndModifyOptions options) { DBCollection dbColl = query.getCollection(); if (dbColl == null) { dbColl = getCollection(query.getEntityClass()); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Executing findAndModify(" + dbColl.getName() + ") with delete ..."); } FindAndModifyOptions copy = enforceWriteConcern(options, query.getEntityClass()) .copy() .projection(query.getFieldsObject()) .sort(query.getSortObject()) .returnNew(false) .upsert(false) .remove(true); final DBObject result = dbColl.findAndModify(query.getQueryObject(), copy.getOptions()); return result == null ? null : mapper.fromDBObject(this, query.getEntityClass(), result, createCache()); } @Override public <T> T findAndModify(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations, final FindAndModifyOptions options) { DBCollection dbColl = query.getCollection(); // TODO remove this after testing. if (dbColl == null) { dbColl = getCollection(query.getEntityClass()); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {"Executing findAndModify(" + dbColl.getName() + ") with update "); } updateForVersioning(query, operations); DBObject res = dbColl.findAndModify(query.getQueryObject(), options.copy() .sort(query.getSortObject()) .projection(query.getFieldsObject()) .update(((UpdateOpsImpl<T>) operations).getOps()) .getOptions()); return res == null ? null : mapper.fromDBObject(this, query.getEntityClass(), res, createCache()); } @Override public <T> T findAndModify(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations) { return findAndModify(query, operations, new FindAndModifyOptions() .returnNew(true)); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> T findAndModify(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations, final boolean oldVersion) { return findAndModify(query, operations, new FindAndModifyOptions() .returnNew(!oldVersion) .upsert(false)); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> T findAndModify(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations, final boolean oldVersion, final boolean createIfMissing) { return findAndModify(query, operations, new FindAndModifyOptions() .returnNew(!oldVersion) .upsert(createIfMissing)); } private <T> void updateForVersioning(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations) { final MappedClass mc = mapper.getMappedClass(query.getEntityClass()); if (!mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class).isEmpty()) {; } } @Override public <T, V> Query<T> get(final Class<T> clazz, final Iterable<V> ids) { return find(clazz).disableValidation().filter(Mapper.ID_KEY + " in", ids).enableValidation(); } @Override public <T, V> T get(final Class<T> clazz, final V id) { return find(getCollection(clazz).getName(), clazz, Mapper.ID_KEY, id, 0, 1, true).get(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> T get(final T entity) { final T unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity); final Object id = mapper.getId(unwrapped); if (id == null) { throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + unwrapped.getClass().getName()); } return (T) get(unwrapped.getClass(), id); } @Override public <T> T getByKey(final Class<T> clazz, final Key<T> key) { final String collectionName = mapper.getCollectionName(clazz); final String keyCollection = mapper.updateCollection(key); if (!collectionName.equals(keyCollection)) { throw new RuntimeException("collection names don't match for key and class: " + collectionName + " != " + keyCollection); } Object id = key.getId(); if (id instanceof DBObject) { ((DBObject) id).removeField(Mapper.CLASS_NAME_FIELDNAME); } return get(clazz, id); } @Override @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public <T> List<T> getByKeys(final Class<T> clazz, final Iterable<Key<T>> keys) { final Map<String, List<Key>> kindMap = new HashMap<String, List<Key>>(); final List<T> entities = new ArrayList<T>(); // String clazzKind = (clazz==null) ? null : // getMapper().getCollectionName(clazz); for (final Key<?> key : keys) { mapper.updateCollection(key); // if (clazzKind != null && !key.getKind().equals(clazzKind)) // throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types are not equal (" + // clazz + "!=" + key.getKindClass() + // ") for key and method parameter clazz"); // if (kindMap.containsKey(key.getCollection())) { kindMap.get(key.getCollection()).add(key); } else { kindMap.put(key.getCollection(), new ArrayList<Key>(singletonList((Key) key))); } } for (final Map.Entry<String, List<Key>> entry : kindMap.entrySet()) { final List<Key> kindKeys = entry.getValue(); final List<Object> objIds = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (final Key key : kindKeys) { objIds.add(key.getId()); } final List kindResults = find(entry.getKey(), null).disableValidation().filter("_id in", objIds).asList(); entities.addAll(kindResults); } // TODO: order them based on the incoming Keys. return entities; } @Override public <T> List<T> getByKeys(final Iterable<Key<T>> keys) { return getByKeys(null, keys); } /** * @param obj the value to search with * @return the DBCollection * @deprecated this is an internal method. no replacement is planned. */ @Deprecated public DBCollection getCollection(final Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return null; } return getCollection(obj instanceof Class ? (Class) obj : obj.getClass()); } @Override public DBCollection getCollection(final Class clazz) { final String collName = mapper.getCollectionName(clazz); return getDB().getCollection(collName); } private <T> MongoCollection<T> getMongoCollection(final Class<T> clazz) { return getMongoCollection(mapper.getCollectionName(clazz), clazz); } private <T> MongoCollection<T> getMongoCollection(final String name, final Class<T> clazz) { return database.getCollection(name, clazz); } @Override public <T> long getCount(final T entity) { return getCollection(ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity)).count(); } @Override public <T> long getCount(final Class<T> clazz) { return getCollection(clazz).count(); } @Override public <T> long getCount(final Query<T> query) { return query.count(); } @Override public <T> long getCount(final Query<T> query, final CountOptions options) { return query.count(options); } @Override public DB getDB() { return db; } private MongoDatabase getDatabase() { return mongoClient.getDatabase(db.getName()); } @Override public WriteConcern getDefaultWriteConcern() { return defConcern; } @Override public void setDefaultWriteConcern(final WriteConcern wc) { defConcern = wc; } @Override @Deprecated // use mapper instead. public <T> Key<T> getKey(final T entity) { return mapper.getKey(entity); } @Override public MongoClient getMongo() { return mongoClient; } @Override public QueryFactory getQueryFactory() { return queryFactory; } @Override public void setQueryFactory(final QueryFactory queryFactory) { this.queryFactory = queryFactory; } @Override public <T> MapreduceResults<T> mapReduce(final MapReduceOptions<T> options) { DBCollection collection = options.getQuery().getCollection(); final EntityCache cache = createCache(); MapreduceResults<T> results = new MapreduceResults<T>(collection.mapReduce(options.toCommand(getMapper()))); results.setOutputType(options.getOutputType()); if (OutputType.INLINE.equals(options.getOutputType())) { results.setInlineRequiredOptions(this, options.getResultType(), getMapper(), cache); } else { results.setQuery(newQuery(options.getResultType(), getDB().getCollection(results.getOutputCollectionName()))); } return results; } @Override @Deprecated public <T> MapreduceResults<T> mapReduce(final MapreduceType type, final Query query, final String map, final String reduce, final String finalize, final Map<String, Object> scopeFields, final Class<T> outputType) { final DBCollection dbColl = query.getCollection(); final String outColl = mapper.getCollectionName(outputType); final MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(dbColl, map, reduce, outColl, type.toOutputType(), query.getQueryObject()); if (query.getLimit() > 0) { cmd.setLimit(query.getLimit()); } if (query.getSortObject() != null) { cmd.setSort(query.getSortObject()); } if (finalize != null && finalize.length() != 0) { cmd.setFinalize(finalize); } if (scopeFields != null && !scopeFields.isEmpty()) { cmd.setScope(scopeFields); } return mapReduce(type, query, outputType, cmd); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> MapreduceResults<T> mapReduce(final MapreduceType type, final Query query, final Class<T> outputType, final MapReduceCommand baseCommand) { Assert.parametersNotNull("map", baseCommand.getMap()); Assert.parameterNotEmpty("map", baseCommand.getMap()); Assert.parametersNotNull("reduce", baseCommand.getReduce()); Assert.parameterNotEmpty("reduce", baseCommand.getReduce()); if (query.getOffset() != 0 || query.getFieldsObject() != null) { throw new QueryException("mapReduce does not allow the offset/retrievedFields query options."); } final OutputType outType = type.toOutputType(); final DBCollection dbColl = query.getCollection(); final MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(dbColl, baseCommand.getMap(), baseCommand.getReduce(), baseCommand.getOutputTarget(), outType, query.getQueryObject()); cmd.setFinalize(baseCommand.getFinalize()); cmd.setScope(baseCommand.getScope()); if (query.getLimit() > 0) { cmd.setLimit(query.getLimit()); } if (query.getSortObject() != null) { cmd.setSort(query.getSortObject()); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) {"Executing " + cmd.toString()); } final EntityCache cache = createCache(); MapreduceResults<T> results = new MapreduceResults<T>(dbColl.mapReduce(baseCommand)); results.setType(type); if (MapreduceType.INLINE.equals(type)) { results.setInlineRequiredOptions(this, outputType, getMapper(), cache); } else { results.setQuery(newQuery(outputType, getDB().getCollection(results.getOutputCollectionName()))); } return results; } @Override public <T> Key<T> merge(final T entity) { return merge(entity, getWriteConcern(entity)); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> Key<T> merge(final T entity, final WriteConcern wc) { T unwrapped = entity; final LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>(); final DBObject dbObj = mapper.toDBObject(unwrapped, involvedObjects); final Key<T> key = mapper.getKey(unwrapped); unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(unwrapped); final Object id = mapper.getId(unwrapped); if (id == null) { throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + unwrapped.getClass().getName()); } // remove (immutable) _id field for update. final Object idValue = dbObj.get(Mapper.ID_KEY); dbObj.removeField(Mapper.ID_KEY); WriteResult wr; final MappedClass mc = mapper.getMappedClass(unwrapped); final DBCollection dbColl = getCollection(unwrapped); // try to do an update if there is a @Version field wr = tryVersionedUpdate(dbColl, unwrapped, dbObj, idValue, new InsertOptions().writeConcern(wc), mc); if (wr == null) { final Query<T> query = (Query<T>) createQuery(unwrapped.getClass()).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, id); wr = update(query, new BasicDBObject("$set", dbObj), false, false, wc).getWriteResult(); } final UpdateResults res = new UpdateResults(wr); if (res.getUpdatedCount() == 0) { throw new UpdateException("Nothing updated"); } dbObj.put(Mapper.ID_KEY, idValue); postSaveOperations(Collections.<Object>singletonList(entity), involvedObjects, dbColl, false); return key; } @Override public <T> Query<T> queryByExample(final T ex) { return queryByExample(getCollection(ex), ex); } @Override public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> save(final Iterable<T> entities) { Iterator<T> iterator = entities.iterator(); return !iterator.hasNext() ? Collections.<Key<T>>emptyList() : save(entities, getWriteConcern(; } @Override public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> save(final Iterable<T> entities, final WriteConcern wc) { return save(entities, new InsertOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } @Override public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> save(final Iterable<T> entities, final InsertOptions options) { final List<Key<T>> savedKeys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>(); for (final T ent : entities) { savedKeys.add(save(ent, options)); } return savedKeys; } @Override @Deprecated public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> save(final T... entities) { return save(asList(entities), new InsertOptions()); } @Override public <T> Key<T> save(final T entity) { return save(entity, new InsertOptions()); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> Key<T> save(final T entity, final WriteConcern wc) { return save(entity, new InsertOptions() .writeConcern(wc)); } @Override public <T> Key<T> save(final T entity, final InsertOptions options) { if (entity == null) { throw new UpdateException("Can not persist a null entity"); } final T unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity); return save(getCollection(unwrapped), unwrapped, enforceWriteConcern(options, entity.getClass())); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> UpdateResults update(final T entity, final UpdateOperations<T> operations) { if (entity instanceof Query) { return update((Query<T>) entity, operations); } final MappedClass mc = mapper.getMappedClass(entity); Query<?> query = createQuery(mapper.getMappedClass(entity).getClazz()) .disableValidation() .filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, mapper.getId(entity)); if (!mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class).isEmpty()) { final MappedField field = mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class).get(0); query.field(field.getNameToStore()).equal(field.getFieldValue(entity)); } return update((Query<T>) query, operations); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> UpdateResults update(final Key<T> key, final UpdateOperations<T> operations) { Class<T> clazz = (Class<T>) key.getType(); if (clazz == null) { clazz = (Class<T>) mapper.getClassFromCollection(key.getCollection()); } return update(createQuery(clazz).disableValidation().filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, key.getId()), operations, new UpdateOptions()); } @Override public <T> UpdateResults update(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations) { return update(query, operations, new UpdateOptions() .upsert(false) .multi(true) .writeConcern(getWriteConcern(query.getEntityClass()))); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> UpdateResults update(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations, final boolean createIfMissing) { return update(query, operations, new UpdateOptions() .upsert(createIfMissing) .writeConcern(getWriteConcern(query.getEntityClass()))); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> UpdateResults update(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations, final boolean createIfMissing, final WriteConcern wc) { return update(query, operations, new UpdateOptions() .upsert(createIfMissing) .multi(true) .writeConcern(wc)); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> UpdateResults updateFirst(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations) { return update(query, operations, new UpdateOptions()); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> UpdateResults updateFirst(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations, final boolean createIfMissing) { return update(query, operations, new UpdateOptions() .upsert(createIfMissing)); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> UpdateResults updateFirst(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations, final boolean createIfMissing, final WriteConcern wc) { return update(query, operations, new UpdateOptions() .upsert(createIfMissing) .writeConcern(wc)); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> UpdateResults updateFirst(final Query<T> query, final T entity, final boolean createIfMissing) { if (getMapper().getMappedClass(entity).getMappedVersionField() != null) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("updateFirst() is not supported with versioned entities"); } final LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>(); final DBObject dbObj = mapper.toDBObject(entity, involvedObjects); final UpdateResults res = update(query, dbObj, createIfMissing, false, getWriteConcern(entity)); // update _id field if (res.getInsertedCount() > 0) { dbObj.put(Mapper.ID_KEY, res.getNewId()); } postSaveOperations(singletonList(entity), involvedObjects, getCollection(entity), false); return res; } @Override public <T> Query<T> createQuery(final String collection, final Class<T> type) { return newQuery(type, getDB().getCollection(collection)); } @Override public <T> Query<T> createQuery(final Class<T> clazz, final DBObject q) { return newQuery(clazz, getCollection(clazz), q); } @Override public <T> Query<T> createQuery(final String collection, final Class<T> type, final DBObject q) { return newQuery(type, getCollection(collection), q); } @Override public <T, V> DBRef createRef(final Class<T> clazz, final V id) { if (id == null) { throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + clazz.getName()); } return new DBRef(getCollection(clazz).getName(), id); } @Override public <T> DBRef createRef(final T entity) { final T wrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity); final Object id = mapper.getId(wrapped); if (id == null) { throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + wrapped.getClass().getName()); } return createRef(wrapped.getClass(), id); } @Override public <T> UpdateOperations<T> createUpdateOperations(final Class<T> type, final DBObject ops) { final UpdateOpsImpl<T> upOps = (UpdateOpsImpl<T>) createUpdateOperations(type); upOps.setOps(ops); return upOps; } @Override public <T, V> WriteResult delete(final String kind, final Class<T> clazz, final V id) { return delete(find(kind, clazz).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, id)); } @Override public <T, V> WriteResult delete(final String kind, final Class<T> clazz, final V id, final DeleteOptions options) { return delete(find(kind, clazz).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, id), options); } @Override @Deprecated public <T, V> WriteResult delete(final String kind, final Class<T> clazz, final V id, final WriteConcern wc) { return delete(find(kind, clazz).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, id), new DeleteOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> void ensureIndex(final Class<T> type, final String fields) { ensureIndex(type, null, fields, false, false); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> void ensureIndex(final Class<T> clazz, final String name, final String fields, final boolean unique, final boolean dropDupsOnCreate) { MappedClass mappedClass = getMapper().getMappedClass(clazz); ensureIndex(mappedClass.getCollectionName(), clazz, name, fields, unique, dropDupsOnCreate); } @Override public void ensureIndexes() { ensureIndexes(false); } @Override public void ensureIndexes(final boolean background) { for (final MappedClass mc : mapper.getMappedClasses()) { indexHelper.createIndex(getMongoCollection(mc.getClazz()), mc, background); } } @Override public <T> void ensureIndexes(final Class<T> clazz) { ensureIndexes(clazz, false); } @Override public <T> void ensureIndexes(final Class<T> clazz, final boolean background) { indexHelper.createIndex(getMongoCollection(clazz), mapper.getMappedClass(clazz), background); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> void ensureIndex(final String collection, final Class<T> type, final String fields) { ensureIndex(collection, type, null, fields, false, false); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> void ensureIndex(final String collection, final Class<T> clazz, final String name, final String fields, final boolean unique, final boolean dropDupsOnCreate) { if (dropDupsOnCreate) { LOG.warning("Support for dropDups has been removed from the server. Please remove this setting."); } indexHelper.createIndex(getMongoCollection(collection, clazz), getMapper().getMappedClass(clazz), new IndexBuilder() .fields(fields) .name(name) .unique(unique), false); } @Override public <T> void ensureIndexes(final String collection, final Class<T> clazz) { ensureIndexes(collection, clazz, false); } @Override public <T> void ensureIndexes(final String collection, final Class<T> clazz, final boolean background) { indexHelper.createIndex(getMongoCollection(collection, clazz), mapper.getMappedClass(clazz), background); } @Override public Key<?> exists(final Object entityOrKey, final ReadPreference readPreference) { final Query<?> query = buildExistsQuery(entityOrKey); if (readPreference != null) { query.useReadPreference(readPreference); } return query.getKey(); } @Override public <T> Query<T> find(final String collection, final Class<T> clazz) { return createQuery(collection, clazz); } @Override public <T, V> Query<T> find(final String collection, final Class<T> clazz, final String property, final V value, final int offset, final int size) { return find(collection, clazz, property, value, offset, size, true); } @Override public <T> T get(final Class<T> clazz, final DBRef ref) { DBObject object = getDB().getCollection(ref.getCollectionName()).findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", ref.getId())); return mapper.fromDBObject(this, clazz, object, createCache()); } @Override public <T, V> T get(final String collection, final Class<T> clazz, final V id) { final List<T> results = find(collection, clazz, Mapper.ID_KEY, id, 0, 1).asList(); if (results == null || results.isEmpty()) { return null; } return results.get(0); } @Override public long getCount(final String collection) { return getCollection(collection).count(); } @Override public DBDecoderFactory getDecoderFact() { return decoderFactory != null ? decoderFactory : DefaultDBDecoder.FACTORY; } @Override public void setDecoderFact(final DBDecoderFactory fact) { decoderFactory = fact; } @Override public <T> Key<T> insert(final String collection, final T entity) { final T unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity); return insert(getCollection(collection), unwrapped, new InsertOptions() .writeConcern(getWriteConcern(unwrapped))); } @Override public <T> Key<T> insert(final String collection, final T entity, final InsertOptions options) { return insert(getCollection(collection), ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity), options); } @Override public <T> Key<T> insert(final T entity) { return insert(entity, getWriteConcern(entity)); } @Override public <T> Key<T> insert(final T entity, final WriteConcern wc) { return insert(entity, new InsertOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } @Override public <T> Key<T> insert(final T entity, final InsertOptions options) { final T unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity); return insert(getCollection(unwrapped), unwrapped, options); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(final T... entities) { return insert(asList(entities)); } @Override public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(final Iterable<T> entities, final WriteConcern wc) { return insert(entities, new InsertOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } @Override public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(final Iterable<T> entities, final InsertOptions options) { Iterator<T> iterator = entities.iterator(); return !iterator.hasNext() ? Collections.<Key<T>>emptyList() : insert(getCollection(, entities, options); } @Override public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(final String collection, final Iterable<T> entities) { return insert(collection, entities, new InsertOptions()); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(final String collection, final Iterable<T> entities, final WriteConcern wc) { return insert(getDB().getCollection(collection), entities, new InsertOptions() .writeConcern(wc)); } @Override @Deprecated public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(final String collection, final Iterable<T> entities, final InsertOptions options) { return insert(getDB().getCollection(collection), entities, options); } @Override public <T> Query<T> queryByExample(final String collection, final T ex) { return queryByExample(getDB().getCollection(collection), ex); } @Override public <T> Key<T> save(final String collection, final T entity) { final T unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity); return save(collection, entity, getWriteConcern(unwrapped)); } @Override public <T> Key<T> save(final String collection, final T entity, final WriteConcern wc) { return save(getCollection(collection), ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity), new InsertOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } @Override public <T> Key<T> save(final String collection, final T entity, final InsertOptions options) { return save(getCollection(collection), ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity), options); } /** * Deletes entities based on the query, with the WriteConcern * * @param clazz the clazz to query against when finding documents to delete * @param id the ID to look for * @param wc the WriteConcern to use when deleting * @param <T> the type to delete * @param <V> the type of the key * @return results of the delete * @deprecated use {@link #delete(Class, Object, DeleteOptions)} */ @Deprecated public <T, V> WriteResult delete(final Class<T> clazz, final V id, final WriteConcern wc) { return delete(createQuery(clazz).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, id), new DeleteOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } /** * Find all instances by type in a different collection than what is mapped on the class given skipping some documents and returning a * fixed number of the remaining. * * @param collection The collection use when querying * @param clazz the class to use for mapping the results * @param property the document property to query against * @param value the value to check for * @param offset the number of results to skip * @param size the maximum number of results to return * @param validate if true, validate the query * @param <T> the type to query * @param <V> the type to filter value * @return the query */ public <T, V> Query<T> find(final String collection, final Class<T> clazz, final String property, final V value, final int offset, final int size, final boolean validate) { final Query<T> query = find(collection, clazz); if (!validate) { query.disableValidation(); } query.offset(offset); query.limit(size); return query.filter(property, value).enableValidation(); } /** * @return the Mapper used by this Datastore */ public Mapper getMapper() { return mapper; } /** * Sets the Mapper this Datastore uses * * @param mapper the new Mapper */ public void setMapper(final Mapper mapper) { this.mapper = mapper; } /** * Inserts entities in to the database * * @param entities the entities to insert * @param <T> the type of the entities * @return the keys of entities */ @Override public <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(final Iterable<T> entities) { return insert(entities, new InsertOptions() .writeConcern(defConcern)); } /** * Inserts an entity in to the database * * @param collection the collection to query against * @param entity the entity to insert * @param wc the WriteConcern to use when deleting * @param <T> the type of the entities * @return the key of entity */ public <T> Key<T> insert(final String collection, final T entity, final WriteConcern wc) { return insert(getCollection(collection), ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity), new InsertOptions().writeConcern(wc)); } protected DBCollection getCollection(final String kind) { if (kind == null) { return null; } return getDB().getCollection(kind); } @Deprecated protected Object getId(final Object entity) { return mapper.getId(entity); } protected <T> Key<T> insert(final DBCollection dbColl, final T entity, final InsertOptions options) { final LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>(); dbColl.insert(singletonList(entityToDBObj(entity, involvedObjects)), enforceWriteConcern(options, entity.getClass()) .getOptions()); return postSaveOperations(singletonList(entity), involvedObjects, dbColl).get(0); } <T> FindAndModifyOptions enforceWriteConcern(final FindAndModifyOptions options, final Class<T> klass) { if (options.getWriteConcern() == null) { return options .copy() .writeConcern(getWriteConcern(klass)); } return options; } <T> InsertOptions enforceWriteConcern(final InsertOptions options, final Class<T> klass) { if (options.getWriteConcern() == null) { return options .copy() .writeConcern(getWriteConcern(klass)); } return options; } <T> UpdateOptions enforceWriteConcern(final UpdateOptions options, final Class<T> klass) { if (options.getWriteConcern() == null) { return options .copy() .writeConcern(getWriteConcern(klass)); } return options; } <T> DeleteOptions enforceWriteConcern(final DeleteOptions options, final Class<T> klass) { if (options.getWriteConcern() == null) { return options .copy() .writeConcern(getWriteConcern(klass)); } return options; } protected <T> Key<T> save(final DBCollection dbColl, final T entity, final InsertOptions options) { if (entity == null) { throw new UpdateException("Can not persist a null entity"); } final MappedClass mc = mapper.getMappedClass(entity); if (mc.getAnnotation(NotSaved.class) != null) { throw new MappingException(format("Entity type: %s is marked as NotSaved which means you should not try to save it!", mc.getClazz().getName())); } // involvedObjects is used not only as a cache but also as a list of what needs to be called for life-cycle methods at the end. final LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>(); final DBObject document = entityToDBObj(entity, involvedObjects); // try to do an update if there is a @Version field final Object idValue = document.get(Mapper.ID_KEY); WriteResult wr = tryVersionedUpdate(dbColl, entity, document, idValue, enforceWriteConcern(options, entity.getClass()), mc); if (wr == null) { saveDocument(dbColl, document, options); } return postSaveOperations(singletonList(entity), involvedObjects, dbColl).get(0); } private WriteResult saveDocument(final DBCollection dbColl, final DBObject document, final InsertOptions options) { if (document.get(ID_FIELD_NAME) == null) { return dbColl.insert(singletonList(document), options.getOptions()); } else { return dbColl.update(new BasicDBObject(ID_FIELD_NAME, document.get(ID_FIELD_NAME)), document, new DBCollectionUpdateOptions() .bypassDocumentValidation(options.getBypassDocumentValidation()) .writeConcern(options.getWriteConcern()) .upsert(true)); } } private <T> WriteResult tryVersionedUpdate(final DBCollection dbColl, final T entity, final DBObject dbObj, final Object idValue, final InsertOptions options, final MappedClass mc) { WriteResult wr; if (mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class).isEmpty()) { return null; } final MappedField mfVersion = mc.getMappedVersionField(); final String versionKeyName = mfVersion.getNameToStore(); Long oldVersion = (Long) mfVersion.getFieldValue(entity); long newVersion = nextValue(oldVersion); dbObj.put(versionKeyName, newVersion); // mfVersion.setFieldValue(entity, newVersion); if (idValue != null && newVersion != 1) { final Query<?> query = find(dbColl.getName(), entity.getClass()) .disableValidation() .filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, idValue) .enableValidation() .filter(versionKeyName, oldVersion); final UpdateResults res = update(query, dbObj, new UpdateOptions() .bypassDocumentValidation(options.getBypassDocumentValidation()) .writeConcern(options.getWriteConcern())); wr = res.getWriteResult(); if (res.getUpdatedCount() != 1) { throw new ConcurrentModificationException(format("Entity of class %s (id='%s',version='%d') was concurrently updated.", entity.getClass().getName(), idValue, oldVersion)); } } else { wr = saveDocument(dbColl, dbObj, options); } return wr; } private Query<?> buildExistsQuery(final Object entityOrKey) { final Object unwrapped = ProxyHelper.unwrap(entityOrKey); final Key<?> key = mapper.getKey(unwrapped); final Object id = key.getId(); if (id == null) { throw new MappingException("Could not get id for " + unwrapped.getClass().getName()); } return find(key.getCollection(), key.getType()).filter(Mapper.ID_KEY, key.getId()); } private EntityCache createCache() { return mapper.createEntityCache(); } private DBObject entityToDBObj(final Object entity, final Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects) { return mapper.toDBObject(ProxyHelper.unwrap(entity), involvedObjects); } private <T> Iterable<Key<T>> insert(final DBCollection dbColl, final Iterable<T> entities, final InsertOptions options) { if (!entities.iterator().hasNext()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } final Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects = new LinkedHashMap<Object, DBObject>(); final List<DBObject> list = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); com.mongodb.InsertOptions insertOptions = options.getOptions(); for (final T entity : entities) { if (options.getWriteConcern() == null) { insertOptions = enforceWriteConcern(options, entity.getClass()).getOptions(); } list.add(toDbObject(entity, involvedObjects)); } dbColl.insert(list, insertOptions); return postSaveOperations(entities, involvedObjects, dbColl); } /** * Creates and returns a {@link Query} using the underlying {@link QueryFactory}. * * @see QueryFactory#createQuery(Datastore, DBCollection, Class, DBObject) */ private <T> Query<T> newQuery(final Class<T> type, final DBCollection collection, final DBObject query) { return getQueryFactory().createQuery(this, collection, type, query); } /** * Creates and returns a {@link Query} using the underlying {@link QueryFactory}. * * @see QueryFactory#createQuery(Datastore, DBCollection, Class) */ private <T> Query<T> newQuery(final Class<T> type, final DBCollection collection) { return getQueryFactory().createQuery(this, collection, type); } private long nextValue(final Long oldVersion) { return oldVersion == null ? 1 : oldVersion + 1; } private <T> List<Key<T>> postSaveOperations(final Iterable<T> entities, final Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects, final DBCollection collection) { return postSaveOperations(entities, involvedObjects, collection, true); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> List<Key<T>> postSaveOperations(final Iterable<T> entities, final Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects, final DBCollection collection, final boolean fetchKeys) { List<Key<T>> keys = new ArrayList<Key<T>>(); for (final T entity : entities) { final DBObject dbObj = involvedObjects.remove(entity); if (fetchKeys) { if (dbObj.get(Mapper.ID_KEY) == null) { throw new MappingException(format("Missing _id after save on %s", entity.getClass().getName())); } mapper.updateKeyAndVersionInfo(this, dbObj, createCache(), entity); keys.add(new Key<T>((Class<? extends T>) entity.getClass(), collection.getName(), mapper.getId(entity))); } mapper.getMappedClass(entity).callLifecycleMethods(PostPersist.class, entity, dbObj, mapper); } for (Entry<Object, DBObject> entry : involvedObjects.entrySet()) { final Object key = entry.getKey(); mapper.getMappedClass(key).callLifecycleMethods(PostPersist.class, key, entry.getValue(), mapper); } return keys; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> Query<T> queryByExample(final DBCollection coll, final T example) { // TODO: think about remove className from baseQuery param below. final Class<T> type = (Class<T>) example.getClass(); final DBObject query = entityToDBObj(example, new HashMap<Object, DBObject>()); return newQuery(type, coll, query); } private <T> DBObject toDbObject(final T ent, final Map<Object, DBObject> involvedObjects) { final MappedClass mc = mapper.getMappedClass(ent); if (mc.getAnnotation(NotSaved.class) != null) { throw new MappingException(format("Entity type: %s is marked as NotSaved which means you should not try to save it!", mc.getClazz().getName())); } DBObject dbObject = entityToDBObj(ent, involvedObjects); List<MappedField> versionFields = mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class); for (MappedField mappedField : versionFields) { String name = mappedField.getNameToStore(); if (dbObject.get(name) == null) { dbObject.put(name, 1); mappedField.setFieldValue(ent, 1L); } } return dbObject; } @Override public <T> UpdateResults update(final Query<T> query, final UpdateOperations<T> operations, final UpdateOptions options) { DBCollection dbColl = query.getCollection(); // TODO remove this after testing. if (dbColl == null) { dbColl = getCollection(query.getEntityClass()); } final MappedClass mc = getMapper().getMappedClass(query.getEntityClass()); final List<MappedField> fields = mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class); DBObject queryObject = query.getQueryObject(); if (operations.isIsolated()) { queryObject.put("$isolated", true); } if (!fields.isEmpty()) {, 1); } final BasicDBObject update = (BasicDBObject) ((UpdateOpsImpl) operations).getOps(); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace(format("Executing update(%s) for query: %s, ops: %s, multi: %s, upsert: %s", dbColl.getName(), queryObject, update, options.isMulti(), options.isUpsert())); } return new UpdateResults(dbColl.update(queryObject, update, enforceWriteConcern(options, query.getEntityClass()) .getOptions())); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> UpdateResults update(final Query<T> query, final DBObject update, final boolean createIfMissing, final boolean multi, final WriteConcern wc) { return update(query, update, new UpdateOptions() .upsert(createIfMissing) .multi(multi) .writeConcern(wc)); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <T> UpdateResults update(final Query<T> query, final DBObject update, final UpdateOptions options) { DBCollection dbColl = query.getCollection(); // TODO remove this after testing. if (dbColl == null) { dbColl = getCollection(query.getEntityClass()); } if (query.getSortObject() != null && query.getSortObject().keySet() != null && !query.getSortObject().keySet().isEmpty()) { throw new QueryException("sorting is not allowed for updates."); } if (query.getOffset() > 0) { throw new QueryException("a query offset is not allowed for updates."); } if (query.getLimit() > 0) { throw new QueryException("a query limit is not allowed for updates."); } DBObject queryObject = query.getQueryObject(); final MappedClass mc = getMapper().getMappedClass(query.getEntityClass()); final List<MappedField> fields = mc.getFieldsAnnotatedWith(Version.class); if (!fields.isEmpty()) { final MappedField versionMF = fields.get(0); if (update.get(versionMF.getNameToStore()) == null) { if (!update.containsField("$inc")) { update.put("$inc", new BasicDBObject(versionMF.getNameToStore(), 1)); } else { ((Map<String, Object>) (update.get("$inc"))).put(versionMF.getNameToStore(), 1); } } } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace(format("Executing update(%s) for query: %s, ops: %s, multi: %s, upsert: %s", dbColl.getName(), queryObject, update, options.isMulti(), options.isUpsert())); } return new UpdateResults(dbColl.update(queryObject, update, enforceWriteConcern(options, query.getEntityClass()) .getOptions())); } /** * Gets the write concern for entity or returns the default write concern for this datastore * * @param clazzOrEntity the class or entity to use when looking up the WriteConcern */ private WriteConcern getWriteConcern(final Object clazzOrEntity) { WriteConcern wc = defConcern; if (clazzOrEntity != null) { final Entity entityAnn = getMapper().getMappedClass(clazzOrEntity).getEntityAnnotation(); if (entityAnn != null && entityAnn.concern().length() != 0) { wc = WriteConcern.valueOf(entityAnn.concern()); } } return wc; } }