package org.mongodb.morphia.converters; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import org.mongodb.morphia.ObjectFactory; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.EphemeralMappedField; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.MappedField; import org.mongodb.morphia.utils.ReflectionUtils; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static java.lang.String.format; /** * @author Uwe Schaefer, ( * @author scotthernandez */ public class IterableConverter extends TypeConverter { @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object decode(final Class targetClass, final Object fromDBObject, final MappedField mf) { if (mf == null || fromDBObject == null) { return fromDBObject; } final Class subtypeDest = mf.getSubClass(); final Collection values = createNewCollection(mf); final Converters converters = getMapper().getConverters(); if (fromDBObject.getClass().isArray()) { //This should never happen. The driver always returns list/arrays as a List for (final Object o : (Object[]) fromDBObject) { values.add(converters.decode((subtypeDest != null) ? subtypeDest : o.getClass(), o, mf)); } } else if (fromDBObject instanceof Iterable) { // map back to the java data type // (List/Set/Array[]) for (final Object o : (Iterable) fromDBObject) { if (o instanceof DBObject) { final List<MappedField> typeParameters = mf.getTypeParameters(); if (!typeParameters.isEmpty()) { final MappedField mappedField = typeParameters.get(0); if (mappedField instanceof EphemeralMappedField) { values.add(converters.decode((subtypeDest != null) ? subtypeDest : o.getClass(), o, mappedField)); } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("mappedField isn't an EphemeralMappedField"); } } else { values.add(converters.decode((subtypeDest != null) ? subtypeDest : o.getClass(), o, mf)); } } else { values.add(converters.decode((subtypeDest != null) ? subtypeDest : o.getClass(), o, mf)); } } } else { //Single value case. values.add(converters.decode((subtypeDest != null) ? subtypeDest : fromDBObject.getClass(), fromDBObject, mf)); } //convert to and array if that is the destination type (not a list/set) if (mf.getType().isArray()) { return ReflectionUtils.convertToArray(subtypeDest, (List) values); } else { return values; } } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object encode(final Object value, final MappedField mf) { if (value == null) { return null; } final Iterable<?> iterableValues; if (value.getClass().isArray()) { if (Array.getLength(value) == 0 || value.getClass().getComponentType().isPrimitive()) { return value; } iterableValues = Arrays.asList((Object[]) value); } else { if (!(value instanceof Iterable)) { throw new ConverterException(format("Cannot cast %s to Iterable for MappedField: %s", value.getClass(), mf)); } // cast value to a common interface iterableValues = (Iterable<?>) value; } final List values = new ArrayList(); if (mf != null && mf.getSubClass() != null) { for (final Object o : iterableValues) { values.add(getMapper().getConverters().encode(mf.getSubClass(), o)); } } else { for (final Object o : iterableValues) { values.add(getMapper().getConverters().encode(o)); } } return !values.isEmpty() || getMapper().getOptions().isStoreEmpties() ? values : null; } @Override protected boolean isSupported(final Class c, final MappedField mf) { if (mf != null) { return mf.isMultipleValues() && !mf.isMap(); //&& !mf.isTypeMongoCompatible(); } else { return c.isArray() || ReflectionUtils.implementsInterface(c, Iterable.class); } } private Collection<?> createNewCollection(final MappedField mf) { final ObjectFactory of = getMapper().getOptions().getObjectFactory(); return mf.isSet() ? of.createSet(mf) : of.createList(mf); } }