package org.mongodb.morphia.aggregation; import com.mongodb.AggregationOptions; import com.mongodb.BasicDBList; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.Cursor; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import com.mongodb.ReadPreference; import org.mongodb.morphia.geo.GeometryShapeConverter; import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.Logger; import org.mongodb.morphia.logging.MorphiaLoggerFactory; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.MappedField; import org.mongodb.morphia.mapping.Mapper; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.MorphiaIterator; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.Query; import org.mongodb.morphia.query.Sort; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; /** * Implementation of an AggregationPipeline. */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class AggregationPipelineImpl implements AggregationPipeline { private static final Logger LOG = MorphiaLoggerFactory.get(AggregationPipelineImpl.class); private final DBCollection collection; private final Class source; private final List<DBObject> stages = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); private final Mapper mapper; private final org.mongodb.morphia.DatastoreImpl datastore; private boolean firstStage = false; /** * Creates an AggregationPipeline * * @param datastore the datastore to use * @param collection the database collection on which to operate * @param source the source type to aggregate */ public AggregationPipelineImpl(final org.mongodb.morphia.DatastoreImpl datastore, final DBCollection collection, final Class source) { this.datastore = datastore; this.collection = collection; mapper = datastore.getMapper(); this.source = source; } /** * Returns the internal list of stages for this pipeline. This is an internal method intended only for testing and validation. Use * at your own risk. * * @return the list of stages */ public List<DBObject> getStages() { return stages; } @Override public <U> Iterator<U> aggregate(final Class<U> target) { return aggregate(target, AggregationOptions.builder().build(), collection.getReadPreference()); } @Override public <U> Iterator<U> aggregate(final Class<U> target, final AggregationOptions options) { return aggregate(target, options, collection.getReadPreference()); } @Override public <U> Iterator<U> aggregate(final Class<U> target, final AggregationOptions options, final ReadPreference readPreference) { return aggregate(datastore.getCollection(target).getName(), target, options, readPreference); } @Override public <U> Iterator<U> aggregate(final String collectionName, final Class<U> target, final AggregationOptions options, final ReadPreference readPreference) { LOG.debug("stages = " + stages); Cursor cursor = collection.aggregate(stages, options, readPreference); return new MorphiaIterator<U, U>(datastore, cursor, mapper, target, collectionName, mapper.createEntityCache()); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public AggregationPipeline geoNear(final GeoNear geoNear) { DBObject geo = new BasicDBObject(); GeometryShapeConverter.PointConverter pointConverter = new GeometryShapeConverter.PointConverter(); pointConverter.setMapper(mapper); putIfNull(geo, "near", geoNear.getNearAsDBObject(pointConverter)); putIfNull(geo, "distanceField", geoNear.getDistanceField()); putIfNull(geo, "limit", geoNear.getLimit()); putIfNull(geo, "num", geoNear.getMaxDocuments()); putIfNull(geo, "maxDistance", geoNear.getMaxDistance()); if (geoNear.getQuery() != null) { geo.put("query", geoNear.getQuery().getQueryObject()); } putIfNull(geo, "spherical", geoNear.getSpherical()); putIfNull(geo, "distanceMultiplier", geoNear.getDistanceMultiplier()); putIfNull(geo, "includeLocs", geoNear.getIncludeLocations()); putIfNull(geo, "uniqueDocs", geoNear.getUniqueDocuments()); stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$geoNear", geo)); return this; } @Override public AggregationPipeline group(final Group... groupings) { return group((String) null, groupings); } @Override public AggregationPipeline group(final String id, final Group... groupings) { DBObject group = new BasicDBObject(); group.put("_id", id != null ? "$" + id : null); for (Group grouping : groupings) { group.putAll(toDBObject(grouping)); } stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$group", group)); return this; } @Override public AggregationPipeline group(final List<Group> id, final Group... groupings) { DBObject idGroup = null; if (id != null) { idGroup = new BasicDBObject(); for (Group group : id) { idGroup.putAll(toDBObject(group)); } } DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("_id", idGroup); for (Group grouping : groupings) { group.putAll(toDBObject(grouping)); } stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$group", group)); return this; } @Override public AggregationPipeline limit(final int count) { stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$limit", count)); return this; } @Override public AggregationPipeline lookup(final String from, final String localField, final String foreignField, final String as) { stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$lookup", new BasicDBObject("from", from) .append("localField", localField) .append("foreignField", foreignField) .append("as", as))); return this; } @Override public AggregationPipeline match(final Query query) { stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$match", query.getQueryObject())); return this; } @Override public <U> Iterator<U> out(final Class<U> target) { return out(datastore.getCollection(target).getName(), target); } @Override public <U> Iterator<U> out(final Class<U> target, final AggregationOptions options) { return out(datastore.getCollection(target).getName(), target, options); } @Override public <U> Iterator<U> out(final String collectionName, final Class<U> target) { return out(collectionName, target, AggregationOptions.builder().build()); } @Override public <U> Iterator<U> out(final String collectionName, final Class<U> target, final AggregationOptions options) { stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$out", collectionName)); return aggregate(target, options); } @Override public AggregationPipeline project(final Projection... projections) { firstStage = stages.isEmpty(); DBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); for (Projection projection : projections) { dbObject.putAll(toDBObject(projection)); } stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$project", dbObject)); return this; } @Override public AggregationPipeline skip(final int count) { stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$skip", count)); return this; } @Override public AggregationPipeline sort(final Sort... sorts) { DBObject sortList = new BasicDBObject(); for (Sort sort : sorts) { sortList.put(sort.getField(), sort.getOrder()); } stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$sort", sortList)); return this; } @Override public AggregationPipeline unwind(final String field) { stages.add(new BasicDBObject("$unwind", "$" + field)); return this; } /** * Converts a Projection to a DBObject for use by the Java driver. * * @param projection the project to apply * @return the DBObject */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private DBObject toDBObject(final Projection projection) { String target; if (firstStage) { MappedField field = mapper.getMappedClass(source).getMappedField(projection.getTarget()); target = field != null ? field.getNameToStore() : projection.getTarget(); } else { target = projection.getTarget(); } if (projection.getProjections() != null) { List<Projection> list = projection.getProjections(); DBObject projections = new BasicDBObject(); for (Projection subProjection : list) { projections.putAll(toDBObject(subProjection)); } return new BasicDBObject(target, projections); } else if (projection.getSource() != null) { return new BasicDBObject(target, projection.getSource()); } else if (projection.getArguments() != null) { if (target == null) { return toExpressionArgs(projection.getArguments()); } else { return new BasicDBObject(target, toExpressionArgs(projection.getArguments())); } } else { return new BasicDBObject(target, projection.isSuppressed() ? 0 : 1); } } private DBObject toDBObject(final Group group) { BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject(); if (group.getAccumulator() != null) { dbObject.put(group.getName(), group.getAccumulator().toDBObject()); } else if (group.getProjections() != null) { final BasicDBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(); for (Projection p : group.getProjections()) { projection.putAll(toDBObject(p)); } dbObject.put(group.getName(), projection); } else if (group.getNested() != null) { dbObject.put(group.getName(), toDBObject(group.getNested())); } else { dbObject.put(group.getName(), group.getSourceField()); } return dbObject; } private void putIfNull(final DBObject dbObject, final String name, final Object value) { if (value != null) { dbObject.put(name, value); } } private DBObject toExpressionArgs(final List<Object> args) { BasicDBList result = new BasicDBList(); for (Object arg : args) { if (arg instanceof Projection) { Projection projection = (Projection) arg; if (projection.getArguments() != null || projection.getProjections() != null || projection.getSource() != null) { result.add(toDBObject(projection)); } else { result.add("$" + projection.getTarget()); } } else { result.add(arg); } } return result.size() == 1 ? (DBObject) result.get(0) : result; } @Override public String toString() { return stages.toString(); } }