package; import java.util.List; /** * An host search result. * @author Rainer Simon <> */ public class SearchResult { private String query; private long totalNumberOfResults; private List<SearchResultItem> results; private int limit; private long offset; private long took; public SearchResult(String query, long totalResults, List<SearchResultItem> resultPage, int limit, int offset, long took) { this.query = query; this.totalNumberOfResults = totalResults; this.results = resultPage; this.limit = limit; this.offset = offset; this.took = took; } public String query() { return query; } /** * The total number of hosts for this search * @return the total number of hosts */ public long totalResults() { return totalNumberOfResults; } /** * The list of host names in this search result page * @return the host names */ public List<SearchResultItem> resultPage() { return results; } /** * The current page limit * @return the page limit */ public int limit() { return limit; } /** * The current page offset * @return the page offset */ public long offset() { return offset; } /** * The time it took to process the search query * @return the query duration */ public long took() { return took; } }