package controllers; import; import controllers.mapping.IngestStatusMapper; import play.Logger; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.Result; import; import; import; public class Admin extends AbstractController{ private static final String ID = "id"; private static final String CRAWLER_ID = "crawler_id"; private static final String PATH = "path"; private static IngestSchedule ingestSchedule = Global.getBackend().getIngestSchedule(); private static IngestWatcher ingestWatcher = Global.getIngestWatcher(); public static Result index() { return ok(views.html.admin.index.render()); } public static Result addLog() { String crawlerId = getFormParam(CRAWLER_ID); if (crawlerId.isEmpty()) { flash("error", "Crawler ID may not be empty"); return redirect(routes.Admin.index()); } String path = getFormParam(PATH); if (path.isEmpty()) { flash("error", "Log file path may not be empty"); return redirect(routes.Admin.index()); } File file = new File(path); if (!file.exists()) {"Attempt to add non-existing log file: " + path); flash("error", "The file '" + path + "' does not exist"); return redirect(routes.Admin.index()); } // Check if the crawledId is already in use: if( ingestSchedule.getLogForCrawlerId(crawlerId) != null ) {"Attempt to add an already added crawler ID: " + crawlerId); flash("error", "The crawler ID '" + crawlerId + "' has already been registered"); return redirect(routes.Admin.index()); } // Check if the path is already known: if( ingestSchedule.getLogForPath(path) != null ) {"Attempt to add already known log file: " + path); flash("error", "The file '" + path + "' has already been registered"); return redirect(routes.Admin.index()); } ingestSchedule.addLog(path, crawlerId, true); ingestWatcher.refresh(); return redirect(routes.Admin.index()); } public static Result getLogTrackerStatus() { if (ingestWatcher == null) return ok(); return ok(Json.toJson(, ingestSchedule))); } public static Result toggleWatch() { String logId = getQueryParam(ID); if (!logId.isEmpty()) ingestSchedule.setMonitoringEnabled(logId, !ingestSchedule.isMonitoringEnabled(logId)); return redirect(routes.Admin.index()); } }