package controllers; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration; import controllers.mapping.TimeseriesValueMapper; import play.Logger; import play.cache.Cache; import play.libs.Akka; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.Result; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Hosts extends AbstractController { private static DBConnector db = Global.getBackend(); private static KnownHostList hosts = db.getKnownHostList(); public static Result index() { List<String> cappedHosts = db.getCrawlLog().extractHostsForAnnotation(CrawlLogEntry.ANNOTATION_CAPPED_CRAWL); return ok(views.html.hosts.index.render(db.getKnownHostList(), cappedHosts)); } public static Result getAvergageDelayHistogram() { int intervals = getQueryParamAsInt("intervals", 100); int increment = (int) (hosts.getMaxFetchDuration() / intervals); List<Point2D> histogram = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); for (int i=0; i<=intervals; i++) { int from = i * increment; int to = from + increment; histogram.add(new Point2D.Double(from, hosts.searchByAverageFetchDuration(from, to, 0, 0).totalResults())); } return ok(Json.toJson(histogram)); } public static Result getAvergageRetriesHistogram() { int intervals = getQueryParamAsInt("maxRetries", 20); List<Point2D> histogram = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); for (int r=0; r<intervals; r++) { histogram.add(new Point2D.Double(r, hosts.searchByAverageRetries(r, r + 1, 0, 0).totalResults())); } return ok(Json.toJson(histogram)); } public static Result getRobotsHistogram() { int intervals = getQueryParamAsInt("intervals", 100); double increment = 1.0 / intervals; List<Point2D> histogram = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); for (int i=0; i<=intervals; i++) { double min = increment * i; double max = min + increment; histogram.add(new Point2D.Double(min, hosts.searchByRobotsBlockPercentage(min, max, 0, 0).totalResults())); } return ok(Json.toJson(histogram)); } public static Result getRedirectsHistogram() { int intervals = getQueryParamAsInt("intervals", 100); double increment = 1.0 / intervals; List<Point2D> histogram = new ArrayList<Point2D>(); for (int i=0; i<=intervals; i++) { double min = increment * i; double max = min + increment; histogram.add(new Point2D.Double(min, hosts.searchByRedirectPercentage(min, max, 0, 0).totalResults())); } return ok(Json.toJson(histogram)); } public static Result getHostInfo(String hostname) { KnownHost knownHost = db.getKnownHostList().getKnownHost(hostname); if (knownHost == null) { return notFound(); // TODO error handling } else { Logger.debug("Computed redirect percentage: " + HostAnalytics.computePercentagOfRedirects(knownHost)); Logger.debug("Stored redirect percentage: " + knownHost.getRedirectPercentage()); Logger.debug("Computed robots block percentage: " + HostAnalytics.computePercentageOfRobotsTxtBlocks(knownHost)); Logger.debug("Stored robots block percentage: " + knownHost.getRobotsBlockPercentage()); return ok(views.html.hosts.hostinfo.render(knownHost, db.getCrawlLog(), db.getAlertLog())); } } public static Result getURLHistoryForHost(final String hostname) { // This computation may take LONG. We'll run it in the background and store status (and result) in the Play cache final int maxpoints = getQueryParamAsInt("maxpoints", 100); URLHistoryComputation progress = (URLHistoryComputation) Cache.get(hostname); if (progress == null) { final URLHistoryComputation cachedProgress = new URLHistoryComputation(); Cache.set(hostname, cachedProgress); // Start async computation Akka.system().scheduler().scheduleOnce(Duration.fromNanos(0), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { int total = (int) db.getCrawlLog().countEntriesForHost(hostname); Iterator<CrawlLogEntry> iterator = db.getCrawlLog().getEntriesForHost(hostname); Collection<CrawlLogEntry> entries = new ArrayDeque<CrawlLogEntry>(total); int tenPercent = total / 10; int ctr = 0; while (iterator.hasNext()) { entries.add(; ctr++; if (tenPercent > 0 && ctr % tenPercent == 0) { cachedProgress.progress = (ctr / tenPercent) * 10; / tenPercent + "0% fetched from DB"); } } List<TimeseriesValue> result = LogAnalytics.getCrawledURLsHistory(entries, maxpoints); cachedProgress.result = result; } }, Akka.system().dispatcher()); progress = cachedProgress; } else { if (progress.result != null) { List<TimeseriesValue> timeseries = progress.result; Cache.set(hostname, null); return ok(Json.toJson(; } } ObjectNode json = Json.newObject(); json.put("progress", progress.progress); return ok(json); } private static class URLHistoryComputation { int progress = 0; List<TimeseriesValue> result = null; } }