package; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import play.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import scala.concurrent.Future; import akka.dispatch.Futures; import akka.dispatch.OnSuccess; /** * This class coordinates the actual work of monintoring log files and * running incremental ingest. * @author Rainer Simon <> */ public class IngestActor extends UntypedActor { // The number of lines to average when estimating total no. of lines per log file private static final int LINE_NUMBER_ESTIMATION_SAMPLE_SIZE = 50000; private DBIngestConnector db; private ActorSystem system; private static long sleepInterval = 2000; /** * The startup interval is the time for initial log file synchronization. After this time interval has elapsed, * unavailable log files will be flagged as 'unavailable' and it will be continuously checked if they become * available again. */ private long startUpInterval; private Map<String, WatchedLog> newLogs = new HashMap<String, WatchedLog>(); private Map<String, WatchedLog> watchedLogs = new HashMap<String, WatchedLog>(); private Map<String, IngestStatus> statusList = new HashMap<String, IngestStatus>(); private boolean isRunning = false; private boolean keepRunning = true; public IngestActor(DBIngestConnector db, ActorSystem system) { this.db = db; this.system = system; } @Override public void onReceive(Object arg) throws Exception { IngestControlMessage msg = (IngestControlMessage) arg; if (msg.getCommand().equals(IngestControlMessage.Command.START)) { if (!isRunning) { isRunning = true; startSynchronizationLoop(); } } else if (msg.getCommand().equals(IngestControlMessage.Command.STOP)) { keepRunning = false; } else if (msg.getCommand().equals(IngestControlMessage.Command.GET_STATUS)) { // Compute progress for logs in CATCHING_UP phase for (Entry<String, IngestStatus> entry : statusList.entrySet()) { IngestStatus status = entry.getValue(); if (status.phase.equals(IngestStatus.Phase.CATCHING_UP)) { WatchedLog log = newLogs.get(entry.getKey()); if(log != null) { status.progress = (int) ((100 * log.getReader().getNumberOfLinesRead()) / log.getEstimatedLineCount()); } } } getSender().tell(statusList, ActorRef.noSender()); } else if (msg.getCommand().equals(IngestControlMessage.Command.SYNC_WITH_SCHEDULE)) { for (IngestedLog log : db.getIngestSchedule().getLogs()) { String id = log.getId(); if (!watchedLogs.containsKey(id) && !newLogs.containsKey(id)) { statusList.put(id, new IngestStatus(Phase.PENDING)); estimateLinesAsync(log, LINE_NUMBER_ESTIMATION_SAMPLE_SIZE); } } // TODO update monitored/not-monitored info } else if (msg.getCommand().equals(IngestControlMessage.Command.CHANGE_SLEEP_INTERVAL)) { Long newInterval = (Long) msg.getPayload(); sleepInterval = newInterval.longValue(); } else if (msg.getCommand().equals(IngestControlMessage.Command.CHECK_RUNNING)) { getSender().tell(isRunning, ActorRef.noSender()); } } /** * Estimates the total number of lines in a text file based on computing the byte-size of the first * <code>maxLines</code> lines, and assuming that all other lines will have the same average byte-size. * * <strong>Warning #1:</strong> This method assumes 8-bit-per-character encoding (e.g. UTF-8)! Detecting * encoding would be computationally to intensive. If the log file were encoded with a N bytes-per-character, * the result of this method will be too high by the factor N. * * <strong>Warning #2:</strong> the result of this method will be too high if the file * is method will yield a result which is too high, if the file has less than <code>maxLines</code> lines. * (This limitation should be irrelevant for the monitrix use case, however.) * * @param path the file path * @param maxLines the maximum number of lines to sample from the file */ private void estimateLinesAsync(final IngestedLog log, final int maxLines) { Future<Long> f = Futures.future(new Callable<Long>() { @Override public Long call() throws Exception {"Estimating number of lines for " + log.getPath()); // Count number of characters in the first N lines BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(log.getPath())); long characters = 0; try { int lineCount = 0; String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && lineCount < maxLines) { characters += line.length(); lineCount++; } } finally { reader.close(); }"Sample lines take up " + characters / (1024 * 1024) + " MB (assuming 1 byte per character)"); File f = new File(log.getPath()); long bytesTotal = f.length();"File has " + bytesTotal / (1024 * 1024) + " MB total"); double ratio = (double) bytesTotal / (double) characters; long estimatedLines = (long) (maxLines * ratio);"Estimated a total number of " + estimatedLines + " lines"); return estimatedLines; } }, system.dispatcher());"Setting an onSuccess handler for watching " + log.getPath()); f.onSuccess(new OnSuccess<Long>() { @Override public void onSuccess(Long estimatedLineCount) throws Throwable {"Adding a WatchedLog for " + log.getPath()); WatchedLog watchedLog = new WatchedLog(log, new IncrementalLogfileReader(log.getPath())); watchedLog.setEstimatedLineCount(estimatedLineCount); newLogs.put(log.getId(), watchedLog); } }, system.dispatcher()); } private void startSynchronizationLoop() throws InterruptedException, IOException { Futures.future(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception {"Starting log synchronization loop, " + keepRunning + ", " + newLogs.size()); // initial startup interval time startUpInterval = 60 * sleepInterval; IngestSchedule schedule = db.getIngestSchedule(); while (keepRunning) { // Check if there are new logs to watch - and ingest if any List<WatchedLog> toAdd = new ArrayList<WatchedLog>(); for (WatchedLog watchedLog : newLogs.values()) toAdd.add(watchedLog); for (WatchedLog log : toAdd) { //"Checking "+log.getLogInfo()); // TODO performance improvement if (schedule.isMonitoringEnabled(log.getLogInfo().getId())) {"Catching up with log file " + log.getReader().getPath()); catchUpWithLog(log);"Caught up with log file " + log.getReader().getPath()); newLogs.remove(log.getLogInfo().getId()); } } // Sync all other logs for (WatchedLog log : watchedLogs.values()) { // TODO performance improvement String logId = log.getLogInfo().getId(); String logPath = log.getLogInfo().getPath(); if (schedule.isMonitoringEnabled(logId)) { // Check if file was renamed in the mean time. // Remove file from currently watched log files if it was moved or renamed if(log.getReader().isRenamed()) { Logger.debug("Log file "+logId+" registered at " +log.getLogInfo().getPath()+" was renamed or moved (status becomes 'Unavailable'"); //log.setReader(new IncrementalLogfileReader(log.getLogInfo().getPath())); IngestStatus status = statusList.get(log.getLogInfo().getId()); status.phase = Phase.UNAVAILABLE;"Setting status to: "; } else { Logger.debug("Synchronizing log: " + logPath); synchronizeWithLog(log); } } } // Add new Logs to synchroniziation loop for (WatchedLog log : toAdd) watchedLogs.put(log.getLogInfo().getId(), log); // If the startup interval has elapsed, unavailable log files will be flagged as 'unavailable' and // it will be continuously checked if they become available again. if(startUpInterval < 0 && watchedLogs.size() < db.getIngestSchedule().getLogs().size()) { Logger.warn("There are registered log files not available in the file system"); for (IngestedLog log : db.getIngestSchedule().getLogs()) { String id = log.getId(); if (!watchedLogs.containsKey(id) && !newLogs.containsKey(id)) { IngestStatus status = statusList.get(log.getId()); if(!(new File(log.getPath()).exists())) {"Registered log file not available at " + log.getPath()); status.phase = Phase.UNAVAILABLE;"Setting status to: "; } else {"Adding a WatchedLog for " + log.getPath()); WatchedLog watchedLog = new WatchedLog(log, new IncrementalLogfileReader(log.getPath())); status.phase = Phase.CATCHING_UP; catchUpWithLog(watchedLog); watchedLogs.put(id,watchedLog); } } } } // startup interval is decreased after each pass startUpInterval -= sleepInterval; // Go to sleep Thread.sleep(sleepInterval); }"Stopping synchronization loop"); return null; } }, system.dispatcher()); } private void catchUpWithLog(WatchedLog log) { try { IncrementalLogfileReader reader = log.getReader(); long linesToSkip = db.getIngestSchedule().getLogForPath(reader.getPath()).getIngestedLines();"Skipping " + linesToSkip + " (of estimated " + log.getEstimatedLineCount() + " log lines)"); IngestStatus status = statusList.get(log.getLogInfo().getId()); status.phase = IngestStatus.Phase.CATCHING_UP; reader.skipLines(linesToSkip); Iterator<LogFileEntry> iterator = reader.newIterator();"Catching up with log file contents"); db.insert(log.getLogInfo().getId(), iterator); status.phase = IngestStatus.Phase.IDLE; status.progress = 0; } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } private void synchronizeWithLog(WatchedLog log) { try { IngestStatus status = statusList.get(log.getLogInfo().getId()); status.phase = IngestStatus.Phase.SYNCHRONIZING; db.insert(log.getLogInfo().getId(), log.getReader().newIterator()); status.phase = IngestStatus.Phase.IDLE; } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } } }