/* * Copyright (c) 2008-2014 MongoDB, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.mongodb.acceptancetest.atomicoperations; import com.mongodb.client.DatabaseTestCase; import com.mongodb.client.model.CountOptions; import com.mongodb.client.model.FindOneAndDeleteOptions; import org.bson.Document; import org.junit.Test; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.nullValue; import static org.hamcrest.core.Is.is; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; /** * Documents and tests the functionality provided for find-and-remove atomic operations. * * @mongodb.driver.manual reference/command/findAndModify/ Find and Modify */ public class FindAndDeleteAcceptanceTest extends DatabaseTestCase { private static final String KEY = "searchKey"; private static final String VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT = "Value to match"; @Test public void shouldRemoveSingleDocument() { // given Document documentInserted = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); collection.insertOne(documentInserted); assertThat(collection.count(), is(1L)); // when Document filter = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); Document documentRetrieved = collection.findOneAndDelete(filter); // then assertThat("Document should have been deleted from the collection", collection.count(), is(0L)); assertThat("Document retrieved from removeAndGet should match the document that was inserted", documentRetrieved, equalTo(documentInserted)); } @Test public void shouldRemoveSingleDocumentWhenMultipleNonMatchingDocumentsExist() { // given Document documentInserted = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); collection.insertOne(documentInserted); collection.insertOne(new Document("nonSearchKey", "Value we don't care about")); collection.insertOne(new Document("anotherKey", "Another value")); assertThat(collection.count(), is(3L)); // when Document filter = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); Document documentRetrieved = collection.findOneAndDelete(filter); // then assertThat("Document should have been deleted from the collection", collection.count(), is(2L)); assertThat("Document retrieved from removeAndGet should match the document that was inserted", documentRetrieved, equalTo(documentInserted)); } @Test public void shouldRemoveSingleDocumentWhenMultipleDocumentsWithSameKeyExist() { // given Document documentInserted = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); collection.insertOne(documentInserted); collection.insertOne(new Document(KEY, "Value we don't care about")); collection.insertOne(new Document(KEY, "Another value")); assertThat(collection.count(), is(3L)); // when Document filter = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); Document documentRetrieved = collection.findOneAndDelete(filter); // then assertThat("Document should have been deleted from the collection", collection.count(), is(2L)); assertThat("Document retrieved from removeAndGet should match the document that was inserted", documentRetrieved, equalTo(documentInserted)); } @Test public void shouldRemoveOnlyOneDocumentWhenMultipleDocumentsMatchSearch() { // given Document documentInserted = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); collection.insertOne(documentInserted); collection.insertOne(new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT)); collection.insertOne(new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT)); assertThat(collection.count(), is(3L)); // when Document filter = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); assertThat(collection.count(filter, new CountOptions()), is(3L)); Document documentRetrieved = collection.findOneAndDelete(filter); // then assertThat("Document should have been deleted from the collection", collection.count(), is(2L)); assertThat("Document retrieved from removeAndGet should match the document that was inserted", documentRetrieved, equalTo(documentInserted)); } @Test public void shouldRemoveOnlyTheFirstValueMatchedByFilter() { // given String secondKey = "secondKey"; Document documentToRemove = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT).append(secondKey, 1); //inserting in non-ordered fashion collection.insertOne(new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT).append(secondKey, 2)); collection.insertOne(new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT).append(secondKey, 3)); collection.insertOne(documentToRemove); assertThat(collection.count(), is(3L)); // when Document filter = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); Document documentRetrieved = collection.findOneAndDelete(filter, new FindOneAndDeleteOptions().sort(new Document(secondKey, 1))); // then assertThat("Document should have been deleted from the collection", collection.count(), is(2L)); assertThat("Document retrieved from removeAndGet should match the document that was inserted", documentRetrieved, equalTo(documentToRemove)); } @Test public void shouldReturnNullIfNoDocumentRemoved() { // when Document filter = new Document(KEY, VALUE_TO_CARE_ABOUT); Document documentRetrieved = collection.findOneAndDelete(filter); // then assertThat(documentRetrieved, is(nullValue())); } @Test public void shouldReturnFullDocumentThatWasRemoved() { // given Document pete = new Document("name", "Pete").append("job", "handyman"); Document sam = new Document("name", "Sam").append("job", "plumber"); collection.insertOne(pete); collection.insertOne(sam); // when Document removedDocument = collection.findOneAndDelete(new Document("name", "Pete")); // then assertThat(collection.count(), is(1L)); assertThat(collection.find().first(), is(sam)); assertThat(removedDocument, is(pete)); } }