/* * Copyright 2014-2017 MongoDB, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.bson; import org.bson.types.Decimal128; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * A {@code BsonReader} implementation that reads from an instance of {@code BsonDocument}. This can be used to decode a {@code * BsonDocument} using a {@code Decoder}. * * @see BsonDocument * @see org.bson.codecs.Decoder * * @since 3.0 */ public class BsonDocumentReader extends AbstractBsonReader { private BsonValue currentValue; private Mark mark; /** * Construct a new instance. * * @param document the document to read from */ public BsonDocumentReader(final BsonDocument document) { super(); setContext(new Context(null, BsonContextType.TOP_LEVEL, document)); currentValue = document; } @Override protected BsonBinary doReadBinaryData() { return currentValue.asBinary(); } @Override protected byte doPeekBinarySubType() { return currentValue.asBinary().getType(); } @Override protected int doPeekBinarySize() { return currentValue.asBinary().getData().length; } @Override protected boolean doReadBoolean() { return currentValue.asBoolean().getValue(); } @Override protected long doReadDateTime() { return currentValue.asDateTime().getValue(); } @Override protected double doReadDouble() { return currentValue.asDouble().getValue(); } @Override protected void doReadEndArray() { setContext(getContext().getParentContext()); } @Override protected void doReadEndDocument() { setContext(getContext().getParentContext()); switch (getContext().getContextType()) { case ARRAY: case DOCUMENT: setState(State.TYPE); break; case TOP_LEVEL: setState(State.DONE); break; default: throw new BSONException("Unexpected ContextType."); } } @Override protected int doReadInt32() { return currentValue.asInt32().getValue(); } @Override protected long doReadInt64() { return currentValue.asInt64().getValue(); } @Override public Decimal128 doReadDecimal128() { return currentValue.asDecimal128().getValue(); } @Override protected String doReadJavaScript() { return currentValue.asJavaScript().getCode(); } @Override protected String doReadJavaScriptWithScope() { return currentValue.asJavaScriptWithScope().getCode(); } @Override protected void doReadMaxKey() { } @Override protected void doReadMinKey() { } @Override protected void doReadNull() { } @Override protected ObjectId doReadObjectId() { return currentValue.asObjectId().getValue(); } @Override protected BsonRegularExpression doReadRegularExpression() { return currentValue.asRegularExpression(); } @Override protected BsonDbPointer doReadDBPointer() { return currentValue.asDBPointer(); } @Override protected void doReadStartArray() { BsonArray array = currentValue.asArray(); setContext(new Context(getContext(), BsonContextType.ARRAY, array)); } @Override protected void doReadStartDocument() { BsonDocument document; if (currentValue.getBsonType() == BsonType.JAVASCRIPT_WITH_SCOPE) { document = currentValue.asJavaScriptWithScope().getScope(); } else { document = currentValue.asDocument(); } setContext(new Context(getContext(), BsonContextType.DOCUMENT, document)); } @Override protected String doReadString() { return currentValue.asString().getValue(); } @Override protected String doReadSymbol() { return currentValue.asSymbol().getSymbol(); } @Override protected BsonTimestamp doReadTimestamp() { return currentValue.asTimestamp(); } @Override protected void doReadUndefined() { } @Override protected void doSkipName() { } @Override protected void doSkipValue() { } @Override public BsonType readBsonType() { if (getState() == State.INITIAL || getState() == State.SCOPE_DOCUMENT) { // there is an implied type of Document for the top level and for scope documents setCurrentBsonType(BsonType.DOCUMENT); setState(State.VALUE); return getCurrentBsonType(); } if (getState() != State.TYPE) { throwInvalidState("ReadBSONType", State.TYPE); } switch (getContext().getContextType()) { case ARRAY: currentValue = getContext().getNextValue(); if (currentValue == null) { setState(State.END_OF_ARRAY); return BsonType.END_OF_DOCUMENT; } setState(State.VALUE); break; case DOCUMENT: Map.Entry<String, BsonValue> currentElement = getContext().getNextElement(); if (currentElement == null) { setState(State.END_OF_DOCUMENT); return BsonType.END_OF_DOCUMENT; } setCurrentName(currentElement.getKey()); currentValue = currentElement.getValue(); setState(State.NAME); break; default: throw new BSONException("Invalid ContextType."); } setCurrentBsonType(currentValue.getBsonType()); return getCurrentBsonType(); } @Deprecated @Override public void mark() { if (mark != null) { throw new BSONException("A mark already exists; it needs to be reset before creating a new one"); } mark = new Mark(); } @Override public BsonReaderMark getMark() { return new Mark(); } @Override public void reset() { if (mark == null) { throw new BSONException("trying to reset a mark before creating it"); } mark.reset(); mark = null; } @Override protected Context getContext() { return (Context) super.getContext(); } protected class Mark extends AbstractBsonReader.Mark { private final BsonValue currentValue; private final Context context; protected Mark() { super(); currentValue = BsonDocumentReader.this.currentValue; context = BsonDocumentReader.this.getContext(); context.mark(); } public void reset() { super.reset(); BsonDocumentReader.this.currentValue = currentValue; BsonDocumentReader.this.setContext(context); context.reset(); } } private static class BsonDocumentMarkableIterator<T> implements Iterator<T> { private Iterator<T> baseIterator; private List<T> markIterator = new ArrayList<T>(); private int curIndex; // index of the cursor private boolean marking; protected BsonDocumentMarkableIterator(final Iterator<T> baseIterator) { this.baseIterator = baseIterator; curIndex = 0; marking = false; } /** * */ protected void mark() { marking = true; } /** * */ protected void reset() { curIndex = 0; marking = false; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return baseIterator.hasNext() || curIndex < markIterator.size(); } @Override public T next() { T value; //TODO: check closed if (curIndex < markIterator.size()) { value = markIterator.get(curIndex); if (marking) { curIndex++; } else { markIterator.remove(0); } } else { value = baseIterator.next(); if (marking) { markIterator.add(value); curIndex++; } } return value; } @Override public void remove() { // iterator is read only } } protected class Context extends AbstractBsonReader.Context { private BsonDocumentMarkableIterator<Map.Entry<String, BsonValue>> documentIterator; private BsonDocumentMarkableIterator<BsonValue> arrayIterator; protected Context(final Context parentContext, final BsonContextType contextType, final BsonArray array) { super(parentContext, contextType); arrayIterator = new BsonDocumentMarkableIterator<BsonValue>(array.iterator()); } protected Context(final Context parentContext, final BsonContextType contextType, final BsonDocument document) { super(parentContext, contextType); documentIterator = new BsonDocumentMarkableIterator<Map.Entry<String, BsonValue>>(document.entrySet().iterator()); } public Map.Entry<String, BsonValue> getNextElement() { if (documentIterator.hasNext()) { return documentIterator.next(); } else { return null; } } protected void mark() { if (documentIterator != null) { documentIterator.mark(); } else { arrayIterator.mark(); } if (getParentContext() != null) { ((Context) getParentContext()).mark(); } } protected void reset() { if (documentIterator != null) { documentIterator.reset(); } else { arrayIterator.reset(); } if (getParentContext() != null) { ((Context) getParentContext()).reset(); } } public BsonValue getNextValue() { if (arrayIterator.hasNext()) { return arrayIterator.next(); } else { return null; } } } }